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How they can turn mk1's image around and bring hype for their next gsme

Subby Z

Just chiming in to say that the female black ninja would be awesome, and having her theme be poison/ink is also pretty interesting. Maybe she could even have some "hell painter" tropes as well - have her summon oni and grotesque japanese demons from painting scrolls.

Amusingly enough, there was a villain in Inuyasha - an anime I also enjoyed a lot - that did exactly that.
I’m glad you like her Felipe.

I hope you guys are enjoying reading some of this btw. I’m having fun discussing back and forth new character ideas and mechanics and plot points for a new game after Armageddon.


they could never move Hanzo past his old clan
One other issue with Harumi is that she's already around and undead by the time of Armageddon.

I think they should each have names though.
The intent was that each Komeback would absolutely have its own name.

Regarding character story stuff, these are what would come to me off the top of my head just as blurbs for each one

Scorpion - champion of the Elder Gods, he is the secret weapon that allowed the realms to survive & resist Shao Kahn's ascension after the defeat of Blaze when they hid a portion of their power within him, allowing him to capture all the souls slain. Scorpion is the flame from which the hope of defeating Shao Kahn is kindled. Scorpion, however, is still PISSED at the perceived betrayal of the Elder Gods in their bargain with him. He agrees to help stop Shao ONLY on one condition...that they bind their power to him such that when Shao is defeated, Scorpion is able to banish the Elder Gods from direct interference with the realms ever again. Facing utter annihilation or exile, the Elder Gods acquiesce to Hanzo's demands and strike the bargain. Scorpion is the stake that must be driven through Shao Kahn's heart. With his direct connection to the Netherrealm and his empowerment by the Elder Gods, he is the only one that can actually send Shao Kahn's now godly soul directly to hell...otherwise Shao will remain unconquerable. The revenant Shirai Ryu, having already been dead prior to Armageddon, are to be the army that can be used to combat Shao's own forces, utilizing guile & skill against the incredible might of the Kahn's armies.

Ermac - When the souls of those slain within Armageddon were captured by Scorpion, they had to go somewhere...and Ermac was the perfect container for the Elder Gods. Reconstituted and resurrected by the soul infusion, Ermac was once again MANY...but the strength of will of the warrior souls was too much for the binding magic that kept Ermac's mind unified and it unraveled. Only a few chosen souls from the realms were able to be taken from the newly-massively-powerful-but-insane Ermac before he resisted and escaped into the realms. These souls became the selectable characters. Now Ermac wanders the realms in his madness, his memories utterly confused and different personalities wrestling for control in his head. He will have to be brought to heel so that the incredible soul power within him can be properly utilized...but stopping him might be nearly as difficult as facing Shao.

Reptile - The resurrected Reptile has memories of tasting the power of Onaga that inhabited his form...and much of it still lingers. Reptile is stronger than he was before but, more importantly, he has knowledge lingering in his mind that belonged to the Dragon King. Knowledge of ancient magic and secrets. Reptile feigns interest in taking down Shao for the good of the realms, and plays up the 'loyal assassin' routine for the Elder God's forces, aiding Kitana and her allies but his primary goal is actually to use the power of Blaze as part of a magical ritual that will return the souls of the Zaterrans to the mortal realm. He WILL have his race back, even if that means betraying the Elder God's forces and making a deal with Shao from the shadows. Unfortunately, neither Reptile, Shao nor anyone else is aware that it is not Onaga's memories that reside within Reptile's mind...but Onaga's soul. The Dragon King's soul was brought back with Reptile and he is scheming to return fully to life to wrestle Blaze's power from Shao. The ritual will not bring back the Zaterran's...it will bring back the first lord of Outworld.

Noob Saibot - Bi-Han's soul is unconquerable. When he was slain and his jet black soul was collected and others were resurrected by the Elder Gods, Bi-Han's evil clung to their souls like sludge on a boot. Without anyone realizing it, the wraith reformed himself from oblivion, as hidden as black ice on a night road. Or, at least, so he thought...for one quite familiar with Bi-Han felt that darkness since he had sensed it before. Raiden was fully aware of Bi-Han's return and once more moves to make a bargain with the warrior he had known as a mortal. Raiden points out that, though fiercely independent, Bi-Han keeps finding himself shackled to masters. The Lin Kuei Grandmaster, Shinnok, Shao Kahn...now Raiden offers him a deal: if Noob assists him as a partner, Raiden will cede the Netherrealm itself to Noob so that Noob may rule the entire realm as Shinnok once had. Bi-Han accepts because, to him, it truly is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

Sub-Zero - As Scorpion is too vital to the defeat of Shao Kahn, he cannot risk being at the forefront of any offensive and, instead, must stay to the shadows as the ultimate knife to drive into the tyrant's heart at an opportune moment. As such, the revenant Shirai-Ryu is without a commander. Hanzo swallows his pride and makes a shocking offer to Kuai Liang: He should be commander of the Shirai Ryu in the offensive against Shao. Having grown to become Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and with far more exprience as a leader of shadow warriors, Kuai is the superior choice. The only logical choice...but it will mean the Shirai-Ryu must follow a man that wears the colors that were long believed to be responsible for their deaths. With humility and determination, Sub-Zero accepts this position as commander. Fire & Ice. Sub-Zero, leader of the Shirai-Ryu, in the battle to save the realms.

Fujin - With Raiden determined to fully take matters into his own hands away from the machinations of the Elder Gods, Fujin steps in to once more act as a voice of guidance for the heroes of Earthrealm, forming a quartet that he believes to represent a powerful martial formation: four Shaolin Guardians just like the Four Winds of the cardinal directions. Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kai and, shockingly, Shang Tsung, must work together with Fujin to face the 'Road of the Furies'. The four must undertake this arduous test to rebalance the Furies to cut off Shao from much of his power over the realms so that they can confront him. This is the greatest task Fujin has ever undertaken as a god and he knows accomplishing it may be all but impossible as it requires travel to the Netherrealm, the Heavens, and the realms of Chaos and Order...but he has faith in his four warriors. Or at least 3 of them... Either way, this is a task that can only be accomplished by the Shaolin Monks.

Kai - A troubled young Shaolin warrior, he thought the monks could help him find inner peace but comes to realize their training was just the first step in a long path. Slain in Armageddon, he is returned to life and put alongside the legendary Liu Kang & Kung Lao as well as the infamous Shang Tsung. Feeling that he is an ill-fit compared to such figures of reknown, Kai is reassured by Fujin that Kai may very well be the future of the Shaolin and the Order of Light if he can manage to have faith in himself. Kai says he has a hard time with that...so Fujin tells him that if that is the case then Kai should have faith in him and his judgment. Kai will go on to act as one of the Four Guardians with Shang constantly in his ear attempting to get him onto his side and will develop a rivalry against Kobra which will hold up a mirror to Kai regarding how far he's come since traveling to join the Shaolin, bolstering his confidence and resolve. In the Netherrealm, Kai will have to face the literal specters of his past and lay them to rest before facing off against Shao Kahn's forces

Kung Lao - With Liu Kang returned to life, Kung Lao still has concerns about Raiden...but he has to put those aside to work with Fujin and the other three Guardians he has chosen to rebalance the Furies. Initially he has no desire to do anything with Shang Tsung except slay him but he is swayed by Fujin and Liu Kang to trust that he is necessary. Kung Lao reminds Shang that he was FULLY prepared to put down the ruthless Raiden and his zombie Liu Kang if necessary...and they were two people he respected deeply...so he would have NO problem removing Shang's head from his shoulders if he senses even a whiff of betrayal. The journey will see Kung Lao suspect Shang several times but Shang's innocence and good-intent will be reinforced in the matters each time, staying Kung Lao's hand. Kung Lao meets his own ancestor the Great Kung Lao when the Four reach the Heavens (where Shao now reigns) and fights alongside him to balance the last Fury.

Liu Kang - Dead for years, Liu Kang is returned to life and carries sorrow in his heart for what happened with his zombified body because of his friend Raiden. Instead of anger at Raiden, however, Liu Kang realizes that this has all been at least partially because Earthrealm has long relied on gods like Raiden to protect and guide them through Mortal Kombat and dealings with the other realms. Liu accepts Fujin's offer to work to heal the realms by rebalancing the Furies so that Shao can be defeated...but states that, if they are to do this, it will not be as god and men...but as equals in the protection of Earthrealm. Fujin finds this very agreeable and states that, though he will be advisor to the four, it is Liu Kang that shall lead them...not as champion of Mortal Kombat...but as champion of the Earth. In the realm of Law, Liu Kang will help strike a balance between Law & Chaos so that he can find a path to freedom for Earthrealm. Afterwards, Liu Kang will once again have to face the forces of Shao Kahn. Interestingly, instead of anger towards Shang Tsung, Liu will show his cunning side in dealing with him, having considerable familiarity with the sorcerer now...and reminding him that he is mortal, no longer cursed and with a new chance at life. A life that could have genuine fulfilment and peace that Shang rejected when he betrayed the Order of Light so many years ago. After all, Shang has spent CENTURIES now with his goals & ambitions unfulfilled while he's been miserable. It is a long time to be wrong...but that doesn't mean he can't finally do what is right. Finding Liu's endless nobility & optimism detestable, Shang still admits that he has no argument against Liu's words...after all, his schemes left him just another casualty of Armageddon...a loss that has left Shang broken.

Raiden - Earthrealm's warriors had failed him. The Elder God's had failed him. His bargain with Shao had failed him. Even another timeline had failed him. Raiden becomes tired of relying on others. Now it is time for Raiden to walk a path entirely his own. Unleashing his full might after being resurrected as one of the lder God's chosen ones, he refuses to take part in their plan to depose Shao Kahn, having no faith in them to set things right. When he is threatened by them, Raiden threatens that he has tasted the power of an Elder God since he was one before and that that experience will allow him to resist them and, perhaps, hurt them enough that they will have no hope against Shao. The Elder God's, now VERY wary of their own fallibility, dismiss Raiden, allowing him to do as he pleases, believing that it can only help against Shao anyway. Raiden recruits Noob Saibot as part of a daring plan that involves plunging into the lowest depths of the Netherrealm beneath the work Shinnok did to reshape it to his liking. There, Raiden seeks out the power of the former ruler of the realm, a being like himself and Shao Kahn deposed by Shinnok and imprisoned...Lucifer.

Mileena - Resurrected after Armageddon by Shao Kahn himself, Mileena serves at the right hand of the now-deified Emperor and, most importantly, has been given control of the restored Edenia to rule. In his mercy, Shao also used his new power to make Mileena as beautiful as her sister...but any showing of defiance from Mileena causes him to revert her visage to her hideous, fanged maw...something Mileena can no longer endure now that she's had a taste of having her own 'true face'. She is no beloved daughter to Shao and is merely a vassal that he will torment without hesitation to keep her in line. In turn, Mileena is a vicious ruler of her realm, indulging in her own vanity and comforts, proving no better (and perhaps even worse) than Shao Kahn was when he ruled Outworld. When Kitana is resurrected, Shao commands Mileena to see to her defeat...and, until that is accomplished, strips Mileena of her beauty. Mileena goes nearly entirely mad with rage, believing that Kitana is back to life only to take everything away from Mileena "as she has always done". Mileena slaughters her court in her madness and has her forces sent afar to seek out Kitana and all of her allies, wanting to feast on their very flesh. From replacement-princess to mad queen, Mileena works with her forces to hunt Kitana and her allies across the realm.

Skarlet - Created from the blood of the greatest warriors slain by Shao Kahn, she is one of the only servants he truly trusts and sees her as a beautiful, living embodiment of his countless victories on battlefields. As one of his chosen, Skarlet acts as Shao's tracker, hunting out anyone that could threaten his fledgling reign over all the realms. She is as close to a daughter as the Emperor could ever have...but only because she is a testament to his own greatness crafted from his might. Further empowered by the blood spilled on the pyramid of Argus, Skarlet is sent by Shao to harry and slay the Elder God's chosen. Shao, however, did not count on the affect of Argus' pyramid on the blood absorbed by Skarlet. The pyramid housed Blaze and Blaze was, above all else, a creation of Delia empowered by her magic. This proves to be a massive misstep by Shao as Delia's magic, lingering in the blood spilled on Blaze's pyramid, begins unraveling the dark magic of Shao that binds Skarlet to his will...slowly allowing a personality of her own to emerge...

Black Female Ninja

Kitana - Returned to life, Kitana is shocked to find that her father Jerrod has been restored as well. Initially she attempts to defer to her father but Jerrod tells her that, by right, she is now Queen and that his time as king has long past. He trusts in his daughter enough to follow her. Knowing that her monstrous adopted father Shao Kahn must be stopped, Kitana works alongside her best friend Jade, her father Jerrod, Reptile and the brutal but noble Kotal. They must search the reshaped Edenia to find the remains of the pyramid of Argus for its contains magic that can contain the power of Blaze now burning inside Shao. Their journey, however, will not be easy as they are pursued by all the forces of Kitana's mad 'sister' Mileena, forcing the group to face the Edenians that Kitana and Jerrod once ruled.

Jade - With Jerrod and Kitana alongside her, Jade vows to fulfill her obligations to the Edenian crown by restoring the realms, defeating Shao Kahn and returning Queen Sindel to life as well to fully restore the royal family so that Edenia can be returned to what it was before Shao despoiled it, no matter the cost. Unfortunately, her respect for the crown sees Jade reflexively deferring to the returned King, creating friction between her and Kitana especially as Kitana's focus is entirely on stopping Shao when Jade believes this is an opportunity to accomplish even more. Distrustful of Reptile, Kitana asks Jade to keep an eye on the Zaterran...just in case.

Jax - Jax alongside other Earthrealm warriors undertakes the task of hunting down Ermac across the realms, using the Eye of Chitian that had been in the possession of the Outworld Investigation Agency to allow them to pursue him quickly. In addition, the Eye would be able to help them subdue the countless souls within Ermac. Acting as the voice of experience on the team, Jax's time on countless battlefields help them adapt to the varied realms they have to cross in their Ermac-hunt.

Sonya - Working alongside her longtime friend Jax, Sonya endeavors to hunt down Ermac to harness the power of the collected souls within him as a weapon against Shao Kahn so that the realms might be properly restored. She is initially furious with Johnny Cage for knocking her off the Pyramid during Armageddon...but then is confused by him telling her he did it to try and keep her from dying in the battle. Not willing to fully trust him and thinking him every bit the arrogant, ignorant fame-seeker she met in the tournament on Shang's island, she comes to see him in a new light over the course of their mission, fully realizing that Johnny's exterior hides a heroes heart. During one jaunt across a realm, she also comes across a lock of her own hair seemingly left for her to find...the same lock Kano had previously taken from her as a trophy, leading her to believe that Kano is still alive and observing them, perhaps even working against them. Sonya struggles with her feelings towards Johnny, desire to hunt down Kano, suspicion of their reluctant ally Kobra, and the weight of their duty to the realms.

Johnny Cage - Having moved past the Hollywood lifestyle during the events of Deadly Alliance, Johnny has continued to find in himself the will of a hero. Now, alongside several other Earthrealmers in a mission for the fate of all of reality, Johnny is feeling the weight of his responsibility as a warrior and feeling the pang of guilt for his misspent youth as a self-indulgent celebrity. He also finds reason to want to help guide the young fighter Kobra who is a martial arts prodigy with too little regard for others...much like Johnny had been in the past. Kobra, however, might be much more of a bad seed than Johnny ever was...but Johnny can't bring himself to just give up on someone when a God like Raiden and a hero like Liu Kang saw the potential for nobility in Johnny. So much so that he's willing to stand up for Kobra when Jax would prefer the Black Dragon punk be left behind. And, once this is all over, Johnny wants to use his celebrity to finally do something good...

Kenshi - A perpetual lone wolf, Kenshi finds himself working on a team to hunt down Ermac, he's haunted by the belief that if he had listened to Johnny Cage's initial invitation to help during Armageddon that he could have averted it entirely while also having his confidence undermined by his loss to Quan Chi on the steps of the Pyramid of Argus. When he is told that they will be hunting Ermac, however, Kenshi's penchant for vendetta overcomes him as he desires to confront Ermac. In the past, Kenshi had acted out of compassion to free Ermac from the control Shao Kahn had over him...and then Ermac had killed him during Armageddon. Kenshi is key to this plan since his sword Sento is capable of harming and even containing souls. Later, however, Jax reveals that he saw Ermac turn into Shang Tsung after killing Kenshi, revealing that it had been the sorcerer disguised and not Ermac himself. When questioned why he kept this secret, Jax reveals that in working with Kenshi as part of the O.I.A., he'd seen that Kenshi's motivations were almost always self-serving in his pursuit of revenge against those that had wronged him...and that he didn't believe Kenshi would give the mission his all if he didn't believe there were personal stakes in it for him. Reflecting on this, Kenshi is shamed to find that Jax is probably right...and vows on his ancestors to wield Sento to once again free Ermac and save the realms. Not for himself...but for everyone else.

Kobra - (this has been covered here in depth here https://testyourmight.com/threads/how-they-can-turn-mk1s-image-around-and-bring-hype-for-their-next-gsme.75630/post-2739242 Kobra is some of the work I'm happiest with)

Lillith - ( @Subby Z suggested original character, female plant elemental) Another of Shao's subordinates, she rules Chaos realm where her plants have fed on the sacred water of the realm to grow wild all over it, unleashing the chaotic might of nature itself as Chaosrealms 'new face'. She would have to be faced by the Four Guardian Shaolin to rebalance a Fury within the realm.

Kotal - Former general of Shao Kahn indebted to the Outworld Emperor by a blood debt incurred by his father, Kotal now finds hiimself having to serve not as a warrior but as a champion for the realms, something that he feels he is ill-suited for. More brutal and savage than his allies save for Reptile (who he sees as a cowardly toad), Kotal must decide if he is fated to be a simple warrior serving another...or if he could wear a crown of his own as his father once had before Kahn had defeated him. In this search he has, perhaps, a single positive influence...another who weathered serving Kahn out of obligation & duty despite her own moral struggles with such servitude: Jade. The two grow closer through their search for the Pyramid of Argus.

D’Vorah - The third of Shao's lieutenants. She rules Orderrealm which she has turned into a giant hive. All the inhabitants of Orderrealm are now drones under the control of parasitic insects on their heads (think head-crabs from Half-Life). Now all of Orderrealm has TOTAL order as an insect colony under the control of D'Vorah. The Four Guardian Shaolin will face off against her to rebalance that realms Fury.

Shang Tsung - Sorcerer, former Shaolin, former servant of Shao Kahn, former member of the Deadly Alliance. Betrayer to all. Shang Tsung is resurrected by the Elder Gods themselves and, because of this, is no longer cursed by them. Restored to his youth, Shang has a true second chance. And it starts by being pressganged into an alliance with his hated enemy Liu Kang alongside Kung Lao, the 'pup' Kai and the insufferable Fujin, brother to the even more insufferable Raiden. Liu's words to Shang, however, cut him to the core and Shang realizes that this second chance may, in fact, be his LAST chance to have a life where he can feel at all fulfilled and happy...and Shang realizes that it will take a mind for treachery and cunning to balance the Furies and overthrow Shao and, that if he does that, he may have truly achieved greatness. Shang embraces a path of redemption...while not abandoning the clever scheming that has served him so well. Now, however, it serves the forces of light instead of himself! ... ... ... or does it?

Jerrod - Returned to life, Jerrod learns of everything that has happened since his death and the pain inflicted on his family. He immediately vows to dethrone Shao from the Heavens by aiding his daughter KItana in the search for the Pyramid of Argus where Jerrod's magic skills will allow him to prepare it to capture the magic of Blaze burning in Shao at the moment of his defeat. During this search, however, they are pursued by the Edenian forces of the mad queen Mileena, clone of Jerrod's daughter. Though he has ceded authority to his daughter since she has become Queen since his death, after their first clash, Jerrod countermands her decree when she states that Mileena must die for what she's done. Instead, Jerrod makes a startling decree: that Mileena is blood of his blood just as Kitana is and that he will NOT let another member of his family suffer because of Shao Kahn. He will free Mileena from Shao's poisonous influence and extend to her the hand of a true, loving father so that the broken parts within her heart might be healed. He will not give up on his 'youngest daughter'.

Goro - The most decorated champion in the history of Mortal Kombat...what role will Goro play in the story? I am not sure yet but he has to be awesome

...I wrote too much
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Subby Z

One other issue with Harumi is that she's already around and undead by the time of Armageddon.

The intent was that each Komeback would absolutely have its own name.

Regarding character story stuff, these are what would come to me off the top of my head just as blurbs for each one

Scorpion - champion of the Elder Gods, he is the secret weapon that allowed the realms to survive & resist Shao Kahn's ascension after the defeat of Blaze when they hid a portion of their power within him, allowing him to capture all the souls slain. Scorpion is the flame from which the hope of defeating Shao Kahn is kindled. Scorpion, however, is still PISSED at the perceived betrayal of the Elder Gods in their bargain with him. He agrees to help stop Shao ONLY on one condition...that they bind their power to him such that when Shao is defeated, Scorpion is able to banish the Elder Gods from direct interference with the realms ever again. Facing utter annihilation or exile, the Elder Gods acquiesce to Hanzo's demands and strike the bargain. Scorpion is the stake that must be driven through Shao Kahn's heart. With his direct connection to the Netherrealm and his empowerment by the Elder Gods, he is the only one that can actually send Shao Kahn's now godly soul directly to hell...otherwise Shao will remain unconquerable. The revenant Shirai Ryu, having already been dead prior to Armageddon, are to be the army that can be used to combat Shao's own forces, utilizing guile & skill against the incredible might of the Kahn's armies.

Ermac - When the souls of those slain within Armageddon were captured by Scorpion, they had to go somewhere...and Ermac was the perfect container for the Elder Gods. Reconstituted and resurrected by the soul infusion, Ermac was once again MANY...but the strength of will of the warrior souls was too much for the binding magic that kept Ermac's mind unified and it unraveled. Only a few chosen souls from the realms were able to be taken from the newly-massively-powerful-but-insane Ermac before he resisted and escaped into the realms. These souls became the selectable characters. Now Ermac wanders the realms in his madness, his memories utterly confused and different personalities wrestling for control in his head. He will have to be brought to heel so that the incredible soul power within him can be properly utilized...but stopping him might be nearly as difficult as facing Shao.

Reptile - The resurrected Reptile has memories of tasting the power of Onaga that inhabited his form...and much of it still lingers. Reptile is stronger than he was before but, more importantly, he has knowledge lingering in his mind that belonged to the Dragon King. Knowledge of ancient magic and secrets. Reptile feigns interest in taking down Shao for the good of the realms, and plays up the 'loyal assassin' routine for the Elder God's forces, aiding Kitana and her allies but his primary goal is actually to use the power of Blaze as part of a magical ritual that will return the souls of the Zaterrans to the mortal realm. He WILL have his race back, even if that means betraying the Elder God's forces and making a deal with Shao from the shadows. Unfortunately, neither Reptile, Shao nor anyone else is aware that it is not Onaga's memories that reside within Reptile's mind...but Onaga's soul. The Dragon King's soul was brought back with Reptile and he is scheming to return fully to life to wrestle Blaze's power from Shao. The ritual will not bring back the Zaterran's...it will bring back the first lord of Outworld.

Noob Saibot - Bi-Han's soul is unconquerable. When he was slain and his jet black soul was collected and others were resurrected by the Elder Gods, Bi-Han's evil clung to their souls like sludge on a boot. Without anyone realizing it, the wraith reformed himself from oblivion, as hidden as black ice on a night road. Or, at least, so he thought...for one quite familiar with Bi-Han felt that darkness since he had sensed it before. Raiden was fully aware of Bi-Han's return and once more moves to make a bargain with the warrior he had known as a mortal. Raiden points out that, though fiercely independent, Bi-Han keeps finding himself shackled to masters. The Lin Kuei Grandmaster, Shinnok, Shao Kahn...now Raiden offers him a deal: if Noob assists him as a partner, Raiden will cede the Netherrealm itself to Noob so that Noob may rule the entire realm as Shinnok once had. Bi-Han accepts because, to him, it truly is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

Sub-Zero - As Scorpion is too vital to the defeat of Shao Kahn, he cannot risk being at the forefront of any offensive and, instead, must stay to the shadows as the ultimate knife to drive into the tyrant's heart at an opportune moment. As such, the revenant Shirai-Ryu is without a commander. Hanzo swallows his pride and makes a shocking offer to Kuai Liang: He should be commander of the Shirai Ryu in the offensive against Shao. Having grown to become Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and with far more exprience as a leader of shadow warriors, Kuai is the superior choice. The only logical choice...but it will mean the Shirai-Ryu must follow a man that wears the colors that were long believed to be responsible for their deaths. With humility and determination, Sub-Zero accepts this position as commander. Fire & Ice. Sub-Zero, leader of the Shirai-Ryu, in the battle to save the realms.

Fujin - With Raiden determined to fully take matters into his own hands away from the machinations of the Elder Gods, Fujin steps in to once more act as a voice of guidance for the heroes of Earthrealm, forming a quartet that he believes to represent a powerful martial formation: four Shaolin Guardians just like the Four Winds of the cardinal directions. Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kai and, shockingly, Shang Tsung, must work together with Fujin to face the 'Road of the Furies'. The four must undertake this arduous test to rebalance the Furies to cut off Shao from much of his power over the realms so that they can confront him. This is the greatest task Fujin has ever undertaken as a god and he knows accomplishing it may be all but impossible as it requires travel to the Netherrealm, the Heavens, and the realms of Chaos and Order...but he has faith in his four warriors. Or at least 3 of them... Either way, this is a task that can only be accomplished by the Shaolin Monks.

Kai - A troubled young Shaolin warrior, he thought the monks could help him find inner peace but comes to realize their training was just the first step in a long path. Slain in Armageddon, he is returned to life and put alongside the legendary Liu Kang & Kung Lao as well as the infamous Shang Tsung. Feeling that he is an ill-fit compared to such figures of reknown, Kai is reassured by Fujin that Kai may very well be the future of the Shaolin and the Order of Light if he can manage to have faith in himself. Kai says he has a hard time with that...so Fujin tells him that if that is the case then Kai should have faith in him and his judgment. Kai will go on to act as one of the Four Guardians with Shang constantly in his ear attempting to get him onto his side and will develop a rivalry against Kobra which will hold up a mirror to Kai regarding how far he's come since traveling to join the Shaolin, bolstering his confidence and resolve. In the Netherrealm, Kai will have to face the literal specters of his past and lay them to rest before facing off against Shao Kahn's forces

Kung Lao - With Liu Kang returned to life, Kung Lao still has concerns about Raiden...but he has to put those aside to work with Fujin and the other three Guardians he has chosen to rebalance the Furies. Initially he has no desire to do anything with Shang Tsung except slay him but he is swayed by Fujin and Liu Kang to trust that he is necessary. Kung Lao reminds Shang that he was FULLY prepared to put down the ruthless Raiden and his zombie Liu Kang if necessary...and they were two people he respected deeply...so he would have NO problem removing Shang's head from his shoulders if he senses even a whiff of betrayal. The journey will see Kung Lao suspect Shang several times but Shang's innocence and good-intent will be reinforced in the matters each time, staying Kung Lao's hand. Kung Lao meets his own ancestor the Great Kung Lao when the Four reach the Heavens (where Shao now reigns) and fights alongside him to balance the last Fury.

Liu Kang - Dead for years, Liu Kang is returned to life and carries sorrow in his heart for what happened with his zombified body because of his friend Raiden. Instead of anger at Raiden, however, Liu Kang realizes that this has all been at least partially because Earthrealm has long relied on gods like Raiden to protect and guide them through Mortal Kombat and dealings with the other realms. Liu accepts Fujin's offer to work to heal the realms by rebalancing the Furies so that Shao can be defeated...but states that, if they are to do this, it will not be as god and men...but as equals in the protection of Earthrealm. Fujin finds this very agreeable and states that, though he will be advisor to the four, it is Liu Kang that shall lead them...not as champion of Mortal Kombat...but as champion of the Earth. In the realm of Law, Liu Kang will help strike a balance between Law & Chaos so that he can find a path to freedom for Earthrealm. Afterwards, Liu Kang will once again have to face the forces of Shao Kahn. Interestingly, instead of anger towards Shang Tsung, Liu will show his cunning side in dealing with him, having considerable familiarity with the sorcerer now...and reminding him that he is mortal, no longer cursed and with a new chance at life. A life that could have genuine fulfilment and peace that Shang rejected when he betrayed the Order of Light so many years ago. After all, Shang has spent CENTURIES now with his goals & ambitions unfulfilled while he's been miserable. It is a long time to be wrong...but that doesn't mean he can't finally do what is right. Finding Liu's endless nobility & optimism detestable, Shang still admits that he has no argument against Liu's words...after all, his schemes left him just another casualty of Armageddon...a loss that has left Shang broken.

Raiden - Earthrealm's warriors had failed him. The Elder God's had failed him. His bargain with Shao had failed him. Even another timeline had failed him. Raiden becomes tired of relying on others. Now it is time for Raiden to walk a path entirely his own. Unleashing his full might after being resurrected as one of the lder God's chosen ones, he refuses to take part in their plan to depose Shao Kahn, having no faith in them to set things right. When he is threatened by them, Raiden threatens that he has tasted the power of an Elder God since he was one before and that that experience will allow him to resist them and, perhaps, hurt them enough that they will have no hope against Shao. The Elder God's, now VERY wary of their own fallibility, dismiss Raiden, allowing him to do as he pleases, believing that it can only help against Shao anyway. Raiden recruits Noob Saibot as part of a daring plan that involves plunging into the lowest depths of the Netherrealm beneath the work Shinnok did to reshape it to his liking. There, Raiden seeks out the power of the former ruler of the realm, a being like himself and Shao Kahn deposed by Shinnok and imprisoned...Lucifer.

Mileena - Resurrected after Armageddon by Shao Kahn himself, Mileena serves at the right hand of the now-deified Emperor and, most importantly, has been given control of the restored Edenia to rule. In his mercy, Shao also used his new power to make Mileena as beautiful as her sister...but any showing of defiance from Mileena causes him to revert her visage to her hideous, fanged maw...something Mileena can no longer endure now that she's had a taste of having her own 'true face'. She is no beloved daughter to Shao and is merely a vassal that he will torment without hesitation to keep her in line. In turn, Mileena is a vicious ruler of her realm, indulging in her own vanity and comforts, proving no better (and perhaps even worse) than Shao Kahn was when he ruled Outworld. When Kitana is resurrected, Shao commands Mileena to see to her defeat...and, until that is accomplished, strips Mileena of her beauty. Mileena goes nearly entirely mad with rage, believing that Kitana is back to life only to take everything away from Mileena "as she has always done". Mileena slaughters her court in her madness and has her forces sent afar to seek out Kitana and all of her allies, wanting to feast on their very flesh. From replacement-princess to mad queen, Mileena works with her forces to hunt Kitana and her allies across the realm.

Skarlet - Created from the blood of the greatest warriors slain by Shao Kahn, she is one of the only servants he truly trusts and sees her as a beautiful, living embodiment of his countless victories on battlefields. As one of his chosen, Skarlet acts as Shao's tracker, hunting out anyone that could threaten his fledgling reign over all the realms. She is as close to a daughter as the Emperor could ever have...but only because she is a testament to his own greatness crafted from his might. Further empowered by the blood spilled on the pyramid of Argus, Skarlet is sent by Shao to harry and slay the Elder God's chosen. Shao, however, did not count on the affect of Argus' pyramid on the blood absorbed by Skarlet. The pyramid housed Blaze and Blaze was, above all else, a creation of Delia empowered by her magic. This proves to be a massive misstep by Shao as Delia's magic, lingering in the blood spilled on Blaze's pyramid, begins unraveling the dark magic of Shao that binds Skarlet to his will...slowly allowing a personality of her own to emerge...

Black Female Ninja

Kitana - Returned to life, Kitana is shocked to find that her father Jerrod has been restored as well. Initially she attempts to defer to her father but Jerrod tells her that, by right, she is now Queen and that his time as king has long past. He trusts in his daughter enough to follow her. Knowing that her monstrous adopted father Shao Kahn must be stopped, Kitana works alongside her best friend Jade, her father Jerrod, Reptile and the brutal but noble Kotal. They must search the reshaped Edenia to find the remains of the pyramid of Argus for its contains magic that can contain the power of Blaze now burning inside Shao. Their journey, however, will not be easy as they are pursued by all the forces of Kitana's mad 'sister' Mileena, forcing the group to face the Edenians that Kitana and Jerrod once ruled.

Jade - With Jerrod and Kitana alongside her, Jade vows to fulfill her obligations to the Edenian crown by restoring the realms, defeating Shao Kahn and returning Queen Sindel to life as well to fully restore the royal family so that Edenia can be returned to what it was before Shao despoiled it, no matter the cost. Unfortunately, her respect for the crown sees Jade reflexively deferring to the returned King, creating friction between her and Kitana especially as Kitana's focus is entirely on stopping Shao when Jade believes this is an opportunity to accomplish even more. Distrustful of Reptile, Kitana asks Jade to keep an eye on the Zaterran...just in case.

Jax - Jax alongside other Earthrealm warriors undertakes the task of hunting down Ermac across the realms, using the Eye of Chitian that had been in the possession of the Outworld Investigation Agency to allow them to pursue him quickly. In addition, the Eye would be able to help them subdue the countless souls within Ermac. Acting as the voice of experience on the team, Jax's time on countless battlefields help them adapt to the varied realms they have to cross in their Ermac-hunt.

Sonya - Working alongside her longtime friend Jax, Sonya endeavors to hunt down Ermac to harness the power of the collected souls within him as a weapon against Shao Kahn so that the realms might be properly restored. She is initially furious with Johnny Cage for knocking her off the Pyramid during Armageddon...but then is confused by him telling her he did it to try and keep her from dying in the battle. Not willing to fully trust him and thinking him every bit the arrogant, ignorant fame-seeker she met in the tournament on Shang's island, she comes to see him in a new light over the course of their mission, fully realizing that Johnny's exterior hides a heroes heart. During one jaunt across a realm, she also comes across a lock of her own hair seemingly left for her to find...the same lock Kano had previously taken from her as a trophy, leading her to believe that Kano is still alive and observing them, perhaps even working against them. Sonya struggles with her feelings towards Johnny, desire to hunt down Kano, suspicion of their reluctant ally Kobra, and the weight of their duty to the realms.

Johnny Cage - Having moved past the Hollywood lifestyle during the events of Deadly Alliance, Johnny has continued to find in himself the will of a hero. Now, alongside several other Earthrealmers in a mission for the fate of all of reality, Johnny is feeling the weight of his responsibility as a warrior and feeling the pang of guilt for his misspent youth as a self-indulgent celebrity. He also finds reason to want to help guide the young fighter Kobra who is a martial arts prodigy with too little regard for others...much like Johnny had been in the past. Kobra, however, might be much more of a bad seed than Johnny ever was...but Johnny can't bring himself to just give up on someone when a God like Raiden and a hero like Liu Kang saw the potential for nobility in Johnny. So much so that he's willing to stand up for Kobra when Jax would prefer the Black Dragon punk be left behind. And, once this is all over, Johnny wants to use his celebrity to finally do something good...

Kenshi - A perpetual lone wolf, Kenshi finds himself working on a team to hunt down Ermac, he's haunted by the belief that if he had listened to Johnny Cage's initial invitation to help during Armageddon that he could have averted it entirely while also having his confidence undermined by his loss to Quan Chi on the steps of the Pyramid of Argus. When he is told that they will be hunting Ermac, however, Kenshi's penchant for vendetta overcomes him as he desires to confront Ermac. In the past, Kenshi had acted out of compassion to free Ermac from the control Shao Kahn had over him...and then Ermac had killed him during Armageddon. Kenshi is key to this plan since his sword Sento is capable of harming and even containing souls. Later, however, Jax reveals that he saw Ermac turn into Shang Tsung after killing Kenshi, revealing that it had been the sorcerer disguised and not Ermac himself. When questioned why he kept this secret, Jax reveals that in working with Kenshi as part of the O.I.A., he'd seen that Kenshi's motivations were almost always self-serving in his pursuit of revenge against those that had wronged him...and that he didn't believe Kenshi would give the mission his all if he didn't believe there were personal stakes in it for him. Reflecting on this, Kenshi is shamed to find that Jax is probably right...and vows on his ancestors to wield Sento to once again free Ermac and save the realms. Not for himself...but for everyone else.

Kobra - (this has been covered)


Kotal - Former general of Shao Kahn indebted to the Outworld Emperor by a blood debt incurred by his father, Kotal now finds hiimself having to serve not as a warrior but as a champion for the realms, something that he feels he is ill-suited for. More brutal and savage than his allies save for Reptile (who he sees as a cowardly toad), Kotal must decide if he is fated to be a simple warrior serving another...or if he could wear a crown of his own as his father once had before Kahn had defeated him. In this search he has, perhaps, a single positive influence...another who weathered serving Kahn out of obligation & duty despite her own moral struggles with such servitude: Jade. The two grow closer through their search for the Pyramid of Argus.

D’Vorah - I have no clue for her at the moment

Shang Tsung - Sorcerer, former Shaolin, former servant of Shao Kahn, former member of the Deadly Alliance. Betrayer to all. Shang Tsung is resurrected by the Elder Gods themselves and, because of this, is no longer cursed by them. Restored to his youth, Shang has a true second chance. And it starts by being pressganged into an alliance with his hated enemy Liu Kang alongside Kung Lao, the 'pup' Kai and the insufferable Fujin, brother to the even more insufferable Raiden. Liu's words to Shang, however, cut him to the core and Shang realizes that this second chance may, in fact, be his LAST chance to have a life where he can feel at all fulfilled and happy...and Shang realizes that it will take a mind for treachery and cunning to balance the Furies and overthrow Shao and, that if he does that, he may have truly achieved greatness. Shang embraces a path of redemption...while not abandoning the clever scheming that has served him so well. Now, however, it serves the forces of light instead of himself! ... ... ... or does it?

Jerrod - Returned to life, Jerrod learns of everything that has happened since his death and the pain inflicted on his family. He immediately vows to dethrone Shao from the Heavens by aiding his daughter KItana in the search for the Pyramid of Argus where Jerrod's magic skills will allow him to prepare it to capture the magic of Blaze burning in Shao at the moment of his defeat. During this search, however, they are pursued by the Edenian forces of the mad queen Mileena, clone of Jerrod's daughter. Though he has ceded authority to his daughter since she has become Queen since his death, after their first clash, Jerrod countermands her decree when she states that Mileena must die for what she's done. Instead, Jerrod makes a startling decree: that Mileena is blood of his blood just as Kitana is and that he will NOT let another member of his family suffer because of Shao Kahn. He will free Mileena from Shao's poisonous influence and extend to her the hand of a true, loving father so that the broken parts within her heart might be healed. He will not give up on his 'youngest daughter'.

Goro - The most decorated champion in the history of Mortal Kombat...what role will Goro play in the story? I am not sure yet but he has to be awesome

...I wrote too much
I’ve read some of those and I will maybe post some suggestions myself. One is Sub-Zero seems to be kinda just there. He’s my favorite character and I would maybe like him to have a bit more prominence than just leading the shirai ryu.

A suggestion there (if we went with those bios fully) would be the elder gods needed Scorpion, but knew after their struggle with Scorpion he could not be fully trusted. Sub-Zero had bested the spectre in the battle of Armageddon and this could prove useful to the elder gods. The elder gods would task Kuai Liang with forming an uneasy alliance with Scorpion to ensure the safety of the realms.

I’m actually wondering if we could tie the clusterfuck that is MK1 into it as well.

I picture a cutscene with fire god Liu Kang pondering over the hour glass in peace when suddenly a hammer smashes right through his chest.

Enter Shao Kahn
Shao: You thought the sands of time could protect you Liu Kang, but you will be lost to them like everyone before you.

Fire God Liu Kang now on his knees see Shao Kahn take the hour glass in his hands.

Shao: This was the source of your power

Shao smashes the hour glass on the ground

Shao: How pathetic!

Shao then kills fire god Liu Kang

We are signaled someway that all timelines collapse as a result besides 1. Shao’s original timeline which the elder gods have protected.

They agree to release a burst of energy which would revive combatants at the pyramid of argus imbued with more power than before to stop Shao Kahn

Cut to Black



One is Sub-Zero seems to be kinda just there. He’s my favorite character and I would maybe like him to have a bit more prominence than just leading the shirai ryu.
These are just blurbs of stuff that came to mind for me as pitches for them, not the entirety of their role in a story. The idea is that Sub would have a shit ton to do in the story since he represents an entire front of the battle with Scorpion :) I'm a big Sub fan too

Subby Z

These are just blurbs of stuff that came to mind for me as pitches for them, not the entirety of their role in a story. The idea is that Sub would have a shit ton to do in the story since he represents an entire front of the battle with Scorpion :) I'm a big Sub fan too
Do you like how I incorporated MK1?

I felt like well we can’t just completely ignore that game happened so how do we wrap it up fast and also make Shao look just absolutely terrifying? That was sort of what I came up with

Maybe even when the elder gods release the power upon the fighters the elder gods tell the fighters that Shao Kahn threatens all of existence. You are realities last hope.

Something like that. It keeps everything canon but also erases tons of shit at the same time because him crushing the hour glass is kind of symbolic to the audience like, “we heard you loud and clear. No more time shenanigans.”


Do you like how I incorporated MK1?
I do like the idea of incorporating it because it can't just be ignored. Figure a good way to justify this and tie it into what is going on is that the power Shao Kahn has from Blaze lets him basically drag the timeline back to the point where it split off, basically reasserting his reality over the splinter one Raiden created with his actions...but doing that also forces Shao to expend a lot of power which is what makes him vulnerable to the Elder Gods scheme

Subby Z

I do like the idea of incorporating it because it can't just be ignored. Figure a good way to justify this and tie it into what is going on is that the power Shao Kahn has from Blaze lets him basically drag the timeline back to the point where it split off, basically reasserting his reality over the splinter one Raiden created with his actions...but doing that also forces Shao to expend a lot of power which is what makes him vulnerable to the Elder Gods scheme
I could see that.

The only thing that we would have to tackle next is in my way the elder gods don’t really have a lot of time to pick and choose who is revived and who isn’t and so it’s hard to really have them working with anyone specific. More like a last ditch effort to stop everything from being annihilated.

I also like the idea of Shao having his own loyalists, but Idk if I have enough villains on the roster for that.

I could maybe see him promising the netherrealm to Noob Saibot in exchange for his loyalty.

He could put Mileena over outworld or edenia. I said Outworld at first but it could make sense that she would want what Kitana has.

Perhaps Goro over Outworld.

Skarlet over chaos realm

I’m running out of villains though. We still have Kobra, Reptile, D’Vorah, Shang Tsung, and Lillith. Then wildcards like Ermac and Araknyd (corny but I mean a lot of mk names are on the nose so female black ninja is now just araknyd haha).

While I like it though I also question well would anyone want to work with Shao knowing he wants to erase them from existence?


He could put Mileena over outworld or edenia. I said Outworld at first but it could make sense that she would want what Kitana has.
In the write up I posted for Mileena, she is indeed ruling Edenia.

Perhaps Goro over Outworld.
This might be a good place for Goro. Would just have to figure out his role. I could see him secretly not liking Shao at all.

D'Vorah I literally just had a brainstorm. Shao has her in place in charge of Orderrealm...and she's turned it into one giant hive full of Orderrealmer drones. The people of the real all have parasitic bugs on their heads (almost like head-crabs) that slave them to the hives will. The realm has become the ultimate expression of Order. This could maybe set-up introducing Hotaru as an NPC to later be DLC as HE would have to resist this if he can because Order means nothing when it is mindless obedience instead of the will to serve, etc.

Lilith might be good for Chaosrealm? They worship water and she is plant-based so she would feed off the very thing they worship and nature is chaotic. The realm could be a giant realm of chaotic growth now. The other thing with Chaosrealm is I wanted in the story there to a sect of Chaosrealmers that the Four Guardian Shaolin meet and this sect actually worships Shang. Shang initially has his ego stroked by this...but will come to find that they worship him as an agent of chaos, actually worshiping him because his plans accomplish nothing long term, instead only upending the current status quo. Effectively, they worship Shang for being a giant repeat failure. This would be the big story point where it hammers home that Shang is giving up on the treacherous behavior that has failed him time and time again. Liu Kang was right...he's been really wrong repeatedly and has to make sure he gets this opportunity right. He even apologizes to the others. This is, of course, all a ruse by Shang that would later be revealed in a hidden ending/cut-scene where we see the Shang is playing the long game. He hasn't changed at all, he's just more willing to fake humility.

If we need rulers of Netherrealm, we can use the Tarkatan and also have them act as Shao's normal army. They are supposed to be demon-blooded after all.

While I like it though I also question well would anyone want to work with Shao knowing he wants to erase them from existence?
He doesn't. Shao doesn't want to wipe out everything. Just those that can threaten him. He wants to rule everything. He is a conqueror and emperor with a massive ego. He wants the biggest dominion to rule which is why he also doesn't merge the realms though he could. He keeps them forced apart so he has his little feifdoms to play with. It's more interesting to him. Shao has always enjoyed kombat and killing with his own hands and having subjects and those that will be loyal to him. It reinforces his strength. He's not as much of a control-freak, insecure dominator as someone like Shang. As long as people are loyal, Shao can be surprisingly magnanimous with them. He'll just cave your head in or torture you if you try to step out of line.

Subby Z

In the write up I posted for Mileena, she is indeed ruling Edenia.

This might be a good place for Goro. Would just have to figure out his role. I could see him secretly not liking Shao at all.

D'Vorah I literally just had a brainstorm. Shao has her in place in charge of Orderrealm...and she's turned it into one giant hive full of Orderrealmer drones. The people of the real all have parasitic bugs on their heads (almost like head-crabs) that slave them to the hives will. The realm has become the ultimate expression of Order. This could maybe set-up introducing Hotaru as an NPC to later be DLC as HE would have to resist this if he can because Order means nothing when it is mindless obedience instead of the will to serve, etc.

Lilith might be good for Chaosrealm? They worship water and she is plant-based so she would feed off the very thing they worship and nature is chaotic. The realm could be a giant realm of chaotic growth now. The other thing with Chaosrealm is I wanted in the story there to a sect of Chaosrealmers that the Four Guardian Shaolin meet and this sect actually worships Shang. Shang initially has his ego stroked by this...but will come to find that they worship him as an agent of chaos, actually worshiping him because his plans accomplish nothing long term, instead only upending the current status quo. Effectively, they worship Shang for being a giant repeat failure. This would be the big story point where it hammers home that Shang is giving up on the treacherous behavior that has failed him time and time again. Liu Kang was right...he's been really wrong repeatedly and has to make sure he gets this opportunity right. He even apologizes to the others. This is, of course, all a ruse by Shang that would later be revealed in a hidden ending/cut-scene where we see the Shang is playing the long game. He hasn't changed at all, he's just more willing to fake humility.

If we need rulers of Netherrealm, we can use the Tarkatan and also have them act as Shao's normal army. They are supposed to be demon-blooded after all.

He doesn't. Shao doesn't want to wipe out everything. Just those that can threaten him. He wants to rule everything. He is a conqueror and emperor with a massive ego. He wants the biggest dominion to rule which is why he also doesn't merge the realms though he could. He keeps them forced apart so he has his little feifdoms to play with. It's more interesting to him. Shao has always enjoyed kombat and killing with his own hands and having subjects and those that will be loyal to him. It reinforces his strength. He's not as much of a control-freak, insecure dominator as someone like Shang. As long as people are loyal, Shao can be surprisingly magnanimous with them. He'll just cave your head in or torture you if you try to step out of line.
Alright Yagami I’m just throwing out some other things I’ve thought about. These are just random thoughts. So I want gear to return. I like gear. I like customization. Idk how you feel about it, but I’m a fan. Are some unoticeable? Yes, but there are also some that are very noticeable and I’d love to have it back.

So the first dlc being the black dragon I wasn’t thinking would get a story dlc. However I was thinking it could maybe bring in a mode called the black market.

So we have earnable currency (similar to deadly alliance not greedy shit like mk1) and perhaps if you have encountered a piece of gear in the game it will be buyable in this shop with the earnable currency. Kano could even be the dealer.

Now the second dlc is where we get additional story.

So I’ve thought about Hotaru and how he had that little mini rivalry with Sub-Zero. After he fails to kill Sub-Zero and is nearly murdered by Kenshi, Hotaru grew bitter.

He ordered soldiers to gather intel when he came across the head of a cyborg and there he learned of Sektors hatred of Sub-Zero. He rebuilt Sektor and brought him back online. They had a shared goal. Complete control. Complete order.

Hotaru ordered Sektor to design tech to place all of Seido’s citizens through the cyber initiative. The tekunin was reborn.

Now with Sektor at his side and a new cyber samurai armor Hotaru and his new Cyber army would seek his revenge on Sub-Zero, Kenshi, and all of Earth in the process.

So the whole DLC would give us access to Order realm (if you’re thinking of a Konquest type mode) and Chaos realm would also be unlocked.

What kind of story are we thinking of telling? Cinematic dead? We go full Konquest?


Hotaru ordered Sektor to design tech to place all of Seido’s citizens through the cyber initiative. The tekunin was reborn.
This seems like a good story expansion part? Or a story-section for a future DLC that has Hotaru and Sektor. It would follow-up on what happens to Orderrealm after it is freed from D'vorah in the initial story?

What kind of story are we thinking of telling? Cinematic dead? We go full Konquest?
Cinematic is garbage tier and needs to go away. Back to a style more like Konquest. Initially you'd have the main parties going through Konquest sections across the realms on their quests (Hunt for Ermac/Search for the Pyramid for Argus/Rebalancing hte Furies) with each being a separate quest line through Konquest. There'd be overlap with maps used and also some maps unique to each of the 3 quest lines. Completing sections would unlock them for a free-roam Konquest mode where you'd be able to seek out things to find to help Kollector replenish a Krypt.

I like gear.
I like gear as well and it should definitely be in. Tekken, SF and previous MKs have shown people like that stuff a lot. It's also a path to future DLC sales for new items (because the game HAS to be looked at from a profitability and sustainability stand-point...that's just reality).

Kano could even be the dealer.
Black Market is a great idea. I think it's a good opportunity to use someone that's definitely not going to be playable though. Have Jarek as an NPC running the shop. Maybe give him some good dialogue and try and make him likeable through interaction in the mode.

Subby Z

This seems like a good story expansion part? Or a story-section for a future DLC that has Hotaru and Sektor. It would follow-up on what happens to Orderrealm after it is freed from D'vorah in the initial story?
Yeah this would be the DLC story. I think It makes Hotaru and Sektor both major threats. It also brings Cyrax, Smoke, and Havik back into the fray.

Cinematic is garbage tier and needs to go away. Back to a style more like Konquest. Initially you'd have the main parties going through Konquest sections across the realms on their quests (Hunt for Ermac/Search for the Pyramid for Argus/Rebalancing hte Furies) with each being a separate quest line through Konquest. There'd be overlap with maps used and also some maps unique to each of the 3 quest lines. Completing sections would unlock them for a free-roam Konquest mode where you'd be able to seek out things to find to help Kollector replenish a Krypt.
So what are the main quests again? We’re talking about 3 quest lines.

I thought about Shao Kahn’s throne being located beyond space and time. I haven’t quite thought of what that stage looks like, but this could be where the regular earthrealmers come in (Sonya, Johnny, Kenshi, Jax, and Kobra). They could be responsible (as the OIA) for finding a rift in this area to be able to reach Shao Kahn and stop him.

Also who do we have beat Shao? I was honestly leaning towards Raiden. I have a concept for the sequel though and that would involve kombat kids haha so Idk how you would feel about that. I personally thought that the way to move into the future is actually the kids of earthrealmers. That’s for a future game, but yeah I just see Raiden beating him through absolute just fury.

I like gear as well and it should definitely be in. Tekken, SF and previous MKs have shown people like that stuff a lot. It's also a path to future DLC sales for new items (because the game HAS to be looked at from a profitability and sustainability stand-point...that's just reality).
Agreed. Gear imo never should have been removed. There may have been a loud minority (but was there really? Idk it was mostly liked from my memory). I have no idea why they remove the customization of characters. They need to bring that back asap.

Black Market is a great idea. I think it's a good opportunity to use someone that's definitely not going to be playable though. Have Jarek as an NPC running the shop. Maybe give him some good dialogue and try and make him likeable through interaction in the mode.
I legitimately forgot about Jarek. I’m down for that. Could be a neat little Cameo for sure.
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So what are the main quests again? We’re talking about 3 quest lines.
  1. Special Forces locating Ermac to get the power of the Armageddon souls within him which will let them empower warriors to take on Shao
  2. Edenian Royalty searching for the Pyramid of Argus to contain the power of Blaze from Shao
  3. Four Shaolin Guardians rebalancing the Furies so that the realms don't fall apart or merge when Shao no longer has Blaze's power
  4. Fire & Ice, Scorpion traveling the hidden path to the Heavens. The ultimate ninja mission to strike the deathblow against Shao while Sub-Zero leads the Shirai Ryu in a shadow war against Shao's forces
  5. Raiden plunging into the darkest parts of the Netherrealm to seek out Lucifer's power
4 & 5 would not be as large story components content-wise since they focus on fewer characters obviously which makes the first 3 the big story components and the 'main' portions of the Konquest kampaign.

I thought about Shao Kahn’s throne being located beyond space and time.
I was actually thinking the Elder Gods would be in the void, having fled the Heavens where Shao now reigns. Since we've seen only snippets of the Heavens, my idea for visualizing it would be corrupted celestial gardens. A fancier, more opulent Outworld basically. The beautiful Heavens corrupted by Shao Kahns' presence with Shao having taken on aspects of the Jade Emperor. Jade Emperor Shao basically for his 'super boss' look.

Also who do we have beat Shao?
I'd imagine this has to be something akin to beating Bison in the big SF games where it's an ordeal to beat him. Like Shao having to fight the Four Guardians empowered by the Ermac souls...and once he's sufficiently weakened from that, Scorpion strikes with his sneak attack assault to mortally wound Shao and pull him into the Netherrealm (with an appropriate "GET OVER HERE!", of course). Shao, still extremely powerful, even after being nearly killed and dragged to literal hell would then need to be put down there...and, of course, we've already positioned Raiden to be in the Netherrealm. Can easily explain it by Shao recalling all his power from his lieutenants (depowering the amped Mileena, Lilith, Skarlet and D'vorah) to keep himself alive in the Netherrealm and recharge himself...which is when he turns the tide against Scorpion...and when Raiden emerges in the Netherrealm to have a final clash with Shao.

Would think the 'Lucifer power' that Raiden finds with Noob is actually the power binding Lucifer...which Raiden then uses on Shao once he's beaten, dragging his soul into the deepest part of hell finally.

Subby Z

  1. Special Forces locating Ermac to get the power of the Armageddon souls within him which will let them empower warriors to take on Shao
  2. Edenian Royalty searching for the Pyramid of Argus to contain the power of Blaze from Shao
  3. Four Shaolin Guardians rebalancing the Furies so that the realms don't fall apart or merge when Shao no longer has Blaze's power
  4. Fire & Ice, Scorpion traveling the hidden path to the Heavens. The ultimate ninja mission to strike the deathblow against Shao while Sub-Zero leads the Shirai Ryu in a shadow war against Shao's forces
  5. Raiden plunging into the darkest parts of the Netherrealm to seek out Lucifer's power
4 & 5 would not be as large story components content-wise since they focus on fewer characters obviously which makes the first 3 the big story components and the 'main' portions of the Konquest kampaign.

I was actually thinking the Elder Gods would be in the void, having fled the Heavens where Shao now reigns. Since we've seen only snippets of the Heavens, my idea for visualizing it would be corrupted celestial gardens. A fancier, more opulent Outworld basically. The beautiful Heavens corrupted by Shao Kahns' presence with Shao having taken on aspects of the Jade Emperor. Jade Emperor Shao basically for his 'super boss' look.

I'd imagine this has to be something akin to beating Bison in the big SF games where it's an ordeal to beat him. Like Shao having to fight the Four Guardians empowered by the Ermac souls...and once he's sufficiently weakened from that, Scorpion strikes with his sneak attack assault to mortally wound Shao and pull him into the Netherrealm (with an appropriate "GET OVER HERE!", of course). Shao, still extremely powerful, even after being nearly killed and dragged to literal hell would then need to be put down there...and, of course, we've already positioned Raiden to be in the Netherrealm. Can easily explain it by Shao recalling all his power from his lieutenants (depowering the amped Mileena, Lilith, Skarlet and D'vorah) to keep himself alive in the Netherrealm and recharge himself...which is when he turns the tide against Scorpion...and when Raiden emerges in the Netherrealm to have a final clash with Shao.

Would think the 'Lucifer power' that Raiden finds with Noob is actually the power binding Lucifer...which Raiden then uses on Shao once he's beaten, dragging his soul into the deepest part of hell finally.
So what I’m thinking is Scorpion doesn’t mortally wound him, but realizing he can’t fully beat him he drags him to the netherrealm where he hopes to have more power.

There Raiden comes into play. Having been powered up (whether by killing lucifer and obtaining power or obtaining Shinnoks amulet) Raiden fights Kahn. Realizing how far he has fallen as a result of his own darkness Raiden begins to fight Kahn. He then gathers as much lightning power as possible within his body and latching onto kahn unleashes an atomic bomb level of power on Kahn which destroys both him and Shao Kahn in the process.

The skies clear over the realms and everyone realizes the deed is done. Armageddon was prevented and the realms can live in peace once more.

Before the game ends we roll over the netherrealm. We are shown that the power of blaze could not simply be demolished but was scattered across the netherrealm powering up the demons and residents that reside there.

We then see Noob Saibot approach ground zero of the clash between Kahn and Raiden and we hear him receive a power of some sort himself setting him up to become the ruler of the netherrealm himself. Cut to credits

An end credits scene shows Fujin arrive to the Wu Shi academy. He explains to Liu Kang that he comes with news. “Raiden committed the ultimate sacrifice to save the realms. He wanted you to know that he apologized for everything. His darkness had consumed him and his need to protect earth realm had gone too far. He wanted to make sure you and the others could live peaceful lives and continue to grow and learn.”

Liu Kang acknowledges Fujin and says that he knows Raiden just wanted to assure the protection of earth and that Raiden was like a father to him and he would miss him dearly.

Fujin then explains. “Gods do not simply die though Liu Kang. A fact you must surely know by now. In saying that I want you to meet someone.”

Fujin then has a monk walk forward and present Liu Kang with a baby. Liu Kang looks at Fujin confused. A grin crosses Fujins face. Liu Kang looks back at the baby and we see lightning flow through the baby’s eyes.

cut back to credits.

So after reading that I’m sure you see how I reintroduce the kombat kids in the sequel. I also have ways for how Sub-Zero and Scorpion play huge roles in the next game.


See, my idea was to have Raiden realize he needs to pay penance for wronging people like Liu Kang after confronting his own darkness in the Netherrrealm...and he does that by becoming Shao's jailer to make sure he doesn't escape.

That also keeps us from taking Raiden full off the board in case of a sequel (which would require then coming up with an excuse to bring back Raiden)

Subby Z

See, my idea was to have Raiden realize he needs to pay penance for wronging people like Liu Kang after confronting his own darkness in the Netherrrealm...and he does that by becoming Shao's jailer to make sure he doesn't escape.

That also keeps us from taking Raiden full off the board in case of a sequel (which would require then coming up with an excuse to bring back Raiden)
I could see that. Idk I don’t really like dark Raiden for more than 1 game though. So like it’s an interesting concept to me as maybe a boss character. I would have loved him as the boss in a sequel to MkX. That would have been great, but Raiden STAYING dark Raiden just doesn’t sit right.

I had him die and be reborn mostly because it’s a symbolic of giving up his old life where he went too far. I do admit though that while I don’t mind the kombat kids (they’re certainly just as good in concept as some of the 3d era) I don’t know that everyone else would like them back.

A few of the endings I was thinking for characters went as such:
Having helped stop Armageddon Fujin’s next step would be to step into his brother’s place as Earthrealm’s protector. However, he didn’t feel that was his destiny.

With the realms now at peace Fujin wanted to travel them and learn all about their ways. He loved Earthrealm, but saw how protecting it drove his brother mad. A destiny he did not want for himself.

With Raiden gone, however, Earth would need a new protector disciplined enough to train its greatest warriors. Fujin knew a man up to the task. Sub-Zero.

Having led the armies of Earth into battle against Shao Kahn’s forces Sub-Zero watched as many of his friends fell in battle.

He retreated to Arctika to gather himself when the wind god Fujin approached him with a proposition. Raiden had sacrificed himself in the battle of Armageddon and taking on as Earthrealms protector was a task Fujin did not foresee for himself.

Fujin asked Sub-Zero to take on the task. Earthrealm could not be left in better hands.

Having helped in the defeat of Shao Kahn, Scorpion was now regarded as a hero across the realms. He had found new purpose in his existence.

However, Scorpion sensed there was no time to rest. The combined power of lucifer and blaze created a shockwave across the netherrealm. Demons across the realm gained enormous power, and that would not stay contained.

Scorpion sensed a dark power rising in the netherrealm. One that Earth was not prepared for.

Liu Kang
Having experienced death and seeing how short life is Liu Kang would not hesitate on life any longer.

He traveled to Edenia where he found Kitana with her now revived Mother and Father.

Liu Kang asked Kitana for her hand in marriage. Liu Kang and Kitana could finally be at peace.

After the battle of Armageddon Kitana contemplated the battles in her life, and how they had now been overcome.

Shao Kahn was defeated, Edenia revived, and Kitana’s parents had returned to the throne. She pondered what was next when Liu Kang approached her.

Liu Kang asked for her hand in marriage. A new journey she was certainly ready to take. Leaving Edenia’s protection in the hands of Jade, Kitana was ready to experience something new.

So the idea was to setup a new generation that’s maybe a little more likable while keeping around our old mainstays in new roles. Again I can understand disliking the whole concept of “a new generation of fighters” as well though.


A few of the endings I was thinking for characters went as such:
I like all of those endings actually! Sub-Zero becoming a protector as leader of the Lin Kuei matches up REALLY well with Liu Kang's insistence that Earthrealm's people be responsible more directly for its protection. I could see Fujin doing a 'wandering god' thing after that, traveling around in disguise like Odin did and learning more about people while also seeking out the hidden parts of Earthrealm that had become more important than ever now that the Elder Gods are further away than they've ever been.

So the idea was to setup a new generation that’s maybe a little more likable while keeping around our old mainstays in new roles. Again I can understand disliking the whole concept of “a new generation of fighters” as well though.
OKay so here's the REAL problem with "new generation of fighters". It's hard to do all at once. Doing a big time skip is a hard pill to swallow. SF did it smart with more gradual increases in the time line after they stumbled with SF3 and skipped too far and left too many classics in the dust. It has to be more gradual with introducing younger characters then having them mature so they can become likeable. SF actually did a great job with introducing Luke in SF5 then us seeing his progression in SF6.

I don’t really like dark Raiden for more than 1 game though.
The idea would not be that he remains 'Dark Raiden'...he'd have spent his fury on Shao and, afterwards, stays in the Netherrealm almost partially as a sense of penance. He needs time to cool down and re-center himself. Without the Elder Gods to guide him and having seen his aggressive demeanor and time meddling fail, Raiden would have to find himself and his purpose again.

I'd see him coming back in a sequel in a sort of 'Raiden the White' way with a redemption arc for the thundergod


I really wouldn't mind any MK character from the 3D era returning as long as they are revamped properly.
Its crazy to me that they took two of the only decent 3D characters who had yet to return in Nitara and Havik and made them worse, but couldn't be bothered to try and pumped up ones that were meh. Ashrah is kinda the same as she was, very shallow character, I don't think her look is great but its not horrible by any means. Weird that they didn't really keep any of her moves though
They made them better, not worse.

They have more personality in MK1 than they ever did in the old 3D games, to say nothing of their gameplay.

Shit take.


They made them better, not worse.

They have more personality in MK1 than they ever did in the old 3D games, to say nothing of their gameplay.

Shit take.
I think more personality is objectively correct. But less is often more in a fighting game. I'm just here to hit buttons, whatever my character says/does and how they look while doing so is the only thing that matters.
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I think more personality is objective correct. But less is often more in a fighting game. I'm just here to hit buttons, whatever my character says/does and how they look while doing so is the only thing that matters.
I'm going to have to disagree with you there, but there is a lot of personal taste involved so, fair enough.

Subby Z

I like all of those endings actually! Sub-Zero becoming a protector as leader of the Lin Kuei matches up REALLY well with Liu Kang's insistence that Earthrealm's people be responsible more directly for its protection. I could see Fujin doing a 'wandering god' thing after that, traveling around in disguise like Odin did and learning more about people while also seeking out the hidden parts of Earthrealm that had become more important than ever now that the Elder Gods are further away than they've ever been.
Part of me also wants to play with Kuai Liang having this overwhelming power within him that has yet to be unleashed. NRS had some very hit and miss moments from the 9-11 trilogy, but Kuai Liang going berserk from the Kamidogu dagger in the comics was a good moment. They then used that again in Snowblind and I loved it. I'll admit it I loved that kind of arc for him. I think they could maybe even go into his psychology a bit for that. Like when Bi-han and Kuai Liang were kidnapped as children into the lin kuei they each dealt with it in very different ways. Bi-han fell in with the Lin Kuei knowing it would keep him alive and Kuai Liang kind of withdrew into himself a bit and started blocking things out causing him to disocciate from himself a tad. Another part of his journey could be learning to harness that and use it.

Another plot point I have thought about for Fujin is he helps form a council of other gods from the realms to prevent anything like Armageddon happening again. We haven't met a lot of gods from the other realms and this could be a way to introduce them in neat ways.

OKay so here's the REAL problem with "new generation of fighters". It's hard to do all at once. Doing a big time skip is a hard pill to swallow. SF did it smart with more gradual increases in the time line after they stumbled with SF3 and skipped too far and left too many classics in the dust. It has to be more gradual with introducing younger characters then having them mature so they can become likeable. SF actually did a great job with introducing Luke in SF5 then us seeing his progression in SF6.
I agree with you. The Kombat Kids ended up being duds, but one reason for that is they seemed so samey and part of that is because they didn't bother distinguishing them enough from each other. On top of that the whole games artistic style was very dark and grey and their outfits didn't stand out along with their personalities. They were dull and that's part of what killed them.

I do think they could have potential, but I also think there would have to be more of them. I think adding Raiden to the Kombat kids could be a nice addition because he could be a bit of a leader and is learning how strong his godlike powers are again.

I've argued that we have a lot of characters that could just stay in Mortal Kombat and we don't have a problem because they're gods or just straight up don't age. Like Scorpion is a demon and can't die. Raiden is a god and can't die. The edenians age so slowly that you can't even tell they age at all.

However, the humans have to age. There's just no way around it. Johnny, Sonya, Jax, Kung Lao, and Liu Kang all have to age at some point. So introducing kids to replace them and then flow in with the remainder of the old cast who doesn't age could work.

I'm torn on whether I want a son or daughter for Liu Kang and Kitana. We already have 2 girls in Jacqui and Cassie, but I'm honestly leaning towards another girl. I was thinking of a name that starts with a K for her and for short she goes by Kitty Kang.

To round out male Kombat kids I would give Kano a son who hates his father for abandoning him and his mother. Sub-Zero adopts him into the group because he once knew what it was like to not be trusted by the group and he knows Kano's son has good intentions.

Other kids I would want introduced would be a daughter for Nightwolf, a son for Johnny and Sonya, and 3 sons for Kuai Liang a little bit down the line. I have a whole story for how that would play out.

So that would round out the "New Kombat Kids" as
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs (heavily reworked)
Kung Jin
Kano's son
Liu Kang and Kitana's daughter
Raiden (reborn)
Nightwolf's daughter

Thoughts on the Kombat kids all above.

The idea would not be that he remains 'Dark Raiden'...he'd have spent his fury on Shao and, afterwards, stays in the Netherrealm almost partially as a sense of penance. He needs time to cool down and re-center himself. Without the Elder Gods to guide him and having seen his aggressive demeanor and time meddling fail, Raiden would have to find himself and his purpose again.

I'd see him coming back in a sequel in a sort of 'Raiden the White' way with a redemption arc for the thundergod
I could see this, but I also just think it's almost poetic that the same Raiden who sent the "he must win" shit into the future and the guy who used Liu Kang's body to do some of his bidding just realizes he has gone too far and ultimately sacrifices his old life to save everyone. He really did do some fucked up shit and while not impossible to come back it would be really hard.

Also the dying and becoming a child again is like a way of saying I need to live with the humans and grow with them again. I have become totally disconnected from them and him having to fight alongside them and grow again is a good way to do this, but it's different strokes for different folks.

I also like your idea, but I wouldn't want Shao Kahn to necessarily survive or at least even be known to survive for a while. Shao has been so degraded over the past several games that I want to bring him back as such a terrifying, menacing, and utterly amazing boss that just seems impossible to beat. Then we let him rest for a while. He isn't in the netherrealm or at least not known to be, but possibly possesses Reiko down the line and finally gives that guy something to do ( sorry to any Reiko fans. I have just always found him so damn bland).

They made them better, not worse.

They have more personality in MK1 than they ever did in the old 3D games, to say nothing of their gameplay.

Shit take.
I just disagree with this. I didn't play MK1, but have watched some cutscenes on Youtube.

I loved Li Mei for instance in the 3D era. I thought how she was possessed by the dragon king's warrior was cool and idk she just had some edge to her.

She seemed like a stand in for NRS Sonya in MK1 and not in a good way. She's just a boring ass cop in Outworld.

Then there's Havik who until Khaos Reigns wasn't even Havik and is a boring as fuck jobber.

Ashrah was okay. I mean she was kinda the same. She's probably the only one I can't openly hate on.

Tanya isn't even Tanya.lol. Like that is straight up not Tanya. That's an MCU dora milaje teleported into the MK universe and had the name Tanya slapped on her.

Reiko was Shao's dog. Nothing changed there, and that's not great either. Reiko just became the new Reptile/Baraka jobber for this game.

Kenshi is practically a trilogy character in popularity. So bringing him back is like okay I guess. He is a mainstay character at this point anyway.

And Nitara. Poor Nitara. She was never anything amazing, but after MK1 I don't care if we ever see her again. Megan Fox ruined her. Plus she looked nothing like the old Nitara. She didn't even have black hair. She could have been a totally different character, but that's like everyone in MK1. The new timeline shit didn't work. They need to scrap it all together in the next game.
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Part of me also wants to play with Kuai Liang having this overwhelming power within him that has yet to be unleashed. NRS had some very hit and miss moments from the 9-11 trilogy, but Kuai Liang going berserk from the Kamidogu dagger in the comics was a good moment. They then used that again in Snowblind and I loved it. I'll admit it I loved that kind of arc for him. I think they could maybe even go into his psychology a bit for that. Like when Bi-han and Kuai Liang were kidnapped as children into the lin kuei they each dealt with it in very different ways. Bi-han fell in with the Lin Kuei knowing it would keep him alive and Kuai Liang kind of withdrew into himself a bit and started blocking things out causing him to disocciate from himself a tad. Another part of his journey could be learning to harness that and use it.

Another plot point I have thought about for Fujin is he helps form a council of other gods from the realms to prevent anything like Armageddon happening again. We haven't met a lot of gods from the other realms and this could be a way to introduce them in neat ways.

I agree with you. The Kombat Kids ended up being duds, but one reason for that is they seemed so samey and part of that is because they didn't bother distinguishing them enough from each other. On top of that the whole games artistic style was very dark and grey and their outfits didn't stand out along with their personalities. They were dull and that's part of what killed them.

I do think they could have potential, but I also think there would have to be more of them. I think adding Raiden to the Kombat kids could be a nice addition because he could be a bit of a leader and is learning how strong his godlike powers are again.

I've argued that we have a lot of characters that could just stay in Mortal Kombat and we don't have a problem because they're gods or just straight up don't age. Like Scorpion is a demon and can't die. Raiden is a god and can't die. The edenians age so slowly that you can't even tell they age at all.

However, the humans have to age. There's just no way around it. Johnny, Sonya, Jax, Kung Lao, and Liu Kang all have to age at some point. So introducing kids to replace them and then flow in with the remainder of the old cast who doesn't age could work.

I'm torn on whether I want a son or daughter for Liu Kang and Kitana. We already have 2 girls in Jacqui and Cassie, but I'm honestly leaning towards another girl. I was thinking of a name that starts with a K for her and for short she goes by Kitty Kang.

To round out male Kombat kids I would give Kano a son who hates his father for abandoning him and his mother. Sub-Zero adopts him into the group because he once knew what it was like to not be trusted by the group and he knows Kano's son has good intentions.

Other kids I would want introduced would be a daughter for Nightwolf, a son for Johnny and Sonya, and 3 sons for Kuai Liang a little bit down the line. I have a whole story for how that would play out.

So that would round out the "New Kombat Kids" as
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs (heavily reworked)
Kung Jin
Kano's son
Liu Kang and Kitana's daughter
Raiden (reborn)
Nightwolf's daughter

Thoughts on the Kombat kids all above.

I could see this, but I also just think it's almost poetic that the same Raiden who sent the "he must win" shit into the future and the guy who used Liu Kang's body to do some of his bidding just realizes he has gone too far and ultimately sacrifices his old life to save everyone. He really did do some fucked up shit and while not impossible to come back it would be really hard.

Also the dying and becoming a child again is like a way of saying I need to live with the humans and grow with them again. I have become totally disconnected from them and him having to fight alongside them and grow again is a good way to do this, but it's different strokes for different folks.

I also like your idea, but I wouldn't want Shao Kahn to necessarily survive or at least even be known to survive for a while. Shao has been so degraded over the past several games that I want to bring him back as such a terrifying, menacing, and utterly amazing boss that just seems impossible to beat. Then we let him rest for a while. He isn't in the netherrealm or at least not known to be, but possibly possesses Reiko down the line and finally gives that guy something to do ( sorry to any Reiko fans. I have just always found him so damn bland).

I just disagree with this. I didn't play MK1, but have watched some cutscenes on Youtube.

I loved Li Mei for instance in the 3D era. I thought how she was possessed by the dragon king's warrior was cool and idk she just had some edge to her.

She seemed like a stand in for NRS Sonya in MK1 and not in a good way. She's just a boring ass cop in Outworld.

Then there's Havik who until Khaos Reigns wasn't even Havik and is a boring as fuck jobber.

Ashrah was okay. I mean she was kinda the same. She's probably the only one I can't openly hate on.

Tanya isn't even Tanya.lol. Like that is straight up not Tanya. That's an MCU dora milaje teleported into the MK universe and had the name Tanya slapped on her.

Reiko was Shao's dog. Nothing changed there, and that's not great either. Reiko just became the new Reptile/Baraka jobber for this game.

Kenshi is practically a trilogy character in popularity. So bringing him back is like okay I guess. He is a mainstay character at this point anyway.

And Nitara. Poor Nitara. She was never anything amazing, but after MK1 I don't care if we ever see her again. Megan Fox ruined her. Plus she looked nothing like the old Nitara. She didn't even have black hair. She could have been a totally different character, but that's like everyone in MK1. The new timeline shit didn't work. They need to scrap it all together in the next game.
Havik was absolutely Havik before Khaos Reigns. You might not personally like it, which is fine, but he's got more personality and characterization than his 3d iteration.

Hell, the way he can explode between rounds or rip off his own head, or when he says, "No Gods, No Masters" is tight as fuck.

Wait no you said more silly stuff. I need to edit this.

Li Mei didn't have "edge" to her in Deadly Alliance. She was a Sun Do villager that participated in a tournament held by the Deadly Alliance, won, but had her soul shoved into a dragon warrior anyway. Massive L.

Nitara is way better in MK1. Her fatalities are better, her animations are objectively better, and she actually uses her wings unlike in the 3D era.

Dora milajae in MK? That's suuuuper racist. "Guys, I see a black woman and she's a warrior! Just like in Black Panther!" Wow, dude. Wow.

Reiko also has way more personality than before. Real MK fans know that Reiko started out as a palette swapped Noob Saibot before maybe being Shao Kahn but Oops he's not. And that was Reiko before. He stole Shao Kahn's helmet, once. Wake me up cause I'm sleeping.

MK1 Reiko may have one of the coolest win poses in the game, dirties up his hands like in Gladiator, and is ruthless as fuck.

But I guess being a Noob Saibot palette swap was cool, too.
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Subby Z

Havik was absolutely Havik before Khaos Reigns. You might not personally like it, which is fine, but he's got more personality and characterization than his 3d iteration.

Hell, the way he can explode between rounds or rip off his own head, or when he says, "No Gods, No Masters" is tight as fuck.

Wait no you said more silly stuff. I need to edit this.

Li Mei didn't have "edge" to her in Deadly Alliance. She was a Sun Do villager that participated in a tournament held by the Deadly Alliance, won, but had her soul shoved into a dragon warrior anyway. Massive L.

Nitara is way better in MK1. Her fatalities are better, her animations are objectively better, and she actually uses her wings unlike in the 3D era.

Dora milajae in MK? That's suuuuper racist. "Guys, I see a black woman and she's a warrior! Just like in Black Panther!" Wow, dude. Wow.

Reiko also has way more personality than before. Real MK fans know that Reiko started out as a palette swapped Noob Saibot before maybe being Shao Kahn but Oops he's not. And that was Reiko before. He stole Shao Kahn's helmet, once. Wake me up cause I'm sleeping.

MK1 Reiko may have one of the coolest win poses in the game, dirties up his hands like in Gladiator, and is ruthless as fuck.

But I guess being a Noob Saibot palette swap was cool, too.
Lol no Tanya is not Tanya and that has nothing to do with being racist. Multiple fans have pointed out how she is dora milaje inspired. Shave her head and color her costume red she’s dora milaje. She even runs a whole fucking woman troupe of outworld defenders haha. Like come on now. You’re intentionally playing dumb.

Also I hate those kind of arguments because the person (usually an extremist to either side of the political aisle tbh) want to throw out racist, bigot, groomer, etc.. so on and so forth to try and discredit someone and tbh it’s tired. End of story they made Tanya someone else. You like the change so you want to defend it, and a majority of people hate it. Like a majority of people hate this dumbass game.

Not gonna let you derail this thread though like you tend to do.
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Lol no Tanya is not Tanya and that has nothing to do with being racist. Multiple fans have pointed out how she is dora milaje inspired. Shave her head and color her costume red she’s dora milaje. She even runs a whole fucking woman troupe of outworld defenders haha. Like come on now. You’re intentionally playing dumb.

Also I hate those kind of arguments because the person (usually an extremist to either side of the political isle tbh) want to throw out racist, bigot, groomer, etc.. so on and so forth to try and discredit someone and tbh it’s tired. End of story they made Tanya someone else. You like the change so you want to defend it, and a majority of people hate it. Like a majority of people hate this dumbass game.

Not gonna let you derail this thread though like you tend to do.
Multiple fans are racist. Congratulations.

"A majority of people hate this game."

5 million copies sold.
Pro Tour Season 2 announced.
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Subby Z

Multiple fans are racist. Congratulations.

"A majority of people hate this game."

5 million copies sold.
Pro Tour Season 2 announced.
Lol imagine having this bad of a take on things.

Like I have also seen multiple people say Glenn Powell would be a perfect johnny Cage. Imagine drawing similarities and being angry at that.

I’m just going to start getting made at shit for no reason as well. Why the fuck would anyone say Glenn Powell should have played Johnny Cage? Oh because they both have sandy brown hair and athletic looks? Wow!!!! How fucking racist are people for thinking that. Age-ist as well! Nevermind that Karl Urban looks more like Kano! Oh there I go again drawing similarities! I have so much work to do.