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Battle Arena 2 Winners Announced! Gameplay Footage Now Available


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Lex has so many tools. Flash is looking like he should, awesome. Shazam looks impressive. Nailed Joker.
I am getting so hype the more gameplay I see.
BTW, next week I'm calling it -> Green Lantern vs Grundy
Yo the joker using a crow bar to smash luthor's chrome dome in made me ROFL. But SHAZAM had me yellin SHAZAM after I watched his kick ass gameplay,

The dude has:
-A Teleport
-lightning strikes from all parts of the screen
-A Psycho crusher type move that looks fast as hell
-Some kick ass special properties with his gimmick trait
-Decent normals(some remain to be seen)
-A way to blow up quick advancing specials that come from full screen
-A kick ass super
-A command grab that can be combo'd into and out of
-And a HOOD!!



The future of law enforcement.
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Holy shit, Joker and Lex both looked great! Though it was a little strange to see Joker taking some of those hits.

I was definitely underwhelmed by Shazam's super special. It was just a less-ridiculous Superman special.

It also looks like Flash's dash moves can be interrupted mid-move (0:36). That doesn't bode well for Flash. It reminds me of how vulnerable (and low-priority) moves like the Kanoball can be.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
a teleporter...That'll be tons of fun with back for block...yes that's sarcasm.

If they put in teleport antics that mirror UMvC3, I'll punch myself in the dick with disappointment.


Man of Tomorrow
a teleporter...That'll be tons of fun with back for block...yes that's sarcasm.

If they put in teleport antics that mirror UMvC3, I'll punch myself in the dick with disappointment.

It's looks about the speed of Akuma's teleport, unless he can cancel out of it then I don't see a problem.


Joker's knife to Lex's dick is so uncalled for lol....

Thats like the dirtiest move in the FGC righ now...

Just realized that is Joker's throw move.


Forecast calls for missiles
So instead of critiquing it from several standpoints I should play the role of a fanboy and be like YAHHHHHH FACKIN INJUSTICE BRAH. DAH JOKER LOOKS SICK
"I don't like xxxx" and "xxxx was cool" are not really 'critiques'. Yes I do think everyone should be a little like that! It makes sense to me that we all chill here and speculate, get excited, and high-five over the cool stuff that we know is in the game. On the other hand, complaining about the game seems very frivolous, given that it will not be changed. Complaints are only warranted when they can act as a catalyst for change. Otherwise, what's the point?


"I don't like xxxx" and "xxxx was cool" are not really 'critiques'. Yes I do think everyone should be a little like that! It makes sense to me that we all chill here and speculate, get excited, and high-five over the cool stuff that we know is in the game. On the other hand, complaining about the game seems very frivolous, given that it will not be changed. Complaints are only warranted when they can act as a catalyst for change. Otherwise, what's the point?
Okay, so complaining about my so-called "complaining" (by your definition) is pointless then to. I don't intend on taking back any of my criticisms towards the game or changing my opinion. I never said that I didn't like the joker, I said I was unimpressed by what I saw.


Don't give up!
Oh yeah, and the game officially has a ESRB rating now! I think we all knew it was gonna be T but still, nice to be official I guess.