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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
So to clarify, Jaxel doesn't maintain our website. The backend and main coding of the custom bits of TYM is maintained by @admin (who I'm guessing the person commenting about the TYM upgrade funding was thinking of), and I do most of the maintaining of the Xenforo-specific settings and tweaks.

The front page news section, Streams section, Caldendar etc. are powered by XenPorta, which is a plugin written by Jaxel. So in that sense, the site is tied to his past development work. But I in no way condone his remarks, and obviously it's critical to find a way to distance ourselves from him, and from that kind of nonsense, without destroying the site functionality for all of you. Work in progress.
I think yall are good lol, nobody really thinks you guys are racist or associates you with that kind of post.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

So to clarify, Jaxel doesn't maintain our website. The backend and main coding of the custom bits of TYM is maintained by @admin (who I'm guessing the person commenting about the TYM upgrade funding was thinking of), and I do most of the maintaining of the Xenforo-specific settings and tweaks.

The front page news section, Streams section, Caldendar etc. are powered by XenPorta, which is a plugin written by Jaxel. So in that sense, the site is tied to his past development work. But I in no way condone his remarks, and obviously it's critical to find a way to distance ourselves from him, and from that kind of nonsense, without destroying the site functionality for all of you. Work in progress.
Good to know, Sai Crimson. Your hard work is dat güd shit that keeps the engines chugging, no matter who drew the blueprint.

Now I do that have to worry about being snapped out of existence when I watch the Trump rally later and play Find The Jaxel with the people in the crowd.


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
Yeah it was a stupid idea that needed correcting. So tbf drew brees is not a good example of someone who did/said nothing wrong. Still, that forceful corrective feedback is standard now, and it doesn’t always correct bad ideas. And the threat of being targeted by it discourages some important conversations from being had honestly in the open, like whether defunding police is really a good idea.
The problem wasn't that drew Brees had a different opinion. The problem was that his opinion was based on ignorance and promoted a false narrative that was meant to delegitimize the players protests. The "forceful corrective feedback" is used because these people have large public platforms that could end up spreading dangerous ideas to people if not combated.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

While we're on the subject of politics and global affairs: anyone who still supports Trump, before and especially after this rally in Tulsa, should honestly and wholeheartedly be fucking ashamed of themselves. Please, whatever dwindling base he has left on this forum, fight me on this and explain to me how this isn't the lowest point America has ever reached, because this is physically nauseating and I cannot for the life of me understand what reason there is to still stick behind him other than your own personal hatred and prejudice.

Having an incoherent piece of shit like this in the White House is exactly the kind of toxic enabling that lets shit like what we see unfolding in the community and around the country grow wings and fly.


Zoning Master
The problem wasn't that drew Brees had a different opinion. The problem was that his opinion was based on ignorance and promoted a false narrative that was meant to delegitimize the players protests. The "forceful corrective feedback" is used because these people have large public platforms that could end up spreading dangerous ideas to people if not combated.
I assume that you also support conservatives who criticized Collin Kaepernick's kneeling for "spreading dangerous ideas to people" in front of millions of spectators, right?

Please, whatever dwindling base he has left on this forum...
LOL. Please stop. 90%+ of this forum is very liberal. If you want to pick an argument with conservatives, try another medium.


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
I assume that you also support conservatives who criticized Collin Kaepernick's kneeling for "spreading dangerous ideas to people" in front of millions of spectators, right?
Legally they're allowed to say it but that does not mean I nor the public at large have to treat them as legitimate. Let's not pretend that every single opinion is equal. 1 side wants to protest against police brutality and the other side wants them to stop and I'm not going to pretend they are morally equal to each other


Zoning Master
Legally they're allowed to say it but that does not mean I nor the public at large have to treat them as legitimate. Let's not pretend that every single opinion is equal. 1 side wants to protest against police brutality and the other side wants them to stop and I'm not going to pretend they are morally equal to each other
The public is divided on Kaepernick's kneeling as much as they will be divided on Brees's initial statement, but I am glad that you acknowledged the legality. People sometimes forget that freedom of speech does not exist to protect popular speech. Controversial and polemic speech is what needs protection.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

LOL. Please stop. 90%+ of this forum is very liberal. If you want to pick an argument with conservatives, try another medium.
I was just putting that out there for the Undercovers and the George Soros marks of the world. I know TYM isn't the place for that at all. I made the stupid mistake of watching the rally instead of just getting the cliff notes version later on and needed to yell.


Online Scrub Lord
I can't understand why anyone would support a demented old man like Biden who's creepy as fuck and likes to feel up underage girls on camera and sniff their hair like the essence of life is flowing through it.

These left wing maniacs control the narrative and nobody on the left has the courage to call out all the looting and hatred for cops and that includes Biden because he's counting on their vote in November.

The BLM movement is based on a lie. Let's look at some stats from 2016 to support this argument. 990 people were shot by police officers and the majority of the people shot were armed or violently resisting arrest. Nearly 50% of those people were white while 26% were black. That's just one of many stats that debunk this myth that suggests police brutality is committed against blacks more than any other race.

It doesn't take a white cop killing a black person for their lives to matter. Their life should matter regardless of who murders them. Everybody's life is precious and should be treated as such. All these people calling to defund the police, you're gonna miss them when they're gone. There's already instances of cops calling out sick because they're afraid to do their job. Scary times in which we're living.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I can't understand why anyone would support a demented old man like Biden who's creepy as fuck and likes to feel up underage girls on camera and sniff their hair like the essence of life is flowing through it.

These left wing maniacs control the narrative and nobody on the left has the courage to call out all the looting and hatred for cops and that includes Biden because he's counting on their vote in November.

The BLM movement is based on a lie. Let's look at some stats from 2016 to support this argument. 990 people were shot by police officers and the majority of the people shot were armed or violently resisting arrest. Nearly 50% of those people were white while 26% were black. That's just one of many stats that debunk this myth that suggests police brutality is committed against blacks more than any other race.

It doesn't take a white cop killing a black person for their lives to matter. Their life should matter regardless of who murders them. Everybody's life is precious and should be treated as such. All these people calling to defund the police, you're gonna miss them when they're gone. There's already instances of cops calling out sick because they're afraid to do their job. Scary times in which we're living.
1. Donald Trump has a literal lifelong track record of sexual misconduct and NDA's, up to and including being named alongside Jeffrey Epstein in a lawsuit over a 13-year-old girl. Joe Biden is not innocent in the least, or someone to be joyfully supported by any stretch; he is merely a placeholder, who has already served as the man behind the man with little incident, and is not even in the same universe of inhumane as Trump, Bill Barr, or anyone else still serving this administration. As a means to an end of being done with this failed experiment and holding things together until 2024, he'll do. This hateful draconian regime posing as a dictatorship in a democracy needs to end for the sake of humanity.

2. Hearing anyone talk about left wing maniacs when Fox News and the far-right have been freely and shamelessly toxifying the mental state of society in America since 9/11 is laughable at best and offensive at worst. MSNBC is liberally biased, and CNN has had their heads firmly planted in the neutral sand forever, but I have NEVER IN MY LIFE heard anything come out of either of those networks on the same perpetually bigoted and factually untrue level as the talking heads on Fox.

3. As Sage pointed out earlier in the thread, all the math on the foundation of the BLM movement checks out, so you can miss me with all of that, too. Cops have been openly and factually terrorizing black people since slavery ended and the Prison Is The New Slavery tactics started in the 1800's, and we're galvanized by the rise of the private prisons system in the 90's.

4. The myth that defunding the police means getting rid of cops entirely is another Fox News talking point that's being perpetuated to create animosity towards the idea of legitimate law enforcement reform, and the amount of money that's been poured into police departments post-9/11 in comparison to things like education, infrastructure and hospitals is insane. Defund the police does NOT mean no more cops; it's means the best way to get them to stop pretending they're the fucking military with free reign to intimidate and terrorize as they please, and forget that they're public servants whose entire reason to exist is to secure their communities and make them feel safe, is by fucking with their cash. If cops want to bitch out and stay home instead of doing their jobs because they have to be civil and decent to everyone instead of just the ones they're biased towards, they should never have been cops in the first place, and they'll hopefully be replaced by people who actually want to do the job of protecting and serving instead of living out a perpetual power trip.



Official Merlin of TYM
I can't understand why anyone would support a demented old man like Biden who's creepy as fuck and likes to feel up underage girls on camera and sniff their hair like the essence of life is flowing through it.

These left wing maniacs control the narrative and nobody on the left has the courage to call out all the looting and hatred for cops and that includes Biden because he's counting on their vote in November.

The BLM movement is based on a lie. Let's look at some stats from 2016 to support this argument. 990 people were shot by police officers and the majority of the people shot were armed or violently resisting arrest. Nearly 50% of those people were white while 26% were black. That's just one of many stats that debunk this myth that suggests police brutality is committed against blacks more than any other race.

It doesn't take a white cop killing a black person for their lives to matter. Their life should matter regardless of who murders them. Everybody's life is precious and should be treated as such. All these people calling to defund the police, you're gonna miss them when they're gone. There's already instances of cops calling out sick because they're afraid to do their job. Scary times in which we're living.
I don't think ANYONE really truly likes Biden, but he's the lesser of two evils.

Who is nobody on the left? Plenty of people can condemned the looting, myself included. Just because you may not see it does not mean it doesn't happen. "The left" consists of million and millions of people, but "hurr durr, I didn't see it on Twitter so now I'm triggered." Get a grip.

BLM isn't even about JUST police brutality, at least not for me. It's about the justice system as a WHOLE. And even so, you pulled the stats from ONE year and decided to post them, making it obvious you don't even understand the problem. Black people are disenfranchised and treated poorly in EVERY step of the justice system, and it's insane that you bothered to post this without doing your fair research. https://www.sentencingproject.org/publications/un-report-on-racial-disparities/
This is a great read on the issue, though you're free to not read it, as it is really long.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

People say this for every presidential election
They do. Every time. But in this particular case, it's as literal as it's ever been. This is like Peter And The Wolf, but the Wolf is here and he's in office, giving every other prejudiced full-of-themselves arrogant asshole like him, and Champ, and Jaxel, and their defenders who want the scene to stay in the same gross place so they can keep being their gross ass selves all the emboldening they need to make watermelon memes and mock the LGBTQ+ community, as though having less degenerate assholes to worry about would somehow be a bad thing.

A picture says a thousand words XD.


Dojo Trainee
May as well chime in with my 2 cents...

I, along with many people, happen to think FChamp is nothing short of an obnoxious twit. He should probably be banned from events just by virtue of partaking in the Caba/MenaRD tactic of screaming at the top of his lungs until his voice cracks and gives out while standing behind players who are competing against personal friends of his. This is preposterous and shouldn't be condoned on any level.

That said, does an unfunny joke tweet playing on racial stereotypes really dictate he should be banned from all events for life? To put this into perspective: Infiltration, against whom there appears to have been more than fair share of evidence that he physically abused his wife, was only banned from events for around a year - anything further being mere self imposed exile.

It's extreme and reeks of the sort of capitulation & knee jerk cancel culture that runs amok these days. Capcom has every right to do whatever they want with events they run, but this is just them caving to the nth degree because it's a hot button. Ban him for a year or something and be done with it.


Official Merlin of TYM

And Defund the Police. God this is irritating that I have to explain this over and over and over.

"Defund The Police" generally means one of two things.

Option 1 Title: Hit Them In The Pocket

Premise: The police are given too much unilateral power and scope when it comes to punishment. Any problems that arise in the police force are dealt with by, you guessed it, other members in that same program. So, if police officers do foul stuff on the job, the only people to call them out for it are other people within their unit. So if they decide not to do anything about it, nothing gets done.

Proposition: Reduce the amount of money the police (and some people believe military as well) receive, and force them to enact guidelines and policies that makes them behave how we want them to, and actually having accountability for their actions before getting that money back. Since their ability to actually follow these policies and follow these guidelines would directly relate to how much they'd get paid, this would be effective in keeping them honest.

Option 2 Title: Retrain Them and/or Add A New Task Force

Premise: The police force is too often the only resort most people have when faced with ANY situation for which you could call help, but the police are not trained well enough to deal with all situations for which they might be called.
For example, if a homeless person is squatting (breaking into and living in a house without paying), the ONLY people to call are the police.
Another, if a person is wandering through the streets yelling/crying/screaming, the only resource is 911.
If a woman is in a place screaming and crying at her newborn baby, you dial the police. But the police only know that they need to arrive on scene and take whoever it is into custody, and attack them if things escalate. Not to mention that they are often times not trained to deal with people who are deaf, mute, autistic, legally blind, schizophrenic, etc. as the list goes on and on. That's... about it.

Proposition: Take some of the money that is spent on the police (and sometimes people believe military) and spend it to retrain police, making their training more applicable to the situations that they will find themselves in, so that they can deescalate the situations or be able to understand things a lot better. Or they can take that money and start an entirely new task force with potentially a new number to dial, so that the people deployed would be, say, social workers, licensed therapists, etc. etc.
In the situation of the homeless person, instead of being arrested for trespassing, the new task force would be able to deploy people who would be able to get that person into a homeless shelter so that they can be more comfortable, as well as getting them the tools they need to get back on their feet.
With the person in the street, people can be deployed to deescalate the situation and figure out if that person may have any mental disorders like schizophrenia, ptsd, severe autism, alzheimer's, or if they're just high or drunk, and the list goes on.
With the woman with her child, she may suffer from postpartum depression, she may be having a panic attack, or just be sleep deprived, and this task force would get her the help she needs to be able to better take care of her baby and have this not happen again.
And these are just a FEW scenarios that come to mind I have PERSONALLY seen people get beaten to the ground over/shoved into the backs of cars by police for.

In very few situations does anyone mean Disband The Police when they say Defund The Police. Please stop thinking that.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

May as well chime in with my 2 cents...

I, along with many people, happen to think FChamp is nothing short of an obnoxious twit. He should probably be banned from events just by virtue of partaking in the Caba/MenaRD tactic of screaming at the top of his lungs until his voice cracks and gives out while standing behind players who are competing against personal friends of his. This is preposterous and shouldn't be condoned on any level.

That said, does an unfunny joke tweet playing on racial stereotypes really dictate he should be banned from all events for life? To put this into perspective: Infiltration, against whom there appears to have been more than fair share of evidence that he physically abused his wife, was only banned from events for around a year - anything further being mere self imposed exile.

It's extreme and reeks of the sort of capitulation & knee jerk cancel culture that runs amok these days. Capcom has every right to do whatever they want with events they run, but this is just them caving to the nth degree because it's a hot button. Ban him for a year or something and be done with it.
This, I understand. I believe it came down as harshly as it did for exactly the reasons you stated; he's always been an obnoxious and offensive twit. This was just the opening needed to do away with him for good. But it's painfully unfair that it's ONLY him being dealt with in this manner, when there are plenty of other people out there doing dirty deeds who get to skate because of the money they bring in or the clout they have. THAT part of it is 100% fucked up.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I can't understand why anyone would support a demented old man like Biden who's creepy as fuck and likes to feel up underage girls on camera and sniff their hair like the essence of life is flowing through it.

These left wing maniacs control the narrative and nobody on the left has the courage to call out all the looting and hatred for cops and that includes Biden because he's counting on their vote in November.

The BLM movement is based on a lie. Let's look at some stats from 2016 to support this argument. 990 people were shot by police officers and the majority of the people shot were armed or violently resisting arrest. Nearly 50% of those people were white while 26% were black. That's just one of many stats that debunk this myth that suggests police brutality is committed against blacks more than any other race.

It doesn't take a white cop killing a black person for their lives to matter. Their life should matter regardless of who murders them. Everybody's life is precious and should be treated as such. All these people calling to defund the police, you're gonna miss them when they're gone. There's already instances of cops calling out sick because they're afraid to do their job. Scary times in which we're living.
Police brutality isn’t just murders, but you realize the US isn’t 26% African-American, right? You literally just proved the point.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Since the topic is up, I would like to mention that "defunding the police" in order to improve the quality of their service is one of the dumbest things I've heard in recent years. In what world do people work harder when payed LESS? Being a police officer is an awful, awful job. The most attractive aspect of law enforcement is the lack of experience or education required; therefore, you get a lot of people who can't/wont go to college or who don't have any other skills joining the force. I've heard many people say they think college degrees should be required for police officers, but who in their right mind would want to spend 4+ years working to be a police officer of all things, when you could be literally anything else with that time, money, and effort?

That being said, if you want to improve the quality of law enforcement, they should receive extra and extensive education and training, as well as consistent high-quality physical/mental care. Police officers are often first responders when it comes to all sorts of things including people who are sick and injured, as well as those in very dangerous situations. Police should be well-equipped with the tools and skills necessary to handle these situations.

So, if you want to improve the quality of law enforcement, I say the police need MORE funding. There should be much, much more training and schooling required to be an officer. Police should have much better and safer equipment to handle the myriads of nasty and difficult situations they have to deal with on a constant basis. And most importantly, the benefits of being a cop need to outweigh all of the awful responsibilities that come with the job in order to attract more hardworking, career-oriented, and successful people. In our capitalist society, the smart and motivated people will gravitate towards work that rewards them the most for the time they put in, and being an officer (right now) just doesn't do that.

So to summarize, I think defunding the police is a terrible idea that will only worsen the situation as opportunities in law enforcement look less and less attractive to the people we want serving us the most. Just like with education, careers in law enforcement need more attention from the government in order to improve their quality. If a shitty job has shitty benefits, you can expect shitty people to fill those roles.