21 January 2020: First confirmed coronavirus case
28 March 2020: As of today 321.656 infected and 18.834 dead
Timeframe: 2 months and 1 week
EUs (incl. UK, for simplification) reaction to the Coronavirus: 1-2 months of preparation.
Higher transparency of governments.
Closing of borders and restrictions of travel and movement around first week of March.
Begin of restrictions since the first case: After 5-6 weeks
Mid November 2019: First case of coronavirus
23 January 2020: 3000 coronavirus cases, 82 dead.
Timeframe: 2 months and 1 week.
Chinas reaction to the Coronavirus: No preparation time.
No government transparency, in fact active suppression of information.
Hubei Province was closed off on 23 January 2020, with strict implementation about 1 week later.
Begin of restrictions since the first case: After 2 months and 1 week (at the end of the observed timeframe)
There is simply no way that China has only 82.000 cases as of today. Notice, in the same timetframe we Europeans confirmed over 320.000 cases. China only 3.000? There is a discrepancy of 107x fold
With the movement and terrible hygiene and all the government suppression and incompetence, there is no way it was only 3000 cases.
More likely it was closer to 300.000, basically EUs current situation.
So until March it may very likely be 100x - 1000x higher than they reported. What about confirmed death cases? Europe after 2 Months and 1 week, over 18.000 deaths. China after 2 Months and 1 week, 82 deaths.
There is a discrepancy of ~230x I think we can easily apply this 230x to the currently reported 3300 deaths in China.
also 21 million missing cell phone users since Jan
Yeah tbh man, this whole numbers thing people are reporting I'm skeptical on, especially here in the usa....we have a lot of cases and said to be leading the world, not denying that what I do however find hard to believe is just how severe it is in humans in general, what I mean is the death rate to survival ratios. Sure we all know easy to get, very infectious bad for older people and those with health issues, blah, blah, blah BUT LOTS do survive even older people in some cases but as usual here at least the MSM will report the negative news and ignore or post little positive news such as for example in France, they had 80 patients sick, 79 made full recovery practically given those two drugs combined.
Do you hear that on your mainstream news outlets? Nope. Maybe one or two here and a few others here that will post all the news by certain hosts. Generally speaking they love to scare people, I blame a lot of anxiety and people going nuts like hoarding tp on the media to be honest. I have a friend who works for a newspaper, she even told me they go with what will make people watch sometimes that means exaggerating, scaring people with things. And another pal of mine who knows someone personally who works for the media, reporter he told him years ago the MSM is a business which the average guy will forget, they will literally do whatever it takes to get people to watch or read their papers even if it means exaggerating, lying, stretching the truth or using fear tactics.
Definitely some shady shit going on with these numbers, not just those but here in America as well. I don't trust anything regarding China's numbers or their outlets either. They were already caught lying over it back in November so God knows what else they're hiding. Unless China has some secret magic drug they're not telling anyone those numbers are bs I agree.
Actually, according to some of the listings on Amazon, you can keep the movie. You are pre-buying the movie with early access (some not all). If you have more than one person in your home, and were going to see something in the theater, it doesn't seem like a bad deal. Last time I actually went I think it was almost 60$ for just me and my mom, and I'd personally would rather just kick it at home anyway.
You are also getting a chance to support the movies that lots of people put whatever talent and resources that had into that could never have seen this coming. I'm almost willing to bite once, but with no income I think I should just stick with the ludicrous amount of content on Netflix and similar services I'm paying for instead.
CV is massacuring the theaters. I was working for one of the big boys, and the tossed all us contractors out the door last week, and furloughed everyone else this week. Suddenly a zero revenue situation, with no real idea when that will change. Going to the theater may not ever be the same. At least landscape wise. We may be building something new right now.
Wait you can get on on Amazon? Because the movies I checked which were Invisible Man and The Hunt, as well as Birds of Prey said only rent available for 2 days for 20 bucks....I have prime but when I checked did not see them listed. I don't have a large family So I decided to just wait and if they do like to watch the same movie I happen to like they tend not always all watch movies at the same time, this is important especially when you only have 2 days it would not be worth it to us. I agree with your point on if you have a large family that want to see watch totally worth 20 bucks for renting it. Yeah the movies are pricey as hell now, a shame everything has gone up over time. I don't want to think what movies will be 20 years from now...probably like 30-40 bucks for the ticket alone.
I understand the support element, but I tend to go to the movies alone most of the time and easily spend 30-40 bucks if I'm lucky by the time I'm out. They definitely get my money let's put it that way, the only time I get a break is when I hang out with my friend and his wife(also my friend) who's an AMC manager and she gets let's just say perks...other than that I go alone 99% of the time to movies I want to see at my local AMC and my wallet often takes a hit by the time I'm done for the day. I'd go more to be honest but it's just too much money, so I'll wait to buy it which is also supporting those who've made the movies.
The main reason though with the 2 day for 20 buck thing is like you also mentioned, income right now is rather tight and given the current situation with CV killing everything literally (businesses) and having to spend my money wisely on food, medicine etc the important stuff I just can't afford that right now so I am doing much of the same or looking for offers where I can definitely keep the movie, SW came out back in December so I'm guessing why Disney pushing it up a little(was supposed to hit digitally and physical a little later I read) they can afford it, it's ok though. I just got Red Son Superman in the mail from Best Buy so I'll just do that if I can't physically go to the store and buy it by then.
Sorry to hear about your job being affected. Out of all my friends I know only 2 currently working, one for stop & Shop as a cashier because food/grocery stores have to be open and the other works for NY Sanitation those guys NEVER get off even during an apocalypse you work a city job, ha good luck getting anytime off nevermind a crisis. He's actually lucky though in a way because Sanitation is the least exposed to other people compared to police, FDNY and EMTS etc