more Lobo tech, this time off Anti-Air Stand 3.
3 into Pump Shot is perhaps Lobo's best meterless setup. If don't they roll, you can dash in and pressure with your frame traps like 12 xx czar toss/back 12/21 into whatever. (NEW) You can also TK divekick/meaty Back 2 Up 1 for instant overhead/lulz-worthy slow overhead that leads to 50%.(/NEW) If they do roll, you can dash in and mix up between 21 (2 whiffs, 1 doesn't)/Low Pump Shot/ Czar Toss (only effective if they respect you and don't press buttons). (NEW) After the pump shot hits, do Hook Charge asap. Hook Charge will be safe, as it's hitting from max-distance. If you think the opponent will reversal, MB the charge.(/NEW)
3 into Hook Charge is unique. If you whiff the first hit of Hook Charge and only hit the tackle, they are knocked down longer than they would be if you did hit the first hit. This allows Lobo to safe jump reversals like DS's godly Sword Spin (not the flip because thats a shitty reversal that gets beat by everything). You can't try using a jump in on these reversals, however, as the game has recovery frames on whiffed jump ins. So Lobo can jump in safely and use his 7 frame stand 1/6 frame Down 1 to pressure.
3 into either Spin Cycle or Space Hook is extremely bad. He CAN safely dash and block in time if Raven were to do a wakeup Soul Crush, but the timing is strict. Only use this to get the life lead or close out the match, NOT THE ROUND. Lobo is powerful from sweep distance to close distance, so these moves should rarely be used as enders. (NEW, but not really) MB the Space Hook and don't throw them behind you, free setup into the meaty command grab 50/50. (/NEW)
Now for my favorite. 3 xx MBDC, Down 1 (Meter Burn Dash Cancel, or dash cancelling the forward 3/back 3 cancel) is a legit combo. While it doesn't lead to extremely huge damage unless you use a MB Czar Toss, it leads to the hard knockdown Lobo loves oh so very much. 3 xx MBDC, Down 1 xx Hook Charge is possible and is the best option. Down 1 into pretty much anything but Spin Cycle is doable.