Yo I feel like people don't have eyes, and just repeat
1) Whatever they heard from someone else
2) Whatever 'sounds' good to them
3) Whatever they've figured out by some kind of reasoning or mathematics is right, regardless of what's happening in front of their faces
If people really think Scorpion is about 'adjusting'.. What do you think will happen when people actually learn how to use the character? What will happens once Scorpion has had as many months of tech development and leveling up as Sinestro or BA has now? Once Scorps take the time to learn how to cause the max pain in every matchup, etc.
Like, whichever side of the fence you're on -- at least just open your eyes, look at how people are losing to guys that have barely developed their tech, and be honest about it instead of saying silly stuff like "nobody bothered to learn how to counter the character".
At least listen to people like REO and the guy who won SEA that are actually playing the character and winning. But honestly if you just watch, you wouldn't even need them to tell you.
This is why we have ignore buttons man. It's like a Mr. Clean magic-eraser for a forum.
There is no counter to Scorpion's anything. You have to sit around waiting for mistakes that just can't be made by someone using the character. I was seriously just bitching about this very thing in a text to my gaming buddy. It's not about "SCORPION IS LESS THAN A MONTH OLD LOL" it's about "holy fuck, I have eyes." Exact words. Ily.
But that's the thing man. It's just about having eyes and seeing shit. And when it's that simple and people are STILL too fucking stupid to get it, you can't help them. You simply can't.
I'm no proleet face-shitting whirlwind of a player, but I have been playing fighting games REALLY fucking hard since I was like... eight or nine. So that's about 13 years now. Mostly in Guilty Gear. Okay, I know the difference at this point in my life between a strong/good/viable/top tier character and a broken one.
And like I said, I come mostly from Guilty Gear. Most people here who tell me that I need to stop saying Scorpion is ban-worthy and need to level up would have bed-pissing nightmares for a month if they understood the sheer amount of bullshit I'm willing to put up with from a character before calling for a ban.
I just can't believe the amount of people on this forum that have the fucking gall to say that like three quarters of TOP players in this game are just "afraid to adapt" or can't or whatever. It's pathetic as shit.
It's like grasping at straws, only there are no straws. Only turds.