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Injustice 2 is a Problematic Game

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5032
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Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Didn't read through the entire thread, don't plan to, but I have to say that these TestYourBlog posts are becoming annoying. I wouldn't want to stop anybody from venting their anger about legitimate issues, just browsing the forums here at times is fucking DEPRESSING. If it's not bugs, it's complaints about how some characters are OP, if not that, it's the Joker players who have given up on their character, if not that, it's the gear system.

Go play a different game. Come back after a couple of patches.

Also, lol @ morons who are comparing this to how polished and balanced Tekken 7 is. I mean it's not like T7 has been in existence for over 2 years, right? Riiiiight?

Things will get fixed in time. The one thing I'm personally not a big fan of is the how they handled gear moves. Would have much prefered for some of those to be part of the character's core movelist, and save some of the gimmicky ones as customisations, like Catwoman's cat stun for example. That said, I've taken to practicing my characters without any gear moves in play, so at least I'm teaching myself not to rely on them.
To be fair though at least Tekken stays alive after 2 years and comes balanced when released on consoles\steam.
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Miley Cyrax®
I haven't noticed any input errors/bugs since I turned off all of controller settings like input shortcuts, release check, etc. They are literally ALL turned off.

Anyways, we're about 3-4 weeks in this game and it obviously needs a balance patch. That is inevitable and hopefully NRS does it right.

What I do NOT like is the Source Crystal system. I already spent $100 for the Ultimate edition. It should be easier to customize how my damn characters look. Make it like character customization in Soul Calibur. Or give us Multiverse quests that reward us with Source Crystals. NRS already got our money, so show us some love. This is why people complain.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
This is your third "Sky is Falling" thread in under a month. When people talk about the posters being toxic, you calling the game a piece of shit and crying that the game is full of 8/2 matchups because you don't like your Batman MU is exactly what they're speaking about.

First it's a 10/0 matchup (now I guess you've upgraded it to 8-2) and now the entire game is trash. It's like the TYM equivalent of watching Trump's election campaign :cool:

After all this, you'd like to blame others for the fact that Discord is convenient to use, without realizing that threads like yours are the ones everyone cites as justification for wanting to discuss their characters in peace.

In amy case, you're lucky that I have more patience with you than others probably would. But patience isn't unlimited; and so if you continue bashing the developer, the game and the staff, you'll find yourself at the end of it soon.

You need to find a less-extremist way to make your points. So take this as a diplomatically-worded word of caution. Figure out how to dial it back and get your message across.
Lolol what is this a Nazi forum now??? How about we let people have opinions on here without making subversive threats against them??


Green Arrows personal Shooty guy
Psst saw you in a room today and challenged you with my Donkey Kong, you joined a random set though :(

In all seriousness hmu tonight for some sets like the good old days man. We use to go back and forth so much!


I agree 100% with everything you said, bravo good sir!

My thoughts


Just from a customization stand point the gear system failed. The difference between most gear is barely noticeable. This arm piece has two straps on it and this one has three! Most gear i've seen in this game is like that especially Brainiacs gear. Add to that the grind of opening hundreds upon hundreds of boxes and getting the same garbage over and over especially for characters you'll never use is extremely tedious!

Lets put gear aside and just look at colors. In Inj2 you have a very limited amout of colors combos you can choose from and you have to grind just to unlock them (still only have two colors unlocked for my two characters i use). Compare that to another fighting game i picked up recently Tekken 7. In Tekken 7 you dont unlock any colors and they have a huge color palette to choose from!!!

As far as gear stats goes everyone else already said it. There should be a competitive player match mode since ranked is only one and done. I would also like a mode with abilities on and stats off. I must be a filthy casual because when i wanted to practice in competitive move i had to go to Aris's stream to see how he did it (Aris also had to ask his chat how to do it)

This has been thee worst part of this game hands down and NEEDS TO BE CHANGED!!! It wasn't always like this as some people theorize. I never had a problem doing dive kicks in any NRS game but this game even at standing neutral the move doesn't come out half the time. I even went back and tried them in both MK 9&X and had no problems.

Character discrepancy

Everytime I play this game I find myself questioning how in the hell did this get through testing or why was this put in the game at all because of fighting game basics 101 (Supergirl is biggest offender of this). I shouldn't be to surprised though MKX's last patch proved to me they dont test all of their changes.


I've never had this many problems with an NRS game at launch. MK 9&X had their problems but it was never this bad. I want to love this game but if some of these issues aren't addressed then i'll move to other fighting games.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
My only complaint is that I think cinematic moves costing you trait or resetting trait meters is bullshit. Supers, clashes, transitions...it is SO easy to ruin some character's entire gameplans this way. I've seen dudes at tourney spend most of their set in debuff as Bane over shit like this. I've seen Canaries and Fates fall apart due to this too. Its just garbage. So many of the cast are completely reliant on trait that having not one, not two, but 3 options at all times available to break their trait is ridiculous. You can transition without even waiting for a round change or meter too!

Garbage idea. Dump it.


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
@karaokelove Thanks a lot for doing this. I played with you on steam a few times and followed your well made indepth guides and can personally vouch for you contributions to the community. I almost bought IJ2 after knowing that Raiden will most likely be added in it as dlc, but not anymore. Thanks to you.

Oh yeah and That one staff member was definitely threatening to ban you. He pussied out and wrapped it up as just threatening to close your threads (which is basically the same thing) but yeah you weren't reading too much into it. He used the "muh devs feelings" excuse to shut you up by threatening to use his administrator's privileges, Even though openly criticizing devs is not unprecedented, specially not when you're complaining about fatal issues about a game that you've payed full price for.

The staff are actually losing their shit cuz well put together posts like yours could actually hurt the game's sales, specially that early in game's life. I'll make sure to spread the OP everywhere so ppl know what they're paying for. And thanks again, good luck and keep up the good shit.

Deleted member 5032

@karaokelove Thanks a lot for doing this. I played with you on steam a few times and followed your well made indepth guides and can personally vouch for you contributions to the community. I almost bought IJ2 after knowing that Raiden will most likely be added in it as dlc, but not anymore. Thanks to you.

Oh yeah and That one staff member was definitely threatening to ban you. He pussied out and wrapped it up as just threatening to close your threads (which is basically the same thing) but yeah you weren't reading too much into it. He used the "muh devs feelings" excuse to shut you up by threatening to use his administrator's privileges, Even though openly criticizing devs is not unprecedented, specially not when you're complaining about fatal issues about a game that you've payed full price for.

The staff are actually losing their shit cuz well put together posts like yours could actually hurt the game's sales, specially that early in game's life. I'll make sure to spread the OP everywhere so ppl know what they're paying for. And thanks again, good luck and keep up the good shit.
Yeah dude, I remember you bodying me constantly with your insane Liu Kang! No joke, when people see these posts and call me just another scrub, I think back to those matches and am like "seriously, they might be totally right...".

That said, please know that I want this game to succeed. Just because it has issues now doesn't mean it will forever. As others have pointed out, every NRS game has had isses at launch. It just feels like WB had way more of a hand in Injustice 2 than in previous titles, and I do blame the majority of the issues on WB, not NRS. The game has flaws, yes, but it could one day be an amazing game if NRS just corrects some of the most egregious issues.

Just look at the "Injustice 2 is a fantastic game" thread and you'll see plenty of reasons to pick it up.


Didn't read thread before i posted so i just got done catching up.

@CrimsonShadow That totally came off as a ban threat.

Also, lol @ morons who are comparing this to how polished and balanced Tekken 7 is. I mean it's not like T7 has been in existence for over 2 years, right? Riiiiight?
I didn't see anyone in this comparing the T7 to balance but i did skim some long posts but i agree you can't compare balance between the two games but you can on customization and imo T7 is way better.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

My only complaint is that I think cinematic moves costing you trait or resetting trait meters is bullshit. Supers, clashes, transitions...it is SO easy to ruin some character's entire gameplans this way. I've seen dudes at tourney spend most of their set in debuff as Bane over shit like this. I've seen Canaries and Fates fall apart due to this too. Its just garbage. So many of the cast are completely reliant on trait that having not one, not two, but 3 options at all times available to break their trait is ridiculous. You can transition without even waiting for a round change or meter too!

Garbage idea. Dump it.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
It was something he made up -- apparently no one ever said this to him.

Should read "if it's true".
Just stop, if he made up seeing it then so did I as did all the other people who have read your post. There is no two ways to take what you said, you can't just backpedal and act like he's the one being petty for calling it exactly what it is, which was you coming in as a mod and clearly issuing a warning and consequences of some sort if he was to continue sharing opinions that you disagreed with. So exactly what is that you were threatening him with if not moderation powers? Why won't you answer that question if everyone just misunderstood you? Ignore those questions and just leave it behind and let it die if you want to, but don't keep making more posts in the meantime lying that karoake made something up, you can't have it both ways.
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Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
Yeah dude, I remember you bodying me constantly with your insane Liu Kang! No joke, when people see these posts and call me just another scrub, I think back to those matches and am like "seriously, they might be totally right...".

That said, please know that I want this game to succeed. Just because it has issues now doesn't mean it will forever. As others have pointed out, every NRS game has had isses at launch. It just feels like WB had way more of a hand in Injustice 2 than in previous titles, and I do blame the majority of the issues on WB, not NRS. The game has flaws, yes, but it could one day be an amazing game if NRS just corrects some of the most egregious issues.

Just look at the "Injustice 2 is a fantastic game" thread and you'll see plenty of reasons to pick it up.
I have no doubt that NRS will improve this game to make it as balanced as it gets, just like they did mkx. But i had a long time of agony up until mkx came to it's most balanced state and when that time came, guess what, the game died a few months after cuz another title is getting released.

I would get into ij2 if there was any guarantees that mistakes in mkx are being avoided but from what am reading here it seems like nothing has changed. You guys are going through the same cycle of development amateurism as we all did through mkx for more than a year after release. Am not saying that a game should be perfect upon release but there are minimum standards of what's deemed acceptable. The input bug you addressed is a fatal error that shouldn't have gone past testing, yet we're here 3 weeks after release with no hotfix whatsoever. Am not even talking about balance, this is broken core mechanics and somewhat ppl are still being supportive. Money-grubbing strategies are still the same from "pay to: win dlc, unlock crypt, easy fatals" to this whole gears system you wrote about that comes after paying full price for a game that's basically still in alpha stage.

Add to the development being clunky as hell, The writing is fucking pathetic. Mortal Kombat have one of the best character design in the entire fucking FGC scene yet zero effort is being put to the storyline or characters development and lore. Mkx's story mode was fucking dreadful and i can't imagine it's any different in ij2, I see story runs videos on youtube and i don't even wanna click them. Why are they not investing in good writers?

tbh WB/NRS are very lucky to have such a community, ppl here have the lowest of standards of shit that they should endure. If any of you are familiar with Blizzard community well enough you'd know how shitty and pathetic you're having it here. I don't want or wish to defame NRS to bankruptcy but come the fuck on, they can do much better but they aren't. I've been playing Mk since MK2, I don't know about you Karaoke or the others but am still lingering around purely on nostalgia and a faint hope that i haven't yet to embrace the best NRS game.

Wait... what? How would game sales be a concern of ours? And how would this thread even affect game sales? Like, what even are you saying? Lmao
Yeah i worded that in a stupid way that i don't even wanna defend it. Am basically accusing some of you staff members of shilling. I've never seen some of you ever speaking against WB/NRS interests. There is being supportive and there is being a borderline fanatic, That at least explains why this one staff guy here wanting to crucify Karaoke for sounding his opinion in a public forum made for that said purpose.


Anything below -17f gets punished by mediocre dmg at best by Darkseid, simply because if you try and punish something with f23, you ll get df2 and s2 does not have enough range and it also does not lead to big dmg. Above -17f his dmg is really good, cause he can punish with the OH starter (b1).

Bottom line, the input bug, or whatever you guys wanna call it, is preventing characters like Darkseid, who already have shitty normals to punish stuff, while other characters punish them with a shitload of dmg.
The input buffer is annoying but you can get over it by returning to neutral quickly & doing F23, I've already got myself adjusted to it
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