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1001 Ways to Tell if You Play Too Much MK


|| Seven ||
336. You fight people online with bad connection, just because they have a good record.
337. When you try to play another game, but after losing a couple times, you go back to the game you're good at. :D


339. You do a flipkick when jumping into a pool.
340. You shout "Hover Slam!" when performing a power bomb.


The Best.
341. You think that when your in a fight, your jab has a big hitbox so if their arm slightly touches it, they get hit in the face


338. It really bugs you that Stryker's x-ray works on Kenshi.
342. If you're a police officer you are 100% that you can blind blind people with a flashlight.
343. Tarkatans are among us, and they're hiding behind pink masks.
362. When you have 2 broken PS3 pads because you take this game too seriously and can't stand losing online even though it's not your fault because of the crappy connection. I still want Boon to pay for those.