I've been here for years, Juggs. And I'm sorry if I would rather see a guy like Biohazard who constantly plays out of his mind and adapts with his characters in the moment then some chair throwing manchild who plays the exact same Darkseid game plan we see from any top player.
Yes, money is on the line and I can respect the attitude of "they're going to play strong, top tier characters to hedge their bets." But can you honestly tell me watching Darkseid, Black Adam or Aquaman, or any Atrocitus other than Tekken's, is half as hype as Biohazard with Bane or Harley, Whiteboi with Scarecrow or anyone playing a character that isn't an assumed top 5 entry because of their incredible tool set?
I mean, FFS guys. I wrote as a spectator, saying I would rather see Biohazard or something other than top tiers, and commented on a silly, borderline dangerous "pop off" and you guys are acting like I insulted Madzin's mother and heritage.
Dude....where are all of these amazing, same old same old, easy win button darkseids you're talking about? I basically watched the whole tournament and only saw sonic fox (who's darkseid is absolutely a thing of beauty and tricky as fuck...) and Madzin for a few games play him. I don't get it.
Darkseid has some of the coolest and most unique setups and conversions in the game.
I saw more Harley, GL, scarecrow and bane than I did darkseid.
I'm not saying everything you said was nonsense, though I do think you're being pretty damn precious about the Madzin pop off, but tweedy's post perfectly summed up the crux of your post. You are fitting the mold of someone who falls into the "man this isn't hype.....everyone plays the same 3 characters....I mean 5.... I mean 7.....no wait ten!" crap.
Madzin is clearly intense and very competitive and is the opposite of some other "just for fun and the community experience" players and there's nothing wrong with it. Even if I wouldn't act like that, especially the part where he was shushing and kind of punking the crowd in an earlier set, you gotta remember the guy is constantly playing to a "hostile" crowd and like other international players feels extra pressure to prove something in such an NA dominated scene.
I thought it was hype and made the day more memorable.
What about mani, pig, and others famous pop offs? It makes things fun, it's not all that serious.