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The Greasiest Moment In NFL 2013 Happened Today

How about try respecting the process and the judge sir

GTFO here w racist, pretty low of u to throw that card just because I respect court of law

The judge totally disrespected the American law system, and for you to defend her actions is disgusting

what you are doing/saying in this thread is "LOW"

you're being driven by your own personal grudges against the guy in the video, and the American Law system is supposed to protect free people from tyrants like you deciding how others should or shouldn't live on whims


Get over here!
The judge totally disrespected the American law system, and for you to defend her actions is disgusting

what you are doing/saying in this thread is "LOW"
You obviously know nothing of the law. The judge didn't disrespect anything... Is Pig the only competent mother in this thread?
You obviously know nothing of the law. The judge didn't disrespect anything... Is Pig the only competent mother in this thread?
You obviously know nothing of the law. The judge didn't disrespect anything... Is Pig the only competent mother in this thread?

people like you are the reason that the Patriot Act was passed and now the NSA listens to our phone calls and people can be imprisoned without being charged with crimes... lets not get into the drone strikes


Get over here!
people like you are the reason that the Patriot Act was passed and now the NSA listens to our phone calls and people can be imprisoned without being charged with crimes... lets not get into the drone strikes
You are pretty extreme. I just mean that a judge has the right to hold someone in contempt. After watching that video... any competent judge would have held him in contempt.

Don't tell me I am the problem when you can barely type. Weren't you the one calling people who didn't agree with you racist?


Get over here!
any American that supports what the judge did here is Anti-American and I'd even go so far to say a racist... to see someone praise Due Process being thrown out the window is sickening
This... I think it is people like you that ruin America... but hey... that is subjective.

Just so you know... the shift key is to the left of your keyboard... right by "A". You should practice capitalizing the beginning of your sentences.
This... I think it is people like you that ruin America... but hey... that is subjective.
so you hate Patriots and people that fight & die so you can be free to say this? you think those people are the ones that ruin America?

what is your idea of a perfect America? ... a police state where people have no rights and are at the mercy of the government?


Get over here!
so you hate Patriots and people that fight & die so you can be free to say this? you think those people are the ones that ruin America?

what is your idea of a perfect America? ... a police state where people have no rights and are at the mercy of the government?
When did I say that? Please find me a quote... You are blowing things way out of proportion.

My idea of a perfect America is one where people aren't so fucking stupid...


Truth, justice and the American way.
well i respectfully disagree

This is a court of law and he was held in contempt

Chad Johnson has single handedly gotten away w everything he can in life and for once someone said NO

So you're fine with your tax dollars going to feed, cloth, and house him for 30 days because he slapped his lawyer on the ass?

I'm not okay with my tax dollars being used so that some cocksucker can flex nuts on a man child.

but hey to each their own


Cold day in hell...
people like you are the reason that the Patriot Act was passed and now the NSA listens to our phone calls and people can be imprisoned without being charged with crimes... lets not get into the drone strikes
What on Earth does the simple act of holding someone who is in court in contempt of court for shenanigans (it seems like such a tiny thing but he has a blatant disrespect for the judge and her court she is well within her rights as a judge at the present moment.) have to do with conducting surveilance on citizens without a warrant or anything else you said? This is a mans day in court and he is literally playing grab ass. What you are talking about is an entirely different debate unrelated to the one this thread pertains to.


Forum General Emeritus
I don't know that I would have given him 30 days in jail for his actions, but it's pretty obvious that you don't slap someone on the ass in a courtroom. That behavior is reserved for on the field of play. A simple handshake or a pat on the shoulder would have been much better and more professional. If you seriously think there was nothing wrong with what he did, you need to wake up and say hello to the real world.


TYM White Knight
It was within that judges right to hold a defendant in contempt of her court.

It's no different than this:

If you disrespect a judge or their status as an official you can be held in contempt. Being in court is not supposed to be a joke. It is a system used to reprimand citizens who violate the law that governs society. If you go in there and slap your lawyer/act like a priss, you are showing severe disrespect to not only the judge, but the whole court room.

You do not ever want to make a mockery of the justice system.

Made Capo

Man, I thought this was about EA losing the NFL exclusive license. That's truly a good day for the NFL when 2k gets to make a FB game

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
any American that supports what the judge did here is Anti-American and I'd even go so far to say a racist... to see someone praise Due Process being thrown out the window is sickening
this lady has lost her mind. smh give a women power and they'll go a mile with that shot lmaoo anyway what did is what football players do to congradulate another player on a good play they all do it. he was basically congradlating his lawyer on a good job he did but now this women is clearly clueless to what it ment. then she has the nerve to say the court was laughing and that he mad a joke out of it. get real! what the people in the courtroom do cant be controlled. if the judge said something and someone found it funny you gonna give the 30 days in jail? no this is just proof that out justice system is a true joke.
WTF this was one of dumbest things i have ever seen. The judge says that chad should be happy because he has a good attorney, and when she said that he gives him the old friendly team mate "slap" on the back. Then the idiots behind him started laughing. If anything the judge should have been upset at people in the court room for disrupting the court with their laughter not chad. Chad didn't make them laugh.

Seriously fuck people that abuse power like that. Thats ridiculous and i'm no chad "ochocinco" johnson fan. Cost my patriots a few games with his lack of knowledge of learning the playbook.
The judge is a bitch. There is no way she could really tell he wasn't just doing a brotherly "good game" type maneuver. he has no control over the laughter of the judge's court and her officers.

Regardless of what his past is, that's a real bitch move.
I said besides that. Happened 1 time and he showed obvious remorse for that. You said the last 2-3 years so again what has he done the last 2-3 or 10 years that would make you say that other than stupidity of course.
yeah but you are basing your judgements based on the fact that he got away for everything before, but what about if it were me up there, my first offense, i missed my probation and i did something like that? being a nobody would the judge do the same? would the circumstances change? my answers, its up to the judge....and thats a problem imo


Oh and to the moron who said "race card" interesting how Steven a smith is saying 1000% what im saying. It saddens me to see how lack of respect and discipline has overtaken intelligence and common sense. I'm not sure what world u guys live in but in the real world an mine I was taught to w respectful.


so you hate Patriots and people that fight & die so you can be free to say this? you think those people are the ones that ruin America?

what is your idea of a perfect America? ... a police state where people have no rights and are at the mercy of the government?
You cant be serious. You think most judges would waste tax payer dollars on a butt tap especially after what was an obviously sincere apology? You really are clueless, wtf are they teaching you at paralegal community college.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
The judge totally disrespected the American law system, and for you to defend her actions is disgusting

what you are doing/saying in this thread is "LOW"

you're being driven by your own personal grudges against the guy in the video, and the American Law system is supposed to protect free people from tyrants like you deciding how others should or shouldn't live on whims
Sorry sir if I'm one of the few people in this thread taught to be respectful and obey the law especially when you're in there for hitting women

I guess hitting a woman is ok in your world too


I guess African American Stephen a smith is racist too

GTFO here and get in the real world, youre the definition of one of our country's problems


I don't know that I would have given him 30 days in jail for his actions, but it's pretty obvious that you don't slap someone on the ass in a courtroom. That behavior is reserved for on the field of play. A simple handshake or a pat on the shoulder would have been much better and more professional. If you seriously think there was nothing wrong with what he did, you need to wake up and say hello to the real world.
You also dont laugh during sentencing. So why is that security guard free today? Or anyone else in there?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So you're fine with your tax dollars going to feed, cloth, and house him for 30 days because he slapped his lawyer on the ass?

I'm not okay with my tax dollars being used so that some cocksucker can flex nuts on a man child.

but hey to each their own
That's a separate issue

In "my perfect world prison system" we would have many less prisoners living



and i was brought up no different. if i was in that situation and played in the NFL (or used to in chads case) i wouldnt have done that. and im sure plenty of other players in the nfl wouldnt have either. at the end of the day thats just how chad is thats his personality and its always gotten him into trouble from time to time and this is a prime example. so thats never going to change sad but true

Lt. Boxy Angelman

This dude headbutted his wife in the face.

He had football as a whole in his pocket and he threw it down a gutter.

This lady absolutely did the right thing.

You don't show up to court in pajamas.
You don't tell the judge you can't swear on the bible because you're Buddhist.
You don't refer to the jury as the dozen donuts to your left.
This dude headbutted his wife in the face.

He had football as a whole in his pocket and he threw it down a gutter.

This lady absolutely did the right thing.

You don't show up to court in pajamas.
You don't tell the judge you can't swear on the bible because you're Buddhist.
You don't refer to the jury as the dozen donuts to your left.
You said it best Boxy!


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Anyone calling this judge a bitch and calling her out for abuse of power is completely missing what's happening here. Maybe you've never been in a court of law or simply weren't raised to respect someone else's domain. Calling the judge out for not holding everyone else in the court room in contempt? What? You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

I agree with AK Pig Of The Hut - I don't know what world you people live in, but you don't do shit during a sentencing. Especially when the judge commends your lawyer for doing a good job. You be respectful and professional, you clown.

I don't know this guy at all and I don't care. Anyone who thinks they can act this way, whatever race, whatever gender, whatever status, should be bitch slapped with the law.

And I shouldn't even have to comment on gender or race, but some of you here seem to think that's part of the issue. If you do, grow up. There was nothing here to indicate any action predicated on racism and the judge acted completely within the powers granted to a judge.

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