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The Greasiest Moment In NFL 2013 Happened Today


He made a mockery of the court. If you put it in that context, then what bigger conversation is there to be had (<<rhetorical, not trolling or baiting)? Pretty sure I know what conversation you're talking about but that conversation just leads to arguing, doesn't apply to a rich guy slapping his attorney's butt in court, and most people have no idea what they're talking about with respect to that conversation if the conversation is the one I'm thinking of. Chad is a multimillionaire, and he has been one for years. He can afford the best counsel money can buy, and the best shrink(s). He has no excuse to be in jail; therefore, he deserves what he got.

The difference with me is that I take no pleasure in seeing him jailed. He never did anything malicious to anyone in his football career. He did silly pranks and stunts, but I like dumb stuff. It was buffoonish, but it was harmless. Some people hate him for acting silly, but I don't see why. He got into a domestic dispute with his wife; I don't know what happened. If he hit his wife, he was very wrong, but he has no history of beating women as far as I know. He didn't get high and run over a man, or put out a hit on his pregnant girlfriend, or run a drug ring, or shoot himself, or rape anyone.

Chad calls Roger Goodell Dad....Wtf is that? What man would do that to anyone but his own father or male father figure who raised them from a young age? That is not normal. It's mental illness. The man has serious issues, which were masked by playing football. He's obsessed with entertaining because that's where he sees his own self worth. It's fucking sad, and he needs therapy. His therapy might be able to help him resolve all kinds of issues, like his narcissism, view on his role in life post football, his issues with authority, and may resolve his father issues--cause he has plenty, like most men. Dudes should read Iron John by Robert Bly.
What the hell lol, why did you quote me?

This has nothing do to with what i was going to get into


"I have good taste because I like what I like"


Cool, now I know how Steven A. Smith feels. I'm not trying to argue.

The main point of argument against Chad is that his un-professionalism was the cause of the retracted plea, that's understandable. I'm asking you do you believe that the judge herself was being completely professional? Do you believe that her decisions were made as a direct result of the case and not of personal agenda? Like everybody's said, she probably doesn't like his ass, but as a judge you shouldn't let those sort of feelings influence courtroom decisions in a case like this.
Which is why she shoulx be disbarred. She hasnt been a judge for very long and this is proof appointing her was a wrong decision.

You're trying to use Stephen A. Smith as a credible source for why this was a good decision? That whole shows a joke and both him and skip bayless are the worst people in sports journalism. Maybe if Chad randomly slapped his attorneys ass during the proceedings or made a huge spectacle out of it, something like 30 days in jail would be warranted. But in the context where she is fucking asking him what he thinks of his attorney, there should be some leeway especially when butt slapping is common all throughout his job. It isn't even like he was the one laughing after he did it, both him and his attorney just kept looking on while everyone else was laughing and making it bigger than it was. The judge didn't have a problem with the action, she had a problem with the reaction, and to take it out on the person who isn't even making the disturbance is juvenile. Obviously he isn't some perfect angel, he hit his wife, but to try and make this into some serious offense against the court or the integrity of law is bullshit and laughable, I think the judge has some growing up to do along with Chad Johnson if something as small as a butt tap can get her all riled up, whole thing is absolutely ridiculous.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Cool, now I know how Steven A. Smith feels. I'm not trying to argue.

The main point of argument against Chad is that his un-professionalism was the cause of the retracted plea, that's understandable. I'm asking you do you believe that the judge herself was being completely professional? Do you believe that her decisions were made as a direct result of the case and not of personal agenda? Like everybody's said, she probably doesn't like his ass, but as a judge you shouldn't let those sort of feelings influence courtroom decisions in a case like this.
Honestly that's part of the judging process

She's making a "read " here if u will


Smith also said the judge was grandstanding condescending and overreacting. He said both were out of line. So since this is football we have offsetting penalties and a replay of down.


Cunt of a judge , because her feelings were hurt she abused her power

Now my tax money has to keep this dumbass alive in jail for 30 days

To be honest she should do the jail time