As I've posted before, reveal cycles like this are becoming very tiring. Yes, I'm hyped for the game, but this drip feed of information does more harm than good in my opinion.
Besides the fact we still don't officially know over half the roster, the fact that we don't have some basic information like "ARE CUSTOM VARIATIONS RANKED/TOURNEY LEGAL" is a major bummer. I can't speak for everybody, but not having this piece of info makes me watch the Kombat Kasts with a degree of worry. It's probably all the I2 flashbacks that happen:
..oh wait it's a non-standard ability, guess I'll never use it.
Part of me wants to skip out on all the reveals and Kombat Kasts until the beta at the very least. It's just undue stress at this point. If they do one on Shang Tsung I'll watch it, if not, all the more reason to go dark.