Truth time
When you are in a court, you are that judges bitch. I dont care what you did, I dont care if you are wrongly accused. You are in their house and must follow their rules. The problem with this country is people dont fucking respect authority anymore. That judge is there for a reason, they worked their way up and acquired that position for a reason. That is why in a courtroom they have the power, because they have earned it. Yeah they make mistakes and can sometimes be a little power hungry, but that does not matter. The best thing you can do is be on your absolute best behavior and be as respectful as possible. Respect goes a long way, especially when dealing with people of authority. If the judge was mocking him, that would be a totally different story.
He slapped his lawyer on the ass. While this seemed kind of insignificant it isnt in context. He did it WHILE she gave him the benefit of the doubt, while she was TRYING TO BE NICE. When someone does that to you and you throw that back in your face with silliness(no matter how small) you are going to be mad. Even doing a small thing like that will get you in trouble with a judge or any other person of authority. He could have easily just shook his lawyers hand and be done with it, but no, he had to make a scene.
And for those who obviously don't understand contempt of court, here is the actual legal definition:
Individuals may be cited for contempt when they disobey an order, fail to comply with a request, tamper with documents, withhold evidence, interrupt proceedings through their actions or words, or otherwise defy a public authority or hold it up to ridicule and disrespect. The laws and rules governing contempt have developed in a piecemeal fashion over time and give wide discretion to judges and legislative leaders in determining both what constitutes contempt and how it is punished.
As for why the bailiff or audience doesnt get contempt of court? Simple, they reacted to Johnson. For one thing the audience cannot be held in contempt unless they are disturbing the trial, but Johnson was the one who did that. The bailiff shouldve acted more professionally sure, but again he was reacting to Johnson. At the end of the day it was Johnson's actions that disrupted the sentencing, and that is why he is the one held in contempt.
The sooner people realize it is a good idea to respect authority, the sooner stuff like this wont happen. There is no ifs ands or buts about it, If you are in a courtroom, you are at the mercy of the judge. If you dont like our justice system, I suggest you go to Somalia where they have a minimal justice system. And you can have your guns and not even pay taxes! There is a reason we have government, there is a reason why we have people in positions of authority. No we dont live in a perfect world, and yes there is corruption at every turn. But their are ways to deal with this, and making a mockery of the system is not one of them.