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Mortal Kombat Revival


Probably going to take him more then a month, I think with all the pressure he is probably going to make it accurate to the best of his ability. But don't worry FW, if theres a problem we can simply correct it, you just need to put in the effort if you want this to be any good.
It's gonna take me a lot of time, let's forget about all this for a while. I'm not quiting or anything, just have a lot of stuff to solve, and I don't want to discuss anything after I have something to show. My bad for creating this topic, it wasn't the right time.
Yeap, MUGEN... I uploaded an alpha version for some people interested in helping, unfortunately for those of you who just want news... there's not much to say. The course of this project will, as most of you wanted focus first in the gameplay.

I Just wanted to say MK Revival is a work in progress.


We will take a look a look at it as a group and see what's what, so far it looks very good and is on the right track. Just maintain the current goal of reproducing the characters exactly at they are in the games, and eventually they can be adapted and tweaked. Frame data overall looks good as well, and collision. We'll have to comb through it all to be sure.
That's the current goal. It will be like this:
- Making the engine right
- Re-creating UMK3 / MKT (PSX/PC) as closest as possible
- Include all classic characters
- Tweaks and overall balance
- Some new moves

End of the project when MKT is finished and improved...

- Include new features like those I mentioned in early post on this topic.
- Make a different, original game out of the UMK3 parameters, but keeping the best of it.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Recreate UMK3. Final product, release it.

Use finished UMK3, tweak and balance it, release it as Revision 1.3.

Use finished UMK3 to make MKT. All all characters, tweak it to balance, add new moves, etc.

Three finished products.


I would call it UMK3 revision 2.0 once we establish all the balancing. UMK3 definitely needs to be 100% recreated in the MUGEN form as close as possible so we can use that for the basis of making the Arcade Quality MKT with balances and additional characters. Once all of this is completed, then the extra fatalities, options, custom characters and maybe some new concepts can be added. The biggest problem with MUGEN projects is how much stuff the programmers and editors try to do at once, and never actually have a real goal in mind.

The first goal as Konqrr said, is to recreate UMK3 as close to 100% as possible and release that as a game everyone can test. Right now the Sub-zero you guys have is very good. It made not sound like "fun" or whatever to the guys programming but it will make everything better in the long run.


That's the current goal. It will be like this:
- Making the engine right
- Re-creating UMK3 / MKT (PSX/PC) as closest as possible
- Include all classic characters
- Tweaks and overall balance
- Some new moves

End of the project when MKT is finished and improved...

- Include new features like those I mentioned in early post on this topic.
- Make a different, original game out of the UMK3 parameters, but keeping the best of it.
This is good to hear, finally a accurate mk mugen game. =)

I can help you test it out to if you want, I got plenty of free time for now.


This is good to hear, finally a accurate mk mugen game. =)

I can help you test it out to if you want, I got plenty of free time for now.
It'll be a lot of frame by frame testing, are you familiar with doing that in MAME?


Well, I was thinking about switching from Mugen to Mame often to see how certain things are in situations. Like what frame will this uppercut hit him and how he accurately will he react to it when he is hit by it? Can I do a pop-up combo, JK> air fireball?

Mostly the basic stuff, I probably can't get technical like you and Ded but if you guys ever need extra help for whatever reason I am always here. I currently have a ton of free time before college starts for me. You guys probably won't need my help though, I am just throwing that out there just in case lol


keep working on it and develop the characters based on what you showed me. You were heading in the right direction.

I wont do that... I tried to work with you in your way but id didn't work.

Still, I hope you like my beta which will be released next year, in about 2 or 3 months hopefully (featuring only one or two characters) is not going to be UMK3, it has elements from a lot of MK games... I'll definitely come here to show you all the progress and have some feedback and suggestions on the gameplay.

If you're interested in the project, keep checking this link:

I'm posting progress regularly, gameplay concepts are posted in there too, so... just check it out. The goal of this project is to make a better gameplay system that the one MK9 has.


We don't even know if MK9 has a good gameplay system... what we do know is that UMK3 has a good system, and that all MK Mugen projects that tried to create their own systems failed miserably.

It's a shame you abandoned what you were originally doing.

I didn't... I'm just not replicating UMK3 gameplay system, I just enhanced my original concept A LOT. This project is completely different than anything you've ever seen, soon I'll bring videos and you'll understand what I mean.

From UMK3 we will add a lot of stuff, there will be a basic gameplay mode that will be a lot like UMK3, run will be there, quick punches, dial kombos, uppercut to another stage... but it will also have stuff from almost every other MK game and some original stuffs...

Thrust me on this: This is the most ambitious MK project you will ever see, it's a deeper gameplay concept than any MK game have ever had, and it's for free, so... UMK3 lovers stick to UMK3, people interested in new MK games follow the progress of this game and we will all be happy.

Lucky Day

The main problem with a lot of Mugen games is that the people developing it don't have a very clear goal.

They are much more interested in adding 100 characters and engine mechanics from multiple games that don't belong and the end result is a mess.

There are a couple of very solid Mugen games though, so best of luck to you with whatever you can come up with.

If you have an open mind to what people tell you when the Beta is released and put the effort in, it's possible you'll come up with something playable and interesting at least.

I don't think UMK3 needs remade, so I like what you're doing here, and hopefully you're successful.

MKK hanzo


That's the current goal. It will be like this:
- Making the engine right
- Re-creating UMK3 / MKT (PSX/PC) as closest as possible
- Include all classic characters
- Tweaks and overall balance
- Some new moves

End of the project when MKT is finished and improved...

- Include new features like those I mentioned in early post on this topic.
- Make a different, original game out of the UMK3 parameters, but keeping the best of it.

I didn't... I'm just not replicating UMK3 gameplay system, I just enhanced my original concept A LOT. This project is completely different than anything you've ever seen, soon I'll bring videos and you'll understand what I mean.

From UMK3 we will add a lot of stuff, there will be a basic gameplay mode that will be a lot like UMK3, run will be there, quick punches, dial kombos, uppercut to another stage... but it will also have stuff from almost every other MK game and some original stuffs...

Thrust me on this: This is the most ambitious MK project you will ever see, it's a deeper gameplay concept than any MK game have ever had, and it's for free, so... UMK3 lovers stick to UMK3, people interested in new MK games follow the progress of this game and we will all be happy.
Frozen: I didnt reply to the facebook PM cause I VERY busy these holidays in my job and wouldnt have time to anything, not even play much less testing.

Besides that Im very sad that the "mugen monster" won again. I also was expecting your project to be like a recreation of UMK3 and hoped to test it.

Its something like this from an original programmer from MKP:



He asked me to test but when I contacted him he was "redoing MKII" adding chains, run supers etc. So... No.

I dont care, really I DONT CARE if you guys want to add 6600749678676 things "new" to "make a better UMK game" cause its not.

For example, this mygen stuff is all good and yeah cool and you learn a bit of programming and all but... WHO will play your games? its not even an official thing and will never be! NO ONE will take a MUGEN game seriously even if it was 100% original (like http://www.andresborghi.com.ar/theblackheart/ for examnple).

Those stuff CANNOT be topped. Never. I will not ask anyone to stop trying futile stuff in MUGEN cause its YOUR TIME you are wasting, but please cease to think that somebody can do a better game with that engine that a game that is already estabilished in the market, has an actual core and fan base and is STILL PLAYABLE AND BALANCED ENOUGH to warrant tourneys after 15 years of being outside.

Take care Carlos dont take this personal cause its not.

Lucky Day

You know he hasn't said he's going to just jump in and throw all of this in at one time and go with it.

He did state that the first build would be with just two characters and then he's going from there, which is the correct way to go.

Just because he's made the project more ambitious in the long run doesn't mean it's destined to fail.

But I agree, you need to start small and build from it. Make those two characters and make sure they're absolutely perfect. Then add another, then another.

When you've got about 4-6 characters, you've got enough for a beta for everyone to test. And I think you should go from there.

Lucky Day

For the record, I'm not saying this won't be a total mess, the odds are definitely stacked against it as far as Mugen games go.

I just don't think we need to shit on it just because he's shifted focus away from replicating UMK3.

I just think this needs to be done correctly.


Lucky, this is an ongoing deal with all mugen programmers, and we've tried to help in the past. Frozen sent me a small demo to try and it felt like it was going in the right direction and didn't need highly scrutinized testing yet, because most of the bugs were obvious and the gameplay fixes would and should be checked universally. However, it doesn't seem like they are going to remake UMK3 and add from there.

Okay, I'll post a short explanation of how the project is gonna be handled:

We're currently working in two characters only, and we wont be working in more characters until we get everything working "decently", then we might think on another one, but will be working real hard in the gameplay and not adding 20 characters at the same time.

We're not really working much on fatalities or stages, the focus of this project is the gameplay and is going to be like this for a very long time until we get everything working right so, I don't know... it might take a whole year to have the first 2 or 3 characters working.


Now, why do I decided to forget about UMK3 (not that much really)? Because I have something better in my opinion, so... here's a brief gamplay system explanation for those of you who might be interest:

I want to have 3 orbs below the life bar which can be used in 4 different ways... this orbs are only 3 per fight but you can have more accordingly to the way you fight because there will be a bar in the low part of the screen that, when is full gives you an extra orb. This bar fills a little everytime you hit the opponnent of get hit... sort of how the bar of Agressor from MKT or Rage from MKvsDCU works. This orbs can be used in the following ways:

COUNTER: Just the way it is in 3D MK games, you can interrupt a combo or juggle by tapping F+BL while being hit... this would consume one orb but prevent you from taking any further damage.

EXTENDED ABILITIES MODE: By tapping LP+LK you will enter in this mode (which last 7-10 seconds), in this mode all of your special moves will be improved, for example Kung Lao will be able to do Teleport Tornado by tapping D during the Spin Tornado... his hat will be the MK3 one instead of the MK2 one which is the one he will have by default, Sub-Zero's Slide will work the way it was in MK4 instead of how it works in UMK3, Noob will have his infamous Cloud from UMK3 instead a blue fireball (idea taken from MK4, the color is taken from MKTE for GBA)... and so on... the idea is that every single move is improved in this mode, which will last for a certain time, unless you get hit; getting hit will cancel the mode instantly. Also you will be able to do:
- Air combos
- Air uppercut
- Air roundhouse
- Crouch Kombos

MORE DAMAGE MODE: By tapping HP+HK you will enter in this mode (which last 7-10 seconds), in this mode you will have the default move list but all your attacks will cause more damage… something like AGRESSOR mode from MKT, but you will also have other specific abilities:
- Quick Recovery Uppercut: You will have instant recovery with the first uppercut you do in a juggle, giving you chance to connect extra hits… if you connect a second uppercut in the same combo the recovery time will be normal.
- Uppercut to an upper Arena: You will be able to do this only in this mode, to give it more credibility, and if this is your first uppercut in a combo you will be able to do a multi-arena combo because you will still have a very quick recovery.
- Break Walls with your opponent: Something like what happened in MKvsDCU.
- Far Kombos: You will be able to execute your regular punch kombos while far from the opponent.

HEALTH RECOVERY: By tapping RN+BL you will recover some health.


Besides the Orb modes and options there will be other gameplay possibilities that won't require orbs or anything; those are:
- Reversal (D,B+BL)
- Tag (Hold RN, Any arrow for different Tag options)
- Pick and throw rocks (D+RN this is MK4 system)
- Backdash (B+RN will work differently on each character)

This system guarantees a more strategic game play in which you will have to ask yourself if you want to waste an orb in a Counter or take your chances by entering in the More Damage mode to crush the opponent taking advantage of the stage, or fight a more strategic round with the Extended Abilities (which will cause every fighter to be more deadly), or try to recover some health and play defensively. It’s an universe of possibilities in your hands.

Now, I just want to say something more about the orbs:
- They're like MKD Counter Icons but they can be used for other porpouses and you can recover them during the fight with the lower bar.
- This system is BETTER than MK9 gameplay system, and I only mean the orbs vs the X-Bar.


Now... The ULTIMATE MORTAL KOMBAT 3 influence in the project:
- All characters will fight in UMK3 way by default, we are interested in having an UMK3 accurate experience in the default mode (that's when you don't use the orbs).
- Obviously there will be RN button...!
- You will be able to disable any system (including orbs, counter, reversal, kombos or run) separately in the game options.

Lucky Day

I don't mind some of your ideas (basically UMK3/Trilogy with a super meter).

But just make sure you're not working on that stuff until all of the basics for the characters are completely worked out.

And yea Shock, I hear you. Trust me I know how Mugen developers work. I'm just saying until we see how it works there's no need to judge and turn our backs on someone.

I honestly don't really care to have a Mugen recreation of UMK3, so I don't think it's such a bad thing for someone to try something else.

The important thing in the end is that he listens to what feedback the players offer during development, and that he takes it slow and doesn't rush into any sort of mechanic that doesn't need to be worked on.

Like I said, I'm not holding my breath that we're gonna get the next great MK game, but it's just pointless to be entirely negative just because it's not going to be UMK3 recreated.
I don't mind some of your ideas (basically UMK3/Trilogy with a super meter).

But just make sure you're not working on that stuff until all of the basics for the characters are completely worked out.

And yea Shock, I hear you. Trust me I know how Mugen developers work. I'm just saying until we see how it works there's no need to judge and turn our backs on someone.

I honestly don't really care to have a Mugen recreation of UMK3, so I don't think it's such a bad thing for someone to try something else.

The important thing in the end is that he listens to what feedback the players offer during development, and that he takes it slow and doesn't rush into any sort of mechanic that doesn't need to be worked on.

Like I said, I'm not holding my breath that we're gonna get the next great MK game, but it's just pointless to be entirely negative just because it's not going to be UMK3 recreated.
Thanks... now, that's a reasonable thinking...!

Clearly the reason I'm posting here is because I'm interested in having feedback from hardcore players, and something important most people here forget everytime they discuss with me is that I'm also a hardcore player, and the persona who is doing the programing knows a lot about fighting games too... anyways, is just a matter of time, eventually I hope some people here change their minds.