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Guide Ares combo thread


112~mb f3, ji2, b23, 1~d4, ji2, b13 – 43%

w/out meter
112~d4, ji2, f23, b4 = 37%
112~d4, ji2, b23, 112~DE – 37%
112~d4, ji2, b23, 3d2 – 35%
112~d4, ji2, b23, f12 – 35%
112~d4, ji2, b23, d2~uu4(bu)4 – 35%
w/out sword
112~MBf3, ji2, b23, 112~DE – 40%
112~MBf3, ji2, b23, 3d2 – 38%
112~MBf3, ji2, f23~b4 – 41%

w/out sword or meter
112~Rising Axe, DE – 22%
112~DE – 18%

w/out meter
123~d4, DE – 19%
123, b1~d4, DE – 21%

w/out sword
123~mbf3, ji2, b13 – 28%
123~mbf3, f23~b4 – 30%
123~mbf3, ji2, b23, 112 – 31%

w/out meter or sword
123, b13 – 19%

w/out meter
22~d4, ji2, b23, 112~DE – 32%

w/out sword
22~mb f3, ji2, b23, 112~DE – 35%
22~mb f3, ji2 f23~b4 – 35%
22~mb f3, ji2, b23, 3d2 – 32%

w/out meter or sword
22~DE – 11%
223 – 11%

3d2~mb GS b3, j2, f23~d4, DE – 45%
33~mb GS, f3, f23~d4, DE – 38%
3d2~mb GS f3, f23~u4 – 37%

w/out meter
3,d4-ji1-b1,3 – 27%
3~d4, DE - 20%
3,d4-ji1-f23~DE – 30%
3,d4-ji1-f23~b4 – 32%
3d2~teleport, d1 ~ d4, dark energy – 27%
3d2~df3, 12~d4, df1 – 29%
3d2~df3, 12~d4, dash b13 – 32%
33~tele, d1~d4, fireball 25%
33~tele, d1~d4, ji3 24%
33~d4, DE 24%

w/out sword
3d2~mb GS b3, j2, f23~DE – 42%
3d2~mb GS f3, f23~b4 – 38%
3d2~tdc, 12~DE -22%
3d2~mb GS b3 ji2 b13 – 40%
33~mb GS, f3, f23~de – 36%

w/out meter or sword
33~GS 23%

w/out meter
b1~d4, ji2, b23, 112~DE – 31%
b1~d4, ji2 f23~b4 – 32%
b1~d4 ji2, b23, 3d2 – 29%

w/out sword
b1~mb f3, ji2, b23, 112~DE – 34%
b1~mb f3, ji2 f23~b4 – 35%
b1~mb f3 ji2, b23, 3d2 – 32%

w/out meter or sword
b13 – 13%
b1~DE -10%
b1~b4 – 13%

w/out meter
b2~d4, ji2, b23, 3d2 – 31%
b23, 2~d4, j2, f23, df1 - 32%
b2~d4, ji2, f23, b4 – 33%
b23, 22~d4, ji2, b13 – 30%
b23, 1, b23, 3~d4, DE – 31%
b23, 3d2~d4, DE – 30%

w/out sword

w/out meter or sword
b21~DE – 18%
b23, 3d2~DE -26%

w/out meter
w/out sword
w/out meter or sword
b3, ji2, f23, b4 – 32%
b3, ji2, b23, 3d2 – 30%

f3, j2, b23, 3~d4, DE – 34%
f3, j2, b23, d2~u4 – 29% (standing reset)
w/out sword
w/out meter or sword
f3, j2, b23, 3d2 – 30%
f3, j2, b23, d2~bu4 – 28% (hard knockdown)

d1~d4, ji2, f23~b4 – 30%
d1~d4, ji2, b23, 3d2 – 28%

mb GS, f3, b23, 22~d4, DE – 34%
w/out sword
mb GS, b3, j2, f23~b4 – 35%
mb GS, b3, ji2, b23, 3d2 – 35%
mb GS, f3, b23, 3d2 – 32%
mb GS, b3, j3, b23, 112~d4, DE - 42%

air to air 1/2
b23, 112~de


f23,f23,f23,112, super – 61%
f23,f23,f23,112 – 41%
f23, f23, f23~d4 ,b3, b13 - 50%
f23, f23, f23~d4, j2, 112 – 48%

3d2, f23, f23,112~DE – 45%
3d2, f23, f23,112~d4, f23 – 52%
3d2, f23, f23,112~d4, j2, 112 – 54%
3d2, f23, f23,112~d4, b3, b13 – 55% (puts them out of the corner)
3d2, f23, f23~ d4, f3, 112 – 49%
3d2, f23, f23, 112~d4, f23~super – 60%
3d2, f23, f23, 112~d4, b3, b13
33, f23, f23, 112~DE 45%

123, d2~d4, f23, 112~DarkEnergy – 27%
123, d2~d4, f23, 3d2 – 25%
123~d4, f23, 112~DarkEnergy – 30%
112~d4, j2, f23, f23, f12 -39%
112, d4, f23, f23, 112~DE - 45%

b21, 112~d4, 112~DE - 39%

d1~d4, f23, f23, 112~DE 36%

GS mb, f23, f23, 112~DE 40%

ji2, 3d2, f23, f23, 112~d4, b3, mb GS close 53% - f3, f23~b4 32%
ji2, 3d2, f23, f23, 112~d4, b3, mb GS mid 53% - f3, f23, 22(?) 40%
3d2, f23, f23, 112~d4, d3 -> mb gs~b3, j2, b23 -> mb gs

Hybrid Corner
ji2, 3d2~mb GS, b3, ji3, f23~d4, ji3,b13 – 54%
ji2, 3d2~df3, 112~d4, mb GS, 3d2 – 44%
ji2, 3d2~df3, 112~d4, mb GS, f23, de – 46%


3/D4-JI1-F2,3/Dark Energy (30%) does not work against:
Flash, Dick&Damian,Green Arrow, Cyborg, Catwoman, Killer Frost, Grundy, Bane, Doomsday, and Lex Luthor

This combo has flaws against anyone not a mid hitbox character, so you're resorted to do this instead:
Sadly, the bigs can avoid this too and for these characters there's no point trying to mix up against these characters when you can't do enough damage in the first place.
Thanks for pointing out that this is character specific. I couldn't figure out why it seemed inconsistent

D. R.

Anyone else finding Rising Axe to be utterly useless in combos and mix up? It prorates damage WAY too god damn much, hits inconsistently and is very unsafe. Example:

112 Rising Axe, Super = 31%
112 Super = 40%

Stupid to me personally. All it's good for is as a projectile, which he can be hit out of and it disappears. It can lead to standing resets, but he recovers way too slow to do anything off it productive. smh Hopefully this gets tweaked somehow. :mad:


Anyone else finding Rising Axe to be utterly useless in combos and mix up? It prorates damage WAY too god damn much, hits inconsistently and is very unsafe. Example:

112 Rising Axe, Super = 31%
112 Super = 40%

Stupid to me personally. All it's good for is as a projectile, which he can be hit out of and it disappears. It can lead to standing resets, but he recovers way too slow to do anything off it productive. smh Hopefully this gets tweaked somehow. :mad:
Overhead axe is a hard knockdown. I use it as a combo ender occasionally with some success. In the corner it can be used for a standing reset, but it leaves the opponent with frame advantage so I don't see much use for it.
Other than that though it and low axe are pretty useless. Too slow to be a viable mix up, and low axe is worthless as a launcher. Straight axe as a combo ender or naked projectile is probably the best use for axe.

Maybe it's good for converting off a d1 if you don't have sword

The Gabriel

Mean Man
I've been using rising axe to start combo vs. superman when he's in the air instead of going for j1 since there are no good air to air j1 combos yet and rising axe leads into b23 resets, etc.

D. R.

I've been using rising axe to start combo vs. superman when he's in the air instead of going for j1 since there are no good air to air j1 combos yet and rising axe leads into b23 resets, etc.
Nice. I've been messing with the Axe a lot more too now out of block strings, mainly downward axe. As the game evolves and all the first round dlc are released, which I hope would end the patches, I'll make a huge, all in one guide for Ares, similar to what I did with Noob, with everyone's contributed info, granted time. Note:

cant they escape that with a wakeup attack or meter burned interactable?
None of Joker's wake up attacks could beat it; don't know with everyone else. It hits meaty for sure.

If you're worried about it just meter-burn the interactable and your opponent will bow before you, so to speak.
Anyone else finding Rising Axe to be utterly useless in combos and mix up? It prorates damage WAY too god damn much, hits inconsistently and is very unsafe...
I haven't found too many uses for it either, yet. Here's a few though:
  • Rising Axe hits low. Ergo 3d2 and 3~dd4 is a true high/low mixup.
  • 33~dd4 sends the opponent way up in the air, giving Ares just enough time for a God Smack. I haven't tested this and worked out exactly how the mind games are most useful. It is damn effective online though.
  • Lastly, Rising Axe often puts Ares at frame disadvantage on hit and block. When the numbers add up properly, these supposedly disadvantageous scenarios can actually be designated setups, wherein the opponent tries to punish Ares and is met with face full of MB f3.
Looking forward to your guide man.


ok i been looking and i might be blind but is it ok for him not to have a bbmb in any of his combo starts?why the hell is that i mean i have not seen one while i was reading (unless i missed it dont think i did)so since we dont have that great option in the game we should have like ever one else i think we need a buff or they need to fix that yes i know about the crappy buff from the patch but this i think is stupid smh(if im wrong please let me know cause i would love to burn 2 bars some times for extra3,4,5 percent in the first round cause with out the reset ill have more to spend).


ok i been looking and i might be blind but is it ok for him not to have a bbmb in any of his combo starts?why the hell is that i mean i have not seen one while i was reading (unless i missed it dont think i did)so since we dont have that great option in the game we should have like ever one else i think we need a buff or they need to fix that yes i know about the crappy buff from the patch but this i think is stupid smh(if im wrong please let me know cause i would love to burn 2 bars some times for extra3,4,5 percent in the first round cause with out the reset ill have more to spend).

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
But there's a bunch of those? At least for f3. The range on the b3 makes it pretty useless, but the f3 works just as well
Yeah, i'm not doing that either. The range on his B3 is ass and it's not worth the trouble trying to land one outside of an EX God Smack followup.


my only point is that we cant if we wanted to but others can, that is a tool for all to use not some in this game exp messing up our reset that people good get out of already now making it more then 50/50 hell i dont know what to call it anymore now but they need to fix that no reset so give me bbmb plus it covers more ground in a combo then ffmb(ex after bbmb would be jia 2) i want them as close to corner as possible.more options more combos


I can't think of any situation where I would ever do one of those
I've used it before when I don't have sword and land a 112 after both of us have clashed. It's pretty rare though. It costs a lot

my only point is that we cant if we wanted to but others can, that is a tool for all to use not some in this game exp messing up our reset that people good get out of already now making it more then 50/50 hell i dont know what to call it anymore now but they need to fix that no reset so give me bbmb plus it covers more ground in a combo then ffmb(ex after bbmb would be jia 2) i want them as close to corner as possible.more options more combos
I don't know what to say about b3 cancels not working, but if you're looking to squeeze a little extra damage out of your combos for meter in any combo that ends with Dark Energy you can MB it for 3-5% more. It's also probably worth hitting the lab with Ares to see if you can find a way to use b3 cancels or get more damage. I feel like the character still has a lot of combo potential that people haven't squeezed out yet


I've used it before when I don't have sword and land a 112 after both of us have clashed. It's pretty rare though. It costs a lot

I don't know what to say about b3 cancels not working, but if you're looking to squeeze a little extra damage out of your combos for meter in any combo that ends with Dark Energy you can MB it for 3-5% more. It's also probably worth hitting the lab with Ares to see if you can find a way to use b3 cancels or get more damage. I feel like the character still has a lot of combo potential that people haven't squeezed out yet
lmao 22 does not link it smh why?thats the thing i went to the lab before this and you cant like 112 nope not going to work why does it have to be 11 for it to work. well i just wish they did not leave the buffs so lacking in this patch.and omg on batgirls tool belt of tricks you mean to tell me we got nerf for what.