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They Don't Call Me The Main Man For Nothing! - The Lobo General Discussion Thread.


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you mean like Grundy's non MB walking corpse (is that 3 hits)? and it would cost one meter anyway. right now I feel like I have no decent option for getting in on Batman... shotgun range is ass, db1 us useless (j2 happy bat is another story), for jd3 I'm praying that my opponent don't uses anti-air grapple gun

I was looking for Batman specific stuff in subforum, any help and advice with other options would be appreciated. I'm aware Lobo is still new to everyone, but there is many concerns about him already brought up.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad. It would just be scary if Lobo used that move on anyone besides a good zoner. :16Bit
Nope, it's b12, d1 xx command throw. Definitely possible, just verrrry tricky. It seems like it only works outside of the corner though.

I do get how it's frustrating to have combos THAT difficult though. I'm equally frustrated though at "online only" combos. You always have to start somewhere, but every player is striving to be the best with their character and their tools. That's the whole point. Combos are no exception.
Apparently Capcom has sucked you all in with this 1 button auto combo mess. You want to talk about tricky or hard combos go play Marvel vs Capcom 2 where the inputs are 1 frames thoughout the whole combo (I main'd MSP) or anything in KOF13. The whole point is that when you put in the time it pays off. Stop being sucked in by this "microwave" combo crap. Combos take practice!!. Going back to the lab. (P.S. that b3 after the MB grab is not hard to do and it is possible online I do it. Just practice guys you'll get it. ;) Oh yeah boo to the online only combos it ruins people when they step into the real game to play.


Is lobo's move where he grabs for your ankles a command grab? What are the options to get out of it?
Wake up and most of the times you can backdash out of it(depends on how he ended his combo).
If he reads backdash, he'll do his low chain to drag you back.


Apparently Capcom has sucked you all in with this 1 button auto combo mess. You want to talk about tricky or hard combos go play Marvel vs Capcom 2 where the inputs are 1 frames thoughout the whole combo (I main'd MSP) or anything in KOF13. The whole point is that when you put in the time it pays off. Stop being sucked in by this "microwave" combo crap. Combos take practice!!. Going back to the lab. (P.S. that b3 after the MB grab is not hard to do and it is possible online I do it. Just practice guys you'll get it. ;) Oh yeah boo to the online only combos it ruins people when they step into the real game to play.
Lol, I'm not sure why you quoted me in particular. But my point was that there's a difference between things like command grab, B3 and the b12, d1 link. And that it's not just difficult online (which is a different case altogether) but after lots of hours in training mode with it, it's pretty stupid offline too. It actually feels like it wasn't even meant to be possible. Frustration is understandable when something is just barely within reach.
No particular reason for replying to you. I just have seen the same type of thread throughout the forums I just had some time to post something. You will get that combo down in no time it just takes practice. Some players in other games play it for years and can't do a particular combo. My achilies heel was blazblue carl.


No particular reason for replying to you. I just have seen the same type of thread throughout the forums I just had some time to post something. You will get that combo down in no time it just takes practice. Some players in other games play it for years and can't do a particular combo. My achilies heel was blazblue carl.
I get the stance you're taking, but I hardly think it's whining to ask for a bit of leniency with this particular combo. I'm not sure how often you've attempted this combo, but I've spent hours with it in training and I can't land it 1/20 times, if that.

Capcom games, other fighting games, many have different mechanics that make combos much more lenient. Plinking, buffering, so on. I think they put those in their games because they understand that if they control it, there's no reason it should take the same amount of time as earning a college degree to master pressing a few buttons with the correct timing.


F, D, F + HP
'Sup Bastiches?!
I think I figured out a way to get B+3 from Czar Toss consistently and there is a slight Easter Egg involved... Let me 'splain it to you...

Basically you want to be pressing the inputs b and 3 at the exact same time right as your opponent is reaching the apex (Highest point) of the bounce. That's when the input is necessary. This should help you get the timing down. If you input back a hair before 3 it won't come out. By doing it at the exact same time, you will learn the timing. It's definitely strict, no doubts there. If you have pressed the inputs as they are starting to fall, it won't work. You have to hit the inputs at the top of the bounce or as close as you can get it.

An easier way, and this is where the "easter egg" comes in, is to be aiming or timing it so that the shotgun BLAST, not the gun, but the blast is nearly level with their Nether-regions (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk). Basically like you're shooting them in the nards. (The easter egg being that Lobo would be the type to just cold shoot somebody in their nards). I did this combo online and was still able to get the b3 to hit most of the time (lag factoring into it I think)...

I also spent some time with the b12 d1xxdbf2 combo and yeah it's strict on timing, but nowhere near impossible. The d1 is cancelable as I tried the combo without and with release check on. To my eye, you have to hit the d1 at the last possible moment. I tried to hold d and then hit 1, but I got better results when I hit both simultaneously. Once you hit the d1, the dbf2 is easy to connect which makes me believe the d1 is cancelable.

There are plenty of combos you can do to build meter and then you can use the bb MB to bounce cancel the b12. For me, I'd rather be able to use the b12 d1 in my mix-ups, and have more mindgames.
Tom Brady and reos early tier list puts Lobo as the worst character in the game, what do my fellow lobo mains feel about this? I really don't this he's that bad I mean at this stage in the game I'm easily getting streaks with him online (that said a lot of online players are garbage) but still I've gone toe to toe with Black Adams, Superman etc and even though it's been tough it's not as horrendous as everyone thinks.


I've not yet really decided where Lobo belongs. I mean people make out he is absolutely crap while I think that's not true.
The execution is just one little hump to get over. It's gonna come down to good meter management and good reads on your grounded opponent.
What sucks about him is that he can't get high damage when punishing without using meter, you're better off leaving them standing.
Lobo is wild I don't see what the confusion is about. He has a TON of mix ups. Utilize that swan dive think and bf4 to get in close and it is a wrap.

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don't know if this is already common knowledge but an unblocked air d3 is untechable knockdown and can therfore time an unjumpable (but reversal-able) czar toss.


TYM resident party pooper
whoever thought of not giving armor on Lobo's MB bf+3 when he uses the chain, is an idiot.
Getting stuffed out of it before the armor is usable even thought I MB the move...


F, D, F + HP
Lobo's the newest character in the game. Tech and other elements haven't even begun to be fleshed out. He is a very tough character to win with against certain match-ups, but there is still so much to learn about him and his potential.
Tier lists are temporary at best. They change. But still, time will tell what Lobo's possiblities truly are and how "good" a character he may become.

EDIT: You cannot execute the trait during the super. If you watch the cinematic, the shotgun blast is orangey-red-yellow. If you activate trait before the super, the cinematic shows the green blast for the nuclear shells, which increases the damage of the super.
Shotgun blast doesn't negate projectiles, but it can stop the projectile thrower in the beginning of their animations, obviously only up close.


TYM resident party pooper
I honestly don't think Lobo is as bad as REO says he is.

He has a lot of trouble against zoners... true.

But he is very good against others. For starters, Joker, Doomsday, Killer Frost, Catwoman... anyone that isn't a retarded zoning spam machine, should fear him. A LOT. He gets in twice you're dead.

Honestly he's only going to get better. I feel that zoners will get the Sinestro treatment in the future. Their damage will get nerfed and their active frames upped (nerf too). And rightfully so. Zoning to the point of making someone want to rip their own hair off, isn't healthy to a game.

Same for having a character able to insta lockdown anyone in a string without them being able to do anything about it (Batman's b+2,3 string).

Those thing have and hopefully will get nerfed in the future.

As to his current tier position... no way he's bottom 2 tier. He should atleast be on the same tier as the Joker


You're going to shoot guns at me?
My issue is the opposite. I don't have trouble with zoners, but with characters that also want to get in and have better neutral, strong close game or really dangerous wakeups. Nightwing, Superman, Doomsday and Grundy are the first that come to mind, and BA is pretty annoying to deal with. I very much hope that zoners don't get nerfed, characters like Killer Frost deserves their weaknesses. I agree though, I really don't feel he should be put below Shazam, who has worse normals, no reactionary AA and a more risky offense in exchange for better meter management and less shitty trait.


TYM resident party pooper
After some careful consideration I know what Lobo needs to be viable.

And it's actually quite simple.

First he needs to have less active frame on his b+1 2. The launcher part of the string should allow for a jump in 2. Simple as that.

It would solve a lot of problems and create a REAL mix up threat. As any Lobo player knows, his b+2 1 isn't good to start a combo. B+2 has a LOT of active frames and can be seen coming from a mile. So Lobo would have to rely on his Jump d+3 to score a mixup, same as he does now. The thing is, with this buff, training your opponent into blocking high would cause them to eat a lot of damage and not having to rely on a just frame link in order to do it.

The second thing is having one hit of armor when Lobo throws the chain on his bf+3. Come on... who thought that the MB move shouldn't have it?
They should make it like SSF4 Guy's run. One hit of armor when he throws the chain and one hit of armor when he attacks with the shoulder.

Characters like deathstroke can run all day from Lobo and there's nothing he can do about it.

Not to mention you have to telegraph a projectile in order to get in with the MB bf+3 or else you'll get stuffed out of it on the chain part.

To be honest I feel he doesn't need more than those two things.

Maybe a faster trait load or be able to load atleast two bullets since he takes 2 full seconds to load the trait.
My issue is the opposite. I don't have trouble with zoners, but with characters that also want to get in and have better neutral, strong close game or really dangerous wakeups. Nightwing, Superman, Doomsday and Grundy are the first that come to mind, and BA is pretty annoying to deal with. I very much hope that zoners don't get nerfed, characters like Killer Frost deserves their weaknesses. I agree though, I really don't feel he should be put below Shazam, who has worse normals, no reactionary AA and a more risky offense in exchange for better meter management and less shitty trait.
Really? You haven't played a good superman, black Adam, raven yet I'm guessing? :p

Edit: just kidding ^^


You're going to shoot guns at me?
I mentioned Superman and BA lol. Raven is the same as GL for me, it's a matter of being really patient and not screwing around. Not saying it's easy but personally it's nowhere near as troublesome as the characters I mentioned.
I just wanna know why a character that has:

A dash that goes past high projectiles

more/safer mixup options when compared to Shazam

a legit anti-air (stand 3 is your friend in the spacing department)

a strong mid-range game

high damage combos with 1 bar, 38% if "lag is too much" that lead right back into his meaty grab 50/50

a safe diving attack when TK'd

MB Hook Charge to get in and instantly place someone into the 50/50, just for trying to keep you out.
A high/low game that basically leads to around 50% of your life missing if you guess wrong.

Is considered the absolute worst character in the game, no question, everyone agrees.

This guy has trouble against zoners. K, so does every other rushdown/grappler character vs a zoner character. Since when was a character placed as a low tier because of execution? Grind Czar Toss into Back 3. Then grind it online, if you are an online player. Can someone who believes otherwise please tell me why a character with all that ^ is the worst, please?

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I just wanna know why a character that has:

A dash that goes past high projectiles

more/safer mixup options when compared to Shazam

a legit anti-air (stand 3 is your friend in the spacing department)

a strong mid-range game

high damage combos with 1 bar, 38% if "lag is too much" that lead right back into his meaty grab 50/50

a safe diving attack when TK'd

MB Hook Charge to get in and instantly place someone into the 50/50, just for trying to keep you out.
A high/low game that basically leads to around 50% of your life missing if you guess wrong.

Is considered the absolute worst character in the game, no question, everyone agrees.

This guy has trouble against zoners. K, so does every other rushdown/grappler character vs a zoner character. Since when was a character placed as a low tier because of execution? Grind Czar Toss into Back 3. Then grind it online, if you are an online player. Can someone who believes otherwise please tell me why a character with all that ^ is the worst, please?
reo said so