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Match-up Discussion Nightwing Matchup Discussion

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Ares isn't much of a zoner. The only zoning tool he really has is his fireball and it can be crouched. You only have to watch out for his mb version which is an overhead. He should be saving his trait weapons for combos. He really tries to catch you with his Mb Godsmack and reset into it over again.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
How do I counter Sinestro's "giant rock from the sky" shit? I'm online with some friends right now, and one is destroying me with it.


This. One thousand times this. If Sinestro stays grounded we can counter zone by taking the momentum.
This is pretty much a match where you make him come to you when you have a life lead. He's going to be jumping around eventually and thats when you start throwing out Flying Greysons. The only thing you have to respect is his MB projectiles.


Truth, justice and the American way.
So I just spent 4 hours playing against a strong Superman. Here are some of my personal notes. Granted, I'm not as knowledgeable as other members of these forums. None of the following is law, just my observations.

Rush down with Kali sticks hard. Use 112 to either send him to a corner, or pin him with block stun. My opponent was trying to Rising Grab me. I beat it out with 112 often. Commit to offensive play.

Use 112 to punish f23 breath f23. Let him know that it is not okay against this matchup.

Be aware of your meter use. We as Nightwing players will have a habit of meter burn staff spin. We will have to force Clark to use meter in the wager to avoid taking a 2 frame super. Make sure not to burn too much meter on trying to chip. Use just enough to maintain pressure. This will ensure we not only maintain the life lead but also the meter lead.

If Clark starts to spam lazers send him an Escrima DB2 MB for the knockdown. Close the distance with a rapid series of dash ins and start swinging.

Clark is a master at whiff punishing. Be aggressive in getting your block advantage. This ensures that we play to our character strengths. Any time when Clark is free to air – he is free to expose our characters greatest flaw. Our Lack of AA. Our lack of wakeup options.

I like using the string F213xx4xxdb2 MB b3. Between the B3 and the db2 MB is a 10 frame window where most character's only option is to jump back. Few characters have advancing strings of the priority and speed of Clark's F23. There's a two frame window that clark needs to recognize to punish this string. If you use this string, it's a big gamble against Clark.

Avoid blocking trait backed lazers. Duck the db3s, jump the db1s. Wait for the trait to wear itself out before advancing. Patience here.

B2 does not work in this match up. Seriously, our b2 spacing is Clark's f23 spacing. It's 15 frames to 8, we lose every time. I stopped using b2 in this matchup completely.

Be dirty. Be dirty and grimey as hell. If you're blocking for long, you're doing it wrong. Stryker's Island is really good for this matchup, the meter burn shotgun on left side is strong. Get some dumb stuff in with the turret as well.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is that you keep Superman blocking. Once he's free to air dash the matchup tips heavily in his favor. I found this matchup was much easier with Escrima, as Clark's air dash makes Staff Stance a Nightmare in staying in. Switching back and fourth is a must.

Any notes of your own would be appreciated. I had a great time breaking this matchup down.

KombatNerd this is an edit: any chance this can get front paged? I haven't seen anyone else really break this matchup down.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
I'm not sure if something like this was already made, but do you guys think we should make a list of which stance you should prefer for each match up, it might be useful


Truth, justice and the American way.
I'm not sure if something like this was already made, but do you guys think we should make a list of which stance you should prefer for each match up, it might be useful
A lot of this comes down to player preference.

Vs Sinestro - We can either full screen db2 in staff, or rush in hard with Escrima. Player preference kind of thing.
Vs Aquaman - Why bother with Escrima?
Vs Superman - He doesn't have to respect Staff zoning at all. Get in with Escrima and stay in.
Vs Green Lantern - Get in with Escrima and switch to staff when you're in.
Vs Catwoman - Hold staff all day


I don't agree with Staff all day for Catwoman. The fact that she's one of the characters that can duck MB Staff Spin and can get in with the quickness makes that a bit risky. I'd use Escrima a decent amount thanks to j3 and Wing Dings. The air is safer than the ground in this matchup.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Sure and we could put that both could be used and why, but I just want your guys opinion because I might make a thread for this


Truth, justice and the American way.
I don't agree with Staff all day for Catwoman. The fact that she's one of the characters that can duck MB Staff Spin and can get in with the quickness makes that a bit risky. I'd use Escrima a decent amount thanks to j3 and Wing Dings. The air is safer than the ground in this matchup.
Her ji2 is really strong, I find that staff jb2 works well to combat that. You may have better timing and spacing than I do, as my experience with wingding zoning has found me eating MB Cat Dash left and right.

I lame out Catwoman as best I can with staff.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Ok I set up the thread, it's called Escrima or Staff for Different Match Ups


You'll be eating MB Cat Dash regardless. I just find that it might be better to try and maneuver around her. Our blunt force tactics aren't as good on her.
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