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Why Sub Zero Should Not Be Nerfed. The GrandMaster Speaks.

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I want Kronika to step on my face
Hello again.

"Subzero doesn't have staggers"
Buffalo staggered the shit out of Scar @ CEO
"Subzero is react-able"
Buffalo destroyed Scar with 50-50s from strings and shoulder charge mb or not
"F4 is flawless blockable"
Buffalo destroyed everyone with f4 intro 50-50 spam uncounterable.

Now that we're done with the bullshit spewage from subzero mains,

This shit nerfed yet?
Cage made top 8 Subzero didnt

Is Cage nerfed yet?



Hello again.

"Subzero doesn't have staggers"
Buffalo staggered the shit out of Scar @ CEO
"Subzero is react-able"
Buffalo destroyed Scar with 50-50s from strings and shoulder charge mb or not
"F4 is flawless blockable"
Buffalo destroyed everyone with f4 intro 50-50 spam uncounterable.

Now that we're done with the bullshit spewage from subzero mains,

This shit nerfed yet?
Well, technically none of the things you mentioned is real. Yes, Scar got his ass handed to him, but besides that match no Sub has been really successful on a competitive level.

I do feel the OH could be made a little slower. F4 isnt that much of an issue, most people do not allow you to use it at the range you would want to use it.

I only play Sub on the side, but obviously I play against subs everytime I’m online. Besides the vortex, which is kinda stupid, I feel like he doesn’t really need a nerf. His s2 should be less plus on hit and his OH should be a little slower, like 22f instead of 19. I feel like that wouldn’t break the character.

If you can’t handle the rest of his tools that’s more on you than on sub being overpowered. No top player feels he is that strong and I agree. If you don’t feel free to keep complaining.

Also: I play only thin ice, since I feel it is the stronger variation and has way more use and less stupid shit.


Dojo Trainee
So Deoxys sucks at the game? good to know
Deoxys, Sonic Fox, etc, I'm sure that's a one time thing. If they were to play against Cage again the outcome would probably be different since they'd know the matchup by now. Unlike Jacqui, Cage's pressure is fake. Kombat is just a good player in general. When it comes to average/above average players like us, it's another bracket entirely. At that level there's really no excuse. I don't think Sub Zero is overpowered either.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
When you do random standing 3s mid screen, get opened up for nothing against b34 when even a clueles ranked online scrub mashes d4 and wins, and get hit by fake pressure from the +3 fireballs into a 14 frame mid, or even worse, a high,then YES, you suck at the game period.

Learn your matchups if you call yourself PRO.

Case closed.


Somehow Sonic managed to create a bill bigger than "Darkseid is top 5" with this "Sub's F2 is reactable" lol.
Haha yea Sonics tier lists, though interesting, are always hella weird. He put kotal in A tier I think...?! Like, ok Sonic.

He had some footage of reacting to f2, maybe it’s possible for him idk. It should be 2 or 3 frames slower and I’m pretty sure skilled players will be able to react.


Dojo Trainee
Haha yea Sonics tier lists, though interesting, are always hella weird. He put kotal in A tier I think...?! Like, ok Sonic.

He had some footage of reacting to f2, maybe it’s possible for him idk. It should be 2 or 3 frames slower and I’m pretty sure skilled players will be able to react.
When you get free wins with Erron, it's easy to have clouded judgement.
Keep reaching breh everyone knows Cage is good enough to make top 8 any time.

Your trolling is getting hella old.

Just git gud
Cage is good, but he's not as good as others are making him out to be. He's B tier in the right hands. If he gets crushing blows and the hitboxes get fixed he'd be great. Cage players either suck ass or they're very good.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Y’all are pussies lmao a SZ player does something in a tournament so it serves as logic as to why he’s OP. A Cage player does something (more than the SZ player) and it means nothing. Of all the shit it’s an unsafe 50/50 tied to a character with plenty of flaws that balance him out that you complain about. Albeit, a good character, just one that doesn’t need nerfs. Keep crying


Leader of The Salty Spitoon
Deoxys, Sonic Fox, etc, I'm sure that's a one time thing. If they were to play against Cage again the outcome would probably be different since they'd know the matchup by now. Unlike Jacqui, Cage's pressure is fake. Kombat is just a good player in general. When it comes to average/above average players like us, it's another bracket entirely. At that level there's really no excuse. I don't think Sub Zero is overpowered either.
that character broke as hell!! matchup knowledge or not lol


Retired account
Haha yea Sonics tier lists, though interesting, are always hella weird. He put kotal in A tier I think...?! Like, ok Sonic.
His tier lists are so weird because he finds the dirt with every character. I am by no means some super fan of Sonic Fox or any NRS player in general...but Sonic Fox finds shit before most people, but often does not reveal it. He is a lab machine, and he gets BIG money to play the game unlike most "pros". All of his efforts are put into gaming in life when it comes to making his money. If that man says Kotal is A tier, I believe it because he is without a doubt the best player in the world when it comes to Mortal Kombat. Love him, hate him, or just respect his accomplishments like I do...the guy knows the ins and outs of every character. Where you see trash as a pleb (I am a pleb in MK also), he finds the treasure.


His tier lists are so weird because he finds the dirt with every character. I am by no means some super fan of Sonic Fox or any NRS player in general...but Sonic Fox finds shit before most people, but often does not reveal it. He is a lab machine, and he gets BIG money to play the game unlike most "pros". All of his efforts are put into gaming in life when it comes to making his money. If that man says Kotal is A tier, I believe it because he is without a doubt the best player in the world when it comes to Mortal Kombat. Love him, hate him, or just respect his accomplishments like I do...the guy knows the ins and outs of every character. Where you see trash as a pleb (I am a pleb in MK also), he finds the treasure.
Yea, his reasoning is mostly fine, but he is not correct about everything. He said darkseid was top 5 and basically never touched the character unless in super specific matchups after one tournament.

He sees shit that’s good on paper and makes it work, once people figure out enough counterplay he changes his mind. Fox is probably the best player, yes, but that doesn’t mean he can’t do no wrong. Even expert opinions can be taken with a grain of salt in most cases, this is also the case with fox’s tier lists dude.
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