The game is great!
I thought SF5 had one of the worst releases I've ever seen and I criticized them mightily for it. They bounced back, this is a deep game on release.
World Tour can feel very grindy at times and there's a lot of fetch quest padding("go talk to me at night time at this spot", "go back to the day and meet me in Chinatown"), but it's arguably the best single player experience a fighting game has ever had. The narrative story aspect for World Tour is whatever, honestly, but the gameplay and world building stuff makes up for it in spades. I love what NRS has done with their games by having cinematic story modes that are actually good, like I think MK9 and Injustice 2 are legitimately good pieces of entertainment just with the cutscenes.. but it's not the best an FG can offer to just have some fights with story in-between.
It's like a Tony Hawk game, but with Street Fighter. Instead of teaching you how to grind, they teach you game mechanics and the moves of different characters. They fill it with humor and throwbacks to SF lore, you become Zangief's pupil, you get your ass kicked by Carlos Miyamoto and learn that you need to press buttons less in this game. I really enjoyed it despite it being frustrating at times. I used the avatar system to help me learn different characters that maybe I wouldn't have put as much time into, and it's really cool how you not only use your Avatar in the battle hub, you actually can fight against other people's avatars. Not something I've done, but very very cool
Battle Hub is just sick bro, they didn't invent the virtual arcade concept but I feel like they finally nailed it. They need to let you play the classic games online though!
I think the game visually looks very good most of the time, my only issue is that some of the character designs are suspect IMO. One of the more glaring ones is that I think the proportions on some character's (Ryu, Luke's forearms sheesh) are inconsistent and kinda look stupid at times. Kimberly's main costume is bad, I actually really like her now because of her alt. No Deejay slander is allowed. But the colors of the game are fun and Metro City looked very nice in World Tour.
The music is tight! Stage tracks and character tracks are good, maybe not SF2/3 tier but I like what we got, but so much of the menu themes and the World Tour tracks are jams. Options galore, menus and training mode are mostly great. Some of the Training UI is bad but honestly dude it's hard to fault them
JP is fucking dope dude, Swole Christoper Lee is here to zone you and set you up and then say "My apologies, yes.. indeed".