You will BOW to me!
Actually it would be better not to mention online at allpeople have been doing the reset for so long now. just because something isn't posted here doesn't mean people do not do it.
i've been using it since like week one and was probably the first person to even post that here. also i see a lot of people whiffing teleport after a combo now and i posted that so long ago and no one else did, but it didn't mean no one else knew about it.
what you can also do during a combo, is end it with this for a little more damage.
jk, teleport punch, dash,31 ,f4
I also hate reading about ermac stuff or people saying i do not see ermacs doing this when all they do is play online.
everything you want to ever post or consider posting, if it involves online please do not post before it has been tested offline.

Btw jumping kick tele 31 and then f4 ?