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Question The Buffs Bane Needs?


I think Venom should pause during round win/loss animations. I hate winning with Venom only to watch that shit sink down and then be gimped for the first seconds of the next round.


Where is crossplay?
There has to be some debuff to venom though. If it had no debuffs at all... yea, it's retarded. Even though I have little fighting game experience, I can tell you that shit would be broken.
Not really, there is already a cooldown of when you can use it PLUS you do almost no damage PLUS you take damage like Kim Kardashian takes dick, so hell no. I would be ok w/the cooldown and the doing little damage part, but the extra eating more damage is just stupid I'm sorry. No other char suffers like that
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I like to play bad characters
There has to be some debuff to venom though. If it had no debuffs at all... yea, it's retarded. Even though I have little fighting game experience, I can tell you that shit would be broken.
I'm in the camp of remove or severely reduce the damage taken aspect. I think reduced speed and damage is good enough. Have you ever done a Super on lvl 3 cooldown in the lab just to see what it does? I have and while I don't remember what it was it was a joke.


Dojo Trainee
Guys, guys. I was just saying there has to be something.

I totally am in the same boat. Remove the damage taken debuff and leave the speed/damage output debuffs.
Reactions: RYX


Dojo Trainee
I'm in the camp of remove or severely reduce the damage taken aspect. I think reduced speed and damage is good enough. Have you ever done a Super on lvl 3 cooldown in the lab just to see what it does? I have and while I don't remember what it was it was a joke.
Yes, it does 11% lol

The worst is when you mistimed the Venom lvl 3 and you try to hit b23 combo into super and Venom runs out just as you catch them...


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
In general traits need to be fixed with clash/transition/supers

People who swap weapons don't retain it and worst of all, Sinestro and Bane lose their traits. That hurts.


Dojo Trainee
In general traits need to be fixed with clash/transition/supers

People who swap weapons don't retain it and worst of all, Sinestro and Bane lose their traits. That hurts.
I could absolutely live with the clash/transition/super thing staying as it is if they changed the damage taken crap.


Here are my proposed changes to bane after reading this thread
-Bane can now choose where to throw his opponent towards the end of his super
-Bane's special moves gain additional properies based on his level of venom
-At level 1 venom: Raging Charge is now cancellable.
-At level 2 venom: Ring Slam now ground bounces for additional combo follow-ups.
-At level 3 venom: Double Punch MB ground bounces and Venom Uppercut MB now wall bounces.
These bonuses would be cumulative. No changes to the downside of venom. But these changes allow him to do bane-like damage when he as venom. I feel like when Bane has level 3 venom he should be bar none the scariest character in the game if he gets a hit on you. Right now it isn't so. Feel free to add suggestions or changes.


Fish can hear you thinkin just before you sneeze
free body splash after command throw would be sweet. maybe a bit too strong?
really liking the suggestions especially faster standing 1 and 2. and more damage on double punch :D

id like his ex moves to grant him better mixups after the knockdown. in the meantime lvl 3 venom super finishers all round!


Where is crossplay?
Guys, guys. I was just saying there has to be something.

I totally am in the same boat. Remove the damage taken debuff and leave the speed/damage output debuffs.
We're mostly agreeing w/you no worries. I think most of us are just hitting the quote button and spewing out ideas


At least they portray him as Latino.

But, in all honesty, I think we should mainly focus on the charge and Venom properties.
It's nice that they made him Latino but as a Spanish speaker I gotta say his accent is poo. I've never read the comics or anything but he sounds like a person who learned Spanish as a second language. Also, there's a bunch of grammar mistakes in his quotes.

On topic though, I agree with you and most everyone that his Venom is a very important part of his game that needs work. The damage taken increasing in particular makes going into lvl. 3 and maybe even 2 almost suicidal.

Hey guys, great stuff. This topic finally got me to register an account.

Before I get started, I want to thank Ryx, DoomBawkz, and the rest of the Santa Prisca Crew for their great tech and their encouragement on this forum. Bane may not be as good as I hoped but you guys are the best.

Now, I'm by no means a tournament level Bane player but I'd like to think that I'm ok and capable of noticing flaws in his gameplan. So here's what I've noticed. The first two are the most important IMO, the others are just brain droppings:

Raging Charge - this HAS to be cancelleable. It has bad startup, cannot be cancelled, and can be fully and completely punished. One of those properties HAS to go, because I just described a subpar move that only works because your opponent hasn't figured it out.

Venom - Bane's trait is not working beyond level 1. Here's a thought experiment for you: if every character had a dedicated button that gave them a level 3 venom effect, how often would you see it used? Answer: almost never, except for in guaranteed combos that could finish off their opponent, because Level 3 Venom is waaaaay too much risk for not enough reward and is only useful as a Hail Mary or for making super-sweet YouTube combo videos.

So here's a couple of thoughts on Venom:

1) Keep the cooldown penalties to damage and movement the same, but the cooldown period is now based on how long, in total, you were under the influence of Venom. So if you go Level 1 for 7 seconds, Level 2 for 6 seconds, and Level 3 for 6 seconds, your cooldown will be much higher then someone who goes directly to Level 3 for 6 seconds. Also, holding the trait button down would cancel Venom, and this could be done during round changes. This change would mean that Bane would actually be able to use his Venom tactically and not eat a big penalty for nothing. I feel like this level of control and APPROPRIATE risk vs. reward for Venom usage fixes a lot of problems with Bane.

2) If #1 isn't feasible, at least make small edits. Level 3 should add armor-breaking to all moves and should last for one second longer. Eliminate or massively lessen the "damage taken" penalty for all levels of Venom. It's still horrible to hit with a monster combo and do 12% damage, but at least you don't literally lose a bar of life off one combo by your opponent.

Other thoughts, these probably couldn't/wouldn't happen:

Venom Uppercut/Double Punch - I'm not sure what the thinking was on having two moves that, when you burn meter, add piddling damage and knock the opponent away by over half a screen. This is not what Bane wants. Yes, the wall-carry part is nice, but the spacing and lack of follow up - on two different specials no less - is silly. Keep Venom Uppercut in it's current form, change Double Punch so that, when meter-burned, it does additional damage and knock the opponent a much shorter distance so that follow ups become easier.

Ring Toss - Awesome, another move that 3/4ths of the time sends the opponent over a half-screen away! Add a meter burn property that causes ground bounce instead. At least do something interesting with this move - Venom Uppercut does fine duty as an anti-air already, so make this move shine.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!


Pretty good ideas, this is what i thought go with as an alternative to what i proposed, i believe either one of our ideas is bane's best bet, although i could be wrong. I feel the point of venom is for there to be a huge risk involved, but i feel that the reward isn't enough. If you go into level 3 venom you should be the scariest character in the game, for only a few seconds.


I like to play bad characters
Here are my proposed changes to bane after reading this thread
-Bane can now choose where to throw his opponent towards the end of his super
-Bane's special moves gain additional properies based on his level of venom
-At level 1 venom: Raging Charge is now cancellable.
-At level 2 venom: Ring Slam now ground bounces for additional combo follow-ups.
-At level 3 venom: Double Punch MB ground bounces and Venom Uppercut MB now wall bounces.
These bonuses would be cumulative. No changes to the downside of venom. But these changes allow him to do bane-like damage when he as venom. I feel like when Bane has level 3 venom he should be bar none the scariest character in the game if he gets a hit on you. Right now it isn't so. Feel free to add suggestions or changes.
I was advocating for some kind of MB bounce move. I don't think it should be by the venom level, we should just have one. That would be quite confusing for everyone if it was by level. But I do like your train of thought on doing "Bane like Damage." However I think we all know that the cooldown is pretty bogus compared to the rest of the cast.

I'm all for the Venom speed boost. I just got done with an hour or so on-line and his speed combined with lag makes it so easy for fast characters to just rush you down sometimes. IDK maybe I just had a bad night.

Also I want to give a shout out to you guys who signed up just because you where perusing this thread. There is quite the fountain of knowledge here, signing up is just scratching the surface.


-Forward 2 should be replaced with the overhead while the original move is taken out entirely(not likely possible). becomes -5 on block.
-112 becomes -6

-Venom does not induce an increased damage taken. Speed loss and damage output loss remain the same.
-I think Bane should have a slightly faster walk cycle. Moves very sluggishly and I feel the dashes recover too slow to compensate against characters with fast projectiles.

Updated with these added. Few things removed. Would you guys mind saying what you agree with right now and what should be changed?


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
I think Bane has 2 things that need to fixed.
1) Charge
Charge starts up or moves faster so it can catch back dashers more effectively.
Charge even or positive on block to punish opponents for not dodging it.
*** I don't really care too much about the canceling

2) Venom
Level 2 Venom should have projectile invincibility (down from level 3)
Something has to be done to reduce cooldown penalties, especially with level 3 venom.
***I'm fine with any reduction in penalty, especially if it is skewed towards level 3 venom.

My personal wish is to have his air throw deal EQUAL OR MORE damage than body press. Let players choose whether they want the positioning of Body Press, the damage of the Air throw Variants, or the momentum of the double punch in combos. Right now, all variants of his air throw are pretty useless given the horrible positioning and recovery it puts him in.

Increased damage on his Super is also something I want. That thing is pretty hard to land relative to other supers in the game, and the damage is just pitiful compared to the rest of the cast.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Purdy good list so far guys. A few things I think would really help (some are restated):

1. Charge cancel (hue :confused:)

2. Give AA invincibility during the 9f start-up and allow him to choose which way to throw. Often times I end a combo or get a good read on a jumping opponent hoping to get the forward slam, and I toss him to East Bumblefuck and have to chase him down again.

3.Make Bane MB actually useful? Maybe? Please?

4. Venom - The Big One (Bit long winded on this one...)
Remove the levels. Now I know what you're all thinking. "Eyyo, G! You crazy man...Why have Venom at all then?" Well, I'll tell you holmes. Make it...ready?...Toggleable!
Un-toggled: Same old Bane, bit less damage (you'll understand why in a second)
Toggled: Bane gets 2 hits of armor during every special, one hit during his command normals (eg. F2/F2D, etc.), POSSIBLY one hit during forward dash to eat shit. Does more damage along the lines of level 2 Venom, moves a bit faster, specials get bonus properties (eg. MB DP ground bounces for combo, VU floats for longer.)

Now I'm not one to just make a character too strong. There are downsides. Bane takes more damage while Venom is toggled. Like constant level 1 defense debuff. Also, stay toggled for too long and Bane starts to lose health over time, slowly. Maybe put a meter next to/under his trait that slowly fills and empties when toggled on and off. When full, Bane will take constant damage over time until toggled off, which will then continue for a few more seconds as the bar empties. Too much Venom is a bad thing, eh?

Now this is just a theory crafting perspective. I'm a thinker. I like to imagine possibilities. If this idea seems too over the top let me know what can be done to fix it, or if would have to be scrapped all together. Overall, I think points 1-3 are good regardless. Venom needs some looking at.


I think the thread is really hitting it on the head with reduced venom penalties. Superman can do obscene damage, while breaking armor, with the use of his trait and one bar of meter--no downsides. Meanwhile, we have to seriously pump up the venom in order just do solid combo damage, but level 3 venom is practically a death sentence. Things I'd like to see:

-reduced venom penalties (no increased damage taken would be good enough)
-venom shouldn't drain between rounds
-more damage on double punch
-F2D should have less startup, and possibly just slightly less startup on his lows (this would give him more legit mix-ups on connected d1 or b1)
-F2 should be less punishable on block, so it can be used as a proper footsie tool
-all of his MB specials end with terrible positioning, which should be addressed
-address the fact that all AA grab variants give you either terrible positioning or advantage, or both
-2 hits of armor on level 2/3 venom
-less startup on charge

Basically, I agree with most of the OP.


I like the toggle idea but I also like the stacking idea. ;___; I do not like the health loss, though, that seems frustrating because now I gotta watch more when that bar's filling up while playing the game. It works great on paper but it can get frustrating in practice. I'm also glad I have another theory crafter around.

I think being able to hold Venom down to cancel would be good. You get just a moment of debuff but the cooldown is shorter so you can go into Venom quicker. I think it should have a short timer to it so you can't just do it last-second and reduce your negatives while reaping the benefits but this could work.


Dojo Trainee
I think you're throwing out ideas that not only would never happen but are complete changes that couldn't be done.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
I like the toggle idea but I also like the stacking idea. ;___; I do not like the health loss, though, that seems frustrating because now I gotta watch more when that bar's filling up while playing the game. It works great on paper but it can get frustrating in practice. I'm also glad I have another theory crafter around.

I think being able to hold Venom down to cancel would be good. You get just a moment of debuff but the cooldown is shorter so you can go into Venom quicker. I think it should have a short timer to it so you can't just do it last-second and reduce your negatives while reaping the benefits but this could work.
I see where you're coming from. Could be tedious watching the bar and may actually hurt more than it helps. I think I'm missing the concept of Venom cancelling. Why would you want to cancel venom? Bad positioning so you don't waste the debuff I guess now that I think about it. Anyway, another Venom idea I just remembered, I thought of yesterday.

Keep the levels, but keep the toggle. "WAAAAAAAAAHEHAH?!" Might've been your reaction just now. Let me explain. Similar to how other characters can press a direction and trait to activate various forms of their trait, so should Bane. Standard trait increases Venom. Down+Trait decreases Venom. I say reduce the bonuses on each level, reduce the penalties. Being able to toggle between different levels of venom should open new options and combo paths. Like level 3 venom would give a shit ton of armor but you move slow and take hits like a beetch. Level one armor increases your speed and gives increased defense, while reducing damage a bit. Different levels could also open up different properties on specials.

Reactions: RYX


Reduce the scaling of mb back-breaker in combos, it only adds like 2%.
Maybe allow corner combos with either double punch/venom uppercut or their meter burn versions since all they do is add slight damage.
All that other jazz that's already been mentioned
Give him a "Now, you have my permission to die" clash quote