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Question The Buffs Bane Needs?


I like to play bad characters
Fully suppor the speed boost on Venom. On Venom you get one buff, off Venom you get 3 Debuffs. Does not really compute when you think about it. May be a way to make his normals as well as specials a little more viable to keep up while on it.


Fully suppor the speed boost on Venom. On Venom you get one buff, off Venom you get 3 Debuffs. Does not really compute when you think about it. May be a way to make his normals as well as specials a little more viable to keep up while on it.
What does three debuffs mean? I'm not sure I understand that.


I like to play bad characters
What does three debuffs mean? I'm not sure I understand that.
On Venom you only get a damage buff. Off of it you're debuffed with damage taken, reduced speed, and deal less damage. Basically you have 1 advantage on trait, 3 disadvantages off of it.

my bad I didn't factor in armor as a trait benefit. So it's 2 vs. 1. But still it's not like he's the only player with armor out there.


On Venom you only get a damage buff. Off of it you're debuffed with damage taken, reduced speed, and deal less damage. Basically you have 1 advantage on trait, 3 disadvantages off of it.
Oh, you meant as it is now. XD Silly me.

I have to disgree with only 1 buff though. As much as he does need Venom tweaked, he has some decent stuff, at least on paper.
-Increased damage, which is a given.
-Armor on specials
-Ability to break armor off of level 3

His armor kind of sucks vs a lot of things being almost everyone has a multi-hitting move. At least when trying to get in. It's a lot better when able to pressure but the debuff is ridiculous despite practically 21 seconds of pressure. Venom needs to be more useful and let him actually have a way in that he has to work for, instead of getting lucky off their fuck-ups.


I like to play bad characters
Yes as it is now. Also lol I was editing my post while you where composing yours because I forgot about the armor.
Reactions: RYX


Maybe give his other normals a big more speed or priority? Going up against a nightwing in staff stance is the must frustrating experience as bane, because every normal i try to put out loses to everything in staff stance


I'd like Bane to be able to cancel his headbutt dash kinda like how Flash can do with his charge up dash move. This way it's not so obvious to block or "super counter" during his charge. so he can then stop his dash then block or counter/bait the enemy from doing something.


Dojo Trainee
Maybe give his other normals a big more speed or priority? Going up against a nightwing in staff stance is the must frustrating experience as bane, because every normal i try to put out loses to everything in staff stance
Don't use normals.

I'm convinced normals other than d1 are basically just to let him do combos.


Getting better with age

The buff he deserves but will never get

I'm making an alternate account to use nothing but Deathstroke just to get my frustrations out.
The hardest part is when you're playing good players that still play across the screen, because there's little to nothing you can do about it. At least the ranked scrubs don't know any better.
Zangief never had it this bad.


-the damage taken debuff of his trait cooldown has to go, no questions asked
-imo the speed debuff of his trait cooldown also has to go, except they give him a speed buff on venom, than i would be fine with the debuff. he already has the crippled damage debuff on top of the cooldown, there is no need to cripple his speed and take more damage.
-imo his charge should have 3 armor (without venom) like grundys corpse walk has and you should also be able to cancle his charge
-maybe buff his overall speed and damage, nerf venom damage, if this is to much, but i dont understand why bane has shitty normals and specials and only beeing half way viable with venom and then getting fucked on cooldown
Good news, Tom Brady/REO just released a tier list and Bane is at the very bottom ("D" rank):


You might be asking yourself, how is that good news? Well the answer is, TB is a tester and consultant for Injustice. That means that at least someone with the ear of the NetherRealms staff is aware that Bane is having trouble and hopefully this means that they'll look into improving him!

Deleted member 5032

1. A bigger hitbox on his anti-air throw. Right now your opponent basically has to be hitting you with a jumping attack for it to connect. A lot of character's jump arcs also make then very hard to hit. If Batman or Joker try to jump at the beginning of a match and I start the match with anti-air throw, that shit should not whiff. For a move that can't be meter-burned or combo'd out of, it should either do more damage or affect a much larger area.

2. Venom is how he gets his good damage, but you know what? Superman's trait is 10 times more effective and doesn't come with that dumb-ass cooldown nerf. If Bane has to suffer a cooldown nerf, then either all levels of his Venom boost should have armor-breaking properties, or his Level 1 Venom should have a bigger damage boost than Superman's trait. I watch Superman get 60% combos left and right off his broken-ass f23, yet Bane has issues breaking 35% with the exception of crazy setups that are not likely to occur in an actual match. If he wants to break through that 30%-40% barrier, he's got to go level 3, which is followed by way too severe of a nerf.

3. The cooldown nerf is kind of a cool idea that promotes intelligent trait use and encourages smart gameplay. However, the current nerf is waaaaaaaay too severe for the benefits and length of the Venom boost. I think he should only suffer a minor damage reduction, and should not suffer any movement or health nerfs.

4. He needs faster normals. For a character who's designed purely for up-close confrontation, he simply can't hold his own against characters with 6 and 7-frame normals. His d1 is awesome, but it's 11 frames. His 1 is pretty fast (9 frames, I believe?) but not fast enough, and it can be crouched. He also needs further-reaching normals. This guy is supposed to be a close-combat murder machine, but I feel like he's got little t-rex arms.

5. His forward dash is booty. For a character who's already going to have issues dealing with heavy zoning, why would they give him such a poor forward dash?

6. Does anyone use Venom Uppercut? Is there any value to this move whatsoever? It whiff from combos, it's super punishible, MB knocks your opponent full screen; it's like some sort of horrible joke...


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
venom uppercut is great for foolproof anti air when venom is up, personally i have no issues with the anti air grab.

IMO the buffs that would make Bane decent.

1. No negative effects when Venom has worn out.

2. standing 2 decreased to 7 frames .

3. d1 decreased to 8 frames.

4. MB command grab offering EX walking corpse amount of grounded frames on your opponent.

5. Change MB command grab to still let Bane change direction of opponent if the grab ends the round.

6. Make raging charge cancellable.

7. small damage increase on venomless combos, but have this scale accordingly the more venom used .


8. Double punches -2 instead of -5


Dojo Trainee
I don't think you can give him no debuff on venom and a bunch else. Do people realize how crazy 18 seconds of venom will be with no penalty afterwards? Charge cancel and change venom is all we should hope for.


Curious if anybody thinks Bane should have faster normals across the board(lows, f.2(down), etc)

If not Venom might have an effect to make it faster?


I don't think you can give him no debuff on venom and a bunch else. Do people realize how crazy 18 seconds of venom will be with no penalty afterwards? Charge cancel and change venom is all we should hope for.
They can adjust the timing.

Even then this isn't unfair. Nobody suffers the way Bane suffers in this game. I can take having an longer cool down period though.


Dojo Trainee
You guys need to come back to reality. I think he's built totally around Venom and his normals don't even matter. Seriously, when Venom is up, the game changes.

He shouldn't suffer so badly, but giving him all this stuff on top of changing Venom and he will be stupid good.


You guys need to come back to reality. I think he's built totally around Venom and his normals don't even matter. Seriously, when Venom is up, the game changes.

He shouldn't suffer so badly, but giving him all this stuff on top of changing Venom and he will be stupid good.
Venom changes the game when he gets in(sort of), but how often does this happen vs anyone who isn't careless? He has no way around zoning unlike other characters who are built for pressure. Venom does not make bad match ups any less bad and risk reward is skewed in the majority of situations.

That's the point of the whole game; everyone is supposed to be stupid good. Not some characters absolutely fucking ridiculous and then some others just being shit. Bane needs dirt; Venom should be his dirt.


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
You guys need to come back to reality. I think he's built totally around Venom and his normals don't even matter. Seriously, when Venom is up, the game changes.

He shouldn't suffer so badly, but giving him all this stuff on top of changing Venom and he will be stupid good.
explain please.


Dojo Trainee
If he could cancel charge and we get changes to venom, I don't think he'd have a problem getting in. He'd be broken against any of the cast that can't keep him out really well if you give him all this stuff.