Cage Redfield: I'd just buffer in that 1+3 to finish, then go for the oki afterward. I figured this footage was a good while back, so i watched it with a grain of salt in terms of "what he didn't do". Love the adapting to Shazam's teleports, too. Regardless, I loved the long set (had it on my phone and watched it during lunch). Awesome display of what Lobo is capable of, man.
thing about B12 1+3 oki is, you don't have much advantage afterwards. You basically have to read the opponent's option on their wakeup, and from that distance, Lobo can't punish a mindless wakeup like he can in, say, MB forward Space Hook. At best, I can get a lucky guess with Low Space Hook or MB Charge, and I don't like that very much.
TimTim Yeah there was a few times where I could've cancelled into MB B3 and get a full combo from there, but I honestly love the mixup too much to not go for it when the opportunity is there lol. Why go for a measly 38% two bar combo when I can get 75% with 2 bars in a dirty-as-fuck ambiguous mix-up lol. It's not guaranteed like the MB B3 combo is, but it's reward is too high.
The thing about my mix-up in this particular matchup is, this is one of the few characters that basically has a get-out-of-jail-free card to it, as Shazam's teleport wakeup is super good in this situation. He can teleport away or forward when knocked down, and I have to somehow guess which way he's going and punish accordingly, most likely costing me the 52% i'd get from the mix-up, unless I get lucky with a jump back 2 into full combo. The only wakeups I took into account when i made the mix-up tech was Scorpion's, as he was the talk of the town at the time, so I figured "why not add a cherry on top of this delicious cake that is this mix-up?". I'd think about anti-Advancing/Eluding Mercury tech in the mix-up, but I got a backlog of video games and unfinished anime that needs to be taken care of. If someone can make the match-up thread in the meantime, that'd be swell~