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Darkseid - General Strategies and Discussion


I've come to the conclusion that the scarecrow mu is significantly harder now because of the buffs.

Side note: you don't play darkseid just for his mix cuz you will find that darkseid is one of the weakest 'mix' characters in the game. If you want free mix from trait play atro.
I can fuzzy Atrocitus in 190 ping. I have no Atrocitus agenda my Atro is level 1. I'm also fat so my reactions aren't top tier.


A big problem with fuzzying Atro is that we've been lied to by Atro players since day 1. I've seen threads about how the first hit is a high to low fuzzy, when it's always been a low to high fuzzy. Da low is 20 frames and the overhead is 23. Either Atro players are dumb or they lied to us to keep his mix viable.

2nd hit is an easier fuzzy since the 2nd overhead is really fast. I can't fuzzy it as well for some reason but it doesn't matter since the 2nd overhead does 5%.
A big problem with fuzzying Atro is that we've been lied to by Atro players since day 1. I've seen threads about how the first hit is a high to low fuzzy, when it's always been a low to high fuzzy. Da low is 20 frames and the overhead is 23. Either Atro players are dumb or they lied to us to keep his mix viable.

2nd hit is an easier fuzzy since the 2nd overhead is really fast. I can't fuzzy it as well for some reason but it doesn't matter since the 2nd overhead does 5%.
I think what people do is block high and try to react to the low.
I can fuzzy Atrocitus in 190 ping. I have no Atrocitus agenda my Atro is level 1. I'm also fat so my reactions aren't top tier.
(EDIT: I have discovered some new findings that I did not know, please see next edit) I don't see how. Whenever I ask these questions i actually go and record the difference in the moves and when they hit and for this one I found they hit at the same amount of frames. Ik what the frame data says but it doesn't really add in factors like the recovery and cancel frames plus that stuff is always weird and inconsistent which is why I usually record stuff like that. Whenever I record it to test it out it is on the same frames but it could potentially have a 1 frame difference.

EDIT: after further looking into the the data and doing additional recordings I have found where the inconsistency is located.
Believe me or not, I have found that blocking the the f22 string as a low will somehow effect either the recovery frames or the cancel frames of the string making the low puddle come out faster. Once you do this there is a very fuzzyable 4 frame fuzzy. Basically I was blocking only overhead until the low when I was recording the mixup. however if I just blocked low it drastically changed.

Moral of the story = to fuzzy atro be blocking the entire string low besides the fuzzy, I stand corrected about the fuzzy and this games frame data is weird
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Master of Kombat(frauds)

another way to enforce the mix is to do it off of your plus mb knee, once they start respecting you that is.

and in the neutral as well, when they're trying to chase you down and your walking back, and if the spacing is right, you can go for a jump in mix, you can do a whole bunch of htings here from the j3 stomp, j3 grab, ji2 b1u3, ji2, 22~mbfb3. Ji3 and then instant air stomp to throw off they're timing,
yah knees good

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
And that's why people think the mix up is real. You block low and then high, because the overhead is 3 frames slower than da low.
the attrocitus mix right?

also, i dunno how many darkseid players know, but darkseid's corner mix options are insane, so many variables there.

my favorite way as of now is to have running demon set up, then do ji2, 1~db1 f4, or ji2, 123 f4

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
btw, just found out that Darkseid can OS one of the gaps of his strings.

if you do 12~bf3mb, if the opponent back dashes the 2 in the string, the follow up 123 will come out and catch them, but if they don't and they block it, you'll get mb knee :)


Crossplay Username: NoGoodMids
Anybody have Xbox and would be willing to lab/teach me Darkseid? I have some experience but I don't know punishes and neutral game with him or corner combos. I need a backup for my Cyborg.


lots of damage, 3 bars tho, ill have to remember that. couldnt u get something off the charging demon similar to that?
The same is possible with green parademon as well, but does if I remember correctly maximum of 631 damage on raiden. While the flying blue parademon allows to get maximum of 655 for 3 bars of MB F3. Of course the green one is more practical, because it's charge can't be ducked.
he doesnt need buffs just the broke characters need nerfs and his bugs need to be fixed

I would agree, but his lacking neutral, flo
he doesnt need buffs just the broke characters need nerfs and his bugs need to be fixed
I would agree, but I don't think NRS would nerf most of those chars. At most Lord Darkseid just needs a few small adjustments. I just want buttons to okay the neutral or zone more effectively.