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Street Fighter V General Discussion


They claim they are going to upgrade/fix/something to the network this spring. Lets hope, because they have screwed the pooch with this shit. I am TRYING to play ranked on occasion and in addition to the ultra slow matchmaking and idiocy in general, im lucky to get 1 good game in 3 in terms of connection and I know damn well its not on my end. I'm hardwired, no virus or software firewalls or downloads or anyone else on my network, and where most people are on a 10-50mb connection, mine is 300mbs, but actually runs closer to 350-375.
Nah its on CC's end. They have had ages to get this right (Since SF x T) and still goofed, its a pity because this game could have been great in my opinion (Gameplay is the only saving grace at this point) but its ok, look at all this DLC and stuff.

FL Rushdown

Urien's cr.mp or cr.hp seems like a reliable AA, don't know why some people say his AA game is bad.
They're reliable but spacing specific and generally have longer startup than most characters AAs. He also has to have charge to have any kind of invincibility on an AA, that combined with the fact that he usually uses long range high recovery moves in neutral makes them more unreliable, but they're also stronger than pretty much any other AAs. So you'll win/lose the game more often on wether or not Urien can AA you.

I look at him as unstable TNT. You can jump at him and take the risks since he's gonna have a harder time stopping you than a guile/ryu would, but if he hits you..... you die. That's it. You're done.
They're reliable but spacing specific and generally have longer startup than most characters AAs. He also has to have charge to have any kind of invincibility on an AA, that combined with the fact that he usually uses long range high recovery moves in neutral makes them more unreliable, but they're also stronger than pretty much any other AAs. So you'll win/lose the game more often on wether or not Urien can AA you.

I look at him as unstable TNT. You can jump at him and take the risks since he's gonna have a harder time stopping you than a guile/ryu would, but if he hits you..... you die. That's it. You're done.
Yea, I guess I played against an Urien that knew all the timings or something, not once did he NOT AA me. Plus the vids I've seen where he usually wins. He looks like he has fangs cr.HP lol

FL Rushdown

Yea, I guess I played against an Urien that knew all the timings or something, not once did he NOT AA me. Plus the vids I've seen where he usually wins. He looks like he has fangs cr.HP lol
Cr hp is a great aa plenty of characters in other fighting games would be happy to have it as their AA. But when people say it's unreliable compared to other AAs they're talking about dps. As good as it is it isn't 3 frame startup and invincible. If you've absolutely gotta swat someone out of the air cr hp isn't your number one choice. It's dangerous though so I like it.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
I gave it some more thought and maybe eventhubs was technically right about Guile...but specifically Guile players. I mean we have no bad matchups but the character himself is a different story. Exhibit A if you will:

Balrog 8~2 Guile but not me...Myles am I right or am I right here


It's all so very confusing.
Edit, Instead of continuing to starve myself for sleep I'm just going to lay down for a few hours, say more tired than I originally thought.
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It's all so very confusing.
I am just now rousing myself. This weird 3rd shift then off rotation is starting to kill me I think.

Buuuut anyway, I am armed with anti-headache tech I need to test today, so, games in an hour-ish?


Normalize grab immunity.
I am just now rousing myself. This weird 3rd shift then off rotation is starting to kill me I think.

Buuuut anyway, I am armed with anti-headache tech I need to test today, so, games in an hour-ish?
I've never seen someone go through such a life crisis at character select. You should write a book.

Rip Torn

I mean you don't do it lol. You put me in the online jab, throw, dp mixup.
Tired of getting meatied on wakeup and being negative. I know if you're late my 3f will beat you. Also, you meaty like every knockdown or bait dp so you are forcing me to guess. But yeah I sort of got annoyed and was using DP/3f too much.

Also ex tackle is 0. You don't/shouldn't have to dp after. Just press lk.
Oh, I thought it was +1. I think my biggest problem is dealing with what happens after I block a couple lows and you are at that tackle/air knee range. Like every button was losing.


Normalize grab immunity.
Shrug. Im not good enough to play multiple characters, but I want to play multiple characters. Its a problem.
This is SFV. As long as you got a decent grasp on the fundamentals you'll be fine. Play a chAracter for like a week or two then alternate. You not trying to be the best so it's not like need everytHing optimized.


It's all so very confusing.
I hope Urien survives the probably-March patch. He's so damn interesting to watch that losing him as a genuinely viable character would be a huge shame, but given Crapcoms EXTREMELY ham-handed approach to almost everything they've done regarding SFV, they will either BUFF him, or totally destroy him as a character.

FL Rushdown

I hope Urien survives the probably-March patch. He's so damn interesting to watch that losing him as a genuinely viable character would be a huge shame, but given Crapcoms EXTREMELY ham-handed approach to almost everything they've done regarding SFV, they will either BUFF him, or totally destroy him as a character.
Of all the top tiers right now. He's the only one I enjoy watching/playing against or as. He's just got a lot more depth than Rog/Laura/Cammy etc etc. that being said he's gonna get mauled. I fully expect capcom to shit all over him because eventhubs demands it.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
oh it's not so fun when you're character is in the spotlight unfairly, which in Uriens case he actually isn't. Nobody is even good with Urien in America but anyone can see the character is braindead.

S1 people thought Guile was toptier man so gdlk offensive pressure since the Capcom Champion picked him for a few matchups and beat Daigo man they always thought he was "secretly good" despite never playing the character lul. These "people" were obviously wrong in this case... but still now the tune is " why did they buff Guile man he's already so gdlk crapcom sucks muh invincible dps etc etc" lul. I've already heard how they're gonna nerf Guile for the march update too and it doesn't bother me

the lesson here is stop being sheep and stay woke right Myles. Also stop playing braindead toptier and they won't "shit" on your character like they "shit" on mika lul
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It's all so very confusing.
Of all the top tiers right now. He's the only one I enjoy watching/playing against or as. He's just got a lot more depth than Rog/Laura/Cammy etc etc. that being said he's gonna get mauled. I fully expect capcom to shit all over him because eventhubs demands it.
He's a three-dimensional character in a land of ones and twos. I feel like Laura has some depth but in a lot of ways its not real depth, its just a build-a-sequence style where she has little blocks of offense you can put together and arrange in various ways, so while it feels deep and interesting - and I do find it interesting - its really the same thing over and over. You just change the order of each block or add a tiny hiccup occasionally where maybe you command dash instead of repeating another block of offense, or blah blah.

Urien can just do different shit. You can play him like a shoto, or pressure/rushdown or zoning or very defensive or setplay based or blah blah blah. The problem here is most characters only have one viable road to success. You have one button you use for pressure, one button you use to CC and one button for interrupting pressure or punishing small stuff. You have one combo in neutral and somewhere in that combo is one place to vtrigger cancel to do your one vtrigger combo and you can almost always end that one combo with a CA tacked. You might have one mixup or side switch or somesuch. You have two jump normals, one that crosses up and one that hits hard. You generally have two distances to occupy, one where you have a long range poke that CCs and one that leads to your one combo. Thats all there is to it..

Urien though doesnt. He has numerous options. Lots of buttons. Lots of decisions. Lots of shit to do and ranges at which he can do those things. His playstyle can change and adapt. I mean, in our sets, during the very rare rounds that I was actually doing work against you, you were able to almost universally change how you played. You'd back up and play the spacing game some and keep me out, then once you had interrupted my momentum you'd either finish the round that way or head back in. You had OPTIONS to combat me when I started to get a feel for your rhythm that round and counter you. ALL CHARACTERS SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THIS.

My genuine gear is that capcom is going to decide how they want him to play and they are going to shred all his options until he fits the above listed template. Or they will destroy everything he has period and make him revolve entirely around his trigger and playing him will basically equate to running and poking until your dead enough to try to win the round off a trigger mixup sequence. I dont pretend to know what would bring Urien in line with everyone else but I would LIKE to see would be something that maintained everything he can do now, but made it more manageable. Maybe cut his meaty options back some so that he has to win the neutral a little more often (this is something hes very good at any way) and its less one KD into meaty pressure to end the entire round, maybe make his crossup.lk NOT combo into cr.fp (mp x cr.mp x headbutt is still very reasonable) and damage scaling to his trigger stuff). I feel like those would leave his options in tact and his playstyle would remain fluid and interesting.