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They Don't Call Me The Main Man For Nothing! - The Lobo General Discussion Thread.


The Free Meter Police
chaosphere is there any footage of you playing other than ufgt?
I'd love to see some good Lobo. My win% with him is at like 70 or 80 but when I go up against the very high level players I'm free.
Unfortunately no. =/ after next tournament for sure.


Augmented Wallet Squeeze
So, can we please make a new Lobo Match-Up chart? I feel like it's about time we made an actual one instead of having to deal with REO's old one that's pretty outdated.


Don't Hate
Just wondering where you guys are at.
Has anyone integrated that 21 or 2 nuke shell into your game.
I just got consistent with nuke shell b1 toss like 10 minutes ago (first time I practiced wasn't as hard as I thought but it hurts my left hand because I hold my stick awkwardly and I bump up against my hand.)
Also starting to get better at iad3.

I consider Lobo my main but I practice with so many characters I'm only just now starting to add these.
Here is a set with EGP Wonder_Chef 's Shazam vs my Lobo.

it's over an hour long, but shows what Lobo can do vs Shazam and vice versa. A good thing to note about this matchup is that its one of the only matchups where Lobo cannot easily disrespect the opponent's wakeup, and it's a very footsie-heavy match.

Also, I'll prolly be making the match-up thread in a bit, since this particular section is as dead as the T.Hawk section at SRK for SF4.


Augmented Wallet Squeeze
Just found out an amazing thing you can do with Lobo's 2,1 string. If they block the Overhead, you can cancel it into Toss for free if they don't push block. I don't know if anyone knows, but I flipped out when I went into Training mode and tried it on Always blocking CPU. It works wonders when you deal with Turtle characters like Aquaman. It's a shame this only works on Block though. But, thought I'd share this with you guys if you didn't know already. It works on all characters. I tested it on all body types.


Just found out an amazing thing you can do with Lobo's 2,1 string. If they block the Overhead, you can cancel it into Toss for free if they don't push block. I don't know if anyone knows, but I flipped out when I went into Training mode and tried it on Always blocking CPU. It works wonders when you deal with Turtle characters like Aquaman. It's a shame this only works on Block though. But, thought I'd share this with you guys if you didn't know already. It works on all characters. I tested it on all body types.
I usually use 21 low chain, the chain hits on block or hit. Doesn't lead to big damage, but it is kinda cool to have an overhead/low mixup that you can use from midrange, just have to make sure the opponent doesn't jump. Also, the knockdown positioning is good for a czarnian toss.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
They could block the low chain if they block the overhead, Scottinho. Another one: b+2,u+1: On block, you can Czar toss them. So, they have to block high, low, then back dash properly to escape the entire sequence. I wish them luck...


Yeah, they can block the whole string, but they have to be on their toes. If I notice they are anticipating it, that is when I'll switch to 21 czar toss. My problem with b2u1 is that it is so slow, most people will be able to stuff it. The only way that i can get it out is after a jump in 1 or 2.


Don't Hate
Here is a set with EGP Wonder_Chef 's Shazam vs my Lobo.

it's over an hour long, but shows what Lobo can do vs Shazam and vice versa. A good thing to note about this matchup is that its one of the only matchups where Lobo cannot easily disrespect the opponent's wakeup, and it's a very footsie-heavy match.

Also, I'll prolly be making the match-up thread in a bit, since this particular section is as dead as the T.Hawk section at SRK for SF4.
I respect the use of the b12 mb charge mixup but sometimes I'd recommend going for b12 mb b3 safe 38% but it's 2 bars.

Also I'm in need of some help I'm super inconsistent with nuke shell b1 toss. Either I have 100% execution or 25%.
Also I can't time the mixup properly haha.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Cage Redfield: I'd just buffer in that 1+3 to finish, then go for the oki afterward. I figured this footage was a good while back, so i watched it with a grain of salt in terms of "what he didn't do". Love the adapting to Shazam's teleports, too. Regardless, I loved the long set (had it on my phone and watched it during lunch). Awesome display of what Lobo is capable of, man.
Cage Redfield: I'd just buffer in that 1+3 to finish, then go for the oki afterward. I figured this footage was a good while back, so i watched it with a grain of salt in terms of "what he didn't do". Love the adapting to Shazam's teleports, too. Regardless, I loved the long set (had it on my phone and watched it during lunch). Awesome display of what Lobo is capable of, man.

thing about B12 1+3 oki is, you don't have much advantage afterwards. You basically have to read the opponent's option on their wakeup, and from that distance, Lobo can't punish a mindless wakeup like he can in, say, MB forward Space Hook. At best, I can get a lucky guess with Low Space Hook or MB Charge, and I don't like that very much.

TimTim Yeah there was a few times where I could've cancelled into MB B3 and get a full combo from there, but I honestly love the mixup too much to not go for it when the opportunity is there lol. Why go for a measly 38% two bar combo when I can get 75% with 2 bars in a dirty-as-fuck ambiguous mix-up lol. It's not guaranteed like the MB B3 combo is, but it's reward is too high.

The thing about my mix-up in this particular matchup is, this is one of the few characters that basically has a get-out-of-jail-free card to it, as Shazam's teleport wakeup is super good in this situation. He can teleport away or forward when knocked down, and I have to somehow guess which way he's going and punish accordingly, most likely costing me the 52% i'd get from the mix-up, unless I get lucky with a jump back 2 into full combo. The only wakeups I took into account when i made the mix-up tech was Scorpion's, as he was the talk of the town at the time, so I figured "why not add a cherry on top of this delicious cake that is this mix-up?". I'd think about anti-Advancing/Eluding Mercury tech in the mix-up, but I got a backlog of video games and unfinished anime that needs to be taken care of. If someone can make the match-up thread in the meantime, that'd be swell~


Do you think it would help if The Mopstop/Kryptonian Council discussed Lobo? Balance ideas from these guys hold weight, and it really seems like everyone is ignoring Lobo. I'm not complaining he's unusable, just would be nice to actually have a chance in some matchups. Plus, wasn't Reo maining Lobo for a bit back in the day( over 1 month ago = ancient history.)


I'm having a hard time liking Injustice, which is a shame cause lobo is easily my favourite character to use, despite how bad I am at this game.

One thing bothers me.

Well a couple. How is he virtually useless at full screen? He has nothing to throw at the opponent full screen. At the very least, his enhanced charge should go full screen to up close, like Baraka's ex charge, and like Ex Charge, it should have armour all the way through the animation. If the idea for him is to be a nightmare upclose, then at the very least when he is full screen he has options other than dashing.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Its a trade off. Not sure why people cant understand that. Mid to close, he is a monster. He has plenty unique ways to get in, it just seems most people are looking for one universal way. He doesn't have one. You gotta be smart about how you approach. Party Crasher, Hook Charge and dashing, hell, walking and ducking are his tools for getting in. Get comfortable with them. Go full screen and see exactly how short the distance is. You only need to do two of those three options to actually get in their face. Not saying its gonna be easy, but as long as we complain, we aren't using that energy to overcome this "shortcoming" people think he has. He's not a ranged fighter. Why would he have a ranged move?


True, it is better to work out a strategy. Just seems weird that almost every other closeup to midrange characters have something to help the against runaways and zoners. Not saying we need a fullscreen shoulder charge, but mb would be nice if it was instance and couldnt be stuffed before the armor comes out, while still costing a bar of meter. That change plus a wakeup attack with invulnerability frames would be nice. Is there any other character that doesn't have an invincible wakeup?

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
That would mean it was done at the wrong time: the chain didn't hit or trying to burn through extremely fast projectiles. There are smarter ways for him to close the distance in a match than just burning meter. I had to get comfortable with low blocking and walking forward to close the distance. Burning a Hook Charge from full screen isn't practical, imo. If I am burning it for the armor, I make sure I use it at the right time, where I have the frames/time to allow the armor to kick in. I also want them to at least block the charge, so i have the chance for additional pressure.


Filled with determination
It's not about doing it from full screen it's about getting hit out of it by say Frosts wake up slide even though the meter burn came out, there is no way you can say that's not BS. He can be difficult to use that's fine, he can take thought, that's also fine but I want his damn tools to actually work.


Or Czarnian Toss, you know, so we could have free huge combos on wakeup. (I know this won't happen, but would be fun, no?)