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Question If Kabal was nerfed, do you think the game would be less scrubby?

I wish the community said this over a year ago about me rather then saying "OHHH GOD, PLEASE NERF SUB ZERO!! HE MUST BE THE FIRST CHARACTER NERF AND NERFED BADLY IN EVERY PATCH!!!"

at least the community has mostly removed its head from its ass and actually will let things develop next time.
couldn't agree more Tom Brady, nerfing sub was one of the worst things NRS has done i mk9, worse than when they nerfed jades u3 haha. At least when injustice comes out and mk10 later on, we won't have super early patches bcuz of senseless whining. I still dnt know why they nerf ermac, smh.


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
Honesty I wouldnt use anyone else either unless its casuals if I was REO. Why lose @ a torney because you picked 2nd best or anything less. Remember you pay to travel to MLG unless your sponsored. Also Reo went Kung Lao already for a big tourney, if I was him i would use Kabal all the time until he's banned or nerfed and I feel hes no longer a good character to use. Thats my opinion and on top of that the level of exucution reo has with Kabal in my eyes is on an entire other level so why switch unless I had no other option.

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couldn't agree more Tom Brady, nerfing sub was one of the worst things NRS has done i mk9, worse than when they nerfed jades u3 haha. At least when injustice comes out and mk10 later on, we won't have super early patches bcuz of senseless whining. I still dnt know why they nerf ermac, smh.
That was so dumb.. in a game that had block infinites, bomb trap, vanilla KL and Raiden, etc etc.. the ONLY and FIRST cry was for Sub-Zero to be nerfed. I am glad cyrax, kenshi, kabal, etc are fucked up, they cry about them now but for most of the games life thought they were fine. Then we have characters like sub, jade, kano, etc who the community obviously thought were too broken and had to be nerfed.
There is NO character in this game that it is SO broken, that it overrides the player skill element.

Players skill can overcome anything in this game. And that is why it is great the way it is. It is the same great players making the top spots.

Play your hard match ups and don't make excuses.
"Sometimes if you want to ball hard, you have to work hard." And I will respect that
That's straight bullshit.
Yes, using OP characters is not an instant win, but they DEFINITELY allow someone to do better than they may be able to on their own, be that going from not making it out of pools to top 16, or winning grand finals.
I wish the community said this over a year ago about me rather then saying "OHHH GOD, PLEASE NERF SUB ZERO!! HE MUST BE THE FIRST CHARACTER NERF AND NERFED BADLY IN EVERY PATCH!!!"

at least the community has mostly removed its head from its ass and actually will let things develop next time.
I'm quoting this just because of all the truth this speaks and i agree 1million%
That was so dumb.. in a game that had block infinites, bomb trap, vanilla KL and Raiden, etc etc.. the ONLY and FIRST cry was for Sub-Zero to be nerfed. I am glad cyrax, kenshm kabal, etc are fucked up, they cry about them now but for most of the games life thought they were fine. Then we have characters like sub, jade, kano, etc who the community obviously thought were too broken and had to be nerfed.
exactly how i feel, nerfing kano was just asking for him to be a bad char. How in the world do they allow kabal's block infinite at the beginning of the game but nerf sub bcuz you won a tournament? blasphempy!!
exactly how i feel, nerfing kano was just asking for him to be a bad char. How in the world do they allow kabal's block infinite at the beginning of the game but nerf sub bcuz you won a tournament? blasphempy!!
well i say people need to shut the fuck up now about anything "unfair" or "broken". They cried for their nerfs and got them, now they are unhappy with the very changes they cried and begged for. shut the fuck up and eat iagbs and dumb resets, its what they obviously wanted!


what i meant by pretty balanced reo is that after learning the matchup the character is not this unbeatable god of a character people made him out to be
Scar : Kabal isn't godtier, he is S/S+ tier, we didn't say kabal isn't beatable we saying he is unfair (we are using the "broken" word at a certain degree).
Sure everyone can be beatten. But seriously... at same level the kabal player has a very big advantage (which not means he will 100% win obviously).

I've never seen a Nightwolf or a CSZ winning against a Kabal in a top 20 major. And I think this is not a hazard if Kabal and KL are the most overused char of the game at a certain level (and it will keep going). Same for shit tier..except casual online, people actually don't play them a lot. Why ? ;p


Zoning Master
ban freddies punk ass
Freddy is the most balanced top tier character in the game. He has no resets or cheap armor attacks.

On the other hand, if I ever lose to a Smoke player again, or even to a Quan Chi player who abuses unblockable frame traps, I am immediately making a thread on this website. Not because I am salty, but because I am sick and tired of losing to bad players using overpowered characters.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Freddy is the most balanced top tier character in the game. He has no resets or cheap armor attacks.

On the other hand, if I ever lose to a Smoke player again, or even to a Quan Chi player who abuses unblockable frame traps, I am immediately making a thread on this website. Not because I am salty, but because I am sick and tired of losing to bad players using overpowered characters.
Man i hope you go to nec

there are 3 top smoke mains there lol

and KT


Dead Kings Rise
Freddy is the most balanced top tier character in the game. He has no resets or cheap armor attacks.

On the other hand, if I ever lose to a Smoke player again, or even to a Quan Chi player who abuses unblockable frame traps, I am immediately making a thread on this website. Not because I am salty, but because I am sick and tired of losing to bad players using overpowered characters.
Quan Chi?


Freddy is the most balanced top tier character in the game. He has no resets or cheap armor attacks.

On the other hand, if I ever lose to a Smoke player again, or even to a Quan Chi player who abuses unblockable frame traps, I am immediately making a thread on this website. Not because I am salty, but because I am sick and tired of losing to bad players using overpowered characters.
This made my day^


The Bat in the Hat
I think only iaGB should be removed and invincible frame on projectile for the buzzsaw (and it should hit kabal's back when we teleport...).

Resets (smoke, cyrax, jax) needs to be removed.

No armor on the kenshi' ex charge and rising karma is now fbd1 (execution nerf :p ).

Kl teleport should not work in the air.

That would be enough to make a better game imo.

About sonya, I don't know. D4 needs nerf.

You did top 2 EVO with Mileena. :p
Theres a difference between nerfing characters and crippling them, you're trying to cripple them. And like it or not people, no matter how much you nerf the top characters in a game there will always be a top tier. Nerfing one character just makes room for the next one.


Because a smart player can not afford to play a lesser character.
Skarlet is not a lesser character.

The point of this thread is deep down, Reo is likely utterly bored of Kabal as matches are not proving entirely challenging no matter the opponent or the character, to himself. He has established himself as the definitive Kabal player, and it is generally agreed throughout the community that Kabal is the best character.

So I suggested a change. Kung Lao players are a dime a dozen, and Kenshi has not worked out that well for him. He has stated before that many players do not use their characters to the full potential.

And so I suggested Skarlet. She is an exceptional character, contrary to what you may believe, but I also believe she is not being used to her maximum abilities yet. REO might be able to change that. Skarlet is a still a character that is not fully explored where as some of the other upper tiers are almost there in what the community knows they can do.

Just my two pence.


Zoning Master
Quan Chi?
Unlike Cyrax, Quan Chi does not need to catch you off guard to deplete half your life. He can do so while you are blocking. The people in this community need to ask themselves a serious question: Are Insuperable and ShujinkyDink cheaters for abusing unblockable frame traps?

Pig Of The Hut, I assume CD Jr. has decided to use Smoke again, huh? I had never thought he would stoop that low. I hope he gets blown up at NEC.


Positive Poster!
Take away his dash cancel, then he's the character he was supposed to be - a zoner.

And tbh, there are a score of things that need fixing in this game.
Guaranteed resets for example.
Smoke, Cyrax, just no. I doubt those things were intended and a simple addition to code could fix that, ie reset doesn't connect past a certain marker much like Scorpion's re-spear makes you fall flop or at a certain point Cyrax can't deploy projectiles.


This is how I feel about it. In the old street fighter 2, the version with Akuma playable he is a very good character. He is at the top of the tier list, he is the only character in the game in S tier. He is also the only character in the game with 0 bad matchups, and 0 even matchups. Every single matchup he has is in his favor. The other top tier characters in A tier have a bad matchups, or at least a few even matchups, Akuma is the only character that beats every single other character. When playing Street Fighter 2 competitively in tournaments, they ban Akuma because they don't see a reason why there should be one character that is playable that dominates the whole cast. Yeah Akuma is beatable, but it is still not fair to have one character in the game that has an advantage over everyone else in competitive play.

Now lets talk about Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They have a similar situation in this game. There is only one character in S tier, Meta Knight, who is believed to have 0 bad matchups, and 0 even matchups, he wins every single matchup in the game vs every other character. In Brawl competitive play, they ban Meta Knight for his advantages over everyone else, just the same thing they do to Akuma.

Now on to MK9....... I would say we have the same problem again. Kabal is the only S tier character in the game, he is clearly above everyone else, he has 0 bad matchups and 0 even matchups. The rest of the top 5 characters all have bad matchups, and alot of even matchups as well. Kabal is literally the only character in the game that has advantage over every other character. He is the equivalent to Akuma in Street Fighter 2 and Meta Knight in Super Smash Bros Brawl. In my opinion he should be banned, there is no reason why there should be one character that is viable competitively and literally has ZERO bad matchups and ZERO even matchups. Don't give me that BS that Kung Lao goes even with Kabal because he's far from it I think.

Now LBSH, there are top players in this community that picked up Kabal only and solely because he is the best character in the game. I don't think there is one single person in the community we can name that has been using Kabal since day 1, everyone picked up this character because he is the best. If Kabal was only say top 10 instead of top 1, I don't think we would even see maybe two Kabals at the most in any tournament. Ban him or patch him, one of the two. And obviously we are not getting a patch any time soon....... so yeah lol


well i say people need to shut the fuck up now about anything "unfair" or "broken". They cried for their nerfs and got them, now they are unhappy with the very changes they cried and begged for. shut the fuck up and eat iagbs and dumb resets, its what they obviously wanted!
Brady : the problem isn't NRS making patches, but NRS stopping to make them. As long as a fighting game is evolving, the game should change (patches) from the discoveries the kommunity keep finding.

That's how it works for RTS games like starcraft 2 (biggest pgmer game).

+ Patches every 4 months renews the game and his life duration ♥ for our own pleasure. I loved to see everyone hype about new balance patch ^^