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MK9: Unofficial Tier List Speculation, and/or Character Shenanigans Discussion!

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the special effects
As someone that mains Kung, his spin is very easily punishable offline. Balancing this game for online play is terrible as the there will always be some ping, its simply unavoidable. Kung is steamrolling right now as people are not properly punishing Spin, as if its some instant deathtrap if you get near him when he does it. Online experience is not the best way to judge balance as the lag makes Kung Lao a nearly 100% safe character. Once people realize his Spin is punished on whiffs with fast specials (and depending on the range of the whiff, full combos) people will be flocking to the character that can easily counter him.

Ermac has the same treatment as lag makes his zoning and defense nearly impervious as he can just TKS and squeeze you all day. Dash canceling works wonders against Squeeze, not to mention whiffs can be easily punished offline.

Baraka is the only character in need of buffs and as for Cyrax, I think the window to tech his command throw should be slightly larger but that's really it. It's not nearly as broken as Sonya's stance trap.

I think the only true nerfs needed is Sonya's stance trap (which hasn't been seen in high level play but is gamebreaking if properly used) and Kabal's infinite (also not well known).

And for Quan Chis 100% rune trap, I think it needs to be fixed but not that big of an issue. Anyone with a teleport can cancel out his damage boost instantly and you can always breaker the opening string before the trance. It still needs a fix, just not asap.

Point is, trying to balance this around online play is dumb. Just the 2 cents of a Joe Nobody.

Also, lobo's party post was gdlk.


There are times when something truly is to good and needs to be patched out.
There are a few things like that in MK9, but almost none of them are the things being talked about in this thread. Most of the things that are truly bad are only known by a few people.
So damn true.
The way this thread has been going, this game will no longer be fun anymore.
I agree with both of your points, but why do you guys relate what goes on in this thread with what is actually going to happen in the game?

Most of this thread is a bunch of guys speculating and bullshitting on what MIGHT happen, it's not like we're NRS talking about official patch notes.

If this is what TYM is about when it comes to tiers than I probably should avoid this whole topic/thread/discussion and just go to SRK. I don't think I can handle this many complaints per character.

People are just giving their opinions and others are giving counter opinions. This is how the internets work.

A fun fact:

TestYourMight.com has 2600 members, the majority of which are active right now. This thread has around 60 people who have posted in it, half of who contributed nothing to this discussion (myself included).

One thread's content is not indicitave of the entire site's populations views, and it certainly doesn't reflect the views of the staff.
Now on to more important tier discussions. Dontay is correct, the American guy in Windjammers is serious. You can't fuck with that flat top.

Turf Masters also has a pretty diverse tier list, and I'm calling the German golfer as S+++ rank right away. When you activate level negative three X-Factor (Triple Bogey as they call it on the PGA Tour), he bends his clubs in half. That's some broke shit right there.



This is getting pathetic. People seriously need to let the game develop before they cry nerf.

There are far more important things to fix than nerfing a character, specially since the game hasn't even been out for over a month yet...



Dojo Trainee
That is not what TYM is about. However like with any site that gets more popular in a fast period of time and gets a large influx of newer players, not everyone is going to understand competitive high level play and how it works. Rather then denegrate or insult these members(which im not saying you did, Im just speaking generally) it is the communities job to educate them.

Nerfing seems to have become the new trend. This isnt by any means limited to Mortal Kombat. The SF4 series has gone through several iterations and revisions. MVC3 has already been patched and is still a pretty new game. Im by no means a fan of nerfing for nerfings sake or just to appease those who scream about something just because they cant beat it. There are times when something truly is to good and needs to be patched out.
There are a few things like that in MK9, but almost none of them are the things being talked about in this thread. Most of the things that are truly bad are only known by a few people.
This is probably not my part to say this, but I think there needs to be an enforcement on these kinds of threads. The whole purpose (as far as I understood it) is tier discussion and to understand who belongs where and why, to understand what makes a character good or bad. Not to boil down to talking about possible nerfs and buffs. I think this re-enforcement will help guide discussion better in so that they stay on topic and stay relevant to the title, it also makes it easier to find the info you want.

The casuals will never understand competitive play, I have came to that realization after MvC3, where people thinking Magneto BnB is some kind of infinite and combos are "cheap". The information is already laid out, if people want to learn they will go out of their way to learn, but on the other hand people not wanting to understand will never understand.

And to atleast give credit to capcom, they didn't force a nerf/buff less than a month in their game

One thread's content is not indicitave of the entire site's populations views, and it certainly doesn't reflect the views of the staff.
I only mention that I should avoid this topic/thread/discussion and not the site. The site is good overall, but there are just somethings that are bothersome (people talking about buffs/nerfs less than a month into the game existence)


MK is kinda dope
Justin using Raiden sound scary.
One of the best players in the world using the cheapest char in the game isn't scary. KL's SPIN IS SCARY!

I'm gonna keep complaining about Raiden until they patch him. It's too hard for me to deal with, I haven't figured out a way to counter it (even though this game has been out less than a month). PATCH!

Slips: You can punish spin on reaction, I'm not sure why you don't see it, but you can.


Rather then denegrate or insult these members(which im not saying you did, Im just speaking generally) it is the communities job to educate them.
I agree with both of your points, but why do you guys relate what goes on in this thread with what is actually going to happen in the game?

Most of this thread is a bunch of guys speculating and bullshitting on what MIGHT happen, it's not like we're NRS talking about official patch notes.

People are just giving their opinions and others are giving counter opinions. This is how the internets work.

QFT x1000


This is probably not my part to say this, but I think there needs to be an enforcement on these kinds of threads. The whole purpose (as far as I understood it) is tier discussion and to understand who belongs where and why, to understand what makes a character good or bad. Not to boil down to talking about possible nerfs and buffs. I think this re-enforcement will help guide discussion better in so that they stay on topic and stay relevant to the title, it also makes it easier to find the info you want.
Theres nothing wrong with you voicing your opinion. As far as moderating the thread goes, its a balance. Moderator does not equal dictator.(At least for me.) While the thread has meandered here and there it is still for the most part on topic. Talking about tiers inevitably leads to talk about characters tools, they're strengths and weaknesses and who is good and who is bad. It also follows that talk about what should be changed,balanced and tweaked would spring from that. I certainly dont agree with alot of what Im reading. But as a moderator the thread itself is still on topic. Those few places where it did get a little off track were handled.


So hopefully we are back on track in here now. original thread post: http://testyourmight.com/forum/content.php?1025-MK9-KUNG-LAO-IS-SUPER-SILLY-(a-combo-vid-short-by-Devildigimon)

devildigimon just posted this on the front page. I just tried it on dummy couldn't block and my neighbor tried it on me couldn't block either (offline)

Quote from devildigimon:

A 85 - 90% Guaranteed combo with Kung Lao in MK9.

If at the start of round 2 or 3, if Kung Lao has 100% meter and YOU have less than 10% meter...

YOU DIE!!! This combo is WITHOUT XRAY btw and assumes you have NO METER at start of round.

View in 480p if you're having problems reading the text in the vid.

For some reason you CANNOT (aren't allowed to) block after EX Hat Throw lol. Thus making your next follow up hit guaranteed. To the point you can do another jump in attack into full combo. And...


Its seems similar to Cyrax bomb Trap though less practical since it requires meter. So I am basically asking do you guys think this is ok to leave in since it isn't to practical? Bomb trap played a roll in the PnA but he did drop it. Like in MvC3 there are known infinites but I haven't seen one used yet.
So hopefully we are back on track in here now. original thread post: http://testyourmight.com/forum/content.php?1025-MK9-KUNG-LAO-IS-SUPER-SILLY-(a-combo-vid-short-by-Devildigimon)

devildigimon just posted this on the front page. I just tried it on dummy couldn't block and my neighbor tried it on me couldn't block either (offline)

Has anyone else tried this yet?
How is combo execution discussion in any way relevant to this topic?

lol, sure, it was like 32 days after release, but you get the point.


How is combo execution discussion in any way relevant to this topic?
I guess i shouldnt have used the wording has anyone tried this its not a combo video. To block it to get out of it. In between the hat toss and jump in punch.

?? Not the execution of the combo its not on the front page because of the execution of the combo not from what I have read. Its posted as an somewhat exploit if you would call it that.

Its seems similar to Cyrax bomb Trap though less practical since it requires meter. So I am basically asking do you guys think this is ok to leave in since it isn't to practical? Bomb trap played a roll in the PnA but he did drop it. Like in MvC3 there are known infinites but I haven't seen one used yet.


Dojo Trainee
I guess i shouldnt have used the wording has anyone tried this its not a combo video. To block it to get out of it. In between the hat toss and jump in punch.

?? Not the execution of the combo its not on the front page because of the execution of the combo not from what I have read. Its posted as an somewhat exploit if you would call it that.

Its seems similar to Cyrax bomb Trap though less practical since it requires meter. So I am basically asking do you guys think this is ok to leave in since it isn't to practical? Bomb trap played a roll in the PnA but he did drop it. Like in MvC3 there are known infinites but I haven't seen one used yet.
To clear one thing, there is no known infinite in MvC3 that are still in the game currently and if there are any they will be patched out like the others.

I have a feeling that the dmg reset in the video is not intended, and NRS will take the appropriate action (or lack of action) pending on how they see it.

Dandy J

i can see all the amine
Sorry everyone! It's all my fault for mentioning in a post that I'd give spin a recoil. I swear even when I'm not trying to troll I start shit lol. I'm also curious when the patch is being released. I'm assuming after PSN goes up.

Streak me with Ermac? I doubt that but confidence is always good I suppose... I'm able to get down 50+% combos with x-ray online consistently WITH bad lag and delay far more then anything I've seen so far on or offline with him....so that's not happening.
Pump it up bro, I think u can take him.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Most of this thread is people stating why they think something should be nerfed, then others belittling them for their opinion. If you think something should be nerfed, give an explanation. If you want your opinion to be taken seriously, that's what you're going to have to do. If you think that something shouldn't be nerfed based on what the other people have posted, explain why you think it shouldn't be nerfed.

You guys are getting a bit too personal in this thread and frankly it's looking like a circus in here. This thread is getting a lot of activity and it would be a shame to have to close it due to immaturity. Just chill out folks.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
So hopefully we are back on track in here now. original thread post: http://testyourmight.com/forum/content.php?1025-MK9-KUNG-LAO-IS-SUPER-SILLY-(a-combo-vid-short-by-Devildigimon)

devildigimon just posted this on the front page. I just tried it on dummy couldn't block and my neighbor tried it on me couldn't block either (offline)

Quote from devildigimon:

Its seems similar to Cyrax bomb Trap though less practical since it requires meter. So I am basically asking do you guys think this is ok to leave in since it isn't to practical? Bomb trap played a roll in the PnA but he did drop it. Like in MvC3 there are known infinites but I haven't seen one used yet.
No different to something like Barakas corner loop

But still gotta go, no KL player would wanna waste meter on that anyway.


This thread is a waste of web space...

Pls stop bitching about that being silly.....Who the fuck would use 3 ex hats in a row instead of xray....You'll never see that in a match. And if any of you haven't seen crazy Kung Lao stuff, watch what Check does with him(Unpractical again.) Once again, stop crying about him being too powerful and learn how to deal with him. If Tom Brady or Reo can stop Kung Lao, then all of you should....Its been 21 days since the game came out and apparently most people think that by now they are supposed to be gdlk at the game...wake up and go practice...thats what i do. None of the characters should get nerfed or whatever you call it. Other than stupid shit like Cyrax' bomb trap, leave everything the way it is. its FUN!!!!

P.S. It seems that some people here bitch about Lao,Raiden and Kabal a lot...well just because your fanboy characters are not top tier, it doesnt mean others should go down...I hope NRS make the right choice and leave the characters alone...All cry babies should come back in 3-4 months after a descent time spent in the lab and talk again about Kung Lao...Its been 21 days for fuck sake...

One more time, Just because it doesn't go your way or cater you, it doesn't mean that its bad...

Oh and MKF...with your posts about 50+ on mega lag, you totally confirm and remind everybody of the moron you are...Dont forget the thread you posted a couple months ago and dont forget what you said in it and how everyone gave you chance to come out and play.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
This thread is a waste of web space...

Pls stop bitching about that being silly.....Who the fuck would use 3 ex hats in a row instead of xray....You'll never see that in a match. And if any of you haven't seen crazy Kung Lao stuff, watch what Check does with him(Unpractical again.) Once again, stop crying about him being too powerful and learn how to deal with him. If Tom Brady or Reo can stop Kung Lao, then all of you should....Its been 21 days since the game came out and apparently most people think that by now they are supposed to be gdlk at the game...wake up and go practice...thats what i do. None of the characters should get nerfed or whatever you call it. Other than stupid shit like Cyrax' bomb trap, leave everything the way it is. its FUN!!!!

P.S. It seems that some people here bitch about Lao,Raiden and Kabal a lot...well just because your fanboy characters are not top tier, it doesnt mean others should go down...I hope NRS make the right choice and leave the characters alone...All cry babies should come back in 3-4 months after a descent time spent in the lab and talk again about Kung Lao...Its been 21 days for fuck sake...

One more time, Just because it doesn't go your way or cater you, it doesn't mean that its bad...
Checks stuffs not impractical, I do that in match all the time. But the 3 ex hats is pointless. Not sure where I stand on cyraxs bomb trap though


What exactly do you do in a match with Kung Lao....combos that work on Sheeva only????

P.S. Check is doing great job by showing the boundaries of the game and whats in there. I personally find big part of that stuff useless in a vs match unless you're Check...

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
What exactly do you do in a match with Kung Lao....combos that work on Sheeva only????

P.S. Check is doing great job by showing the boundaries of the game and whats in there. I personally find big part of that stuff useless in a vs match unless you're Check...
I find them harder to do on Sheeva :p only in the corner though


That didnt really answer my question....What exactly do you do with Kung Lao in a match from Check's Lao combo video???

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Well I was inspired by his combos and made my own 60%+ that work midscreen/corner easily. I cant get a gameplay up though :(
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