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K&M Present - Getting Started: Gorilla Grodd


Resident Cynic
Jesus Christ. Zoners look like they're gonna have a tough time in this game. We have meter burn roll for one thing, and now characters like Grodd and Cheetah can leap fullscreen into command grabs and divekicks. Not to mention that immunity trait. Maybe he'll be a meta pick.

But hey, he looks like tons of fun.


Jesus Christ. Zoners look like they're gonna have a tough time in this game. We have meter burn roll for one thing, and now characters like Grodd and Cheetah can leap fullscreen into command grabs and divekicks. Not to mention that immunity trait.
thats what i thought until i saw deadshot. this powerful counterzoning is actually needed....


Resident Cynic
It's very hard to dislike a character in I2.
I dislike Captain Cold. He's everything I hate about Johnny Cage's attitude with a bunch of 3rd rate rejected Sub-Zero moves. They got rid of Raven to make room for this batman freak.

Yes I'm salty.


I dislike Captain Cold. He's everything I hate about Johnny Cage's attitude with a bunch of 3rd rate rejected Sub-Zero moves. They got rid of Raven to make room for this batman freak.

Yes I'm salty.
Cold is a flash villain, and sub zero wishes he had cold's tools

Grodd looks like great fun though, so many fun interesting tools. Wonder how easy/hard it will be to get his trait up


Loud and Klear~
I dislike Captain Cold. He's everything I hate about Johnny Cage's attitude with a bunch of 3rd rate rejected Sub-Zero moves. They got rid of Raven to make room for this batman freak.

Yes I'm salty.
Lol imo he's more interesting than Sub ever was, it's hard to make a regular dude with a feeze gun look cool but NRS somehow did it. His combos are stylish too. Keep in mind that I never liked him as character before i2.
It's also an odd assumption that Raven was cut for him, If anything that'd be Grodd that got her spot or they just gave her squeeze range to GL's Lantern Might and figured that's close enough.

It sucks that the platform and his airdash aren't regular moves but that shit is so fuckin sick. He's one of the few characters I'm willing to mess with in gear mode just for those moves.


Is it silly if the thing I like most about Grodd so far is his b2?

He's definitely going to be one of the first characters I try out, that's for sure.