With all due respect, I do think you misunderstand me a bit here, I'm not bragging merely pointing out that while that's true... you also can't go around saying "this guy sucks or is below average" yet you lost to that particular player/character....or assuming one can automatically beat another guy who he's never seen...it makes one sound like a hypocrite, I'm sorry you feel that way concerning "respect" but all I know is nobody should underestimate ANYONE they've never played especially regardless of online/offline...to assume someone can beat someone else they've yet to play is arrogant and very egotistical to say the least. And that's total lack of respect for your opponent....I am not a trash talker, but if someone comes hard at me I will stand up to them.
Some people assume I never or don't play offline, that is incorrect. I'm just newer to this tournaments offline gig but then again so are majority on this site....those who join here every day looking for comp near them. Ok that's great that you live near people you can play offline, have you been to various tournaments or any at all? While I've not been to any "huge" event yet, I have been to two offline tournaments, both of which I won(not bragging, just stating) it's not like I don't know what I'm talking about concerning characters I've been using since day one....
I live in the smallest borough in NYC, but fortunately I have friends to play with offline but just found out there's this one guy who is very good with Cage who I MET from xbox live and TYM, so if nothing else without online internet in general, you must realize all of this wouldn't even be possible. I don't support judging everything on online but it does have it's perks with meeting and/or recommending others.
Well the door swings both ways. I'm not even saying REO is right either, or even Sequel for making posts about you only playing online with your findings. But that stuff happens due to how the conversation was going anyway, where you mentioned beating Bone online in a bad netcode game, when it doesn't even matter.
If someone comes at you hard, by all means, stand up for yourself. Just be careful what you say, cause some players have something over you, and that's offline experience against some of the best players in the game at the moment, or being one of the best themselves. For them to invalidate your opinion is lame, but just call them out on it or prove what they're saying wrong, instead of falling into the trap and burying yourself on accident.
I used to live on the east coast. I'm not new to tournaments. I have physically been to various tournaments for various fighting games since 2002. To include majors, and regionals. For the given games I would play, I earned my respect from everyone I've played against. And have always done well for myself, even with my infrequency of playing time. I've also made plenty of friends over the years from many different communities, and they know who they are. Over time, the military and combat deployments, got in the way, so real life took and continues to take over for me playing these games at such a serious level, even though I was competitive(so a good portion of my playing has come from playing online, but I don't correlate it to offline - and I play offline when the opportunity presents itself). Not to mention that I don't think very highly of many of the fighting game communities because some people online(forums especially) and some people I've met and seen over the years lack tact or are socially inept(i.e. dudes like Dark Prince, and as of recent although this one is just from stream view so take this with a grain of salt -> people like Noel Brown). And I also happen to only major in one game these days, a game that the majority of u.s. doesn't play or knows anything about, which would be... Virtua Fighter.
Shoutouts to VFDC btw, for being the most welcoming community I've ever been a part of. Not that MK is bad, cause it's not, everyone I've met in this game so far have been great and hospitable, respect to R.E.L. for having me over.
So I mean, all I'm saying is keep defending your stance that's fine. But be careful with some of the things you say or use as your point, that's all.
And lastly I agree, online for these games are a necessity because it brings in the players. Unfortunately it can also bring in the mindset of bad habits formed from playing the games online ONLY, and that's when it's an issue. And I also think that everyone just thought you only played online, and we all know how bad the new MK's online netcode is.