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Question If Kabal was nerfed, do you think the game would be less scrubby?


Theres a difference between nerfing characters and crippling them, you're trying to cripple them. And like it or not people, no matter how much you nerf the top characters in a game there will always be a top tier. Nerfing one character just makes room for the next one.
Again !!!! The question isn't about making the game PERFECTLY balanced because it is impossible. However, the purpose of this is to make it as balanced as possible.

3-4 characters are way too strong. I'm talking about them. Those who makes a too big hole between top and lower characters.

If you prefer and as said 4everking : we need 100% char of the game with +5 bad/even matchups.

Balance patch is for balance, listening you kunglao would still have safe spin and shit like that...

If tomorrow, the top S of the game will disepear (just imagin the game without kabal, KL, cyrax, it would be 100% fine to me), I don't see a reason to complain because freddy or smoke or jax will be the new "top tier". They all have bad matchup to play against ;)

No, there is going to be a certain amount of scrub no matter what. And if anything, kabal helps us all level up.​
Not sure if Kabal helps sheeva players to level up (he will mostly help to defenitly change character lol). However, reptile (A tier) possibly can.​
That's what I'm talking about. Most of people saying "kabal make me stronger blabla" actually play at least 1 top char lol.​


This is how I feel about it. In the old street fighter 2, the version with Akuma playable he is a very good character. He is at the top of the tier list, he is the only character in the game in S tier. He is also the only character in the game with 0 bad matchups, and 0 even matchups. Every single matchup he has is in his favor. The other top tier characters in A tier have a bad matchups, or at least a few even matchups, Akuma is the only character that beats every single other character. When playing Street Fighter 2 competitively in tournaments, they ban Akuma because they don't see a reason why there should be one character that is playable that dominates the whole cast. Yeah Akuma is beatable, but it is still not fair to have one character in the game that has an advantage over everyone else in competitive play.

Now lets talk about Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They have a similar situation in this game. There is only one character in S tier, Meta Knight, who is believed to have 0 bad matchups, and 0 even matchups, he wins every single matchup in the game vs every other character. In Brawl competitive play, they ban Meta Knight for his advantages over everyone else, just the same thing they do to Akuma.

Now on to MK9....... I would say we have the same problem again. Kabal is the only S tier character in the game, he is clearly above everyone else, he has 0 bad matchups and 0 even matchups. The rest of the top 5 characters all have bad matchups, and alot of even matchups as well. Kabal is literally the only character in the game that has advantage over every other character. He is the equivalent to Akuma in Street Fighter 2 and Meta Knight in Super Smash Bros Brawl. In my opinion he should be banned, there is no reason why there should be one character that is viable competitively and literally has ZERO bad matchups and ZERO even matchups. Don't give me that BS that Kung Lao goes even with Kabal because he's far from it I think.

Now LBSH, there are top players in this community that picked up Kabal only and solely because he is the best character in the game. I don't think there is one single person in the community we can name that has been using Kabal since day 1, everyone picked up this character because he is the best. If Kabal was only say top 10 instead of top 1, I don't think we would even see maybe two Kabals at the most in any tournament. Ban him or patch him, one of the two. And obviously we are not getting a patch any time soon....... so yeah lol
I cant remember which version of SF II it was, but im sure Sagat was banned from one version for being too good, but this was before SSF II and the age of Akuma! If you look at Akuma in SSF IV, he still insanely good but they balanced him out by giving him the second lowest health in the game next to Seth.

This is an interesting post, because time and time again, people say "*insert player name* won because he is good, not the character", and then you get the community saying "*insert players are only getting results using a high tier placed character".

The community cant have that both ways. They need to accept some characters are plain broke and admit that yes, some players might only be placing high BECAUSE of said broken character.

And so it comes down to.....how much genuine skill do players have in this game and how much of it is falling back on broken stuff. In no way do I think this of REO as he has a lot of knowledge and good skills with most characters in the game.

I personally think players like yourself, REO, Detroit and MIT are quite a bit ahead of everyone else because you can turn the magic on with ANY character, low, mid or high. I'll add CD Jr as well as he has gone through quite a few characters as well.


We not talking about top 3 players. But about top 3 characters on this thread...

Also, balanced game exist (brood war). It has been balanced after 10 years patches. We cannot wait that long for fighting games since they release some every years, but it can be way better (and I know it could be worse : mkvsdc, but we will not go foward taking bad games as an example for where to go).
Skarlet is not a lesser character.

The point of this thread is deep down, Reo is likely utterly bored of Kabal as matches are not proving entirely challenging no matter the opponent or the character, to himself. He has established himself as the definitive Kabal player, and it is generally agreed throughout the community that Kabal is the best character.

So I suggested a change. Kung Lao players are a dime a dozen, and Kenshi has not worked out that well for him. He has stated before that many players do not use their characters to the full potential.

And so I suggested Skarlet. She is an exceptional character, contrary to what you may believe, but I also believe she is not being used to her maximum abilities yet. REO might be able to change that. Skarlet is a still a character that is not fully explored where as some of the other upper tiers are almost there in what the community knows they can do.

Just my two pence.
LBSH skarlet has been just about fully fkn explored i dont see much "new tech" left 4 her, whats missing is someone actually taking a major with her, the tools are there, just everything has to be on point with her to succeed


If Skarlet didn't win a major yet, it is because she is very young and underused. If there would be as much people playing her as kabal, it would have been already done imo.
If Skarlet didn't win a major yet, it is because she is very young and underused. If there would be as much people playing her as kabal, it would have been already done imo.
if denzell didnt use his voodoo witch doctor spell on me to make me choke 1 game away from top 8 maybe i would have had a chance to create history lol

It was the spirit of the MALOC which drove him, the power was too much to bare!


LIn Kuei Champion
sub should of never been nerfed simple as that. kabal isn't the problem. kenshi isnt the problem. All the other chars who got nerfed is the real problem. why tf did jax get so many buffs? ermac was slow af anyways why nerf his push. buffing kano then nerfing was dumb. Just too many nerfs to the wrong characters. there always going to be scrubs. nerf kabal and there will still be scrubs. of course kabal is still the best but everybody knows what kabal is capable of. i beat a kabal and my bro beat a kabal at dallas. its all about the players not the character. the chances of pig or Reo losing to a jade is like one in a million. but another kabal or kenshi who doesn't know the match will lose. it's all about the players. tom can beat kabal with sub zero and that's clearly a bad mu. Tom is just a top player. tom has used sub in all his bad matches and has been successful. Just got to learn how to win disadvantage matches. Pig and me play it's always close. Cyrax beats kenshi 6-4 and pig still manages to beat me. It's a player thing at the highest level. of course using the top chars gives you the best chance to win but it is still about the player. 16 bit has used nothing but kitana in tourny since the beginning and still can get top 8. i'm pretty sure most the community knows kitana by now no excuses. like tom said complainers got to stfu now and play. excuses won't get you any where. We've got plenty of top players you can ask questions get on forums etc. there is no excuses to be made reo tells the community how to handle kabal beat him etc in videos he has put up and he still wins. I don't want to hear any crap about kabal, you can ask REO about kabal and he'll let you know what you can do. He trolls sometimes but if you are seriously trying to get better vs kabal you can ask him or any other good kabal on the site. I can go on forever about this let me just stop aha


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
Freddy is the most balanced top tier character in the game. He has no resets or cheap armor attacks.

On the other hand, if I ever lose to a Smoke player again, or even to a Quan Chi player who abuses unblockable frame traps, I am immediately making a thread on this website. Not because I am salty, but because I am sick and tired of losing to bad players using overpowered characters.
BALANCED??????? A ridiculous zoner with a safe telport...GTFO


sub should of never been nerfed simple as that. kabal isn't the problem. kenshi isnt the problem. All the other chars who got nerfed is the real problem. why tf did jax get so many buffs? ermac was slow af anyways why nerf his push. buffing kano then nerfing was dumb. Just too many nerfs to the wrong characters. there always going to be scrubs. nerf kabal and there will still be scrubs. of course kabal is still the best but everybody knows what kabal is capable of. i beat a kabal and my bro beat a kabal at dallas. its all about the players not the character. the chances of pig or Reo losing to a jade is like one in a million. but another kabal or kenshi who doesn't know the match will lose. it's all about the players. tom can beat kabal with sub zero and that's clearly a bad mu. Tom is just a top player. tom has used sub in all his bad matches and has been successful. Just got to learn how to win disadvantage matches. Pig and me play it's always close. Cyrax beats kenshi 6-4 and pig still manages to beat me. It's a player thing at the highest level. of course using the top chars gives you the best chance to win but it is still about the player. 16 bit has used nothing but kitana in tourny since the beginning and still can get top 8. i'm pretty sure most the community knows kitana by now no excuses. like tom said complainers got to stfu now and play. excuses won't get you any where. We've got plenty of top players you can ask questions get on forums etc. there is no excuses to be made reo tells the community how to handle kabal beat him etc in videos he has put up and he still wins. I don't want to hear any crap about kabal, you can ask REO about kabal and he'll let you know what you can do. He trolls sometimes but if you are seriously trying to get better vs kabal you can ask him or any other good kabal on the site. I can go on forever about this let me just stop aha
You only talking about top players that have natural skill/understanding of a fighting game who also have the amount of time to geek as fuck on mk9 with other players offline. What about the others ? They stfu ? Ok, good argument..

Yes we casual players with no brother to practice can ask to get some advise against kabal, but it still doesn't make a fair/balanced game.

What I believe is that Dizzy would have win MLG if he would have main Kabal since the very beginning :p


There is no way in hell you can compare Super Turbo Akuma to MK9 Kabal lol. ST Akuma is an entirely different level of broken than Kabal is. Kabal is overpowered for sure but he wasnt purposly designed to be a god mode character like ST Akuma was. ST Akuma doesnt even follow the rules of the game. He has basic properties just in how he exists in the game that the other characters dont have. The ST engine is not even designed to handle his air fireballs. He was purposely made broken, and most of the cast doesnt stand a chance in hell of beating him.


Play Monster Hunter!
Sophies choice up in dis bitch.

Lets say a new patch happened, and Kabal was going to get nerfed, one aspect of him completely removed.

His ability to use gas blast well in the air.


His ability to cancel the nomad dash.

No slight nerfs, just straight up gutting it.

Which one of these abilities would you keep?


We would cry for another nerf to another character until we'd finally get NRS to nerf Sheeva. Some guys had so many undeserved nerfs, and now they suffer in the roster because of it.

I'm personally glad Kabal is top because without him, the rest of the BS that this game has would be so much more impacting (basically, if they were gonna nerf Kabal, they'd better nerf some of the other characters too).

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
back forward 2 pigshy, back forward 2.
Its crazy how many succesfull Kenshis there are

I mean LBSH think of all the times each character has placed top 8 compared to a player w kenshi as a main

sonya 8+?
Kabal 10?
Lao 12?
Cyrax 8?
Cage 8?
Mileena 5+?
Kitana 7+?
Sheeva 2?
Sub Zero 4?
Nightwolf 1?
Jax 5?
Reptil 10?
Raiden 3?
Shang 2?
Quan chi 2?

....yea seems legit...........Kenshi has obviously taken over the game and scene w pure dominance


damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, blow up of the cyrax community? #Shots Fired, but LBSH, cyrax without the reset has a 1 bar 60 percent combo and he'd still have all his dirty tools.
Something interesting to think about is that if you were to give cyrax a beast footsie tool, like making his f2 a 15f startup for example, but took away his resets; he would actually be a better character than he is now.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i've said it before and i'll say it again, kabal should have his 2ndc2 nerfed, other than that im ok with him. i think everyone else should be buffed


Online Punching Bag
Its crazy how many succesfull Kenshis there are

I mean LBSH think of all the times each character has placed top 8 compared to a player w kenshi as a main

sonya 8+?
Kabal 10?
Lao 12?
Cyrax 8?
Cage 8?
Mileena 5+?
Kitana 7+?
Sheeva 2?
Sub Zero 4?
Nightwolf 1?
Jax 5?
Reptil 10?
Raiden 3?
Shang 2?
Quan chi 2?

....yea seems legit...........Kenshi has obviously taken over the game and scene w pure dominance
Who actually thought he had any potential till you started popping up in tournaments though? So he's one of the youngest characters for players to actually grasp, he was still a baby when some characters were half figured out. Yeah enhanced spirit charge is kind of lame but not any more lame than some other stuff in this game. Kenshi keeps people out like Cage, Sonya, non teleporters try and get in to do their big rushdown damage but they can't. I don't like fighting Kenshi per say but I hate Kabal, Sonya, Kung Lao, Cage, Reptile and Cyrax more.