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Guide Ares combo thread

The Gabriel

Mean Man
we need some interactable combos...

and better high damage combos in general...anyone tried to make the most damaging anywhere combo possible using bounce cancel? Like 65% or more?


In all the reset nerf discussion I've seen some people saying Ares has really good damage without the reset and gets stuff like 50% midscreen with one bar. I don't know any combos like that, even with a ji2 starter I only get like mid 40's. I'm kinda presuming those guys are mistaken(I think his damage is alright, but he relies a lot on trait and meter and has painfully low damage output if he doesn't have those), but I could be missing some combos that people are using. What's his best midscreen, 1 bar combo right now?
Anything better than 3d2~mb GS, b3, ji2 f23~d4, DE for 45%? And that uses trait and meter as well as relying on a slow and somewhat difficult to land starter and being a bit tight execution-wise.

we need some interactable combos...

and better high damage combos in general...anyone tried to make the most damaging anywhere combo possible using bounce cancel? Like 65% or more?
I agree about the interactable combos. I always see them there and wonder what damage potential I'm missing. Problem is they can be so situational, so I feel like I need to get my midscreen and corner BnB's fleshed out and down into muscle memory before it's worth it for me to spend a bunch of time in practice fiddling with interactables. If anybody else found some I'd learn them and be super greatful, but right now I've got so much other fundamental stuff to learn.

I've messed around bounce cancels. I think for Ares they might not have a lot of potential for extending combos. They're great for if you haven't got trait but land a string you need a good decent conversion off of, but they're slow enough that it's difficult to use them to extend a combo once you've starter the juggle. And unfortunately his other main launcher, d4, is similar in that it's good for starting the juggle but after that usually puts them out of range and ends the combo. So I think bounce cancels will mostly be used where you would normally ~d4 but don't have trait.
There's probably some applications for it somewhere or someway to get some pretty high damage, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's combo artist type stuff that's generally not practical.

First thing when I'm doing when I'm done with finals is hitting the lab and rounding out my Bnb's and general combo knowledge. I'll update my combo list soon and spear head an effort to get the community Ares knowledge up to date. In particular I feel like the corner combos in this thread aren't where they should be and I want to have a community discussion about Ares wake up game.
So I have been trying to get 22~D4 to come out and am having issues. It doesn't even seem like it works.

I can get it a couple times....timing is strange..


yeah, I tried to list all my combo's without the ji2 starter. You can add the ji2 to pretty much any combo for 2-3% more(I haven't experimented enough to see how that actually scales, but I presume that's a fairly universal thing) so I prefer to just list the base damage for the combo in most cases

So I have been trying to get 22~D4 to come out and am having issues. It doesn't even seem like it works.

I can get it a couple times....timing is strange..
What exactly is coming out? Straight sword or nothing or something else? I haven't noticed anything particularly difficult about that string, do you have problems with 112~d4 or d1~d4 or anything similar?

A few times when I've played online I've had trouble getting the d4 after 112, but I'm pretty it's always just me trying to hit-confirm and hitting the d~4 too late. If I had to guess I'd just say you need to hit it faster
So, i was playing with ares when i first picked up the game, but im mostly just casualy jumping from character to character now.... One thing i thought I had found that was nifty w ares (tht i havent realy seen anywhere on the forums) is 3 d2 dd2 (i believe thats the input, ending with god smack) What so awsome about it, is you can extend godsmack far forward, and ares just pushes them (mid air) accross the map and ends with godsmack landing as a hit..... Which makes me imagine he can get some awsome wall combos from far away from the wall if he meter burns..... annnnnnnd disscuss


So, i was playing with ares when i first picked up the game, but im mostly just casualy jumping from character to character now.... One thing i thought I had found that was nifty w ares (tht i havent realy seen anywhere on the forums) is 3 d2 dd2 (i believe thats the input, ending with god smack) What so awsome about it, is you can extend godsmack far forward, and ares just pushes them (mid air) accross the map and ends with godsmack landing as a hit..... Which makes me imagine he can get some awsome wall combos from far away from the wall if he meter burns..... annnnnnnd disscuss

That is actually a pretty nifty find. Besides the extra corner carry on hit, it also makes it a bit safer on block. I dunno if you can actually hitconfirm the godsmack(I can't do it reliably) but a far godsmack puts you full screen and should be quite a bit harder to punish so that's probably the one you'd want if you think they're gonna block and don't want to risk getting blown up.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
we need some interactable combos...
On Atlantis, I have a 1 bar 100% reset + interactable combo, requires corner though. And the reset is done off of d3 so it's going to be viable post patch.

[corner] ji2, 3d2, f23, f23, 112~d4, d3 -> MB Godsmack (reset), b3, ji2, f23~interactable = 102%

I actually only tested it on the right side with the tablet interactable, not the snow globe. The reset puts you in the corner so the b3 hits them towards midscreen, just an fyi. And you obviously have to time the d3 so it hits. Been working on d3 resets and found this combo. Also, the interactable is a reset as well, they can avoid it with a well timed invincible wake-up attack.

I have some d3 reset combos actually, but afraid to post them in fear of more nerfs, lol. (I'm serious).

The Gabriel

Mean Man
That is actually a pretty nifty find. Besides the extra corner carry on hit, it also makes it a bit safer on block. I dunno if you can actually hitconfirm the godsmack(I can't do it reliably) but a far godsmack puts you full screen and should be quite a bit harder to punish so that's probably the one you'd want if you think they're gonna block and don't want to risk getting blown up.
I dunno if you see them blocking but you already confirmed the god smack wouldnt the best course to be to switch it to close gs so you actually hit them anyway?


I dunno if you see them blocking but you already confirmed the god smack wouldnt the best course to be to switch it to close gs so you actually hit them anyway?
You can, but they're not jailed in. They can jump and blow you up really hard. If you're trying to minimize risk it's better to go fullscreen


On Atlantis, I have a 1 bar 100% reset + interactable combo, requires corner though. And the reset is done off of d3 so it's going to be viable post patch.

[corner] ji2, 3d2, f23, f23, 112~d4, d3 -> MB Godsmack (reset), b3, ji2, f23~interactable = 102%

I actually only tested it on the right side with the tablet interactable, not the snow globe. The reset puts you in the corner so the b3 hits them towards midscreen, just an fyi. And you obviously have to time the d3 so it hits. Been working on d3 resets and found this combo. Also, the interactable is a reset as well, they can avoid it with a well timed invincible wake-up attack.

I have some d3 reset combos actually, but afraid to post them in fear of more nerfs, lol. (I'm serious).
This is a really cool set up, but I'm curious how much of your damage comes from set ups like these and how much focus you put on finding these?

I use the reset when I can, and I'm stealing these huge damage set ups as you post them, but I feel like in the end these are sort of gimmicky and a few months down the road opponents who fall for these are going to be few and far between. It's easier for some characters than others of course, but if you've ever recorded these in training and tried them on yourself you know that they really are escapable if you know how. At the very highest level especially I just don't see these being viable. Can you imagine watching a stream, top 8 at a major, and seeing Detroitballn or Reo getting hit by one of these?
To be fair most of use aren't often or ever playing against opponents like that, but as time goes on it'll be more and more likely that any given opponent you face has at somepoint in his Injustice career gotten blow up by some bullshit Ares reset, dragged himself to practice mode, and cleared his salty tears with the realization that he can get out of the reset every time.

Not to criticize your playstyle or anything(please keep the set ups coming), I'm just curious about your thoughts on the matter and what kind of success you're having.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
This is a really cool set up, but I'm curious how much of your damage comes from set ups like these and how much focus you put on finding these?

I use the reset when I can, and I'm stealing these huge damage set ups as you post them, but I feel like in the end these are sort of gimmicky and a few months down the road opponents who fall for these are going to be few and far between. It's easier for some characters than others of course, but if you've ever recorded these in training and tried them on yourself you know that they really are escapable if you know how. At the very highest level especially I just don't see these being viable. Can you imagine watching a stream, top 8 at a major, and seeing Detroitballn or Reo getting hit by one of these?
To be fair most of use aren't often or ever playing against opponents like that, but as time goes on it'll be more and more likely that any given opponent you face has at somepoint in his Injustice career gotten blow up by some bullshit Ares reset, dragged himself to practice mode, and cleared his salty tears with the realization that he can get out of the reset every time.

Not to criticize your playstyle or anything(please keep the set ups coming), I'm just curious about your thoughts on the matter and what kind of success you're having.
I've played both Detroitballn and PerfectLegend along with THTB, Smarrgasm, and Arturo and I was doing these set-ups. But yeah, they're gimmicky, but no reset should ever be guaranteed, the advantage is good damage the risk is it's beatable with the right read/move.

The Gabriel

Mean Man
almost every escape for the reset has it's own counter either back into the reset or a block n punish. I know I'm not going to let Superman get out of the reset again.

what I worry about the d3 resets is that you can't land the mb gs nearly as early because they weren't popped up high, so dashing out may be easy for some characters...but since there's no back dash on wakeup option in training mode it's hard to test.


Is the original post of this thread updated with the best BnBs? I don't feel like going through 9 pages. Also did Ares' combo damage get nerfed? cuz someone posted a 39% overhead combo starter on the 1st page

If this hasn't been posted before, I came up with this:

b2,3, 2,d4, j2, F2,3, df1 (32%)


Dojo Trainee
Is the original post of this thread updated with the best BnBs? I don't feel like going through 9 pages. Also did Ares' combo damage get nerfed? cuz someone posted a 39% overhead combo starter on the 1st page

If this hasn't been posted before, I came up with this:

b2,3, 2,d4, j2, F2,3, df1 (32%)
b23 won't land very often so don't worry too much about that combo, here are the most optimal.

112x d4, j2, b23
from here there are several combo enders that you can do so do whichever you prefer; 112 special, 3d2 teleport, MB GS (this is his reset option), b13 for space

I'd say those are the most common but there may be a few more. You can also change the beginning of the combo from 112 to 22 which hits mid and has more range and is a pretty good string.

Other random combos
3d2x MB GS, b3, j2, b23

f23, f23, f23, 112 special

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
3/D4-JI1-F2,3/Dark Energy (30%) does not work against:
Flash, Dick&Damian,Green Arrow, Cyborg, Catwoman, Killer Frost, Grundy, Bane, Doomsday, and Lex Luthor

This combo has flaws against anyone not a mid hitbox character, so you're resorted to do this instead:
Sadly, the bigs can avoid this too and for these characters there's no point trying to mix up against these characters when you can't do enough damage in the first place.


b23 won't land very often so don't worry too much about that combo, here are the most optimal.

112x d4, j2, b23
from here there are several combo enders that you can do so do whichever you prefer; 112 special, 3d2 teleport, MB GS (this is his reset option), b13 for space

I'd say those are the most common but there may be a few more. You can also change the beginning of the combo from 112 to 22 which hits mid and has more range and is a pretty good string.

Other random combos
3d2x MB GS, b3, j2, b23

f23, f23, f23, 112 special
Ok thanks that got me started on learning his combos. Is there any reason to not end with f1,2 for a reset? It's untechable too so I was thinking:

112, d4, j2, b23, f12 MB GS (35%)

it adds i think 6% more damage. and if you do close GS then follow up with f3, j2, f12. Should do about the same damage as his b3 follow-up combo. If regular GS then it'll hit them from behind. This might be already known though.

EDIT: Okay I feel stupid. They can just jump back before the GS hits so nevermind. What combo do you do after the MB GS?


Dojo Trainee
Ok thanks that got me started on learning his combos. Is there any reason to not end with f1,2 for a reset? It's untechable too so I was thinking:

112, d4, j2, b23, f12 MB GS (35%)

it adds i think 6% more damage. and if you do close GS then follow up with f3, j2, f12. Should do about the same damage as his b3 follow-up combo. If regular GS then it'll hit them from behind. This might be already known though.

EDIT: Okay I feel stupid. They can just jump back before the GS hits so nevermind. What combo do you do after the MB GS?
Ya b23 gives the best chance for the reset because of how fast you recover but they'll be changing that soon so you can try ending combos in other untechable knockdowns like d3, f12, or just go for the b23 guessing game.

After MB GS I do b3, j2, b23, whichever combo ender you prefer.


Ok thanks that got me started on learning his combos. Is there any reason to not end with f1,2 for a reset? It's untechable too so I was thinking:

112, d4, j2, b23, f12 MB GS (35%)

it adds i think 6% more damage. and if you do close GS then follow up with f3, j2, f12. Should do about the same damage as his b3 follow-up combo. If regular GS then it'll hit them from behind. This might be already known though.

EDIT: Okay I feel stupid. They can just jump back before the GS hits so nevermind. What combo do you do after the MB GS?
Haha, I suggested the f12 ender a few pages back and people didn't say much about it then. I still think it's good and use it, but it's not as tight if the reset is all you're going for. They can jump out, but I like the spacing in certain match ups and you can blow people up if they don't know it's untechable and they try to tech roll or if they just don't react fast enough to jump. More of a way to just mix things up. It leaves them in jump in range so if you know they're going to jump you can ji2 and blow them up

On page 7 I've got a big list of combos, it's slightly out of date but I'll be updating it soon
When the mule updates his post can we get it posted in the OP so new Ares players don't have to sift through 6 pages of posts to find the combo list?


When the mule updates his post can we get it posted in the OP so new Ares players don't have to sift through 6 pages of posts to find the combo list?
I should have an updated list today.
I'm going to start posting it every time this thread hits a new page. It'll keep me motivated to update and revise the list regularly and that way anyone coming to thread can just jump to the last page to see what they need.
I have problems to put the "d4" consistently in the combo: d1~d4, ji2, b23, 3d2

and i can´t put the "b4" at all in the combo: 112, d4, ji2, f23, b4.

any advice??.



I have problems to put the "d4" consistently in the combo: d1~d4, ji2, b23, 3d2

and i can´t put the "b4" at all in the combo: 112, d4, ji2, f23, b4.

any advice??.

d1~d4 should be easy. Just hold down and hit 1 and then 4. If it's not coming out you're probably just not hitting 4 fast enough.

In the other combo, it's f23~b4 - the f23 cancels into the b4. So if the b4 is not coming out or not hitting you're probably just not hitting b4 fast enough. I would start holding back right after the f2(because directional inputs won't affect the 3) and then hit 4 as fast as you can after hitting 3.

Are you playing with release check off?