Not only does the flu have a far lower mortality rate than the novel coronavirus, you also cannot cough in someone's direction and give them cancer or heart disease.
This is one of the most sociopathic things I have ever read.
I think you completely misunderstood my post as one of those "it's just the flu" people trying to downplay the virus.
Trust me, I know it's not "just the flu" and I'm taking every precaution to protect myself and my family from getting this. It's very serious and we need to practice social distancing, etc. I would have liked us to shut down international travel sooner and even domestic travel.
All I was trying to say was that even though 100,000 looks like a crazy big number, when you put it into context that it's a brand new virus that we have no vaccine for, that we are still trying to find effective treatment for, that spreads super fast, is not an unexpected outcome at this point. It sucks and it's horrible and we need to do everything we can to slow it down. Unfortunately, it's here and it's part of our world now.
However, there is hope. We will slow the spread of the virus through social distancing and testing throughout the next few months. The number of peak cases for each city will hit between Mid-April to early May. After that we should be able to mitigate the spread enough to be able to treat people properly and with all the right equipment (hopefully) as the amount of serious cases slows down.
I'm sorry if my post seemed heartless or cruel, as that was not my intention. I only wanted to offer some perspective and context and say that this isn't the end of the world. It's a very sad thing, and it's something that we have to accept at this point.