I appreciate everyone's view points on this. Even the ones that don't agree with my own.
Despite what one dude said my purpose in putting out this thread was not to "seek approval" , but more to open up a discourse on how my opinions align with those of others.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts.
P.S. to the guy that said I'm seeking approval I'm sorry for using the word "discourse" to say discussion cause based on your one line message and grammar that word probably didn't make sense to you.
Despite what one dude said my purpose in putting out this thread was not to "seek approval" , but more to open up a discourse on how my opinions align with those of others.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts.
P.S. to the guy that said I'm seeking approval I'm sorry for using the word "discourse" to say discussion cause based on your one line message and grammar that word probably didn't make sense to you.