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Guide Smoke Combos!

isnt 3d12 32 4 bomb 3d12 jk air throw 41%? :s maybe i'm wrong, its been like 3 days since i've played due to my college move-in...


Weather Man
nick, on your midscreen BnB add a dash > standing 4 between the 32 and bomb. Adds a couple more percent. Also THANK YOU for the corner combo, I was unaware of that one :)
Hey thanks man. Your welcome with the corner combo I wasn't sure if it was posted yet just something ive been using lol.

I have also anti-air with F4 EX smoke bomb before lol, but its really hard to land and I was just messing around. Normally I do the D+1, D+1 smoke bomb, or more recently 2, 2, d+1 smoke bomb into your 3d12. If I connect in the air with a punch then I throw a smoke bomb etc...
Yeah. I still have no idea how to AA with d1 d1 bomb or 2 2 d1/4 bomb. I always just fuck up and get hit by their jip for full combo. Not claiming to be good at the game or anything <_<


Weather Man
Yeah. I still have no idea how to AA with d1 d1 bomb or 2 2 d1/4 bomb. I always just fuck up and get hit by their jip for full combo. Not claiming to be good at the game or anything <_<
Yea man I have problems with it to. So im thinking about timing a Tele Punch on reaction to a jump sometimes as well.


Yeah. I still have no idea how to AA with d1 d1 bomb or 2 2 d1/4 bomb. I always just fuck up and get hit by their jip for full combo. Not claiming to be good at the game or anything <_<
I have received quite the ass whooping trying to accomplish this as well, i guess it just takes lots of training and the muscle memory in your fingers to place it right.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Here's a Smoke combo from me that involves a version of the OTG Smoke Bomb being toned down. By that, I mean that hitting them with an Enhanced Smoke Bomb during the animation of bouncing up off the ground after getting thrown in the air will do 10% additional damage as the combo cuts off before it hits. Technically I count this combo without that extra damage, but you could consider this a one-bar midscreen combo that does 54% if you want. Otherwise, it's a 44% meterless at midscreen.

Unfortunately, it seems this combo can only be landed on Sheeva due to her enlarged hitbox. But I will have Smoke combos that are not Sheeva-specific coming soon.

Smoke's 44% Midscreen Combo without use of Super Meter (can be done only on Sheeva):



Cool stuff Blake, it's a shame it's only on Sheeva, i'm still having trouble with njp after the 3d12, any tips man?

I have received quite the ass whooping trying to accomplish this as well, i guess it just takes lots of training and the muscle memory in your fingers to place it right.
A recommendation to do it in practice mode is put your enemy as Kung Lao on Wakeup, sweep him and when he does a wakeup teleport do your d1, d1, smoke bomb or 2, 2, d1/4. He does Spin too but this is the most consistent way i've been able to practice this.


Gaming4Satan Founder
A recommendation to do it in practice mode is put your enemy as Kung Lao on Wakeup, sweep him and when he does a wakeup teleport do your d1, d1, smoke bomb or 2, 2, d1/4. He does Spin too but this is the most consistent way i've been able to practice this.
I think he means that he's getting caught with jump in punches that are beating out d1 on jump in. It's true that on a jump in when the opponent swings for the jip, the animation causes their body to curl up and the space is just right that Smokes hand fits in there between their legs and torso sometimes and whiffs, causing the jump in punch to hit you. You have remember to adjust your spacing to properly AA with d1.

AA-ing a cross up seems to trade 50/50 so I no longer think it's good for cross up defense.

Smoke gets busted up pretty bad by cross ups and I'm constantly trying to think of new tech to counter/avoid them.

To that end, I've found that d3 can avoid cross up and jump in punches if the spacing is right, and sweep (b4) avoids them all together. The thing that sucks about sweep is that it is super hard to do consistently against cross ups. It needs to be done while your opponent is almost directly over your head and can be tough to tell which direction is "back" at that point.

If you input wrong, you get f4 which will lose to the jip. If you sweep too late it won't come out fast enough and you will get hit. If you sweep too early you will begin to stand up and you will get hit.

So sweep is tough to avoid cross ups with, but will avoid jips basically every time.

d3 will work every time to avoid a cross up but ONLY if they aren't jumping a whiffed move (like a poke for example.) If they cross you up on a whiffed move the only thing you can do is block or EX shake if you're a jedi.

So yea, Smoke eats it on cross ups. I will continue to think of other things like using tpunch or instant jkicks/jips. But, if anyone has other ideas, I'd be happy to hear them.
I've found that when people cross me up a lot, mashing out telepunch is usually best if you decide you don't wanna just block and take it. If you get it too late you'll get a f4, and for me it seems to almost always connect if I'm on top of my game :\ Maybe I've just been playing people who like to wait excessively long on their jump in punches?

Oh and random question, does EX shake link after a blocked 3d12? If I get people used to me doing the d1 after it and they try to counter, maybe that would end up a good mindgame. or Maybe i'm just months behind, lol


Gaming4Satan Founder
I've found that when people cross me up a lot, mashing out telepunch is usually best if you decide you don't wanna just block and take it. If you get it too late you'll get a f4, and for me it seems to almost always connect if I'm on top of my game :\ Maybe I've just been playing people who like to wait excessively long on their jump in punches?
I'm hesitant to do standing tpunch against cross ups because I've been both hit out of it and hit on whiff if it's too early. I would feel safer doing instant jump tpunch. Or even just jump and eat the jip, but you get knocked away.

Blocking and taking it is almost never a good idea because then they get all sorts of free pressure on you and you still end up eating just as much chip damage as if you had jumped and eaten the jump punch.

FrothyOmen said:
Oh and random question, does EX shake link after a blocked 3d12? If I get people used to me doing the d1 after it and they try to counter, maybe that would end up a good mindgame. or Maybe i'm just months behind, lol
you know... I have no idea lol. It would be a good mind game, but if you can get a better punish you could go for that. Example:

At SBIV I was playing AC1984 (Kabal) and was nailing him with d1 > d1 xx smoke bomb because he kept trying to jump out after 3d12. He caught on and started doing EX dash (which has armor) to beat out d1 into a full combo. So the next time instead of doing d1 after 3d12 I just blocked. He dashed and I got 49% on him for the win.
If they fall for it, you get 9% plus oki pressure which is key. If they don't, you're kinda boned so long as they don't make a silly mistake. Worth the meter risk? i have no idea, I'm not high level enough to speculate on that.


Gaming4Satan Founder
If you dash cancel ex shake into a sweep or a throw if they don't fall for it, it always catches them by surprise. Even if they know you can dash cancel shake.

now that I think about it, I bet you can use regular shake > dash cancel into a fast attack to bait really effectively, too. Hmmm...


Cool stuff Blake, it's a shame it's only on Sheeva, i'm still having trouble with njp after the 3d12, any tips man?

A recommendation to do it in practice mode is put your enemy as Kung Lao on Wakeup, sweep him and when he does a wakeup teleport do your d1, d1, smoke bomb or 2, 2, d1/4. He does Spin too but this is the most consistent way i've been able to practice this.
Thanks for the tip, i got this down now, i practiced it for a good while. For the 3d12 njp what i do is jump and slide my finger from 1 to 2, it gives me a really high success rate like that. It also opened up a new world of possibilities to me on things i can do really fast.

I was playing around today anyone every try standing 2 dash d1 smokebomb. It seems to work the same as d1d1 smoke bomb, just has a little higher hit to me. My buddy seems to always be able to jp me, but today i learned about standing 2 dash d1 and kept owning him. It worked wonders and stoped his jump punch. Anyone have any thoughts on this. It seems harder to hit because of timing but for the safe you can always EX smoke bomb


I think he means that he's getting caught with jump in punches that are beating out d1 on jump in. It's true that on a jump in when the opponent swings for the jip, the animation causes their body to curl up and the space is just right that Smokes hand fits in there between their legs and torso sometimes and whiffs, causing the jump in punch to hit you. You have remember to adjust your spacing to properly AA with d1.

AA-ing a cross up seems to trade 50/50 so I no longer think it's good for cross up defense.

Smoke gets busted up pretty bad by cross ups and I'm constantly trying to think of new tech to counter/avoid them.

To that end, I've found that d3 can avoid cross up and jump in punches if the spacing is right, and sweep (b4) avoids them all together. The thing that sucks about sweep is that it is super hard to do consistently against cross ups. It needs to be done while your opponent is almost directly over your head and can be tough to tell which direction is "back" at that point.

If you input wrong, you get f4 which will lose to the jip. If you sweep too late it won't come out fast enough and you will get hit. If you sweep too early you will begin to stand up and you will get hit.

So sweep is tough to avoid cross ups with, but will avoid jips basically every time.

d3 will work every time to avoid a cross up but ONLY if they aren't jumping a whiffed move (like a poke for example.) If they cross you up on a whiffed move the only thing you can do is block or EX shake if you're a jedi.

So yea, Smoke eats it on cross ups. I will continue to think of other things like using tpunch or instant jkicks/jips. But, if anyone has other ideas, I'd be happy to hear them.
Yeah, Smoke eats a lot on crossup, as for the Kung Lao tele thing, it works mostly the same, as it put the opponent in the air for me, around the same height as a jip, not ideal but it's helped me plenty to practice.

I've found that when people cross me up a lot, mashing out telepunch is usually best if you decide you don't wanna just block and take it. If you get it too late you'll get a f4, and for me it seems to almost always connect if I'm on top of my game :\ Maybe I've just been playing people who like to wait excessively long on their jump in punches?

Oh and random question, does EX shake link after a blocked 3d12? If I get people used to me doing the d1 after it and they try to counter, maybe that would end up a good mindgame. or Maybe i'm just months behind, lol
Telepunch is a pretty good idea, especially on guys who are jip crazy, but it's pretty easy to anticipate after punishing a couple times. So I usually mixup d1, and 2's for jump ins, doesn't save me from all of them, but it takes away the jip problem for the most part.

Thanks for the tip, i got this down now, i practiced it for a good while. For the 3d12 njp what i do is jump and slide my finger from 1 to 2, it gives me a really high success rate like that. It also opened up a new world of possibilities to me on things i can do really fast.

I was playing around today anyone every try standing 2 dash d1 smokebomb. It seems to work the same as d1d1 smoke bomb, just has a little higher hit to me. My buddy seems to always be able to jp me, but today i learned about standing 2 dash d1 and kept owning him. It worked wonders and stoped his jump punch. Anyone have any thoughts on this. It seems harder to hit because of timing but for the safe you can always EX smoke bomb
No problem, and thanks for the tip, i've been practicing that forever and I still can't get it consistently. How much more damage output do you get for 2, d1, smoke bomb? If it's reasonably better damage, it could be an adequate tool even if it's a bit harder.


No problem, and thanks for the tip, i've been practicing that forever and I still can't get it consistently. How much more damage output do you get for 2, d1, smoke bomb? If it's reasonably better damage, it could be an adequate tool even if it's a bit harder.
tested it just now d1 dash d1 smokebomb 13% 2 dash d1 smoke bomb 14%. The timing is harder but still very do able. I take that back i think the timing is harder if you learned d1 dash d1 first. I think its viable to use because people wont be expecting it. Its also from standing so you may be able to train your reaction to do it when someone jumps out you.


Mad scientist
i just found a 44% meterless, 54% 1 bar and 56% 2 bar midscreen combos! no reset and they all work on everyone!

ill be showing them in my vid.
tested it just now d1 dash d1 smokebomb 13% 2 dash d1 smoke bomb 14%. The timing is harder but still very do able. I take that back i think the timing is harder if you learned d1 dash d1 first. I think its viable to use because people wont be expecting it. Its also from standing so you may be able to train your reaction to do it when someone jumps out you.
I have played with the 2, D1, SB a bit since I could not get the 2,2,d4,SB to work. I found the timing very difficult. Making the 2 and the D1 hit is not hard at all but the timing of the d1,SB has to be perfect. If you go into d1 too fast the SB will whiff. Personally anything that would AA crossovers consistently would make me so happy. It seems like I would win 95% of the time if I could just AA crossovers. AA into combo would be great but I would take a single hit.


I have played with the 2, D1, SB a bit since I could not get the 2,2,d4,SB to work. I found the timing very difficult. Making the 2 and the D1 hit is not hard at all but the timing of the d1,SB has to be perfect. If you go into d1 too fast the SB will whiff. Personally anything that would AA crossovers consistently would make me so happy. It seems like I would win 95% of the time if I could just AA crossovers. AA into combo would be great but I would take a single hit.
Yeah i didnt specify what was harder about the move, but it is the timing of d1 sb that is harder. I have got pretty good at it and can do it probably 75% on reaction now. Just have to pause inbetween 2 and d1 for it to hit.


Just messing around and i found a 2 meter 50% combo. I understand 2 meters is not worth it but im hoping that someone ay be able to tweak it ro play with it for something better. the combo is 3d12 dash f4 EX smoke bomb dash 3d12 dash f4 EX smoke bomb

The f4 must connect pretty high up or the smoke bomb will wiff. It seems if if the opponent is high enough your smoke will move faster than him and with EX smoke it will grab him out of the air. Its not a reset but could be worth something

Another thing has anyone tried 2 dash 2 dash d1 for anti air? I know there is d1 dash d1, im trying to find something that can stop the cross up a little better. 2 dash 2 dash d1 is a little challenging at first but it seems to be working. I have not been able to test it on an opponent to see though


i find this good to pressure cause youll get a crossjump after it (and it uses no meter):

midscreen: jip, 3d12, ff, 3d12, ff, 3d12, ff, 2db2, f4db4 (2nd teleport hit will whiff)

also its near 40%.

in the corner you can do: jip, 3d12, njp, 32, 32, 32, 2db2, f4db4 45% + opponent staying cornered.
Don't know if this has been posted or not, just something I came up with playing around in practice mode.
jip-3d12, ff, b23, bomb, 3d12, jk-air throw for 40%. You can add in EX bomb at the end for extra 10%


Gaming4Satan Founder
Don't know if this has been posted or not, just something I came up with playing around in practice mode.
jip-3d12, ff, b23, bomb, 3d12, jk-air throw for 40%. You can add in EX bomb at the end for extra 10%
You can also NJP between the first 3d12 and b23 for an extra 2%. That's actually my big midscreen bnb and I don't think too many people use it.

As far as AAing cross ups, I've been using instant jump kicks (jumping backwards from the direction they are crossing up) and it works really well. Just air throw after and set yourself up for regular oki. I was using it against teef last night and it worked every time.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Have to love the dash cancel shake tactics and invisibility, they own!

I have a BNB combo, jump in, 1, 3, D+1, 2, dash, 3, 2, dash, 3, 2, enhanced smoke bomb, JK, Air Throw does 40%, you can also end it with teleport punch which does the same, if you do enhanced teleport punch and it connects it's 41%(but it rarely connect the ex teleport)

I also have some nice mid 35% combos, and am experimenting with him with more stuff atm, but have been using him a month and half now. Smoke is highly underrated and seems to have priority with his jump ins more so then other characters I've noticed.
Since the OP is not updating his first post with combos, I'm gonna go ahead and list all of Smoke's current, most damaging BnBs. That way so many people don't make posts like "I don't know if anyone's said this one yet but I have this COMBO A that does LESS THAN IDEAL %."

Text in white is a standard combo. Red combos indicate one that can have an EX Smoke bomb tacked on at the end to add 10% unscaled damage to the combo, or can have a telepunch whiffed in order to have easy oki pressure.

All listed combos are meterless, there's no point in Smoke spending meter mid-combo 99% of the time. Any combos PM'd to me that beat these in terms of damage per situation will be added here.

Midscreen BnBs:

DMGjip > 3d12 > 32 > 4 xx smoke bomb > 3d12 > jk xx air throw. 42%
DMGjip > 3d12 > njp > b23 xx bomb > 3d12 > jk xx air throw. 42%
OVERHEAD UTILITY:b23 xx bomb > 32 > 3d12 > f4. 35% and sets you up for F4 lottery.
MIXUP: End combos with 214xxsmoke towards to throw different oki scenarios at your opponents in exchange for some damage.

Corner BnBs:

DMG jip > 214 xx bomb > 32 > 32 > 32 > 214. 44%
DMG jip > 3d12 > njp > 32 > 32 > 32 > d1 xx bomb > 214. 44%
MIXUP: End with f4 xx EX Bomb for one of the following: 2% scaled damage, 10% unscaled, or reset. The timings for each are extremely close together and strict, so attempt at your own risk!! AKA The f4 Lottery

Once you can do these consistently, you should understand how Smoke's main strings work, how high/far they launch, etc. Once you get this, you can mixup your strings mid-combo dependent upon where you are on the screen/where you're carrying your enemy to. For example, if you are carrying an enemy to the point they hit the corner mid-combo, you can stop your midscreen halfway through and go into whatever part of the corner combo is appropriate. This is an intermediate talent you'll learn as a Smoke player, which will help you maximize your damage, consistency, and ability to keep your opponent in the corner.

Other ideal combos at this point in time:

NJP starter (useful at beginning of round 1, for example):
njp > 3d12 > 3d12 > jk xx air throw. 32%(?? Don't remember off top of my head)

Air-to-Air JPfjp > smoke bomb > 3d12 > 32 > f4(no dash into f4). 24%
anti-JIP/Crossup2 > 2 > d3 xx bomb > 3d12 > jk xx air throw.
anti-JIP/Crossupd1 > d1 xx bomb > 3d12 > jk xx air throw.

Naked/Random Smoke Bomb
3d12 > 3d12 > jk xx air throw This is a pretty foolproof combo to use here. A lot of the time when you get a random smoke bomb, you won't be expecting it and you won't hit that first 3d12 at the ideal height to continue a juggle, so off of this just link as much stuff as you can to be blunt. You'll figure this one out as you play :)

Advanced Antiair Combos NEW! 11/12/11
KT Smith NYC said:
Best damage on a jump in (without meter) is 32% with:

214 (the 1 will whiff) > bomb > 3d12 > jpk/g

Might do 33 with a f4 > t punch ender, not sure.

They must be near the top of their jump arc for this to land.

If you can't get spaced right in time, use 2 > 2 > d1 xx bomb; that way you can control their fall to guarantee a combo.
Faded Dreams V said:
Standing 2 > dash > D1 + Smoke Bomb > dash > 3 D1 2 > Jump Kick+Aerial or F4+teleport or F4 reset (26% w/ JPK+Grab, 27% w/ F4-Tele, 63%+ w/ Reset).

Standing 2 + EX Smoke Bomb > dash > 3 2 > dash > 3 D1 2 > JPK+Grab or F4 Reset (35% w/ JPK+G, 73%+ w/ Reset). Note: EX bomb may not connect if opponent is at perfect height.

Standing 2 > dash > Standing 2 + EX Smoke Bomb > dash > 3 D1 2 > JPK+Grab or F4+teleport or F4 Reset (30% w/ JPK+G, 31% w/ F4+Tele, 68%+ w/ F4 reset).

I dunno if you want a full list, but these are the best standing 2 combos to do in an actual match imo, simply because they're the easiest to pull off. If subzerosmokerain remembers his 35% combo, you're definitely gonna wanna add it. lol

Now, obviously the latter two I listed require meter, and you should not be wasting two bars by doing an F4 reset, but I just posted the damage for the hell of it. On the first one I listed, you don't have to feel bad about wasting meter on the reset since it's only one bar.

I'm not going to list X-Ray combos because they don't matter for Smoke. 3 meters for an extra 8% of damage is of course not worth it. Save it for breakers and EX shake, maybe an EX bomb if you need the damage/are feeling frisky.

If I've missed anything glaring please let me know and I'll update this post. Hopefully a budding Smoke player can benefit from this thread and learn his proper BnBs :)