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1001 Ways to Tell if You Play Too Much MK

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
287. You watch Big Trouble in Little China and say, "hey wait a minute."
288. When filing taxes you include your clan tag next to your name.
289. Every time you see Tampax on a grocery shelf, you think of Skarlet.
290. While getting your ass kicked in a real life fight, you look around for a cable to pull.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
256. You believe that real shaolin monks can teleport
257. When you attempt to use shadow kick as a viable form of transportation.
looool, XD every time i see JK do that, imagine him going around town just doing that kick xD
293. when you read "<insert friend> poked you" on facebook your first thought is how to keep them in your pressure.
294. When you hear noob you think of the character and not a new person.
295. You think a shaman would put up a good fight against robot-ninja-death-machines.


296. When Noob sounds actually cool and not insulting.
297. You don't get where the internet insult "noob" comes from, since the only Noob you know of is the MK character that was created from the game's creator backward name.


298. You're watching Tekken and wonder why Eddy isn't dropping nets or bombs.
299. When you're watching any other fighting game than MK9 and wondering why no one breaks combos.
298. You're watching Tekken and wonder why Eddy isn't dropping nets or bombs.
299. When you're watching any other fighting game than MK9 and wondering why no one breaks combos.
:( if only 299 were true. in doa 5 every combo can be interrupted at any point with a counter even on hit.


300. When seeing a Leonidas meme on the Internet you think of "This, is, MORTAL KOMBAT!" instead of "This, is, SPARTA!"


It's when I start doing it on a daily basis that it's time to worry.

You get tempted to try an U,3 while mop or sweeping.
You don't move when something is thrown at you.
When asked your ethnicity you have to think about it.

Kinda Jade specific.