Scheisse - Thats because dealing with the KT is easy.

Like i said, im pretty sure most Scorp players will agree with my assessment on Lao vs Scorp.
People, do yourselves a favor and learn the sweet spot. Youll thank me later. To the people whove seen it, (wario, kensi, dragula, konqrr, etc) you know whats up.
Anyways, I put the match between Jax and Kitana 6 - 4.
As Hatman stated, Jax controls space at the start and he must maintain control of that space. He does this by hovering just at the tip of her sweep range. Jax must be wary of her 2 most dangerous weapons in this matchup. Her sweep and the corners.
Now, when Jax is hovering at this range, his main weapons are GP and HK. If she stays grounded, he can throw out HK with almost 100% safety since at that range...
- she cannot sweep him (his HK far outranges her sweep)
- if she jumps, attacks, etc HK will win clean
- if HK whiffs, the recovery is good and you should be okay.
The way to maintain this range is to step into range of her sweep then walk back. Depending on range, its one step in, one or two steps back. If you get predictable, she can start sweeping you. You must keep this in mind and mixup your steps back. As long as you take mental notes of your steps back, barely inching away towards the corners when you take 2 steps back, you are ok. If she tries to sweep it will whiff and then you GP. You want to keep this distance because of shes in range to block the HK, she can smack you and move in.
Now at some point she will be forced to jump in since at this range she cant do much and more than likely, youve been chipping away with ground pound. Heres where that spacing pays off. She cannot do a jump kick right off the ground since itll whiff. Kitana/Mileena players look to JK Jax where his HK cannot reach. This spacing gives them that false sense of security because at this range, Jax CANNOT HK female ninjas out of the air. This is want Jax wants.
Do not attempt to AA-HK. Block then start HP'ing defensive punches (aka golden punches). If she attempts a fan you will still be blocking so fans arent an issue. If she does a late fan, youll AA her twice with the HPs then GP as she lands. Quickly transition into LPs that she is forced to block. Now, she has to guess whether youll GP during the jabs or keep jabbing since she must jump back to avoid ground pound. If she guesses wrong, Jax will be popping her repeatedly in her face then on pushback, GP, or if she stays, cancel the LPs with a GP.
Now, problems for Jax begin when she moves in. Your best friend in this situation is d+hk, i shit you not. It will eat her sweeps and can AA crossover JKs. Now, you are only to use it when you see her sweep. Anytime before that, she will sweep you. (On a side note, Jax can completely shut down male ninjas with this one move) Now, if she gets next to you, GOD HELP YOU.
Nah jk. You must look for an opportunity to d+lp her. This will beat her sweep but only @ close range. After pushback, Jax must create some space react accordingly. One option is an crossover JK or crossover empty jump. There are other options but they must be done accordingly to how she reacts, mainly a GP. The crossover jump usually works since you havent jumped during the entire match, she cant anticipate it. If Kitana attempts a poke, as you land (most likely an uppercut) magic throw. If hes in the corner, Jaxs options are extremely limited as Hatgrill has stated. But by that time you reach the corner, Kitana should have most of her life gone so just turtle so you can think things though. Sooner or later, shell make a mistake in an attempt for damage. Remember kids, in the corner, HK, d+lp, and GP are your friends.
6 - 4 Jax.
Keep in mind, that im coming into this with a Jax players perspective, Hatgrill is coming with a Kitanas players perspective.