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Lupe Fiasco deletes derogatory MK tweet after being challenged by SonicFox

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
"I'll beat him on SF and drag him to a real game"

This was a joke yeah? SF is the ultimate in fighting games. That game will be alive for like 5-6 years while ours may last another year or two.
SF is as scrubby if not more than MK games.

Now KOF that's an honest game.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I love all the SFV hate brewing here. Game hasn't been out a month and it's already a better fighter than mkx ever was, but OH THE LACK OF CONTENT! Lol, game is fucking crisp. Who cares what Lupe Fiasco thinks he is a rapper not a gamer we knew this already...I love dem rhymes and dat flow...but yeah all he does is dp grab


Normalize grab immunity.
VF,DOA,Soul Calibur... got a Block Button aswell that means VF is a Scrub Game this guy has no clue what he is talkin about.
So you come to the conclusion that he actually doesn't know about fighters..Then instead of trying to teach you would rather attack and show a widely known rapper vitriol instead of a good time?

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
Not sure why people are getting all worked up and attacking Lupe.

He was a fan of Daigo. Wanted to play him. Capcom took the chance to promote SFV. Daigo let a fan win an exhibition match. Lupe was humble and was happy as hell to win to someone he looked up to.

Daigo doesn't care letting a fan win, Lupe got his dream, Capcom got their promoting. That's all there is to it. Not sure why people are feuding on Twitter and people attacking him personally.
Cause he dissed MKX.


klone enthusiast
I love all the SFV hate brewing here. Game hasn't been out a month and it's already a better fighter than mkx ever was, but OH THE LACK OF CONTENT! Lol, game is fucking crisp. Who cares what Lupe Fiasco thinks he is a rapper not a gamer we knew this already...I love dem rhymes and dat flow...but yeah all he does is dp grab
it also got crossplay so no platform will be left out in the long run, and this game will be here for the long run indeed:))

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Lol "lupe made fun of our block button" so then "fuck the elitist illuminati sf players".

Y'all are plain ridiculous.

Everyone shits on Marvel cause ToDs. You know what that community does every time the next broken tech is found? Say "yo mahvel!" "This is the game we play!" "Yipes commentary".

This Could've easily turned in to a nice enlightening moment for lupe. Maybe even another exhibition. But nope.

Am I the only one who thinks the block button eliminates a whole layer of mixups and is probably the main justification NRS usused to include the increasing amount of low risk/high reward 50/50 or "unblockable" setups that seemingly no one likes?
You prob are. Block button lets you stand your ground and block without walking back when trying to block. No auto block on b2b means whiff punishing strings and gaps in between etc.

Whatever I'm at work, all I got right now.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
I love all the SFV hate brewing here. Game hasn't been out a month and it's already a better fighter than mkx ever was, but OH THE LACK OF CONTENT! Lol, game is fucking crisp. Who cares what Lupe Fiasco thinks he is a rapper not a gamer we knew this already...I love dem rhymes and dat flow...but yeah all he does is dp grab
I disagree. MKX is far superior imo.
I'm just not digging sfv at all.


Normalize grab immunity.
You prob are. Block button lets you stand your ground and block without walking back when trying to block. No auto block on b2b means whiff punishing strings and gaps in between etc.

Whatever I'm at work, all I got right now.
Block button does make it easier to stand still and defend. You can still whiff punish and all that shit with B2B. Don't see how that really changes. But what about a whole mixup being unavailable? The 2 different defense systems allow for different styles sure. Not going to get into which is better but I'll also not going to act like my preference is king.
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Salt Proprietor of TYM
it also got crossplay so no platform will be left out in the long run, and this game will be here for the long run indeed:))
I have a ps4, so I'm not concerned with this or the welfare of the game because of it either...cuz it's awesome.
I disagree. MKX is far superior imo.
I'm just not digging sfv at all.
Far superior is far off if you ask me, but i also dont think mkx is bad, just not great either.


There's thread after thread about this victim complex the MK community wants to continue to propogate. It's pathetic. Instead of buying into this sort of childish bullshit from stream monsters and people insecure about how well received MKX has been, why don't you take the high road like that NRS tweet exemplified? The sooner people who have an Anti--MK agenda determine that their antics aren't rustling your jimmies, the sooner it stops. Instead you have people making asses of themselves by saying "1v1 me bro" like that stupid shit is gonna put a stop to this us vs them mentality.
I won't give you the courtesy to rustle my jimmies, bro. FT13 NAO!


fear the moobs
First of all thank you Scott for posting this, I followed the entire war in Twitter as it happened. Second thank you sonicfox for keeping it 100% real, a true champ. I lost ALL respect for Daigo when he threw that exhibition.. Yes Lupe deleted the negative tweets about nether realm studios after they tweeted him and possibly DMed him about it. But what's far worse than all of this is the fact that Lupe has now resorted to racism while continually bashing members of the FGC you might can still see it on his Twitter now before he deletes it. I have no respect for the so called rapper after the racist remarks it's ridiculous.
When you say racist do you mean like in terms of fighting game communities or legit racism


Fear the blade of Osh-Tekk
Correct me if im wrong but what is this BS about MK having a block button and SF does not? I'm pretty sure u press a button when u block in SF too...


Mileena's back!
SonicFox would refuse to throw the game, shit.

I'd love to see Fox or PL hand him a 10-0 or 13-0 without any variations.