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MK9: Unofficial Tier List Speculation, and/or Character Shenanigans Discussion!

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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol, what is this? Ermac has to be one of the most easiest chars to play in the game. And I can't believe you just brought up MK9's online in your argument, wow.
Ok, pretty certain you misunderstood the point of my post. Which is why I said, why nerf Ermac to begin with he's not uber powerful.... isn't that hard to play casually, oh sure I guess that could be said about almost any character... but be good, now that's a different story....as oppose to Kung Lao, who is the UMK3 Kabal more or less in MK9 lol. I mean you gotta admit, 90% of this thread is debate over Kung Lao alone which proves my point despite if I agree or disagree with it.

I also must ask if Ermac is so easy, how come you haven't used him in any streams so far reo? I've seen you use two people, Kung Lao and Kabal...but no Ermac. Not judging, but just saying...since Ermac is "so easy" and all ;) Only players I've seen use him was LIjoe and KB, that's it....Ermac isn't that easy to use or pick up to a new comer or anyone's style.

Yeah, you're right...nobody plays online remotely on this site and I'm sure NRS doesn't check so either right? *lol* even for if it's for fun I don't know why I brought that up, nobody here plays online what so ever :p


You didn't read my post did you? Which is why I said WHY nerf him IF at all? Ermac isn't that hard to play, but be good with different story....as oppose to Kung Lao, who is the UMK3 Kabal more or less in MK9. I also must ask if he's so easy, how come you haven't used him in any streams so far reo? I've seen you use two people, Kung Lao and Kabal. That's it. Not judging, but just saying...since Ermac is "so easy" and all ;)

Yeah, you're right...nobody plays online remotely on this site *lol* even for fun I don't know why I brought that up :p
Why would Ermac not get nerfed in the upcoming patch? He's a top 10 char with easy mode tools and damage. Tom already said he was going to be nerfed. (not sure if he stated it in this thread, yet) And go to one of the next four upcoming tourneys in NY and I'll gladly streak you with Ermac. As far as Kung Lao being MK9's Kabal? No, that would go to Reptile.


So you join in? And what have you added to this conversation aside from saying that the game is fine because your character does 50% damage and can punish spin for that much? Seriously everything else is just "I like x known player's comment because it's as dismissive of everyone as mine."

If this is a dick waving contest you've put a big flag on yours that says overcompensating.
my contribution to this discussion is pointing out how ridiculous having the discussion 3 weeks in is in the first place. evidently it needs to be done over and over again before you figure that out.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That's what I was asking initially, I saw someone else say "word is Ermac is getting nerfed with damage" so I said, ok, IF Ermac gets nerfed, I'd hope it's not a lot since I don't see a problem with him....

Yes, I admit and know he's top 10 but not top 3 or anything....he's a range character for the most part, not a melee up close.

I don't think Tom said in this thread(unless I missed it) I was going by someone else's post...

Streak me with Ermac? I doubt that but confidence is always good I suppose... I'm able to get down 50+% combos with x-ray online consistently WITH bad lag and delay far more then anything I've seen so far on or offline with him....so that's not happening. I meant tier wise since Kung Lao is higher then Reptile....with the UMK3 comment since a lot of people pick Kung Lao as their BnB character more often then not....

I'm currently doing research for tournaments and events in my area of NYC. Also, some of the GS's are supposedly doing something in the near future with more tournaments as well as people in staten island, bk etc who wish to hang out sometime and play MK9 offline. There are no play and trades here in NYC unfortunately.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Streak me with Ermac? lol won't happen... I'm able to get down 50% combos with x-ray online consistently WITH bad lag and delay....so that's not happening.
I'm mad you used being able to do combos online as a reason why REO won't streak you.

Real talk, though, REO won't streak you if you don't show up to anything...if you think you can keep up with him...by all means show up to a tournament or something and play him. No use in talking.


my contribution to this discussion is pointing out how ridiculous having the discussion 3 weeks in is in the first place. evidently it needs to be done over and over again before you figure that out.
Which has nothing to absolutely do with the discussion. You might need to take a trip back to page 7 when Konqrr (OMG PRO PLAYER) brought up Kung Lao and the spin. It was completely fine and reasonable until people wanted to hop in a internet thread and try to Force their opinions on others based off there pro-ness.

What followed was some people jumping in the thread to say OMG I like your comment let me repeat it which did nothing for the conversation except help turn it into what it is now.

Nothing but trolling and arguing and bickering cause people are unhappy. Anyone of use could easily turn the whiner and crying argument 360 and use it now that these announced changes are known. No one has cause the majority of the people that brought up the spin in the first place where only talking to each other and reasonably. Some of you need to read my sig rule #1 straight up.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
THTB, I can do them offline as well dude, I don't even care about online and just play for fun but with the lag and delay doing a 50%+ is more then an effort....I'm sure you'd agree to that at least.

Honestly, this game is still fresh and like Tom said in the last stream "nobody is unbeatable" that goes for me as well as anyone else....but if you read my last post entirely, that's the deal with me and offline atm.

Also, you should know I didn't start with the trash talking...REO came at me with "I'll streak you blah, blah" when I just asked him "If Ermac is so easy, why don't you use him" that is all....the rest is all speculation until it actually happens. But forget that, I don't wish to go off topic with that nonsense.

I anxiously await the new updates for the characters :)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Doing combos is just muscle memory...I can do Reptile's dash combos in lag...k? That's just because my fingers are trained to time it properly. It's not that big a deal.

Also aside from the last bit, what exactly did that even have to do with my post...? I never said anything about anyone beaing unbeatable.


this is to refresh some peoples short term memories in here.

I change my opinion on who is the #1 character in this game. It is no longer Sub to me, it is Kung Lao...

Yes, he is unsafe when his moves are blocked. Yes, Reptile beats him.

But there is no way to stop him from coming at you unless you have ice clone. Even then that is a free teleport to get in. Dive kick punishes every projectile attempt from near to full screen. Dive kick auto-corrects if you try to avoid it and go under him or teleport away trying to avoid that last hit of chip that would kill you... you still get hit. Spin active frames are there for ever, this is a problem in the corner when he is just out of range...it's very hard to punish/stop and impossible to jump out. His roll attack forces you to respect the spin and thus you block and get thrown or stuck in a blockstring mixup where a scrubby spin comes out randomly.

Teleport Throw is SO STUPID. Yes, you can uppercut it before it happens, you can dash out, you can jump out if you are fast enough, it's slow... yes, I get that. But what about on wakeup? He teleports behind you so you can't do a wakeup attack (afaik), and he is already in prime position to throw you or overhead. If you do a recovery, you are almost guaranteed to be thrown. You can't jump out because the fucking throw grabs you out of the air, which in itself is stupid as hell.

Maybe I'm just venting to losing to a crazy rushdown kung lao player who did hella unsafe shit but got away with it because I failed to punish hard enough. No matter what, he was on top of me and I had to guess to get out and take risk to do so.

Don't get me wrong, I won more games in the set and pretty much started it going 5-0 before the bullshit ensued... but I'm no noob at this game.

I think that Kung Lao is a stupid scrub character and that is not what NRS wants in this game. He needs a nerf...
That is when the discussion started!

It wasn't us (the non pro scrubs with no assumed offline experience)

He didn't change his opinion yet he just said that he was a little unsure of that opinion I dont know. Since he probably has been testing he still hasn't came in and changed his opinion.


That's what I was asking initially, I saw someone else say "word is Ermac is getting nerfed with damage" so I said, ok, IF Ermac gets nerfed, I'd hope it's not a lot since I don't see a problem with him....

Yes, I admit and know he's top 10 but not top 3 or anything....he's a range character for the most part, not a melee up close.

I don't think Tom said in this thread(unless I missed it) I was going by someone else's post...

I meant tier wise since Kung Lao is higher then Reptile....with the UMK3 comment since a lot of people pick Kung Lao as their BnB character more often then not....

I'm currently doing research for tournaments and events in my area of NYC. Also, some of the GS's are supposedly doing something in the near future with more tournaments as well as people in staten island, bk etc who wish to hang out sometime and play MK9 offline. There are no play and trades here in NYC unfortunately.
Kung Lao has been stated numerous times that he is #6 by Brady. So can you stop saying that he is top 5 like you mentioned in an earlier post or implying that Ermac is "fine" because there are chars with dumber bullshit than him? And Reptile is placed higher than Kung.

Streak me with Ermac? I doubt that but confidence is always good I suppose... I'm able to get down 50+% combos with x-ray online consistently WITH bad lag and delay far more then anything I've seen so far on or offline with him....so that's not happening.
You must be beast. Better hope the same thing doesn't happen to you like it did to the last combo king (Check) back at NEC.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
REO, I never said "Ermac is fine, don't touch him" I said IF he gets nerfed, I hope it's not a HUGE one....

That's just my view point until there's an official tier list, a lot is stilll debatable. A LOT of people in here have openly said they feel Kung Lao is #1, I feel he's up there and definitely top 3 and that's my opinion, we all have one. You wish to disagree, fine. It's your right, everyone has a view point. Reptile is very good too I agree.

Well, I do want to get more involved with the offline scene :) because honestly, online with the lag and comp isn't doing much for me (outside of the people on here) and I want to help the MK scene where I live too, why not right? I'm not going to say I'm a beast or that I suck or a combo king, just saying my style is different then most with Ermac(I've seen so far), but I do have more confidence in myself with this MK compared to UMK3, MKDC and MKA for sure...I like the feel of the characters and how fluid it is. And I have to say I very much like LI Joe's tactics with Ermac. He looks like he's fun.

Doing combos is just muscle memory...I can do Reptile's dash combos in lag...k? That's just because my fingers are trained to time it properly. It's not that big a deal.

Also aside from the last bit, what exactly did that even have to do with my post...? I never said anything about anyone beaing unbeatable.

True, but as you know some combos also require precise timing too(character depending, some more then others) Would you say doing a 40% reptile juggle/dash combo is equally as easy to do online as it is offline though? That's what I'm saying, just using Ermac in this case. I merely brought up the "unbeatable" point which Tom had mentioned addressing REO's post earlier....plus as you know, this game is still very new besides. You know?


Boob Titbot
You sir, are what is wrong with the MK community. And I mean it.

You're actually bragging about participating in offline tournaments and playing against better players than yourself lol. Pathetic. :) You're talking like that makes you any brighter than anybody else. When it actually just makes you look silly.
I am what's wrong with the MK community because I asked a simple few questions to the posters of this thread? There you go once again making up shit like, "playing against better players than yourself." I said COMPETENT - I didn't say BETTER. And that was in the context of a question to everyone here not referring to myself - none of which was BRAGGING either.

This is the second time you've made shit up about me. First it was that I was against glitch fixing and now this. I haven't used my moderation powers beyond accepting people when registering on this forum but if you continue to make shit up and miss quote what I said - I will be forced to use them in other ways.
If MKF30 shows up to a NY tourney, I will place any amount on REO, in any length of set, in any MK game, and MKF30 can choose the characters used.

If you accept these terms, please notify me in advance so I can take out a loan on my house and or car and have the money to put on the table.

Completely irrelevant to the thread I know, but had to throw that out there.


A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
True, but as you know some combos also require precise timing too(character depending, some more then others) Would you say doing a 40% reptile juggle/dash combo is equally as easy to do online as it is offline though? That's what I'm saying, just using Ermac in this case. I merely brought up the "unbeatable" point which Tom had mentioned addressing REO's post earlier....plus as you know, this game is still very new besides.
You dont get it do you? Its all down to the player, anybody can get 50+ % off ermac online or offline easily, i did after my first 5 mins using him -.-. Alot of good knowing a combo is and not knowing how to get the opponent into one.

All this talk about nerfing KL seems dumb, cyraxs bomb trap can end up making a 90 odd percent combo, yet everybody defends that?

And you talk about some combos requiring 'precise timing', well ermacs combos require a hella lot less skill to pull off that KL.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yes, Lucky I'm well aware that I'd be the underdog....the underdog almost always loses right?

You dont get it do you? Its all down to the player, anybody can get 50+ % off ermac online or offline easily, i did after my first 5 mins using him -.-. Alot of good knowing a combo is and not knowing how to get the opponent into one.

All this talk about nerfing KL seems dumb, cyraxs bomb trap can end up making a 90 odd percent combo, yet everybody defends that?

And you talk about some combos requiring 'precise timing', well ermacs combos require a hella lot less skill to pull off that KL.

I get it perfectly, but doing so against actual other good players(from here and classic who know what they're doing) is a lot different then scrubs that don't know what the hell they're doing....and it's not all about combos, but HOW you implement and when you do them....

So I get it, clearly you misunderstood my initial post....and your timing with Kung Lao vs. Ermac, matter of opinion....depending on WHICH combos you're referring to, try dashing and doing 22 jabs online with bad lag with Ermac and connect that for anything over 37% and I'll give you a cookie. There are tons of Ermac combos and possibilities....

You may be able to do combos, but can you use him WELL regardless of online or offline? That's what I'm referring to more so then big combos, I'm hardly a combo king but just bringing up the fact that at least in this point in time(prior to future patches) that doing them consistently in close matches in bad lag is challenging, don't care what anyone says....anyone that's played this game online knows it needs work.
Ok, pretty certain you misunderstood the point of my post. Which is why I said, why nerf Ermac to begin with he's not uber powerful.... isn't that hard to play casually, oh sure I guess that could be said about almost any character... but be good, now that's a different story....as oppose to Kung Lao, who is the UMK3 Kabal more or less in MK9 lol. I mean you gotta admit, 90% of this thread is debate over Kung Lao alone which proves my point despite if I agree or disagree with it.

I also must ask if Ermac is so easy, how come you haven't used him in any streams so far reo? I've seen you use two people, Kung Lao and Kabal...but no Ermac. Not judging, but just saying...since Ermac is "so easy" and all ;) Only players I've seen use him was LIjoe and KB, that's it....Ermac isn't that easy to use or pick up to a new comer or anyone's style.

Yeah, you're right...nobody plays online remotely on this site and I'm sure NRS doesn't check so either right? *lol* even for if it's for fun I don't know why I brought that up, nobody here plays online what so ever :p
No offense, I'm not an a great player on MK9, but Online Gameplay vs Offline Tournament scene is vastly different. You're whining about nerfs due to lag, delays and other garbage, when in reality you're just shafting the whole MK FG scene tournament wise because KL does work online. Nerfing a character when looking from a lag and delay PoV is a poor assessment of character balance and doesn't constitute in change.

I'm pretty sure any of the top players here know how to handle KL offline, which should be the main focus of discussion when speaking of balance, and I'm highly confident that it is NRS' goal as well. Seeing the success of SSFIV was largely due to its strong offline FG community, why would you touch something that is easily punishable, as TB and most high level players say, just to cater to the online aspect where players only care about W/Ls. And if that W/Ls come at the sacrifice for nerfing/beefing unnecessary aspects of the game that are fine, just so people can boast about their rank, is pretty terrible.

It's like all these wannabe sit a home Pros giving a negative image on MLG, because they bought a $2 gamerpicture and run around talking smack in online MP games. Than actual MLG players who compete to win prize money at live events get the same reflection, when in they don't behave like that. There 2 different environments.

The netcode needs sorting first.

My 2 cents.


Premium Supporter
I've pulled a babality on Hanzo's Kabal and MissSpin's Kung in UMK3. That alone gives me more credibility than you will ever have with this kind of post. :p
Not to be a bitch, but who brags about finishers? Makes you look like a fan-boy scrub who cares about online rank.

#Justsayin :)

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I get it perfectly, but doing so against actual other good players(from here and MKU) is a lot different then scrubs that don't know what the hell they're doing....and it's not all about combos, but HOW you implement and when you do them....

So I get it, clearly you misunderstood my initial post....and your timing with Kung Lao vs. Ermac, matter of opinion....depending on WHICH combos you're referring to, try dashing and doing 22 jabs online with bad lag with Ermac and connect that for anything over 37% and I'll give you a cookie. There are tons of Ermac combos and possibilities....

You may be able to do combos, but can you use him WELL regardless of online or offline?
Since I from england I wont be able to play all the US pros, but I can and do play the top English players.

Ermacs combos will always be easier than Kung Laos, no matter how you look at it, as long as u can teleport and press 22 you arent gonna have a hard time playing him (so long as you start a combo). So surely Ermac should be nerfed just like KL

Its roughly 45% Midscreen for both of them using 1 bar off of the meter.

IDK why im even arguing about combos lol Mr Checkterlantern
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