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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions


Lose without excuses
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Just wanna point out that there are other options besides democratic and republican. You don’t have to vote for the “lesser of two evils” if you really don’t want to. Find another political party that more closely aligns with your values and vote accordingly
Yes exactly. People use the “it’s a wasted vote” excuse for this 100% of the time. If both of the main options are garbage, there ARE other options. Especially now when the two main options are either Trump or Biden. In particular, I’ve heard a lot of great things about the Libertarian Jo Jorgensen. I would recommend everyone researching her and her positions. Also, how cool would it be to have a president we can nickname “JoJo”??


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
Since the topic is up, I would like to mention that "defunding the police" in order to improve the quality of their service is one of the dumbest things I've heard in recent years. In what world do people work harder when payed LESS? Being a police officer is an awful, awful job. The most attractive aspect of law enforcement is the lack of experience or education required; therefore, you get a lot of people who can't/wont go to college or who don't have any other skills joining the force. I've heard many people say they think college degrees should be required for police officers, but who in their right mind would want to spend 4+ years working to be a police officer of all things, when you could be literally anything else with that time, money, and effort?

That being said, if you want to improve the quality of law enforcement, they should receive extra and extensive education and training, as well as consistent high-quality physical/mental care. Police officers are often first responders when it comes to all sorts of things including people who are sick and injured, as well as those in very dangerous situations. Police should be well-equipped with the tools and skills necessary to handle these situations.

So, if you want to improve the quality of law enforcement, I say the police need MORE funding. There should be much, much more training and schooling required to be an officer. Police should have much better and safer equipment to handle the myriads of nasty and difficult situations they have to deal with on a constant basis. And most importantly, the benefits of being a cop need to outweigh all of the awful responsibilities that come with the job in order to attract more hardworking, career-oriented, and successful people. In our capitalist society, the smart and motivated people will gravitate towards work that rewards them the most for the time they put in, and being an officer (right now) just doesn't do that.

So to summarize, I think defunding the police is a terrible idea that will only worsen the situation as opportunities in law enforcement look less and less attractive to the people we want serving us the most. Just like with education, careers in law enforcement need more attention from the government in order to improve their quality. If a shitty job has shitty benefits, you can expect shitty people to fill those roles.
that's not what defending the police means. we're not asking to just take away their money and nothing else. we want to take away the funding that has been used to militarize the police and put that money into social programs that actually lower the crime rate. a majority of crimes happen because of economic reasons and police having more expensive guns and tanks isn't going to prevent crimes being committed because someone can not make enough money to meet their basic needs. If you want to actually lower the crime rate you put money into programs that help people escape poverty and homelessness so crime isn't something they have to turn to. second is that we simply put way to much responsibility on the police that they are not prepared to handle. say for example there's a mentally ill person causing a public disturbance. the way to solve that should be to send people that are actually trained mental health workers and not a bunch of cops with guns.


that's not what defending the police means. we're not asking to just take away their money and nothing else. we want to take away the funding that has been used to militarize the police and put that money into social programs that actually lower the crime rate. a majority of crimes happen because of economic reasons and police having more expensive guns and tanks isn't going to prevent crimes being committed because someone can not make enough money to meet their basic needs. If you want to actually lower the crime rate you put money into programs that help people escape poverty and homelessness so crime isn't something they have to turn to. second is that we simply put way to much responsibility on the police that they are not prepared to handle. say for example there's a mentally ill person causing a public disturbance. the way to solve that should be to send people that are actually trained mental health workers and not a bunch of cops with guns.
I think most people are under the assumption that movement just wants to lower policeman/woman salary as a punishmment or something and let them keep the tanks.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
that's not what defending the police means. we're not asking to just take away their money and nothing else. we want to take away the funding that has been used to militarize the police and put that money into social programs that actually lower the crime rate. a majority of crimes happen because of economic reasons and police having more expensive guns and tanks isn't going to prevent crimes being committed because someone can not make enough money to meet their basic needs. If you want to actually lower the crime rate you put money into programs that help people escape poverty and homelessness so crime isn't something they have to turn to. second is that we simply put way to much responsibility on the police that they are not prepared to handle. say for example there's a mentally ill person causing a public disturbance. the way to solve that should be to send people that are actually trained mental health workers and not a bunch of cops with guns.
I should have clarified at the bottom that my post was aimed at those that took "defund the police" literally as well as the term itself. I think a more appropriate term would be "reform the police" or something along those lines. Also, I'm not saying reforming the police will solve poverty or wipe out crime, only "hitting them in their pockets" is a silly idea. Getting rid of poverty and crime are very complex ideals that require complex solutions that people in positions of power aren't interested in. We need societal reform that stretches from schools to hospitals to law enforcement. I should have been a bit more clear about that.


Zoning Master
Police brutality isn’t just murders, but you realize the US isn’t 26% African-American, right? You literally just proved the point.
Although massive disagreements exist between white and black Americans, the vast majority of white Americans acknowledge racism in the justice system,
but they also acknowledge bad behavior and poor decision making, which begs two questions. How much racism exists in the justice system? How many individuals are lawfully arrested yet accuse police officers of racism? I am not sure that any statistic can account for all these arbitrary factors, and the left obviously only intends to discuss one of these issues for political expediency.

Yes exactly. People use the “it’s a wasted vote” excuse for this 100% of the time. If both of the main options are garbage, there ARE other options. Especially now when the two main options are either Trump or Biden. In particular, I’ve heard a lot of great things about the Libertarian Jo Jorgensen. I would recommend everyone researching her and her positions. Also, how cool would it be to have a president we can nickname “JoJo”??
Well-said. I voted for Gary Johnson in the last election and I did not feel as though I had wasted my vote.

I wish Bernie Sanders had been the democratic nominee instead of Joe Biden. In my opinion, he is very liberal, but unlike the overwhelming majority of politicians, he has been very sincere and consistent in what he believes. I am not looking for an ideologue as much as I am looking for someone who has principles. I liked Ron Paul for this reason, particularly when he challenged the neo-cons on civil liberties, foreign interventions, and the war on drugs while he was running for president in 2008 and 2012.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

that's not what defending the police means. we're not asking to just take away their money and nothing else. we want to take away the funding that has been used to militarize the police and put that money into social programs that actually lower the crime rate. a majority of crimes happen because of economic reasons and police having more expensive guns and tanks isn't going to prevent crimes being committed because someone can not make enough money to meet their basic needs. If you want to actually lower the crime rate you put money into programs that help people escape poverty and homelessness so crime isn't something they have to turn to. second is that we simply put way to much responsibility on the police that they are not prepared to handle. say for example there's a mentally ill person causing a public disturbance. the way to solve that should be to send people that are actually trained mental health workers and not a bunch of cops with guns.
This. Precisely this.

I should have clarified at the bottom that my post was aimed at those that took "defund the police" literally as well as the term itself. I think a more appropriate term would be "reform the police" or something along those lines. Also, I'm not saying reforming the police will solve poverty or wipe out crime, only "hitting them in their pockets" is a silly idea. Getting rid of poverty and crime are very complex ideals that require complex solutions that people in positions of power aren't interested in. We need societal reform that stretches from schools to hospitals to law enforcement. I should have been a bit more clear about that.
Also all of this. And your bigger point was spot-on as well. We would absolutely have better law enforcement if there was any outstanding appeal to the job at all. If you took all the money budgeted for militaristic bullshit, and put it towards real training, reform and education, the results would be spectacular. But we need real leadership and smarter people than us on top of the ladder to do it.

I wish Bernie Sanders had been the democratic nominee instead of Joe Biden. In my opinion, he is very liberal, but unlike the overwhelming majority of politicians, he has been very sincere and consistent in what he believes. I am not looking for an ideologue as much as I am looking for someone who has principles. I liked Ron Paul for this reason, particularly when he challenged the neo-cons on civil liberties, foreign interventions, and the war on drugs while he was running for president in 2008 and 2012.
I've never seen a party fight against something as hard as I've seen the Democrats fight against putting Bernie Sanders on the ticket, in spite of his being overwhelmingly popular and having a decades-long consistently progressive record. It highlights with the brightest of lights how both the parties are capable of trashing the will of the people just to preserve the status quo and keep their rich benefactors from having to pay their taxes.
I gave up in 2016 when Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who was then the head of the Democratic National Committee, was forced to resign after being caught rigging the Arizona primaries in Hillary Clinton's favor, and THE NEXT FUCKING DAY was hired on to be her new campaign manager.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
This. Precisely this.

Also all of this. And your bigger point was spot-on as well. We would absolutely have better law enforcement if there was any outstanding appeal to the job at all. If you took all the money budgeted for militaristic bullshit, and put it towards real training, reform and education, the results would be spectacular. But we need real leadership and smarter people than us on top of the ladder to do it.

I've never seen a party fight against something as hard as I've seen the Democrats fight against putting Bernie Sanders on the ticket, in spite of his being overwhelmingly popular and having a decades-long consistently progressive record. It highlights with the brightest of lights how both the parties are capable of trashing the will of the people just to preserve the status quo and keep their rich benefactors from having to pay their taxes.
I gave up in 2016 when Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who was then the head of the Democratic National Committee, was forced to resign after being caught rigging the Arizona primaries in Hillary Clinton's favor, and THE NEXT FUCKING DAY was hired on to be her new campaign manager.
About democrats fighting Bernie... yep. Both times they cucked the shit out of him when if they were smart they would have realized he was their only realistic shot at beating Trump. I think everyone knew Hillary and Biden would be the candidates because they're the favorites of the people in control of the Democrat party. Super delegates are fucking sketch as hell.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

About democrats fighting Bernie... yep. Both times they cucked the shit out of him when if they were smart they would have realized he was their only realistic shot at beating Trump. I think everyone knew Hillary and Biden would be the candidates because they're the favorites of the people in control of the Democrat party. Super delegates are fucking sketch as hell.
It's the same problem in politics as it is in gaming: the big money ruins everything.


People say this for every presidential election
People always say stuff like that, but it makes me curious where they actually land on policy opinions. Political parties spend a ton of money to make the "other side" out to be as unlikable as possible, so I guess it makes sense that most politicians come off as unlikable.

But when it comes to actual policies, I feel like it's not that hard to line up with either candidate, and I feel like most people land squarely in one party or the other, with the exception of some issues. I might not like Biden, but compared to Trump I favor his stance on pretty much every policy issue.


I would recommend everyone researching her and her positions.
I like her positions on the environment, trade & immigration, and criminal justice reform. Pretty much all the rest of her positions I'm opposed to. I believe her kind of fiscal policies would create a very Have and Have Not kind of society.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
It's the same problem in politics as it is in gaming: the big money ruins everything.
Yeah dude thats the thing though, you would think the Democrats would want Bernie over Trump at the very least, I'm not saying that I wouldn't or would have voted for Bernie as I was 17 in the 2016 election and couldn't vote, didn't really follow anything. However, in both elections people were fired up to vote for Bernie. Like actual supports, excited, and very solid in their beliefs. Biden doesn't have that, no Democrat is like "fuck yes Joe Biden is the dream candidate!" They more so just don't want Trump to have another 4 years. If Bernie would have been nominated, I feel like they would have his enthusiastic supporters along with never Trumpers and would have a very real shot at winning. I feel like a lot of Democrats are so disenfranchised with Biden and the establishment as a whole, that there is a group of them that may not even vote. There are a lot of Bernie supporters that are Bernie supporters more so than Democrats, even exclusively. Bernie was their way of not simply voting for the lesser of two evils which is what everyone in this thread memed, but for a lot of people, they saw that as a real thing, and it almost was a real thing. I think they played themselves again because Trump has rabid supporters as well as old school Republicans who simply wouldn't vote for a Democrat. I'm not taking sides or talking about who SHOULD win, I could give less of a fuck about any of your guys' political opinions, and you guys are all the same with me so I try not to go there. But in all seriousness if I had to make a bet....

Edit: Also, Biden winning could do permanent damage to the Democratic party, like as in if he keeps saying crazy shit. Trump saying the shit he says has caused Americans to view Republicans much more harshly, when in reality it wasn't that long ago that Republicans would say things like:
Say what you will about the man, but defending and complimenting his opponent instead of fear mongering, knowing full well he will be shit on by his supporters, he says what he believes. Obama and McCain treated each other with respect, neither party seems to be capable of that, it's mostly a meme war now. At McCain's funeral, Obama even said that he made him a better President.
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Edit: Also, Biden winning could do permanent damage to the Democratic party, like as in if he keeps saying crazy shit. Trump saying the shit he says has caused Americans to view Republicans much more harshly, when in reality it wasn't that long ago that Republicans would say things like:
Say what you will about the man, but defending and complimenting his opponent instead of fear mongering, knowing full well he will be shit on by his supporters, he says what he believes. Obama and McCain treated each other with respect, neither party seems to be capable of that, it's mostly a meme war now. At McCain's funeral, Obama even said that he made him a better President.
I definitely don't wanna get into this current political foray conversation but that's what I mean. Even if I wouldn't personally vote for McCain I could at least say he had a level of decorum and human decency to him that made me respect people who supported him and his candidacy.

That's the type of political world we could have had, but instead we have political mean girls theater where grown people lie, attack and misquote each other and have egos so fragile that they can never be wrong and their enemies can never be right. I would say political opponents, but it's too adversarial to not have the enemy label.

Americans as a whole need to demand better and need to stop hero worship just because a politician has an "R" or a "D" next to their name.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I definitely don't wanna get into this current political foray conversation but that's what I mean. Even if I wouldn't personally vote for McCain I could at least say he had a level of decorum and human decency to him that made me respect people who supported him and his candidacy.

That's the type of political world we could have had, but instead we have political mean girls theater where grown people lie, attack and misquote each other and have egos so fragile that they can never be wrong and their enemies can never be right. I would say political opponents, but it's too adversarial to not have the enemy label.

Americans as a whole need to demand better and need to stop hero worship just because a politician has an "R" or a "D" next to their name.
Yes sir. Absolutely classless. Maybe there is a reason the first president didn't want political parties.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I definitely don't wanna get into this current political foray conversation but that's what I mean. Even if I wouldn't personally vote for McCain I could at least say he had a level of decorum and human decency to him that made me respect people who supported him and his candidacy.

That's the type of political world we could have had, but instead we have political mean girls theater where grown people lie, attack and misquote each other and have egos so fragile that they can never be wrong and their enemies can never be right. I would say political opponents, but it's too adversarial to not have the enemy label.

Americans as a whole need to demand better and need to stop hero worship just because a politician has an "R" or a "D" next to their name.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Personal disagreements with him aside, John McCain was the last respectable Republican candidate. I will never understand what the game plan was saddling himself with Sarah Palin, but he was the only one left in that party after the Bush era with any balls or human decency. It says a lot to me about the state of the GOP / right wing / conservative side of things that the ONLY person they have in their ranks even worth listening to right now...is Mitt Romney. But 2020 Mitt is a far cry from 2012 Mitt, so we'll see how that goes leading to 2024, because I'd bet all my money they're going to run him again.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Although massive disagreements exist between white and black Americans, the vast majority of white Americans acknowledge racism in the justice system,
but they also acknowledge bad behavior and poor decision making, which begs two questions. How much racism exists in the justice system? How many individuals are lawfully arrested yet accuse police officers of racism? I am not sure that any statistic can account for all these arbitrary factors, and the left obviously only intends to discuss one of these issues for political expediency.
The Justice Dept. under Obama did an extremely thorough investigation on law enforcement, in a few major cities. If you're interested in this topic, I suggest reading the reports, as they break everything down into a lot of different contributing factors without oversimplifying.


Although massive disagreements exist between white and black Americans, the vast majority of white Americans acknowledge racism in the justice system,
but they also acknowledge bad behavior and poor decision making, which begs two questions. How much racism exists in the justice system? How many individuals are lawfully arrested yet accuse police officers of racism? I am not sure that any statistic can account for all these arbitrary factors, and the left obviously only intends to discuss one of these issues for political expediency.
Institutional racism isn't some Democratic talking-point; it's American history. Take your pick and check out any of these, or better yet, read several of them:


This isn't some attempt to bypass peoples' personal responsibility; this is to let you and everyone else know that no matter how 'well-behaved' black people have been in America, our freedoms and lives have been severely jeopardized not merely by sick individuals, but by entire institutions.
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Vampire mommy simp
To each their own. But for me personally, I will 100% vote for a Libertarian when the other two choices are Biden or Trump.
I'm not from the U.S but even in my country I'd die for a candidate that actually cares about individual liberties, different from the ones who pretend to care about specific ones just to bait people into supporting them.
And it's not like any major political party comes close to having a somewhat decent understanding on economics anyway.


Zoning Master
The Justice Dept. under Obama did an extremely thorough investigation on law enforcement, in a few major cities. If you're interested in this topic, I suggest reading the reports, as they break everything down into a lot of different contributing factors without oversimplifying.
I have seen the reports, but I have also seen black conservatives like Larry Elder and Candace Owens provide opposing evidence, which is all they seem to do on YouTube. LOL.

Institutional racism isn't some Democratic talking-point; it's American history. Take your pick and check out any of these, or better yet, read several of them:


This isn't some attempt to bypass peoples' personal responsibility; this is to let you and everyone else know that no matter how 'well-behaved' black people have been in America, our freedoms and lives have been severely jeopardized not merely by sick individuals, but by entire institutions.
Nobody is denying historical racism by institutions. The debate is how much, if any, institutional racism persists in today's America. Federal, state, and local laws prohibit discrimination in the public and private sector. Speaking of the private sector, certain corporations have taken political positions after George Floyd's death. For example, Amazon has supported Black Lives Matter, which angered many conservatives. Jeff Bozos allegedly even stated that he is "happy to lose customers" if they are upset about the company's support for Black Lives Matter.

I am not sold on institutional racism, but I think individual racism most certainly exists. The government is unable to police people's thoughts without becoming authoritarian, though. Nonetheless, attitudes have changed dramatically in one generation. A poll found that 87% of Americans approved of interracial marriages in 2013. Only a measly 4% did in 1958.


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
Well people may not like each other but they have to respect each other, as it’s the basic element of social relations. I dont know anything about him but if he has kept that kind of attitude for a long time then I think it’s a proper decision because people cant actually change in respect to habits; they can only learn how to pressure their errors with education but these errors keep staying there and ultimately resurface when a certain line is crossed. I may sound very strict but my current life experiences have shown me nothing different. Plus to me growing up means the ability to realize this fact and treat people always with respect. This is what I think.


I have seen the reports, but I have also seen black conservatives like Larry Elder and Candace Owens provide opposing evidence, which is all they seem to do on YouTube. LOL.

Nobody is denying historical racism by institutions. The debate is how much, if any, institutional racism persists in today's America. Federal, state, and local laws prohibit discrimination in the public and private sector. Speaking of the private sector, certain corporations have taken political positions after George Floyd's death. For example, Amazon has supported Black Lives Matter, which angered many conservatives. Jeff Bozos allegedly even stated that he is "happy to lose customers" if they are upset about the company's support for Black Lives Matter.

I am not sold on institutional racism, but I think individual racism most certainly exists. The government is unable to police people's thoughts without becoming authoritarian, though. Nonetheless, attitudes have changed dramatically in one generation. A poll found that 87% of Americans approved of interracial marriages in 2013. Only a measly 4% did in 1958.
Black people are by no means a monolith, but Candace Owens and other black conservatives don't even pretend to speak for the vast majority of us. She and other black right-wingers are nothing more than mere tokens of the Republican Party - they reflect a very minor viewpoint of how black people feel on many issues.

To your other point, there is no debate at all about the existence of institutional racism against black people. Phenomenon such as black codes and redlining (look them up if you don't believe me) by themselves don't even begin to scratch the surface of how the American system has been stacked against black people.

I highly advise you to read some of the articles in the link I gave in my previous reply because your comment of institutional racism being imaginary is several powers more erroneous than your early assessment of Tremor in MKX.


Zoning Master
Black people are by no means a monolith, but Candace Owens and other black conservatives don't even pretend to speak for the vast majority of us. She and other black right-wingers are nothing more than mere tokens of the Republican Party - they reflect a very minor viewpoint of how black people feel on many issues.
Some surveys have shown that African-Americans are one of the most socially conservative groups in America, even more conservative than the average white. If Republicans cared to reach out to black communities, I have no doubt they would acquire more votes. Democrats, on the other hand, are actively campaigning in black communities, as they should. Unfortunately, self-serving democratic politicians have falsely convinced many African-Americans that racism is the cause of all problems in America. They have taken the black vote for granted, and when they sense they may not get the vote, they lash back with racially-charged comments such as "you ain't block unless you vote for me."

To your other point, there is no debate at all about the existence of institutional racism against black people. Phenomenon such as black codes and redlining (look them up if you don't believe me) by themselves don't even begin to scratch the surface of how the American system has been stacked against black people.
I believe you, but you are, again, referring to historical racism, which no sensible person is denying. For example, redlining has been illegal for more than 50 years.

I highly advise you to read some of the articles in the link I gave in my previous reply because your comment of institutional racism being imaginary is several powers more erroneous than your early assessment of Tremor in MKX.
I am interested in the articles and the facts. However, I am not interested is playing identity politics and connecting single every issue to racial injustice. I judge people individually and by the content of their character. While black people have unquestionably suffered more hardships than any group throughout the history of America, any black person is as good as any white, Asian, Latino, or Native-American person. If blacks are given the opportunity to succeed, they can with hard work and perseverance, as seen with many, many successful African-Americans, including the 44th president of the United States.

I would encourage you to read one of Thomas Sowell's books or watch one of his interviews. I am no conservative so I do not agree with everything that he says, but he offers a plethora of curious facts for what he says and believes.