Yea I understand it's risky, my only point is that it can still come in handy. If the opponent is trying to bait it out, then you have won because you can bait their bait, if that makes sense. It's all about the mind games, because in order to bait your parry they have to either empty jump or do an extremely late jump-in punch. Empty jumping is obviously punishable, and if they are doing their jump-in punch very late, it becomes a lot easier to anti-air with other moves (even CSZ's shit anti-air normals can gain priority if the opponent is leaving themselves vulnerable in the air for too long). Not to mention, you can mix this up with doing Parry early and then doing instant double Parry to force them to time their attack in the very small window between the first and second Parry.
Also, I didn't mean to imply you weren't a good player, I was just describing the situation.