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Question The Buffs Bane Needs?


I like to play bad characters
I love this Venom toggle Idea, but as RYX said the health loss this is a poor idea. But something needs to be done besides the system we have now. When Superman with everything he can do has better armor options there is a problem!


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Just played a few matches against a Deathstroke and Aquaman that zoned me out line no-one's business. Bane is going to need at least the charge cancel.


Vertebral Subluxationist
My list of changes:

1) Standing 1 hits mid instead of high
2) Better hitbox on break the bat
3) Venom upper or ring toss needs invincibility on wakeup. Bane is free unless he has venom to armor through stuff.
4) Charge cancel (maybe only into light attacks or backdash?)
5) Venom should 1 level instead of 3. Should have the damage buff of lvl 2, the projectile invincibility of lvl 3 and the duration/cooldown of lvl 1 (maybe just a second longer). No damage recieved or speed debuff, only damage.
6) Slightly more damage on double punch
7) Body press should ignore invincibility frames on wakeup. If it's active while the opponent is in startup, they should get scooped. There are more than enough options for the opponent to beat body press on wakup, an invincible attack that beats it and almost every other option is just too much.


Getting better with age
Remove Venom Withdrawl speed and damage taken debuff and call it a day?
Make him hit like shit during the cooldown duration, but there's no need to make him take
87% anywhere on the screen for dashing against supes, all while losing the ability to hit his bnbs reliably from slowdown.

Venom keeps his damage in line with the other "top tiers" if you take in consideration their mobility. Black Adam hits 53% for a bar and gets in easier than breaking in to canadian prison
Supes only has to get in if he feels like it, and even then its a breeze.
Bane already has hell getting in (no ex-floor hands, no tracking bellyflop of doom) why punish the guy for what keeps him in the game?


Venom Addict/Space Pope

Give Bane one of these as a command grab. Something where he can just turn the match around after being at huge disadvantage. Like "spent all meter and venom in first round and now have half of second life bar against 2 full bars" disadvantage, lmao.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Dear lord so much discussion.

Venom upper MB lets him to something like his j.3, low combo potential but enough to land SOMETHING
Double punch needs to MB into just a regular hard knockdown close up, like a sweep.
Level 2 venom gives him 2 hits of armor
A small damage boost (nothing big, Bane isn't a combo character) overall. We already get ~40% for one bar at level 1 venom, and we get ~85% for 2 at level 3 venom. As I've said, he isn't made to be played without venom so total venom independence would go against the character.
23 frame charge I've admitted to wanting, breaking armor is eh. I feel that's still best left to 3.
As far as the damage debuff and whatnot goes, I'll abstain on the matter simply because I usually manage my venom well enough that it doesn't bother me.
I like f.2, its chargable and gives us a parry at level 3, so I mean we can dash cancel it
Anti-air grab benefits from armor, maybe slightly tweaked advantage on it.
Double Punch does slightly boosted damage, maybe a 3-5% increase overall to every level.

Maybe make his grab leave them closer (normal grab)
Cancelling the charge would be a bit too hefty imo, maybe just make him run faster coupled with the lower start-up. The charge leaves us + on block as it is, giving it a cancel would basically be inescapable pressure.

Make our super work like its supposed to. I'm happy it eats through Lex Luthor's shield and still does full damage, but it just trades far too often.
Fix the jump, make it not floaty like we took in way too much helium.

And I can't think of any others.

King Roosta

The Duke of the Donk
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but I've been saying this for a while. Venom either needs to stop draining between matches or just reset altogether. Most Bane players have to start both round 2 and 3 at a huge disadvantage whether they won or lost the previous round. I brought this to the attention of Paulo and he said,


Ok he didn't really say that, but what he did say was something like, "do a better job managing your ^$&% and don't spend all three venoms just to win round one." Which I think is redic, because no other character gets punished for using their traits to win a round.


I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but I've been saying this for a while. Venom either needs to stop draining between matches or just reset altogether. Most Bane players have to start both round 2 and 3 at a huge disadvantage whether they won or lost the previous round. I brought this to the attention of Paulo and he said

Ok he didn't really say that, but what he did say was something like, "do a better job managing your ^$&% and don't spend all three venoms just to win round one." Which I think is redic, because no other character gets punished for using their traits to win a round.
I would be fine with being "punished" for using trait if Bane was more rounded as a character. Other characters can sit back and turtle while trait comes back(even if they don't need to it's there) where Bane has nothing to discourage anyone from doing a thing, be it rushing or zoning due to decreased damage and the speed loss making it impossible to navigate pretty much any zoning game.

Really, it seems like there shouldn't be a penalty for it or at least very minor ones at level 3. I think having it be one level of Venom would have made him more solid but the stacking is its own novelty(though implemented kind of poorly.)

The Slaj Jazz

TIckle my sweet salty nips

Give Bane one of these as a command grab. Something where he can just turn the match around after being at huge disadvantage. Like "spent all meter and venom in first round and now have half of second life bar against 2 full bars" disadvantage, lmao.
Lol that would be lovely XD


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Agreeing with RYX with this one. That's why I feel like Venom should be toggle-able with benefits and disadvantages of each one that make it viable to go into either toggle for different occasions. I think we can all agree, if Bane gets nothing else, Venom needs to be looked at seriously.
Reactions: RYX


Agreeing with RYX with this one. That's why I feel like Venom should be toggle-able with benefits and disadvantages of each one that make it viable to go into either toggle for different occasions. I think we can all agree, if Bane gets nothing else, Venom needs to be looked at seriously.
I think it needs to be looked at regardless, unless he gets something else that he really needs.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
I think it needs to be looked at regardless, unless he gets something else that he really needs.
Sorry, wording was misleading. I meant to say that if Bane were to get nothing else, the Venom rework/change/buff, is needed regardless.
Reactions: RYX


Sorry, wording was misleading. I meant to say that if Bane were to get nothing else, the Venom rework/change/buff, is needed regardless.
Yes, definitely. How they let this in when nobody else has such a problem(and are better in general) is a mystery.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
My guess? Bane was one of the first characters made. It seemed good at the time. Then as other characters were made the traits and stuff got better and better and Bane was never looked at again ;_;


Most likely ;_; I would have been happy to wait for Bane as DLC. They might have put much more into him as a character.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Well, now they have the chance to do it right this time. Let's get Bane competitive! \(^O^)/


Or a grab that is actually good. :confused:

Give Bane grab mix-up. High/Mid grab that can be ducked. Low grab that can be avoided by standing...

Oh wait, then he'll be bad like SHAZAM!
Should have made his AA throws into actual separate command grabs(Just one AA grab, make his others into different throws). I like the one where he just drops on the ground and slams you on his boots. That's some sick shit.

I would have liked if he was based on hard knockdowns(and he kind of is but he doesn't really have much), and had a bunch of throws with actual combos for raw damage, throws for unclashable damage, etc. Give him an OTG throw and one that's for increasing combo length/damage, etc.

Oh well. Maybe in the sequel. :joker:

EDIT: His d.1 should be a teeeeeeensy bit faster. 9, maybe 8 frames? :3