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How they can turn mk1's image around and bring hype for their next gsme


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Why not just a long free beta? 6months beta with online and practice mode?
Because NRS is a business and there’s absolutely no reason to come out with a 6 month free beta. The most they’d do for free is a weekend stress test with a few characters or a few day to maybe a week max beta, again with only a few characters.

The only way we would see something like I’m proposing is if it had some cost attached to it. Which I really do believe a good enough amount of people would get it for it to be worth it for NRS. And even though we’d be paying for a beta that we would be testing ourselves, like I said, it would also benefit us. So many times, the release of NRS games have a lot of issues. Both with glitches and with balance. Of course this isn’t exclusive to NRS games, most games, FG or otherwise, are like this these days.

But yeah, there would have to be some give and take, some compromising. If you want to play the game early and help with testing, it’d cost you like $25 or so. But you obviously wouldn’t be at all obligated to get the beta. If it doesn’t appeal to you, you could just wait for the full release

Subby Z

What did you think of playable Jerrod?
I mean I’m down for Jerrod as long as he has a distinctive moveset. Do you have a particular ability that he would use? I don’t know tons about Jerrod and always just kind of saw him as an old wise man. Again he would be a new character and unique.

Also… I want to remove Erron Black from the main roster. Mainly because I thought of the first dlc pack last night.

A black dragon pack.
Erron Black
Kira (if she can be made unique enough)
Guest of some sort.

So that leaves another spot open for main roster. I’m leaning towards nightwolf honestly. Any other picks you have?

@ Vulgar

I think Kai has potential to be revamped. It would take some reworking but I definitely think he could hit. You just have to make him important. It can’t be like Reiko in MK1 where it felt like he was just kinda there.


I mean I’m down for Jerrod as long as he has a distinctive moveset. Do you have a particular ability that he would use? I don’t know tons about Jerrod and always just kind of saw him as an old wise man. Again he would be a new character and unique.
People have asked before for a proper zoner like Dr. Fate in MK...so Jerrod could fulfill that role with magic. Maybe an element like light. Have his fighting style be something we haven't seen properly in MK like aikido with strings with throw components with an over-all style designed to recreate space between himself and the opponent so he can get back to zoning. He'd be a refined, controlled ruler with a focus on range and magic to be a total inversion of Shao as a ruler focused on brutal melee combat and physicality.

As for other roster picks, I'd say Nightwolf is not a bad choice. I'm also very serious about thinking Kobra should have something done with him and be in.


Also I understand the skepticism about Kai...but he's FAR from impossible to salvage as a character

I even did up some quick redesign attempts. Tried not stray too far from his core concept...but also tried to make his design not suck ass
I think I'm most partial to #3? I like that the color scheme incorporates white which ties into what I mentioned about the whole White Tiger thing and because it separates his color scheme from Liu Kang's
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I really wouldn't mind any MK character from the 3D era returning as long as they are revamped properly.
Its crazy to me that they took two of the only decent 3D characters who had yet to return in Nitara and Havik and made them worse, but couldn't be bothered to try and pumped up ones that were meh. Ashrah is kinda the same as she was, very shallow character, I don't think her look is great but its not horrible by any means. Weird that they didn't really keep any of her moves though

Subby Z

This is pretty much always my outlook. "Every character is someone's favorite" is how I tend to approach things especially as a lifelong comic book fan who's often been a fan of very obscure or minor bad guys
Alright Yagami I’m back. I’m with you on characters that can be revamped, but that would possibly be in the next game once we’ve earned back trust. Again this is coming after MK1 which I know some here liked and that’s fine, but a lot of people (like myself) did not. I think an obscure character here or there is fine but we already have Kai (which I do think can be revamped but he’s still obscure and has to gain fans similar to fujin in 11). So when it comes to someone like Kobra it would maybe have to wait. The next game needs to be a Renaissance similar to MK9.

Ooay that last spot which I said for Nightwolf I really started thinking we don’t have a hulking character like the Shokan. I’m still on board with Nightwolf but wondering if you think we need to find a place for Goro or Kintaro? Shao is the boss so he’s kind of ruled out there, but I’m thinking we need a monster character.

I also have come up with a concept for the select screen. It would be 5 rows of 5

Top Row: Scorpion, Ermac, Reptile, Noob Saibot, Sub-Zero
2nd Row: Fujin, Kai, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Raiden
3rd Row: Mileena, Skarlet, Harumi, Kitana, Jade
4th Row: Jax, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, (roster spot)
5th Row: Lillith, Kotal Kahn, D’Vorah, Shang Tsung,(roster spot)

First DLC Black Dragon
Kano, Tremor, Erron Black, Kabal, Kira, (Ash) guest

2nd DLC (Order and Chaos)
Havik, Hotaru, Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke, (another guest)

If you are concrete on Jerrod I’m down for him to complete the outworld cast (yes I know he’s Edenian).

Now that I’ve developed the select screen setup I am leaning towards Nightwolf to complete the Earthrealm heroes portion of the select screen.

Edit: Also the 3rd artwork you presented for Kai works. I liked the white garb added into that design. It really makes him pop out as a character.
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MK1 is the best MK period.
Get rid of fatal blows. Instead give characters active passive abilities when they get below 30%

Visual indication- weapon glows with aura

Character indication- example: Kung Lao lotus petals swirling wind/ Raiden pulsing electricity etc

Kung Lao chain fist or punch normals do more chip on block

Ground movement speed increases. Teleport start up increases

Also unlocks new normals strings and additional special moves when threshold is met also change existing move properties as well.

Also build on what mk11 did when they focused more on character weaponry.

For example give characters weapons active modifications

Striking an enemy with Kung Laos hat x amount of times will cause a bleed out effect or DOT.

They can get real creative with this.


but that would possibly be in the next game once we’ve earned back trust.
See I'm of the mind that you WOW out of the gate. "Holy shit they made [unloved character] awesome! They're firing on all cylinders". Remember the Stryker situation. Stryker was in MK9 off the rip and was loved for his redesign and new approach. Character went from dogshit-tier to really liked. I think doing things like that is actually how you earn trust because you are not playing it safe.

A big-body character is an absolute must. Goro has been gone for a while and got done dirty in MK1 so he might be a top choice. He's a face of the franchise and also deserves some major character work to develop him visibly to people in the modern day.

Also not gonna lie I think Harumi is a terrible choice. She's the Uncle Ben of the franchise. Bringing her back to life just feels lame. She's not a character people are connected to in any way. She's not a character really. She's the idea of 'Scorpions wife' and her being back regresses Hanzo. Like when I say I don't like it, I actively fucking hate it. I'd much rather have someone like Frost or...literally anyone else basically.

I'd say take her out and put Goro in and that becomes an Outworld team alongside Jade, Kitana, Mileena and Skarlet. Or you put Jerrod in that spot and it becomes nearly a total 'Edenia team'. Or we say the roster is 26 total with Goro at the center of a diamond shape.

Kobra would actually fit great alongside the Earthrealm team (as compared to the Shaolin team). It also puts a wildcard on them instead of a stacked group of good guys. Plus it links to the Black Dragon for future DLC.

Instead give characters active passive abilities
This is a great fucking idea. Maybe not necessarily to tie into a specific life total for every character but an ability that can be activated or that activates automatically for the character is a great way to add personality and playstyle to them. I like that a lot.

Subby Z

See I'm of the mind that you WOW out of the gate. "Holy shit they made [unloved character] awesome! They're firing on all cylinders". Remember the Stryker situation. Stryker was in MK9 off the rip and was loved for his redesign and new approach. Character went from dogshit-tier to really liked. I think doing things like that is actually how you earn trust because you are not playing it safe.

A big-body character is an absolute must. Goro has been gone for a while and got done dirty in MK1 so he might be a top choice. He's a face of the franchise and also deserves some major character work to develop him visibly to people in the modern day.

Also not gonna lie I think Harumi is a terrible choice. She's the Uncle Ben of the franchise. Bringing her back to life just feels lame. She's not a character people are connected to in any way. She's not a character really. She's the idea of 'Scorpions wife' and her being back regresses Hanzo. Like when I say I don't like it, I actively fucking hate it. I'd much rather have someone like Frost or...literally anyone else basically.

I'd say take her out and put Goro in and that becomes an Outworld team alongside Jade, Kitana, Mileena and Skarlet. Or you put Jerrod in that spot and it becomes nearly a total 'Edenia team'. Or we say the roster is 26 total with Goro at the center of a diamond shape.

Kobra would actually fit great alongside the Earthrealm team (as compared to the Shaolin team). It also puts a wildcard on them instead of a stacked group of good guys. Plus it links to the Black Dragon for future DLC.

This is a great fucking idea. Maybe not necessarily to tie into a specific life total for every character but an ability that can be activated or that activates automatically for the character is a great way to add personality and playstyle to them. I like that a lot.
I see what you’re saying with the harumi thing, but I think if written correctly it could work out. First I’m not just bringing her back to put her with Scorpion. My thoughts are more along the lines of Noob Saibot has actively become so fucking evil he literally finds a way to resurrect her. Again though she doesn’t know who she is and neither does Hanzo immediately. Tbh it doesn’t even have to lead to the 2 ending up back together.

My plans for Sub-Zero were now that he has finally saved Smoke his next objective is to finally save his brother. However along the way he realizes he can’t and maybe was never supposed to.

Hanzo himself could come to the same realization that the woman he used to love is just dead now as is the Bi-han that Kuai Liang knew. Basically a letting go of the past sort of thing. They can hold onto things from their pasts, but they need to realize those things/people are actively damaging them and keeping them from moving on. The fact that Harumi (again I want to give her a codename) doesn’t even remember Hanzo would be the catalyst to him realizing maybe this isn’t the person I knew anymore ya know? It’s just someone who looks like her, but not truly harumi.

It gives those 2 some closure with huge parts of their pasts and hopefully allows both Hanzo and Kuai Liang to move forward into newer stories

Anyway I understand not liking it, but I do think MK needs better females haha. It has some amazing ones, but there are some that are just so fucking forgettable. You can rework them but the ones without good stories end up just kind of there. Like with Kira I think she ended up with a cool looking revamp in snowblind, but she was still forgettable and I worry she will just remain forgettable. Then again maybe she’s just not my cup of tea though and that’s okay.

Plus it also ties her into pre-existing lore which makes her instantly related to characters in the cast.

I really like characters who stand out though. Like a very defined moveset and abilities. Cetrion for instance in MK11 drove me batshit insane. Not only did they make a playable elder god (which is something I do not like at all), but they also made her moveset so fucking convoluted. She had plant moves, but could also light them on fire then she could summon rocks. Idk she seemed like too all over the fucking place for my liking. As a result I ended up hating her character and really never want to see her again. Lillith is my answer to a true plant based character and everything you can do with that.

I’m down for Jerrod, but still not sure on Kobra. If you think they can do him right and really make him stand out among the crowd then cool. I’ll admit I don’t see as much potential in him as a character like Kai though.

Maybe he could be like a double agent of some sort?


Tbh it doesn’t even have to lead to the 2 ending up back together.
It always puts this shit over the two characters heads (and I'm using character loosely here since Harumi just ain't one). Its a narrative sword of Damocles. Also it weirdly omits their son in a weird way. I dunno, I just hate it from every single angle. Sometimes people need to stay the fuck dead.

doesn’t even remember Hanzo would be the catalyst to him realizing maybe this isn’t the person I knew anymore ya know?
This just becomes a character wearing Harumi's skin at this point. Might as well make her someone totally new and unrelated

Like with Kira I think she ended up with a cool looking revamp in snowblind, but she was still forgettable and I worry she will just remain forgettable.
Because Kira needs a personality. She's a super bland generic girl-thug. The type you'd beat up 400 versions of in a Final Fight game. She just needs personality and she can stand out.

If you think they can do him right and really make him stand out among the crowd then cool. I’ll admit I don’t see as much potential in him as a character like Kai though.
Give Kobra some background and a bit more personality and he could be great.
NY kid. Rough street life growing up. Then MK3 happens while he's young. He's one of the few people whose soul doesn't get sucked up because of its potential (same way as what happened to Stryker) as a chosen Earthrealm warrior. He didn't get involved in the events of the game because he was still young. Hell, he could have even received the Raiden vision about being a chosen warrior for Mortal Kombat but didn't act on it...he would've just been a kid at the time. Maybe even make it so he killed a member of Khan's extermination squad that found him...but was too injured to do anything after that. After MK3's events he has a fire inside him believing himself special when things return to a sense of normalcy after the invasion. He picks up martial arts because he was called a warrior and wants to fight since he was already a violent kid. His story progresses there with how we know it where he's an absolute martial arts prodigy capable of inhuman stuff.

But he's totally amoral. He just wants to fight and hurt people. Raiden's vision and his upbringing, and maybe just a natural bent towards violence, has made Kobra a dangerous person. He's not right in the head. That doesn't mean he's some psycho killer or anything boringly axe-murderer crazy, he just doesn't have the buffer most people have. Like I said, naturally amoral and capable of violence more easily than most. 'Kobra' is not his real name of course...it's just his street name because he has eyes like a snake. Not literally. They're just eyes that are as cold as a snakes. Early on he got flagged as an older gang member as a kid that wasn't right (but that was useful). Maybe his karate sensei even saw it but wanted to try and help him use the discipline of martial arts to help temper that lack of humanity...and Kobra took to it like a fish to water...but it just ended up making him more dangerous.

He gets revived as part of the Elder Gods gambit...and being an Earthrealmer, gets lumped in with Cage and the SF who are VERY wary of him since he's a Black Dragon...and Kobra could even point out that he doesn't really care about the BD one way or the other. It's just something to do and it lets him fight people. I'd also have it so he's a fan of Cage's movies. Grew up loving them because of all the fight scenes. Give Midway Johnny some immediate growth there as he kind of likes the kid because he's an arrogant punk a lot like Johnny was when he was younger...but Johnny had A LOT growing up which allowed him to be trained all around the world and be a young celebrity and then movie star where-as Kobra grew up with nothing and has gone down a bad path. Start showing that paternal side to Johnny where he has a good heart that we got A LOT of (to good effect) in NRS stuff. He thinks Kobra has just had a bad break and had his talents put to bad use.

Then you create friction with Jax who is older and wiser and has "seen guys like this kid in the military". People that want to serve because they could never make it in regular life...because they just want to hurt people. Jax could point out that people like this NEVER end up making it far because there's something wrong inside of them. Jax doesn't trust the punk at all.

Then narratively you put Sonya in the middle. She respects Jax's opinion and naturally hates the Black Dragon...but her focus is on fulfilling the mission of saving the realms and, eventually, finding Kano to bring him to justice. Kobra is useful for both those things. She's also swayed by Johnny's attitude towards Kobra because she's developed a bit of a soft spot for Johnny (because the Johnny/Sonya dynamic IS a good one that can be emphasized) and how much less of an ass he is. If Johnny Cage could show he was a VERY good person and a hero, maybe Kobra can too? Besides, its in the best interest of their mission to utilize him and his skills.

Then you've got Kenshi as the perpetual Midway loner where he's disinterestedin the debate and wants to do what they have to do...and makes it clear if Kobra impedes that then he will kill him. The indecisiveness of the SF in the matter would be part of what helps Kenshi start to develop into a leader...initially out of pure desire to get things done and stop discussing matters as he's guided by the spirits of the sword to right the realms and stop Shao. He also has revenge against the Red Dragon to think about...and, you know what, Kobra could end up being useful to that too...so Kenshi is keeping that card in his back pocket. After all, there is no way Kenshi is going to hold the L he took from Mavado without getting his runback.

Now you instantly have a dynamic where Kobra becomes a point of contention between the Earthrealm heroes with points that interact with elements of their characters AND their stories. Johnny wants to guide him, Jax wants to put the rabid dog in a kennel, Sonya stuck in the middle wants to use him, Kenshi doesn't care (for now...). As for Kobra? He grew up running with gangs and then killing other gangbangers and drug pushers for fun. He'll fight for Earthrealm because Earthrealm is "his turf"...and no one, not even Shao Khan, intrudes on his turf without getting these fists.

And you mentioned Kai...which is perfect, because as next-gen fighters, Kai & Kobra should be peers. Which means they're perfect rivals. Even have Johnny remark on that. "I dunno, man. Kobra and Kai? That rivalry has a ring to it" after they end up clashing during the course of the story. Have the Shaolin and Earthrealmers meet up and be on good terms with each other and discuss next moves...meanwhile the two younger fighters Kobra & Kai aren't content with the talking and square off against each other. Hell, someone like Shang Tsung might even ENCOURAGE this and manipulate the situation...and he can play it off as a "test" or some other reason that is actually beneficial to everyone involved (since, again, we're playing up Shang 'reforming' right now)

Kobra & Kai throw down with Kai VERY confident he's going to just beat the punk and Kai VERY confident he's going to literally kill Kai. They beat each other silly to a draw (have cooler heads try to break them up but Shang is like "No. This has to happen now or it will happen later" sorta thing). Neither wins. Kai walks away from the situation having a lot of respect for Kobra because of his talent and toughness...Kobra walks away declaring Kai is now "his best friend"...because he can fight him but can't kill him. Kobra is 100% serious about this. He's never had more fun than fighting Kai. This guy is his PERFECT counterpart/rival. He wants both of them to get stronger..and then they'll fight again and he'll be able to kill Kai then. Everyone not only recognizes that Kobra is sincere but that this is the first time they've seen with a genuine smile...which is even weirder. Even Johnny is like "Yeah, Jax, you might be right. This kid's got a screw loose".

Then that sets up future stories where the Kobra/Kai rivalry is one that will develop both characters. They both grew up in 'war zones' but of totally different styles with fighting as a way of life since they were little. Kai killed and wants to get beyond that and become a better person, and Kobra kills but has no feelings about it at all other than satisfaction with his own skill. The rivalry might make Kai slip into worse patterns of behavior...or maybe it could end up making Kobra a better person if he can see his opponent as a genuine friend instead of just someone to hope to have fun beating to death.

Have a point in the story where Kobra gets hurt to keep Kai from getting hurt with the explanation that if Kai were to die to someone else it would reflect badly on Kobra. He wants to beat and kill Kai fair and square. Make it the weirdest friendship in MK. Have Kai, who has seen a lot of death in his life, recognize that there's something broken inside of Kobra...but that he felt like he himself was broken at one point too and he found the Shaolin and got on a better path so it would be shameful for him to just give up on Kobra and think he can't ever be better. Kai has to prove there's hope for Kobra to be more than a killer or, in a way, he's almost giving up on himself and the path he himself took.

The existence of a Kobra Kai rivalry demands his inclusion :D

I did some generations for Kobra as well with a focus on black as a primary color to off-set the white you said you liked for Kai, that way their visual style would work as inversions of each other.

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Subby Z

It always puts this shit over the two characters heads (and I'm using character loosely here since Harumi just ain't one). Its a narrative sword of Damocles. Also it weirdly omits their son in a weird way. I dunno, I just hate it from every single angle. Sometimes people need to stay the fuck dead.
I see where you're coming from and if you don't like it I am fine with the character not being Harumi. Totally solid on that. However, I am solid on the character concept. I still think the "black female ninja" could work. Maybe even leave her with a bit of mystery like in the original games. I do prefer to leave her as a dead woman who lost her memories and is essentially living a new life at this point. She's reborn but has no purpose. She was brought back from the dead, but is essentially not the same person as she was in life. We could work out who her identity is later, but you and I do agree on the ninjas sell. They do. We know this and a black clothed female ninja I think would for sure.

Me wanting it to be Harumi has less with the fact of it being Harumi (you are correct she would mostly be harumi in name alone she essentially is a new character. Harumi is dead. I am more so going with the concept of this could be a wandering body with no soul.) Again though if you hate the harumi thing then we can work out who her identity is later.

Again I want her main weapon to be the kusarigama and think poison could be her theme. Like one of her specials could be if you approach too close she releases a purple miasma that drains either health or some sort of meter upon contact. Maybe poison darts as a projectile. I really want to make her like a 'true ninja" in a way.

I would like her concept to look similar-ish to sango from inuyasha. If you're good with art Yagami you may even be able to come up with something.
It always puts this shit over the two characters heads (and I'm using character loosely here since Harumi just ain't one). Its a narrative sword of Damocles. Also it weirdly omits their son in a weird way. I dunno, I just hate it from every single angle. Sometimes people need to stay the fuck dead.

This just becomes a character wearing Harumi's skin at this point. Might as well make her someone totally new and unrelated

Because Kira needs a personality. She's a super bland generic girl-thug. The type you'd beat up 400 versions of in a Final Fight game. She just needs personality and she can stand out.

Give Kobra some background and a bit more personality and he could be great.
NY kid. Rough street life growing up. Then MK3 happens while he's young. He's one of the few people whose soul doesn't get sucked up because of its potential (same way as what happened to Stryker) as a chosen Earthrealm warrior. He didn't get involved in the events of the game because he was still young. Hell, he could have even received the Raiden vision about being a chosen warrior for Mortal Kombat but didn't act on it...he would've just been a kid at the time. Maybe even make it so he killed a member of Khan's extermination squad that found him...but was too injured to do anything after that. After MK3's events he has a fire inside him believing himself special when things return to a sense of normalcy after the invasion. He picks up martial arts because he was called a warrior and wants to fight since he was already a violent kid. His story progresses there with how we know it where he's an absolute martial arts prodigy capable of inhuman stuff.

But he's totally amoral. He just wants to fight and hurt people. Raiden's vision and his upbringing, and maybe just a natural bent towards violence, has made Kobra a dangerous person. He's not right in the head. That doesn't mean he's some psycho killer or anything boringly axe-murderer crazy, he just doesn't have the buffer most people have. Like I said, naturally amoral and capable of violence more easily than most. 'Kobra' is not his real name of course...it's just his street name because he has eyes like a snake. Not literally. They're just eyes that are as cold as a snakes. Early on he got flagged as an older gang member as a kid that wasn't right (but that was useful). Maybe his karate sensei even saw it but wanted to try and help him use the discipline of martial arts to help temper that lack of humanity...and Kobra took to it like a fish to water...but it just ended up making him more dangerous.

He gets revived as part of the Elder Gods gambit...and being an Earthrealmer, gets lumped in with Cage and the SF who are VERY wary of him since he's a Black Dragon...and Kobra could even point out that he doesn't really care about the BD one way or the other. It's just something to do and it lets him fight people. I'd also have it so he's a fan of Cage's movies. Grew up loving them because of all the fight scenes. Give Midway Johnny some immediate growth there as he kind of likes the kid because he's an arrogant punk a lot like Johnny was when he was younger...but Johnny had A LOT growing up which allowed him to be trained all around the world and be a young celebrity and then movie star where-as Kobra grew up with nothing and has gone down a bad path. Start showing that paternal side to Johnny where he has a good heart that we got A LOT of (to good effect) in NRS stuff. He thinks Kobra has just had a bad break and had his talents put to bad use.

Then you create friction with Jax who is older and wiser and has "seen guys like this kid in the military". People that want to serve because they could never make it in regular life...because they just want to hurt people. Jax could point out that people like this NEVER end up making it far because there's something wrong inside of them. Jax doesn't trust the punk at all.

Then narratively you put Sonya in the middle. She respects Jax's opinion and naturally hates the Black Dragon...but her focus is on fulfilling the mission of saving the realms and, eventually, finding Kano to bring him to justice. Kobra is useful for both those things. She's also swayed by Johnny's attitude towards Kobra because she's developed a bit of a soft spot for Johnny (because the Johnny/Sonya dynamic IS a good one that can be emphasized) and how much less of an ass he is. If Johnny Cage could show he was a VERY good person and a hero, maybe Kobra can too? Besides, its in the best interest of their mission to utilize him and his skills.

Then you've got Kenshi as the perpetual Midway loner where he's disinterestedin the debate and wants to do what they have to do...and makes it clear if Kobra impedes that then he will kill him. The indecisiveness of the SF in the matter would be part of what helps Kenshi start to develop into a leader...initially out of pure desire to get things done and stop discussing matters as he's guided by the spirits of the sword to right the realms and stop Shao. He also has revenge against the Red Dragon to think about...and, you know what, Kobra could end up being useful to that too...so Kenshi is keeping that card in his back pocket. After all, there is no way Kenshi is going to hold the L he took from Mavado without getting his runback.

Now you instantly have a dynamic where Kobra becomes a point of contention between the Earthrealm heroes with points that interact with elements of their characters AND their stories. Johnny wants to guide him, Jax wants to put the rabid dog in a kennel, Sonya stuck in the middle wants to use him, Kenshi doesn't care (for now...). As for Kobra? He grew up running with gangs and then killing other gangbangers and drug pushers for fun. He'll fight for Earthrealm because Earthrealm is "his turf"...and no one, not even Shao Khan, intrudes on his turf without getting these fists.

And you mentioned Kai...which is perfect, because as next-gen fighters, Kai & Kobra should be peers. Which means they're perfect rivals. Even have Johnny remark on that. "I dunno, man. Kobra and Kai? That rivalry has a ring to it" after they end up clashing during the course of the story. Have the Shaolin and Earthrealmers meet up and be on good terms with each other and discuss next moves...meanwhile the two younger fighters Kobra & Kai aren't content with the talking and square off against each other. Hell, someone like Shang Tsung might even ENCOURAGE this and manipulate the situation...and he can play it off as a "test" or some other reason that is actually beneficial to everyone involved (since, again, we're playing up Shang 'reforming' right now)

Kobra & Kai throw down with Kai VERY confident he's going to just beat the punk and Kai VERY confident he's going to literally kill Kai. They beat each other silly to a draw (have cooler heads try to break them up but Shang is like "No. This has to happen now or it will happen later" sorta thing). Neither wins. Kai walks away from the situation having a lot of respect for Kobra because of his talent and toughness...Kobra walks away declaring Kai is now "his best friend"...because he can fight him but can't kill him. Kobra is 100% serious about this. He's never had more fun than fighting Kai. This guy is his PERFECT counterpart/rival. He wants both of them to get stronger..and then they'll fight again and he'll be able to kill Kai then. Everyone not only recognizes that Kobra is sincere but that this is the first time they've seen with a genuine smile...which is even weirder. Even Johnny is like "Yeah, Jax, you might be right. This kid's got a screw loose".

Then that sets up future stories where the Kobra/Kai rivalry is one that will develop both characters. They both grew up in 'war zones' but of totally different styles with fighting as a way of life since they were little. Kai killed and wants to get beyond that and become a better person, and Kobra kills but has no feelings about it at all other than satisfaction with his own skill. The rivalry might make Kai slip into worse patterns of behavior...or maybe it could end up making Kobra a better person if he can see his opponent as a genuine friend instead of just someone to hope to have fun beating to death.

Have a point in the story where Kobra gets hurt to keep Kai from getting hurt with the explanation that if Kai were to die to someone else it would reflect badly on Kobra. He wants to beat and kill Kai fair and square. Make it the weirdest friendship in MK. Have Kai, who has seen a lot of death in his life, recognize that there's something broken inside of Kobra...but that he felt like he himself was broken at one point too and he found the Shaolin and got on a better path so it would be shameful for him to just give up on Kobra and think he can't ever be better. Kai has to prove there's hope for Kobra to be more than a killer or, in a way, he's almost giving up on himself and the path he himself took.

The existence of a Kobra Kai rivalry demands his inclusion :D

I did some generations for Kobra as well with a focus on black as a primary color to off-set the white you said you liked for Kai, that way their visual style would work as inversions of each other.

View attachment 22272View attachment 22273View attachment 22274View attachment 22275
Give Kobra some background and a bit more personality and he could be great.
Okay Hooded Kobra I forgot about. We have to get him a VERY REFINED moveset though. I don't want him to end up too similar to Kai or just like a kickboxer ya know? We've gotta sit and figure out what his "thing" is moveset wise.

I do like the black and yellow though. The first pic sticks out to me most. I think his energy (if he does just end up using energy) should be yellow similar to the yellow in his clothing. Maybe we could have him use brass knuckles? Possibly like a buff?haha. Like that's actually a special he throws on brass knucks and his attacks hit harder or some shit.lol. It sounds goofy, but could be fun.

Edit: Also while we're still on roster I am not a fan of guests, but we have to be reall they will honestly be there so I am contemplating something which may sound goofy as hell, but wanted to put it out there for you. The past several guest characters in games have had themes. MKX was horror icons. MK11 was 80's action icons. MK1 (ew) seemed to be superheroes.

I thought this game could maybe have a "killer clown" theme.haha. So I said Ash initially, but off the bat I have 4 characters who could fit this. Pennywise, Terrifier, Harley Quinn, Violator, and then later down the line if profitable we would just bring back Spawn so those 2 could fight in the game. Again I am not a guest character fan, however, I do think they are a guarantee so I wanted to start thinking about them.

After we fully iron out and debate this roster we could start plotting out bios and how each character comes into play for the story.
Last edited:


Maybe do like KI3 let players download the base game for free and sell characters separately?
I think this model has some potential but KI didn't handle it right (some of that was for marketing reasons, some for being locked into the windows store).

Still, it's a tricky thing to tread. So many players would be more than happy to just pay for X character, but now how do you balance the cost of developing the other 5-50


I still think the "black female ninja" could work.
I am 100% in support of that. If you want to actually dig deep into the lore, reveal her to be Kuai and Bi-Han's younger sister (yes she exists in canon but was never followed up on)

Okay Hooded Kobra I forgot about. We have to get him a VERY REFINED moveset though.
Hooded Kobra is where it's at. For Kobra we'd be keeping his Windmill Kick, his flip kick, chi-blast (in some form), incorporating his burning fist and a counter attack. "Gold" energy would definitely be a cool color for him to compliment the black as his primary color.

As for guests, that's your call. I don't care about them at all :laughing: So evil clowns is fine with me.

A couple buddies and I went into a VC and discussed design ideas based on @just_2swift 's idea because I really liked it and so did they. Below is what we put together along with some starting ideas for design elements for some of the characters. Posting it here for consideration/discussion

Get rid of fatal blows. Instead give characters active passive abilities
Visual indication- weapon glows with aura
Character indication- example: Kung Lao lotus petals swirling wind/ Raiden pulsing electricity etc

Stance Switch button activates (get rid of Stance Switching cuz it’s retarded and useless). Activating ability causes animation interrupt. Can be used to safe-stand or to cancel. After activating, some characters use the button for additional Komeback interaction (such as additional attacks)

Komeback - special skill/ability mechanic
Able to be activated at 50% or less life. One use per fight.

Top Row:

  • Design Elements: traditional Scorpion, beginner friendly, offensive oriented
  • Anim: Scorpion removes mask, flaming skull head, body on fire
  • Passive: Attacks cause burning DoT, some attacks get better frames
  • Design Elements: traditional Ermac
  • Anim: Souls burst from Ermac forming an aura around him, fighting stance changes to floating
  • Passive: Float ability in air, additional options on telekinetic lift
  • Design Elements: traditional Reptile with better forceballs that he can use for some level of screen control with MB like stopping them in place or even putting one behind him
  • Anim: vomits acid up, begins dripping acid and surrounded by a misty aura of acid
  • Passive: DoT proximity acid aura
Noob Saibot
  • Design Elements: Fights like a Kameo fighter using his Saibot Klone including having a Kameo meter for him
  • Anim: Saibot klone forms fully behind Noob, begins fighting alongside him
  • Passive: Noob can now freely switch with Saibot, Saibot automatically switches back after being hit. Noob essentially begins to act as a tag fighter
  • Design Elements: traditional Sub-Zero, defensive oriented
  • Anim: Ices up arms
  • Passive: Hits on opponent build a freeze effect in 3 stages. Stage 1 is reduced movement, Stage 2 is slower attacks, stage 3 freezes them like ice ball. Hit after stage 3 resets.
2nd Row:

  • Design Elements: Gains stacks of “Gust” off of certain moves. Expends Gusts during other moves.
  • Anim: tornado burst, animated wind shawl (like mythological Fujin) and wind around character model
  • Passive: Air-dash (additional air-dash if he already has one), faster walk speed, some attack animations have additional reach for their damage but not hit-stun (for wind cutting)
  • Anim: Tiger stance, glowing tiger stripe chi pattern from tattoos (leaves after-images)
  • Passive: some attacks gain armor on start-up to allow more aggressive attacks
Kung Lao
  • Anim: Kung Lao’s hat begins swirling around him with lotus petals on a breeze
  • Passive: Gains “hat tricks”, ability to deploy hat as shield where it acts as a shield against 1 hit, when using Hat Throw can stop it and recall hat later (hits on the way back)
Liu Kang
  • Anim: Busts out nunchucks
  • Passive: Gains access to nunchuck moves, improves uppercut range
  • Design Elements: Has moves that are + charged or - charged. + charge moves are blue lightning, - charge moves are red lightning (Dark Raiden style). Hitting with a charged attack adds that charge to the opponent unless they already have that charge, in which case the charge is removed. Hitting with the opposite charge when the opponent already has a charge causes a Polarity Burst that adds damage and improves combo-ability of the attack.
  • Thundergod mode, prayer beads float behind him (Raijin drum-style)
  • Positive/Negative Pole effect would now cause a bounce state for better combo options. If Raiden is beaten in the final round with unused Komeback, it automatically activates and he revives with 20% life.
3rd Row:

  • Anim: pulls off face-mask to show chompy face, changes fighting stance to an animalistic one
  • Passive: several attacks get additional animation where she bites for increased damage, command grab bite restores health
  • Design Elements: Has a blood meter that is refilled by attacking the opponent or with an attack that causes recoverable white damage to herself. Blood Meter can be spent for additional effects on attacks.
  • Anim: Skarlet begins weeping blood, blood runs down her
  • Passive: regains life from attacks (absorbs blood from them), blood meter refills at twice speed
Black Female Ninja
  • Anim: Kitana collapses fans and takes ‘assassin’ stance fighting style
  • Passive: Many of Kitana’s attacks gain brief invisibility on start-up where she disappears with a wind effect then becomes visible for the attack to improve mix-up options
  • Anim: Wields bo staff
  • Passive: Gains staff attacks, some attacks become projectile immune with glow
4th Row:

  • Anim: removes cybernetic arm-covers
  • Passive: changes projectile from rockets to wave punches, changes frames on many punch attacks, changes some command throw properties
  • Anim: gains purple energy ‘cuffs’ on her limbs that circle around her wrists & ankles
  • Passive: cuffs trigger off of Komeback button presses and when expended add an additional effect to the attack (similar to MB in past titles) to extend combos. Cuffs regen over time.
Johnny Cage
  • Anim: Johnny puts on his $500 glasses, gains Green Shadow Aura on regular attacks, Shadow Attacks change to Red Shadow Aura
  • Passive: Changes frames on several normals to be more advantageous, command Shadow Attacks do more damage
  • Anim: Kenshi unleashes sento ghost
  • Passive: Sento ghost fights alongside Kenshi with puppet controls
  • Shadows darken in Kobra’s hood, making it totally black inside and his eyes are visible with his gold chi illuminating them
  • Passive: Kobra gets wider Perfect Block window and his Counter Attack becomes faster and can be combo’d from, he does more damage after Perfect Blocking
5th Row:

Kotal Kahn
  • Anim: Wields solar macuahuitl, changes fighting stance
  • Passive: Gains macuahuitl attacks, weapon can be planted into ground and have solar beam (hurt/heal zone) emanate from it
  • Design Elements: Has a gestation meter. This refills over time or can be added to by hitting with certain command attacks. Gestation meter is spent to spawn different bugs onto the screen for various effects.
  • Anim: extends her ovipositor limbs
  • Passive: gestation meter refills quickly, adds additional reach to normals with ovipositors
Shang Tsung
  • Anim: Shang Tsung changes form
  • Passive: Shang becomes a damage-buffed copy of the opponent's character
Middle Slot:

  • Anim: Goro beats his chest and begins exhaling steam
  • Passive: Goro gains armor against hits and can beat his chest to regain his armor


Again I want her main weapon to be the kusarigama and think poison could be her theme.
Okay I was thinking about your discussion about a female ninja that uses black as a primary color and one concern I had was how 'generic ninja' that could conceivably make her look...so I gave it some thought and used some of the ideas you mentioned and conceptualized an idea...

To make her more visually arresting than just 'female ninja in black', I was thinking she could be ink/calligraphy-themed. To the point that when she uses her powers, she becomes monochrome...so her intro and some of her winposes would see her go between having full color and it draining to leave her black & white. She'd leave black ink splatters and streaks when she fights the same way some fighters trail energy, ice or fire etc. She could do stuff like zones of poisonous ink. This visual style would also make all blood coming off her or caused by her REALLY pop with the bright red against her monochrome colors.



MK1 is the best MK period.
I am 100% in support of that. If you want to actually dig deep into the lore, reveal her to be Kuai and Bi-Han's younger sister (yes she exists in canon but was never followed up on)

Hooded Kobra is where it's at. For Kobra we'd be keeping his Windmill Kick, his flip kick, chi-blast (in some form), incorporating his burning fist and a counter attack. "Gold" energy would definitely be a cool color for him to compliment the black as his primary color.

As for guests, that's your call. I don't care about them at all :laughing: So evil clowns is fine with me.

A couple buddies and I went into a VC and discussed design ideas based on @just_2swift 's idea because I really liked it and so did they. Below is what we put together along with some starting ideas for design elements for some of the characters. Posting it here for consideration/discussion

Get rid of fatal blows. Instead give characters active passive abilities
Visual indication- weapon glows with aura
Character indication- example: Kung Lao lotus petals swirling wind/ Raiden pulsing electricity etc

Stance Switch button activates (get rid of Stance Switching cuz it’s retarded and useless). Activating ability causes animation interrupt. Can be used to safe-stand or to cancel. After activating, some characters use the button for additional Komeback interaction (such as additional attacks)

Komeback - special skill/ability mechanic
Able to be activated at 50% or less life. One use per fight.

Top Row:

  • Design Elements: traditional Scorpion, beginner friendly, offensive oriented
  • Anim: Scorpion removes mask, flaming skull head, body on fire
  • Passive: Attacks cause burning DoT, some attacks get better frames
  • Design Elements: traditional Ermac
  • Anim: Souls burst from Ermac forming an aura around him, fighting stance changes to floating
  • Passive: Float ability in air, additional options on telekinetic lift
  • Design Elements: traditional Reptile with better forceballs that he can use for some level of screen control with MB like stopping them in place or even putting one behind him
  • Anim: vomits acid up, begins dripping acid and surrounded by a misty aura of acid
  • Passive: DoT proximity acid aura
Noob Saibot
  • Design Elements: Fights like a Kameo fighter using his Saibot Klone including having a Kameo meter for him
  • Anim: Saibot klone forms fully behind Noob, begins fighting alongside him
  • Passive: Noob can now freely switch with Saibot, Saibot automatically switches back after being hit. Noob essentially begins to act as a tag fighter
  • Design Elements: traditional Sub-Zero, defensive oriented
  • Anim: Ices up arms
  • Passive: Hits on opponent build a freeze effect in 3 stages. Stage 1 is reduced movement, Stage 2 is slower attacks, stage 3 freezes them like ice ball. Hit after stage 3 resets.
2nd Row:

  • Design Elements: Gains stacks of “Gust” off of certain moves. Expends Gusts during other moves.
  • Anim: tornado burst, animated wind shawl (like mythological Fujin) and wind around character model
  • Passive: Air-dash (additional air-dash if he already has one), faster walk speed, some attack animations have additional reach for their damage but not hit-stun (for wind cutting)
  • Anim: Tiger stance, glowing tiger stripe chi pattern from tattoos (leaves after-images)
  • Passive: some attacks gain armor on start-up to allow more aggressive attacks
Kung Lao
  • Anim: Kung Lao’s hat begins swirling around him with lotus petals on a breeze
  • Passive: Gains “hat tricks”, ability to deploy hat as shield where it acts as a shield against 1 hit, when using Hat Throw can stop it and recall hat later (hits on the way back)
Liu Kang
  • Anim: Busts out nunchucks
  • Passive: Gains access to nunchuck moves, improves uppercut range
  • Design Elements: Has moves that are + charged or - charged. + charge moves are blue lightning, - charge moves are red lightning (Dark Raiden style). Hitting with a charged attack adds that charge to the opponent unless they already have that charge, in which case the charge is removed. Hitting with the opposite charge when the opponent already has a charge causes a Polarity Burst that adds damage and improves combo-ability of the attack.
  • Thundergod mode, prayer beads float behind him (Raijin drum-style)
  • Positive/Negative Pole effect would now cause a bounce state for better combo options. If Raiden is beaten in the final round with unused Komeback, it automatically activates and he revives with 20% life.
3rd Row:

  • Anim: pulls off face-mask to show chompy face, changes fighting stance to an animalistic one
  • Passive: several attacks get additional animation where she bites for increased damage, command grab bite restores health
  • Design Elements: Has a blood meter that is refilled by attacking the opponent or with an attack that causes recoverable white damage to herself. Blood Meter can be spent for additional effects on attacks.
  • Anim: Skarlet begins weeping blood, blood runs down her
  • Passive: regains life from attacks (absorbs blood from them), blood meter refills at twice speed
Black Female Ninja
  • Anim: Kitana collapses fans and takes ‘assassin’ stance fighting style
  • Passive: Many of Kitana’s attacks gain brief invisibility on start-up where she disappears with a wind effect then becomes visible for the attack to improve mix-up options
  • Anim: Wields bo staff
  • Passive: Gains staff attacks, some attacks become projectile immune with glow
4th Row:

  • Anim: removes cybernetic arm-covers
  • Passive: changes projectile from rockets to wave punches, changes frames on many punch attacks, changes some command throw properties
  • Anim: gains purple energy ‘cuffs’ on her limbs that circle around her wrists & ankles
  • Passive: cuffs trigger off of Komeback button presses and when expended add an additional effect to the attack (similar to MB in past titles) to extend combos. Cuffs regen over time.
Johnny Cage
  • Anim: Johnny puts on his $500 glasses, gains Green Shadow Aura on regular attacks, Shadow Attacks change to Red Shadow Aura
  • Passive: Changes frames on several normals to be more advantageous, command Shadow Attacks do more damage
  • Anim: Kenshi unleashes sento ghost
  • Passive: Sento ghost fights alongside Kenshi with puppet controls
  • Shadows darken in Kobra’s hood, making it totally black inside and his eyes are visible with his gold chi illuminating them
  • Passive: Kobra gets wider Perfect Block window and his Counter Attack becomes faster and can be combo’d from, he does more damage after Perfect Blocking
5th Row:

Kotal Kahn
  • Anim: Wields solar macuahuitl, changes fighting stance
  • Passive: Gains macuahuitl attacks, weapon can be planted into ground and have solar beam (hurt/heal zone) emanate from it
  • Design Elements: Has a gestation meter. This refills over time or can be added to by hitting with certain command attacks. Gestation meter is spent to spawn different bugs onto the screen for various effects.
  • Anim: extends her ovipositor limbs
  • Passive: gestation meter refills quickly, adds additional reach to normals with ovipositors
Shang Tsung
  • Anim: Shang Tsung changes form
  • Passive: Shang becomes a damage-buffed copy of the opponent's character
Middle Slot:

  • Anim: Goro beats his chest and begins exhaling steam
  • Passive: Goro gains armor against hits and can beat his chest to regain his armor
Try to be more in tune with the characters lore characteristics. Like for reptile for example id make it to where he slowly turns invisible as long as he isn't hit. Getting hit resets this ability.


Try to be more in tune with the characters lore characteristics. Like for reptile for example id make it to where he slowly turns invisible as long as he isn't hit. Getting hit resets this ability.
The Reptile thing was a callback to his acid ability in MKX and his general use of acid as a major component for almost everything he does. Figured invis is more of just a core thing he would do.


MK1 is the best MK period.
The Reptile thing was a callback to his acid ability in MKX and his general use of acid as a major component for almost everything he does. Figured invis is more of just a core thing he would do.
I thought of that too but MKX didn't do him justice in terms of creativity. Out of all characters he was the least intriguing variation wise in terms of creativity compared to others.


I would make Noobsaibot a true Mk puppet character like zato from guilty gear. He just flows so well and would fit Noobsaibot
I actually considered that as well and was thinking about having his Komeback mechanic be him combining with the Saibot klone to almost be like a lesser Genei Jin but wasn't sure about incorporating it.

Subby Z

I am 100% in support of that. If you want to actually dig deep into the lore, reveal her to be Kuai and Bi-Han's younger sister (yes she exists in canon but was never followed up on
So I am actually not a fan of that one. I don’t know like in a way that you don’t like Harumi I don’t like that one.

I realize it’s been hinted they could have a sister, but I’d honestly rather that go by the wayside because I actually have a headcanon for how Kuai and Bi-han were kidnapped and having a sister just doesn’t fall into that. If they were going to have a sis it should have been Frost.

They should just drop that now imo.

I’ll admit and you will disagree with this I’m sure, BUT one reason I wanted it to be Harumi is because it seemed like in the original timeline they could never move Hanzo past his old clan. At least it seemed that way to me. The girl being Harumi gives them a way to do that or at least reunite them down the line because if she is introduced and is indeed Harumi I want her to actively work with Noob Saibot and the brotherhood of shadow for a while. It could even get Sareena involved by having her feel guilt for possibly helping bring Harumi back from the dead. It doesn’t have to be immediate, but it could give some resolution to that particular part of Hanzo much like I ideally want to give Kuai Liang resolution with Bi-han. They have to confront those pasts imo to move onto the future.

Hooded Kobra is where it's at. For Kobra we'd be keeping his Windmill Kick, his flip kick, chi-blast (in some form), incorporating his burning fist and a counter attack. "Gold" energy would definitely be a cool color for him to compliment the black as his primary color.

As for guests, that's your call. I don't care about them at all :laughing: So evil clowns is fine with me.

A couple buddies and I went into a VC and discussed design ideas based on @just_2swift 's idea because I really liked it and so did they. Below is what we put together along with some starting ideas for design elements for some of the characters. Posting it here for consideration/discussion

Get rid of fatal blows. Instead give characters active passive abilities
Visual indication- weapon glows with aura
Character indication- example: Kung Lao lotus petals swirling wind/ Raiden pulsing electricity etc

Stance Switch button activates (get rid of Stance Switching cuz it’s retarded and useless). Activating ability causes animation interrupt. Can be used to safe-stand or to cancel. After activating, some characters use the button for additional Komeback interaction (such as additional attacks)

Komeback - special skill/ability mechanic
Able to be activated at 50% or less life. One use per fight.

Top Row:

  • Design Elements: traditional Scorpion, beginner friendly, offensive oriented
  • Anim: Scorpion removes mask, flaming skull head, body on fire
  • Passive: Attacks cause burning DoT, some attacks get better frames
  • Design Elements: traditional Ermac
  • Anim: Souls burst from Ermac forming an aura around him, fighting stance changes to floating
  • Passive: Float ability in air, additional options on telekinetic lift
  • Design Elements: traditional Reptile with better forceballs that he can use for some level of screen control with MB like stopping them in place or even putting one behind him
  • Anim: vomits acid up, begins dripping acid and surrounded by a misty aura of acid
  • Passive: DoT proximity acid aura
Noob Saibot
  • Design Elements: Fights like a Kameo fighter using his Saibot Klone including having a Kameo meter for him
  • Anim: Saibot klone forms fully behind Noob, begins fighting alongside him
  • Passive: Noob can now freely switch with Saibot, Saibot automatically switches back after being hit. Noob essentially begins to act as a tag fighter
  • Design Elements: traditional Sub-Zero, defensive oriented
  • Anim: Ices up arms
  • Passive: Hits on opponent build a freeze effect in 3 stages. Stage 1 is reduced movement, Stage 2 is slower attacks, stage 3 freezes them like ice ball. Hit after stage 3 resets.
2nd Row:

  • Design Elements: Gains stacks of “Gust” off of certain moves. Expends Gusts during other moves.
  • Anim: tornado burst, animated wind shawl (like mythological Fujin) and wind around character model
  • Passive: Air-dash (additional air-dash if he already has one), faster walk speed, some attack animations have additional reach for their damage but not hit-stun (for wind cutting)
  • Anim: Tiger stance, glowing tiger stripe chi pattern from tattoos (leaves after-images)
  • Passive: some attacks gain armor on start-up to allow more aggressive attacks
Kung Lao
  • Anim: Kung Lao’s hat begins swirling around him with lotus petals on a breeze
  • Passive: Gains “hat tricks”, ability to deploy hat as shield where it acts as a shield against 1 hit, when using Hat Throw can stop it and recall hat later (hits on the way back)
Liu Kang
  • Anim: Busts out nunchucks
  • Passive: Gains access to nunchuck moves, improves uppercut range
  • Design Elements: Has moves that are + charged or - charged. + charge moves are blue lightning, - charge moves are red lightning (Dark Raiden style). Hitting with a charged attack adds that charge to the opponent unless they already have that charge, in which case the charge is removed. Hitting with the opposite charge when the opponent already has a charge causes a Polarity Burst that adds damage and improves combo-ability of the attack.
  • Thundergod mode, prayer beads float behind him (Raijin drum-style)
  • Positive/Negative Pole effect would now cause a bounce state for better combo options. If Raiden is beaten in the final round with unused Komeback, it automatically activates and he revives with 20% life.
3rd Row:

  • Anim: pulls off face-mask to show chompy face, changes fighting stance to an animalistic one
  • Passive: several attacks get additional animation where she bites for increased damage, command grab bite restores health
  • Design Elements: Has a blood meter that is refilled by attacking the opponent or with an attack that causes recoverable white damage to herself. Blood Meter can be spent for additional effects on attacks.
  • Anim: Skarlet begins weeping blood, blood runs down her
  • Passive: regains life from attacks (absorbs blood from them), blood meter refills at twice speed
Black Female Ninja
  • Anim: Kitana collapses fans and takes ‘assassin’ stance fighting style
  • Passive: Many of Kitana’s attacks gain brief invisibility on start-up where she disappears with a wind effect then becomes visible for the attack to improve mix-up options
  • Anim: Wields bo staff
  • Passive: Gains staff attacks, some attacks become projectile immune with glow
4th Row:

  • Anim: removes cybernetic arm-covers
  • Passive: changes projectile from rockets to wave punches, changes frames on many punch attacks, changes some command throw properties
  • Anim: gains purple energy ‘cuffs’ on her limbs that circle around her wrists & ankles
  • Passive: cuffs trigger off of Komeback button presses and when expended add an additional effect to the attack (similar to MB in past titles) to extend combos. Cuffs regen over time.
Johnny Cage
  • Anim: Johnny puts on his $500 glasses, gains Green Shadow Aura on regular attacks, Shadow Attacks change to Red Shadow Aura
  • Passive: Changes frames on several normals to be more advantageous, command Shadow Attacks do more damage
  • Anim: Kenshi unleashes sento ghost
  • Passive: Sento ghost fights alongside Kenshi with puppet controls
  • Shadows darken in Kobra’s hood, making it totally black inside and his eyes are visible with his gold chi illuminating them
  • Passive: Kobra gets wider Perfect Block window and his Counter Attack becomes faster and can be combo’d from, he does more damage after Perfect Blocking
5th Row:

Kotal Kahn
  • Anim: Wields solar macuahuitl, changes fighting stance
  • Passive: Gains macuahuitl attacks, weapon can be planted into ground and have solar beam (hurt/heal zone) emanate from it
  • Design Elements: Has a gestation meter. This refills over time or can be added to by hitting with certain command attacks. Gestation meter is spent to spawn different bugs onto the screen for various effects.
  • Anim: extends her ovipositor limbs
  • Passive: gestation meter refills quickly, adds additional reach to normals with ovipositors
Shang Tsung
  • Anim: Shang Tsung changes form
  • Passive: Shang becomes a damage-buffed copy of the opponent's character
Middle Slot:

  • Anim: Goro beats his chest and begins exhaling steam
  • Passive: Goro gains armor against hits and can beat his chest to regain his armor
I’m not really one for knowing tons about mechanics, but I love the name Komeback. That is perfect naming for marketing. I think they should each have names though.

For instance I’ll throw in for Sub-Zero

Call of the ancestors

Sub-Zero’s eyes glow a bright blue and a frozen armor similar to the shredder armor lines his body. A hailstorm forms on the field while under 30% health.


Hellfire revenge

Liu Kang

Enter the dragon

and so on and so forth.

Okay I was thinking about your discussion about a female ninja that uses black as a primary color and one concern I had was how 'generic ninja' that could conceivably make her look...so I gave it some thought and used some of the ideas you mentioned and conceptualized an idea...

To make her more visually arresting than just 'female ninja in black', I was thinking she could be ink/calligraphy-themed. To the point that when she uses her powers, she becomes monochrome...so her intro and some of her winposes would see her go between having full color and it draining to leave her black & white. She'd leave black ink splatters and streaks when she fights the same way some fighters trail energy, ice or fire etc. She could do stuff like zones of poisonous ink. This visual style would also make all blood coming off her or caused by her REALLY pop with the bright red against her monochrome colors.

Are you thinking pupils or white eyes? That’s one thing I’ve gone back and forth on for her. She is undead do maybe white eyes would fit her better.

I’m not opposed to adding accent colors to her. Purple could be fine or even gray. I’m honestly picturing her as a zoner (again I’m bad with gameplay mechanics but I think that’s the term).

A lot of her kit would rely on keep away as far as special moves.

Again poison based is how I want to keep her as far as theme.

Death’s embrace
(A purple miasma surrounds her on input)

Dark art darts
Throws 3 poisoned darts while backflipping away

poison breath
Blows poison mist at the opponent

Kusarigama swing
Swings her kusarigama around her to knock the opponent back

Her throw
Grabs the opponent and blows poisonous mist in their face then performs a kick into a backflip.

I don’t mind the ink thing, but that could almost be a whole new character in itself imo.


Just chiming in to say that the female black ninja would be awesome, and having her theme be poison/ink is also pretty interesting. Maybe she could even have some "hell painter" tropes as well - have her summon oni and grotesque japanese demons from painting scrolls.

Amusingly enough, there was a villain in Inuyasha - an anime I also enjoyed a lot - that did exactly that.