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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions


Administrator and Community Engineer
This, THIS, confirms you're trolling. Here is the conservative Fuhrer on social media:

December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."

December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.

March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"

July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.

March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."

May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/07/politics/fact-check-trump-cancel-culture-boycotts-firings/index.html

Before you go "Lolololol CNN, LIBERAL!" they link to Agolf Twitlers tweets DIRECTLY. They are HIS WORDS. The brilliant thing is that this is only a small portion of that article. Also, remember the mass campaign on Twitter to cancel Nike? Jesus fucking Christ you're a lost cause.
Yes, people were literally burning their Nike shoes and saying they'd never buy a Nike product ever again.. Not because Nike did or said something racist or insulting or sexist, but because they dared feature Colin Kapernick's face, a peaceful protester, in an ad campaign.


The inflammatory words that had people boycotting Nike and burning shoes?

"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything".

I mean, come on. The hypocrisy is beyond stunning. And they wonder why people are protesting now.


Philanthropist & Asshole
This, THIS, confirms you're trolling. Here is the conservative Fuhrer on social media:

December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."

December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.

March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"

July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.

March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."

May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/07/politics/fact-check-trump-cancel-culture-boycotts-firings/index.html

Before you go "Lolololol CNN, LIBERAL!" they link to Agolf Twitlers tweets DIRECTLY. They are HIS WORDS. The brilliant thing is that this is only a small portion of that article. Also, remember the mass campaign on Twitter to cancel Nike? Jesus fucking Christ you're a lost cause.
Damn, son!


Zoning Master
This, THIS, confirms you're trolling. Here is the conservative Fuhrer on social media:

December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."

December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.

March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"

July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.

March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."

May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/07/politics/fact-check-trump-cancel-culture-boycotts-firings/index.html

Before you go "Lolololol CNN, LIBERAL!" they link to Agolf Twitlers tweets DIRECTLY. They are HIS WORDS. The brilliant thing is that this is only a small portion of that article. Also, remember the mass campaign on Twitter to cancel Nike? Jesus fucking Christ you're a lost cause.
How many of those individuals have been fired or exiled from their community. Probably none? In fact, the New York Times and other popular newspaper companies have reported an increase in subscriptions because Trump constantly attacks them.

How many individuals have been fired or exiled from their community because of the Twitter mob? Probably many.


Administrator and Community Engineer
How many of those individuals have been fired or exiled from their community. Probably none? In fact, the New York Times and other popular newspaper companies have reported an increase in subscriptions because Trump constantly attacks them.

How many individuals have been fired or exiled from their community because of the Twitter mob? Probably many.

Let's stop pretending this doesn't exist. This isn't a "one side vs. the other" thing.

You're trying really hard to create a false dichotomy, but the evidence doesn't hold up.


How many individuals have been fired or exiled from their community because of the Twitter mob? Probably many.

Not as many as you'd think.

But actually ending someone’s career through the power of public backlash is easier said than done. Few entertainers have truly been canceled — that is, they haven’t had their careers totally shut down by negative criticism on the internet. For example, in 2019, Hart withdrew himself from hosting the Oscars, but his movies and stand-up specials were still successful after the backlash against him died down. Gillis was swiftly dropped from the cast of Saturday Night Live over his offensive humor, but he’s since been greeted warmly by crowds at comedy shows, defended by fellow comedians like Ricky Gervais and David Spade, and invited for a heart to heart with Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang — turning his use of racial slurs into a teachable moment.

And though many of the most prominent examples of cancellation have arrived in the Me Too era, most of the men who have faced accusations have also dodged long-term consequences. After multiple women came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against him in 2017, Louis C.K.’s career hiatus lasted only around 10 months before he returned to stand-up comedy and performed dozens of sold-out, controversial shows. After high-profile documentaries exploring allegations of decades of sexual assault against each of them were released earlier this year, both R. Kelly and the late Michael Jackson saw increases in streams of their music, rather than decreases.

Continued support for those who have been canceled demonstrates that instead of costing someone their careers, attempting to cancel someone can encourage sympathy for the offender. Yet to hear Gillis and many others talk about cancel culture, you might think it’s some sort of “celebrity hunting season” — an unstoppable force descending to ruin the careers of anyone who dares to push society’s moral boundaries. This framing frequently portrays the offender as the victim of reckless vigilante justice.



Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
How many of those individuals have been fired or exiled from their community. Probably none? In fact, the New York Times and other popular newspaper companies have reported an increase in subscriptions because Trump constantly attacks them.

How many individuals have been fired or exiled from their community because of the Twitter mob? Probably many.
I will say that on Twitter specifically, there seems to be more people who identify as liberals, progressives, Democrats, etc so there’s probably more of it on twitter from the left. I would have to look at some data.

But to claim to be a neutral party, or to be a moderate, and disingenuously only criticize one side for doing the same things (not just on twitter), is kinda speaking with at least half of the mask off. Just sayin

Lt. Boxy Angelman

How many of those individuals have been fired or exiled from their community. Probably none? In fact, the New York Times and other popular newspaper companies have reported an increase in subscriptions because Trump constantly attacks them.

How many individuals have been fired or exiled from their community because of the Twitter mob? Probably many.
ONCE AGAIN: Like who?
You keep throwing around the probablys and pointing to the "Twitter mob" as your scapegoat instead of answering the repeated calls to name actual names and point out actual equivalencies in the argument.

Also, because I keep seeing Ben Shapiro's name pop up as though he's still someone worth taking seriously in any capacity, Here is a clip of his recent interview with Joe Rogan, in which he spends the better part of ten minutes picking apart his protest and trying to equate its meaning and purpose to his Nike deal money, the same way people try and equate everything and everyone under the BLM umbrella to their founder, only to quietly acknowledge at its end that the entire idea of the kneeling protest came from an actual veteran, and was done as a way of protesting in a respectful manner. As though that fact in and of itself didn't completely invalidate the need for his argument at all, the same way that the BLM founder's individual beliefs are not at all those of everyone who identifies with the movement or its ideals. The fact that I actually had to watch this just to hear what this jittery bag of narcissistic bones had to say to have enough base to make a point about it upsets me on a molecular level.

You know whose opinions I'd love to hear about the balance of cancel culture ? Valerie Plame and Joseph Wilson. The Dixie Chicks as well. Along with anyone else who lost their careers and livelihoods in the 2000's for standing opposed in any capacity to the Bush Administration or the Iraq war. I'm sure they'd have more than a few words about where tactics like those of the supposed mob took root and form, because it sure wasn't on the "radical left."
Give me a fucking break with this, man. I don't know if this is a strategic argument or an elaborate trolling, but it makes me glad I have bourbon in my cabinet.

Also, I've given up praying for trolls and decided to metamorphasize into Marlo Stanfield. Because one @Marlow isn't enough, and I need to lighten my mood in the face of this lunacy.
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Alternative-Fact Checker
Again, the powerless masses of people on Twitter are used as a scapegoat while people with actual, meaningful power continue to do just what they are accused of. Senator Tom Cotton literally introduced a bill in Congress today that would withhold the use of federal funds for schools that teach the 1619 project, which is a project with the intent of examining the role of slavery from America's conception to now.

How is that anything but "cancel culture" from the federal government, of all things? Get your priorities straight, people, I'm begging you

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Again, the powerless masses of people on Twitter are used as a scapegoat while people with actual, meaningful power continue to do just what they are accused of. Senator Tom Cotton literally introduced a bill in Congress today that would withhold the use of federal funds for schools that teach the 1619 project, which is a project with the intent of examining the role of slavery from America's conception to now.

How is that anything but "cancel culture" from the federal government, of all things? Get your priorities straight, people, I'm begging you
Shit like that makes me thankful my daughter's being homeschooled starting this year. My God, man.

Deleted member 5032

From my perspective, cancel culture is prevalent on both sides (see Nike, Nascar, etc). The primary difference seems to be that the right cancels something when they feel that it affects them directly or goes against their ideals. They get mad that the person/company/product/etc doesn't align with their views and decide to punish them. There are plenty of examples of this on social media and even on Amazon product reviews. To say that the left is the only side that engages in cancel culture simply isn't true.

When the left engages in cancel culture, it usually stems from a sense of activism or injustice. It's not that the person/company/product/etc has offended the individual, it's that the individual feels that positive and productive members of our society shouldn't hold those views or behave in that way. There are, of course, plenty of instances of people getting offended for other people and taking it too far, but it's still done with the intention of promoting justice or protecting those who are being attacked.

I'm not saying this is always the case, and there are certainly instances of cancel culture being used inappropriately. But the general idea seems to be that the right cancels something because they're mad at it and want to punish it, while the left tries to cancel something because they deem those views or actions harmful to our society and want to affect change.

I think cancel culture is a severely flawed system that is prone to misuse (see Johnny Depp/Amber Heard). However, it stems from the sense of helplessness most of us are feeling right now. When our votes are being discounted and our elections interfered with and our police are terrorizing us and we can't even get our families and neighbors to wear fucking masks to help prevent a pandemic (that kills more people than 9/11 every four days...), then what little recourse we can get through social media is what we will take.


Zoning Master
Let's stop pretending this doesn't exist.
I never claimed cancel culture did not exist on the conservative side.

I was the first one in this thread defending freedom of speech for conservatives and liberals and fighting against harsh consequences. You and many, many others, on the other hand, have promoted cancel culture. You have also offered a total of zero solutions to any problems that have been established in this thread.

Again, the powerless masses of people on Twitter are used as a scapegoat while people with actual, meaningful power continue to do just what they are accused of. Senator Tom Cotton literally introduced a bill in Congress today that would withhold the use of federal funds for schools that teach the 1619 project, which is a project with the intent of examining the role of slavery from America's conception to now.
According to Wikipedia, multiple American historians "have criticized the 1619 Project, stating that the project has put forward misleading and historically inaccurate claims."

Admittedly, I have to research this subject some more, but if I had to guess the premise of the project, I would bet my money on "Why modern American sucks because of historical racism and discrimination."

But to claim to be a neutral party, or to be a moderate, and disingenuously only criticize one side for doing the same things (not just on twitter), is kinda speaking with at least half of the mask off. Just sayin.
I was the first one in this thread to mention the NFL and Colin Kapernick as an example of cancel culture from conservatives.

Who is defending conservative cancel culture in this thread? Nobody. Who is defending President Trump's cancel culture in this thread? Nobody. This forum has no conservatives. So whom am I supposed to criticize? Yet how many socialists and Marxists have you counted in this thread? More than ten? They are the same people who keep arguing with me. In relation to mainstream America, I am a moderate. I have never voted for a Republican in my life. In relation to TYM, I am an ultra conservative who spreads racist propaganda. LOL.
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Alternative-Fact Checker
Which of course naturally means the federal government should be able to withhold the funding for schools it would normally give. Totally normal.

Also my primary school textbooks said Native Americans agreed to traverse the Trail of Tears due to an agreement with Andrew Jackson. I've dealt with overt historical inaccuracy my whole life that has only served as propaganda to disguise the human rights violations of my government, there's no way 1619 could be half as bad.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I never claimed cancel culture did not exist on the conservative side.

I was the first one in this thread defending freedom of speech for conservatives and liberals and fighting against harsh consequences. You and many, many others, on the other hand, have promoted cancel culture. You have also offered a total of zero solutions to any problems that have been established in this thread.

According to Wikipedia, multiple American historians "have criticized the 1619 Project, stating that the project has put forward misleading and historically inaccurate claims."

Admittedly, I have to research this subject some more, but if I had to guess the premise of the project, I would bet my money on "Why modern American sucks because of historical racism and discrimination."
They literally erased the Trail Of Tears from history textbooks.
Also, modern America is currently under the thumb of Donald Trump, who was elected mostly on a platform of historically consistent racism and discrimination.
You keep backing the Escalade up over your own argument.

Also again, you can keep dodging my disputes with the chasms in your logic until we're both old and gray, but that's not going to change the fact that they're there.

My name IS my name!
I was going to make it my tagline, but you beat me to the name throne fair and square. I am definitely going to refer to TYM as West Baltimore for the rest of this thread, though.


Admittedly, I have to research this subject some more, but if I had to guess the premise of the project, I would bet my money on "Why modern American sucks because of historical racism and discrimination."
You would lose that bet. "The goal of The 1619 Project is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year. Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country. "


It's not about "America Sucks". It's about looking at how issues in the past like slavery have created ripple effects that we can still see today.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I never claimed cancel culture did not exist on the conservative side.

I was the first one in this thread defending freedom of speech for conservatives and liberals and fighting against harsh consequences. You and many, many others, on the other hand, have promoted cancel culture. You have also offered a total of zero solutions to any problems that have been established in this thread.
1) You’ve been attacking ‘liberals’ and defending ‘conservatives’ this entire thread, just made a point that supposedly only one ‘side’ has gotten people fired, and then when I pointed out that that’s not the case, now you’re the defender of freedom for ‘everyone’. Except, apparently, for people to call for consequences for racism and bigotry using Twitter.

2) I’ll trade you for solutions to the problem of Zoning Zealots :p

But again, it’s hard to discuss the solution if you won’t discuss the root issue, only the symptoms. The symptoms are not what we’re here to solve.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
I never claimed cancel culture did not exist on the conservative side.

I was the first one in this thread defending freedom of speech for conservatives and liberals and fighting against harsh consequences. You and many, many others, on the other hand, have promoted cancel culture. You have also offered a total of zero solutions to any problems that have been established in this thread.

According to Wikipedia, multiple American historians "have criticized the 1619 Project, stating that the project has put forward misleading and historically inaccurate claims."

Admittedly, I have to research this subject some more, but if I had to guess the premise of the project, I would bet my money on "Why modern American sucks because of historical racism and discrimination."

I was the first one in this thread to mention the NFL and Colin Kapernick as an example of cancel culture from conservatives.

Who is defending conservative cancel culture in this thread? Nobody. Who is defending President Trump's cancel culture in this thread? Nobody. This forum has no conservatives. So whom am I supposed to criticize? Yet how many socialists and Marxists have you counted in this thread? More than ten? They are the same people who keep arguing with me. In relation to mainstream America, I am a moderate. I have never voted for a Republican in my life. In relation to TYM, I am an ultra conservative who spreads racist propaganda. LOL.
I have a question. You once said you could probably identify where people stood politically based on their posts or responses on TYM or in this thread. Where do you think I fall in the political spectrum? And I will be 100% honest. Btw, this isn’t some weird gotcha question. Just curious based on my posts in here (which admittedly I haven’t been that active in), what you think? Obviously you don’t have to answer


Online Scrub Lord
I have a question. You once said you could probably identify where people stood politically based on their posts or responses on TYM or in this thread. Where do you think I fall in the political spectrum? And I will be 100% honest. Btw, this isn’t some weird gotcha question. Just curious based on my posts in here (which admittedly I haven’t been that active in), what you think? Obviously you don’t have to answer
I remember you arguing with King Hippo one time and it seemed like you definitely leaned to the left, but you guys seemed to disagree on the matter of free speech. I recall you saying you didn't agree with people stifling the speech of conservatives like you see at some universities. You also seemed to disagree on the idea of safe spaces. I would say you're more of a classical liberal, but correct me if I'm wrong.


Zoning Master
I have a question. You once said you could probably identify where people stood politically based on their posts or responses on TYM or in this thread. Where do you think I fall in the political spectrum? And I will be 100% honest. Btw, this isn’t some weird gotcha question. Just curious based on my posts in here (which admittedly I haven’t been that active in), what you think? Obviously you don’t have to answer
You have been well-reserved in this thread, but after having observed various political discussions on TYM throughout the years, you tend to lean to the left in my opinion. I think your perspective on religion is somewhat extreme, but I may be biased because I was raised in a Roman Catholic household. For the record, I am religious in the cultural sense. Government itself must be secular, of course. I respect that you contemplate voting for the libertarian candidate in this election, which demonstrates that you are nonpartisan and open-minded. I agree with Sub that you are more of a classical liberal. David Rubin and Coleman Hughes are classical liberals, and I agree with almost everything they say.


Alternative-Fact Checker
I'm mainly taking the piss, but if Dave Rubin hasn't been solely taking a metric ton of cash just to repeat the same talking point over and over, he's genuinely one of the dumbest political commentators that has ever gotten somewhat of a spotlight