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MK11 SHANG TSUNG Discussion

What is great about Spellmaster? Screaming soul is slow, soul well takes too long to start up, and I have no idea what scatter souls is designed to do. This variation is either bad as many others are in the game or I am seriously missing something.
Is it just me, or is Shang really gonna be susceptible to counter zoning in Spellmaster? All of his projectiles have llloooooonnnngggg startup in this variation, so I dunno how he could avoid being zoned by Sonya, Baraka, Johnny, etc.

I am hoping his df3 move can absorb enemy projectiles because I dont see a use for it otherwise. Can't test it right now though.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Anyone else feel like this character is going to prove to be unbalanced? He has so many tools that are plus on block, has overhead / low mixups, chance for stagger pressure, zoning tools. Seems to have it all
Everything he has has a built in counter:
  • B3U4 has a huge gap that you can poke / s1 or jump out for full combo punish.
  • B3U4/B3D4 is fuzzyable
  • B112 has a gap
  • F242 has a gap (F243 has crushing blow) can be conditioned.
  • B2112 can be ducked on last hit for full combo punish.
  • all of his plus frames on block are +4 to +7 but can't be enforced with mids because he has only 14f mid as fastest one making then interrupted by 7f starters for the +7 and anything below 10 frames like jacqui and all top tiers. He can use standing 3 Cuz it reaches and has an amazing hitbox but it can be low profiled and ducked.
  • his straight skull is his fastest zoning tool but it wiffs on crouch block several characters in the cast and completely goes over their head. The rest are pretty slow.
  • his mids even though very good are on the slower side (Kotal speed) his are 14f and 17f while kotals are 15f and 22f.
Shang is very honest, at first I thought he was broke until I labbed up responses to his tools. Scorpion punishes everything including Ground Skulls when flawless blocked its turned from -16 ob to -21 ob and fully combo punishable by many. Not much of a zoning tool if it can be punished by most.

I think he is A Tier at least but its to early to tell. We will know as we get more tech and more MU knowledge but as it stands he is very honest but feels very solid.


The in-game frame data is inaccurate, but these numbers have not changed since yesterday on the PS4. My guess is you play on PC.

Everyone is using Warlock because of ground eruption which results in easy combo opportunities and very good space control. What is great about Spellmaster? Screaming soul is slow, soul well takes too long to start up, and I have no idea what scatter souls is designed to do. This variation is either bad as many others are in the game or I am seriously missing something.
No, I play on ps4. And I had the kharacter like 10-12 before you guys in US. I played him for 3 hours before work(it was actually the day before yesterday for you) and he had 10%+4% regen throw, he didn’t have damage boost when morphed, and the numbers in the in-game frame data were accurate for his ground eruption. I specifically remember testing it against Sub-Zero’s reversal slide with the frame data calculator turned on. Slide couldn’t punish normally blocked non amplified ground eruption, but could punish after a Flawless block when the calculator was showing it to be -11 on block and -16 on FB.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
No, I play on ps4. And I had the kharacter like 10-12 before you guys in US. I played him for 3 hours before work(it was actually the day before yesterday for you) and he had 10%+4% regen throw, he didn’t have damage boost when morphed, and the numbers in the in-game frame data were accurate for his ground eruption. I specifically remember testing it against Sub-Zero’s reversal slide with the frame data calculator turned on. Slide couldn’t punish normally blocked non amplified ground eruption, but could punish after a Flawless block when the calculator was showing it to be -11 on block and -16 on FB.
Then his ground eruption is now more punishable because its -16 normally and -21 with flawless block and can be punished by Scorpion, Sub, Raiden, Kabal, Geras, and many more without meter.

Yeah I'm sad about his Forward Throw Cuz its only 2% back now from 4% and does 12% damage from 10%.

The best thing is his B2112 can't be parried from mid to full screen anymore.
The other good change was he has a damage boost on Soulsteal now. His BnB s3U2 xx DB1-Amp, DashCancel s4 xx DB1F does 32% without SS buff but does 39% with buff. Before he only got 31%.
His Crushing blow combos after changing into opponents before hotfix did minor damage, now he gets a small damage buff that is definitely worth changing into them and using the KBs.

Have you noticed any other changes?


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Shangs in game frame data in menu is inaccurate to say the least. The on screen Frame Data box is more accurate.

His dial combo 21U2D2 says its +7 in menu but is actually -8 and punishable by some but not many due to pushback. Regardless its a good conditioning tool combined with 214.

His 3U2D2 says its High, Low, Mid but its actually a high low low.

His corpse drop is inconsistent changes from +1 to +6 on hit depending on where it lands on the breathbox/hurtbox. Certain starters into corpse drop wiff. I hope it's properties change so it will always connect and be the same advantage every time so the opponent can make the right response.


Yes it does lol. I was having issues but I'd say a 26f isn't the best to check someone fullscreen.
It's a good check because it controls a lot of space, they have to block it, it does aight chip, & the threat of the AMP is always their. A lot of characters can't do to much about it full screen & gotta inch their way in because you have so many options their. Even getting a straight Skull out after goes a long way to keeping control.


Zoning Master
Is it just me, or is Shang really gonna be susceptible to counter zoning in Spellmaster? All of his projectiles have llloooooonnnngggg startup in this variation, so I dunno how he could avoid being zoned by Sonya, Baraka, Johnny, etc.

I am hoping his df3 move can absorb enemy projectiles because I dont see a use for it otherwise. Can't test it right now though.
I have no idea what Spellmaster is supposed to do. This variation seems very bad.

Then his ground eruption is now more punishable because its -16 normally and -21 with flawless block and can be punished by Scorpion, Sub, Raiden, Kabal, Geras, and many more without meter.
Excluding fatal blows, so far I have found that only Cetrion, Geras, Liu Kang, and Sub Zero can punish a properly spaced mid ground eruption when flawless blocked. Scorpion's teleport hits on the 23rd frame and spear loses frames while traveling so he cannot punish. What can Kabal and Raiden do?

I am not yet making any comments on Shang Tsung's tier position, but I agree that moves need hitbox fixes. Why does skull whiff on certain crouch-blocking characters? Why does corpse drop have different frame data because of hitboxes? I really hope NRS is working on a patch that fixes all hitbox issues and inconsistencies.


I have no idea what Spellmaster is supposed to do. This variation seems very bad.
Main thing I want is the Urn Toss to be a little a little faster right now, I'll give more thoughts after playing it more

Excluding fatal blows, so far I have found that only Cetrion, Geras, Liu Kang, and Sub Zero can punish a properly spaced mid ground eruption when flawless blocked. Scorpion's teleport hits on the 23rd frame and spear loses frames while traveling so he cannot punish. What can Kabal and Raiden do?

I am not yet making any comments on Shang Tsung's tier position, but I agree that moves need hitbox fixes. Why does skull whiff on certain crouch-blocking characters? Why does corpse drop have different frame data because of hitboxes? I really hope NRS is working on a patch that fixes all hitbox issues and inconsistencies.
Azeez put up a video showing all the ways people can punish Mid Eruption I'll link it in a bit.

Corpse Drop Frame Data being different depending on Crouching vs Standing makes total sense, is their another issue with it?


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
I have no idea what Spellmaster is supposed to do. This variation seems very bad.

Excluding fatal blows, so far I have found that only Cetrion, Geras, Liu Kang, and Sub Zero can punish a properly spaced mid ground eruption when flawless blocked. Scorpion's teleport hits on the 23rd frame and spear loses frames while traveling so he cannot punish. What can Kabal and Raiden do?

I am not yet making any comments on Shang Tsung's tier position, but I agree that moves need hitbox fixes. Why does skull whiff on certain crouch-blocking characters? Why does corpse drop have different frame data because of hitboxes? I really hope NRS is working on a patch that fixes all hitbox issues and inconsistencies.
At certain distances Raiders F2 and F4 punish his DB1. Cabal can FB in gap if I'm not mistaken. But certain strings don't wiff on block and can be made 0 with meter.
Scorpion can do B2/buffer TP reversal and B3 vs Shangs Meterless ground skulls if its done within 3 frames and all of those can be buffered before he is fully recovered from blockstun but it does require some practice to get consistently.
I know its 23f startup on scorpions but it must be the buffer because I can punish it with methods listed above. Maybe the frame data is wrong?


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
I have no idea what Spellmaster is supposed to do. This variation seems very bad.

Excluding fatal blows, so far I have found that only Cetrion, Geras, Liu Kang, and Sub Zero can punish a properly spaced mid ground eruption when flawless blocked. Scorpion's teleport hits on the 23rd frame and spear loses frames while traveling so he cannot punish. What can Kabal and Raiden do?

I am not yet making any comments on Shang Tsung's tier position, but I agree that moves need hitbox fixes. Why does skull whiff on certain crouch-blocking characters? Why does corpse drop have different frame data because of hitboxes? I really hope NRS is working on a patch that fixes all hitbox issues and inconsistencies.
I just tested Scorpion vs Shangs Ground Skulls and you are correct. Yesterday it was punishable after flawless block with scorpions B2/TP and B3 when buffered/reversal but now its safe. Must have changed from hotfix. Need to test Kabal Fatal and Raiden's F2/F4 reversal.

Jacqui can punish it without even Flawless Blocking on reversal with dash punch and it KBs for 24%.

Raiden can punish it if its just slightly closer than max range DB1 with F4 using Flawless
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Characters with fast startup on dashes like cetrion can dash through 2nd eruption for full combo, while Geras cant he has to eat both eruptions . Same goes with strings into Fireballs, it will jail against geras crouch blocking but not Cetrion.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
I think it was you that mentioned B3/D3 looking similar and being very string mix so I figured I'd share my new found tech to counter it.

Shang has B3D4(low low a 10f) and B3U4 which is a low OH that has a gynormous gap 14f gap to be exact. Then he has D3 which is 7f startup and -2 ob and if done within 3f it jails into his 112/124.

The tech I discovered is a universal OS that beats both options of shanges D3 xx 114 and B3 options on block.
Its not really an OS but functions like one.

You block either option D3/B3 and buffer D1, D1 if done in the right timing the first D1 beats out the D3 114 and the second beats out the B3U4 into full combo punish.
You can time it so that the B3D4 is also beat but its close to a 2 frame window so its not very consistent.

As for B3U4/B3D4 its reactable and fuzzy blockable. You block low until the D4 would come out and let off down to block the Overhead. At least a 4 frame window to block the overhead every time. So its not a true mixup offline but online its a 2 frame window and I don't think anyone will be consistently blocking the mix or reacting to the overhead with standing jab which has a 14f gap so 7f window to tap it before it becomes active and online its a 4f window to s1(with 7f jabs).

Like everyone in the cast they are monumentally higher tier Online vs Offline.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Soultaker/Spellmaster BF1 Amp low profiles a bunch of different high projectiles in a similar vein to Skarlet's Blood Trail or Cetrion's Hair Pull, and it does a hefty 120 damage. So you can use it to zone while avoiding some projectiles, and if you are already in the projectile stance, you could probably even react to some projectiles. Look for this low profiling to be effective against character's like Kotal, Johnny, Baraka who will seek to control pace or trade with their simple projectiles.
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The 5th Yonko
I just went to the lab again with Shang and his 2nd variation. Shang has 2 special moves where you can cancel and continue adding pressure. ONE without using meter too.

Why is no one talking about this greatness? I get it Shang is an amazing zoner but I think everyone needs to relook at his 2nd variation


Dojo Trainee
I just went to the lab again with Shang and his 2nd variation. Shang has 2 special moves where you can cancel and continue adding pressure. ONE without using meter too.

Why is no one talking about this greatness? I get it Shang is an amazing zoner but I think everyone needs to relook at his 2nd variation
I think the problem people are seeing with those cancels is that they mostly don't leave him in a particularly advantageous situation for pressuring.


So far from what I have seen online he is a great zoner. Like has actual good projectiles and can keep you away . Havent seen anyone actually pull off a combo yet or really press with strings.

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
I have no idea what Spellmaster is supposed to do. This variation seems very bad.

Excluding fatal blows, so far I have found that only Cetrion, Geras, Liu Kang, and Sub Zero can punish a properly spaced mid ground eruption when flawless blocked. Scorpion's teleport hits on the 23rd frame and spear loses frames while traveling so he cannot punish. What can Kabal and Raiden do?

I am not yet making any comments on Shang Tsung's tier position, but I agree that moves need hitbox fixes. Why does skull whiff on certain crouch-blocking characters? Why does corpse drop have different frame data because of hitboxes? I really hope NRS is working on a patch that fixes all hitbox issues and inconsistencies.
Raiden can actually f32 after blocking the first spark, and it will advance him quickly enough that the second spark just whiffs. A bunch of characters can make the second hit whiff in a similar fashion but for some the execution is quite tough (the dashes in azeez’s video are tough).

Raiden can also flawless block the second hit and f4 into a full combo.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
So how is 2nd variation spellmasters amp df3 meant to be used?

Move is uber slow and doesnt link off anystring