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Injustice General Discussion

Hector, during the twitch interview, said we have 24 characters and 15 stages.

1. Superman - Power
2. Wonder Woman - Power
3. Green Lantern - Power
4. Aquaman - Power
5. Hawkwoman - Power
6. Cyborg - Power
7. Shazam - Power
8. Batman - Gadget
9. The Flash - Gadget
10. Nightwing - Gadget
11. Raven - Gadget
12. Green Arrow - Gadget

13. Lex Luthor - Power
14. Doomsday - Power
15. The Joker - Gadget
16. Harley Quinn - Gadget
17. Bane - Power
18. Catwoman - Gadget
19. Solomon Grundy - Power
20. Black Adam - Power
21. Deathstroke - Gadget
22. Sinestro - Power
23. Ares - Power
24. Killer Frost - Gadget

14/10 Power-to-Gadget Ratio, don't care.

1. Metropolis
2. Gotham City
3. Arkham Asylum
4. Ferris Air
5. Fortress of Solitude
6. Insurgency
7. Wayne Manor
8. Stryker's Island (The stage in the Flash v.s. Joker stage?)
9. Atlantis
10. Themyscira
11. The Watchtower
12. The Batcave
13. Hall of Justice
14. Wayne Manor (Night)
15. Joker Asylum

EDIT: Added the last two.


Dead Kings Rise

I believe there is a "Night" Wayne Manor stage, kinda like Courtyard Day and Night. Check out the new Harley trailer, that's were I saw it.


Tired, But Strong
I hope there are some big differences between Wayne Manor and Wayne Manor (night)..... if the only difference is lighting then I feel like it shouldn't even count as an alternate stage
Joker's Asylum has that Scarecrow transition (at least, I presume that was Joker's Asylum), so there's probably SOME differences. Hopefully different hazards and such.


Dead Kings Rise
I hope there are some big differences between Wayne Manor and Wayne Manor (night)..... if the only difference is lighting then I feel like it shouldn't even count as an alternate stage
I didn't notice if it was there in Wayne Manor Day, but there's a motorcycle as a stage interaction in Night.
24 characters... what a shame.
Yeah, that's true.

I think it's also foolish to think we'll get 24 characters at the start and have to unlock 2-3 more. It looks like NRS simply went back on the size of the roster, when it comes to this game. A pity.


Tired, But Strong
Ranted about this a few hours ago, don't reckon I'd like to do another paragraph so I'll keep it short.

Quality > Quantity, and I feel a lot better about the cast in this game than the cast of MK9.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Ranted about this a few hours ago, don't reckon I'd like to do another paragraph so I'll keep it short.

Quality > Quantity, and I feel a lot better about the cast in this game than the cast of MK9.
This really. I played UMVC3 and it had like 50 characters. Thats twice what this game had...except HALF the cast was redundant. Oh wow Iron Fist and Felicia are in this game! Oh wait Wolverine is better at his gameplan even if his damage and pressure are lower because he has mixups and longer combos. Oooooh Chun Li is in this game and has great air dash and pressure! Except C. Viper does everything Chun does plus a million other things as well.

UMVC3 had a ton of characters but after a roster expands past a certain point it just gets to the point where cast start stepping on each others toes and doing the same jobs as other characters. In such scenarios generally one is clearly more useful than others due to various things like matchups, or mixup options. Usually the redundant character just has ONE tool or something that makes them distinct...often its not good enough to matter. Anyone here play Jill? No? Thats because even though her Cartwheel beat EVERYTHING in the game she was bogged down with a bunch of weird stuff to try and make her distinctive which just made her too difficult to use. Rather than fish for gun spiral resets, cartwheel punishes and mad beast pressure folks would just say fuck it and use some other fast character with strong AA. The game had plenty who were easier with far less risks in their offense.

More doesn't equal good. You often just have characters trying to be unique without trying to be designed to be good above all else. Redundancy and flawed gimmicky playstyles are often the result of oversizing your roster.

IGAU is fine.


Skarlet who ?
This really. I played UMVC3 and it had like 50 characters. Thats twice what this game had...except HALF the cast was redundant. Oh wow Iron Fist and Felicia are in this game! Oh wait Wolverine is better at his gameplan even if his damage and pressure are lower because he has mixups and longer combos. Oooooh Chun Li is in this game and has great air dash and pressure! Except C. Viper does everything Chun does plus a million other things as well.

UMVC3 had a ton of characters but after a roster expands past a certain point it just gets to the point where cast start stepping on each others toes and doing the same jobs as other characters. In such scenarios generally one is clearly more useful than others due to various things like matchups, or mixup options. Usually the redundant character just has ONE tool or something that makes them distinct...often its not good enough to matter. Anyone here play Jill? No? Thats because even though her Cartwheel beat EVERYTHING in the game she was bogged down with a bunch of weird stuff to try and make her distinctive which just made her too difficult to use. Rather than fish for gun spiral resets, cartwheel punishes and mad beast pressure folks would just say fuck it and use some other fast character with strong AA. The game had plenty who were easier with far less risks in their offense.

More doesn't equal good. You often just have characters trying to be unique without trying to be designed to be good above all else. Redundancy and flawed gimmicky playstyles are often the result of oversizing your roster.

IGAU is fine.
That's some really flawed logic here. Your point just centers around character's viability. Fighting games are not just about tier-whoring. Not all people play FGs in order to be the best or win some tournaments. The more characters, the better. ALWAYS. You think when a person who really wants his favourite character always cares about him being viable ? No, he/she just wants him in game. Because he/she likes the character. Doesn't matter why, because of design or his story or just because he acts like a badass. Not all people care about their characters being able to do 100% combos. Please, I would take a game with shit tons of characters over some "everyone is original" game any day. Because I don't f*cking care if they are all original, I like only like 3-4 characters from the game. Now if the roster was bigger, there would be chance that I liked more characters, so PROFIT for me. Comon, MK9 has 32 characters, I really like only like...1 character, really. The game got so boring it's not even funny. Same shit all over and over, I started to use some other characters, learn them a bit, but what happens when there are no one to learn ? Plus, I don't learn everyone, just the characters that I like. Because when there are lots of characters, like in SFxT for example, there are so much to learn, so many characters you can master, so many combinations, the game will keep for you long. And 24 characters, even less than MK9 had ? Comon, man. What's next, new generation fighting games having roster of MK1 ? Give me a break, I'm pretty sure some people play Chun-Li, Felicia, Jill, because they like the character. I don't think someone really likes Vergil or Morrigan as a character. (as a character, not as a boobie shaker soul-fist spamming smexy succubus).
That's some really flawed logic here. Your point just centers around character's viability. Fighting games are not just about tier-whoring. Not all people play FGs in order to be the best or win some tournaments. The more characters, the better. ALWAYS. You think when a person who really wants his favourite character always cares about him being viable ? No, he/she just wants him in game. Because he/she likes the character. Doesn't matter why, because of design or his story or just because he acts like a badass. Not all people care about their characters being able to do 100% combos. Please, I would take a game with shit tons of characters over some "everyone is original" game any day.

I don't agree on the other stuff though :-D
I personally think that MK9 offers a lot and has some cool characters.
And Vergil (from DMC3 obviously) is my all time favorite game character.

But that's just personal opinion.

The quoted stuff is gold and shaowebb should not trying to stand his man and deny all of that.
The casuals are the ones who will bring the big money to this game and not the few elitists / tournament players.
More characters is always better.

UMVC3 has more characters and yes, many of them do suck, but people are playing them anyway, because they like the characters. 24 characters compared to 50 is a joke, even if these 24 are better balanced.
Casuals don't even understand what makes characters good. They still play them.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
You guys do realize I'm one of the few Iron Fist mains out there when I say that right? My teams are Taskmaster/Iron Fist/ Arthur and MODOK/Iron Fist/Arthur

Hell that also makes me one of the rare Arthur players (deadly in xf3 at anchor).

I even have a custom TE stick for Iron Fist. I'm not denying getting your character in is a big deal (hell I was known for how big Iron Fist was for me on Neogaf) Im just saying BALANCING the game to make them have a point is a truly difficult task. You can't deny that overlap gets guys like Iron Fist and Chun passed by because it happens. I'm all for including more, but if folks get gimmicky without getting good or if they just start being too similar to other cast then the developer has to realize they've reached the point of too many.

To be fair I don't think IGAU has reached its limit yet in roster movesets before it enters that realm. However, what I said is 100% true. Once a roster hits a certain size it either ventures off into random tools trying to be unique without necessarily good or it just plain starts using redundant gameplans for roster. UMVC3 hit that point, but IGAU hasn't yet. However, what IGAU has looks fine.

PS- I'd like you to look up Sixfortyfive and Dahbomb on Neogaf sometime if you wanna know if anyone likes Morrigan and Vergil as characters. Dahbomb begged for Vergil since before vanilla and was doing theorycraft movelists and Sixfortyfive has rocked Morrigan and Felicia in every game they have appeared in and still dreams of a sequel to Darkstalkers. He rocked Morrigan before Ultimate even and traveled to tournies with her.


Skarlet who ?
Im just saying BALANCING the game to make them have a point is a truly difficult task. .
Apparently, it is a difficult task for a game with less characters like MK9. How many are viable ? KKK makes me vomit already. 32 "dat original characterz", yet how many are viable ? Sheeva is original, yet she is bottom. Kano, Baraka. Comon man. Having a smaller roster doesn't mean it's gonna be balanced. The same thing will be Injustice, just wait and see. All da 24 "original" characters, yet don't be surprised to see some trio raping entire cast.


I don't agree on the other stuff though :-D
I personally think that MK9 offers a lot and has some cool characters.
And Vergil (from DMC3 obviously) is my all time favorite game character.

But that's just personal opinion.
It's ok man, I've just used Vergil and Morri for example cause they're very good characters in the game, top 5 for sure, so my emphasis was on that. Even though I don't know what's so awesome about Vergil, maybe he looks cool and acts like a boss with that Yamato katana, saying "Scum" and "I'm motivated" with those swords, but storywise, I don't get him, he chose to remain in Hell when Dante clearly wanted to save him, where did that get him ? Brainwashed by Mundus and then killed by Dante ? But then again, it's just personal opinion, everyone can like whoever he wants for his own reasons, hell, for example, I like Kano and Johnny Cage, the latter who is considered by some people as garbage and not being able to bring much to story, but man, those stylish shadow kicks and nutpunches, jerkish behaviour, how can you not like that guy is beyond me. So I guess you have your own reasons for liking Vergil as well :)
Even though I don't know what's so awesome about Vergil, maybe he looks cool and acts like a boss with that Yamato katana, saying "Scum" and "I'm motivated" with those swords...
AAAaaaarrghghh... *splurts*

That's it, man. He is a sword-wielding, white-haired badass with amazing one-liners.
That's the reason why he had to be in my UMVC3 team which consists out of Deadpool / Dante / Vergil.

My second favorite game character would be Alex Mercer, who basically has no personality and no real story, but he's a badass guy with a hoodie.
There is nothing you know about him, but that's what makes him so appealing, because that character leaves it open to your imagination.

PS: Alex Mercer as Injustice DLC? Anyone?


I played INJUSTICE yesterday and ive got to say it is a fantastic game. it feels a lot like MK but a bit faster and combos are stringed together very similar to MK too.

it was quite an old build i played.

i went in with every intention of using Harley as my main but after playing with catwoman a bit i think i will main her now. She feels great to play as.