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I am Your Fears Personified- Scarecrow Combo Thread

Noon question, after a f21, I see my AI scare crow do a quick 11. And I see it in some bnb combos. Do any of you have any time delay spacing tip to help hit that more consistent? Seems like I get it 30-50 percent of the time doing it in practice mode, just wall to wall f21 delay 11 practice


Official Master of Salt
Noon question, after a f21, I see my AI scare crow do a quick 11. And I see it in some bnb combos. Do any of you have any time delay spacing tip to help hit that more consistent? Seems like I get it 30-50 percent of the time doing it in practice mode, just wall to wall f21 delay 11 practice
Yeah, the key is to not rush, 9 times out of 10 when you drop that combo it's probably because you pressed 1 too early.

Next time you practice, take note of the height your opponent is at during one of the times you land the combo. Play about with it and see if you can identify a visual cue that works for you.

When I do it, I look at the height of my opponent's legs
Yeah, the key is to not rush, 9 times out of 10 when you drop that combo it's probably because you pressed 1 too early.

Next time you practice, take note of the height your opponent is at during one of the times you land the combo. Play about with it and see if you can identify a visual cue that works for you.

When I do it, I look at the height of my opponent's legs
Ty ty, that's what I try and look for,just wondering if it's a struggle even great players use, to a point where it's really NOT worth the risk of dropping it . BUT it's prolly not hahaha, you guys are just that crazy good with these timings huh ;p


With scarecrow Ive come to find out, alot of his combos are dropped purely because of pressing buttons to fast. He's a patient character and has a fluid motion to his combos, Imo.


After a B3 you can do j2, j1, 123BF1MB for like 450ish iirc

Was just reading through and didn't see this, apologies if I missed it
The OP has been updated to reflect new combos. I'll be updating it periodically as time allows. If more optimal versions of the existing are discovered then please @ me so I can make note to change it.
My midscreen max damage 1-bar bnb has been starter->db1mb, b3, j2, f13xxdbf3

this is more damage than the regular f21xxbf1 ender, but command grab knockdown isn't as good, and you can't bf1 after the f13 so there's no option for bf1 mb restand.

There's a ton of corner carry with f13 though so command grab ender could end up in the corner which is just as good as bf1 ender


Dojo Trainee
I didn't organize by damage because it's relative to the character you do them on.
I think you are refering to the "damages" showed at the end of your combos but I'm almost certain that the % doesn't change, no matter who you're facing, or if it does it is really slightly.
So my question above remains unanswered :(
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The damage changes a lot but the percent only changes a little, since lower defense characters always have higher health. Every character has 1950 total defense and health combined (except Darkseid - 1900), so the percent is pretty close to the same over the whole cast. For example, for that combo in the video, Black Adam (combo did 494 damage) has 1000 defense and 950 hp, while Black Canary (combo did 549) has 950 defense and 1000 health. Although there's a difference of 55 damage, the combo does 52% of Black Adam's health and 54.9% of Black Canary's health which is only a difference of 2.9%.

It definitely looks like it's better to have higher defense than higher health, sadly for Scarecrow (900 defense 1050 health).

Of course, all these numbers are different at level 20, but I don't know those stats. I'm assuming it's a similar situation though.


Shingo Kick!
The damage changes a lot but the percent only changes a little, since lower defense characters always have higher health. Every character has 1950 total defense and health combined (except Darkseid - 1900), so the percent is pretty close to the same over the whole cast. For example, for that combo in the video, Black Adam (combo did 494 damage) has 1000 defense and 950 hp, while Black Canary (combo did 549) has 950 defense and 1000 health. Although there's a difference of 55 damage, the combo does 52% of Black Adam's health and 54.9% of Black Canary's health which is only a difference of 2.9%.

It definitely looks like it's better to have higher defense than higher health, sadly for Scarecrow (900 defense 1050 health).

Of course, all these numbers are different at level 20, but I don't know those stats. I'm assuming it's a similar situation though.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17l2H2DFEnkaGUbThh1J0mEdTcTlBMvTDamE-8re9FqQ/edit#gid=0 here's a spreadsheet with all of them. Haven't checked how accurate it is as I didn't make it :p


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Why did you combo after bf2 so everyone would think it's a reset and NERF THIS CHAR?