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Anyone else having trouble doing certain supers that involve 2 quarter circle forwards? For example I do Ryu's hadouken 100 out of 100 times but to do his critical art (super) which is just two hadoukens but only press punch after the second QCF I land that 2 out of 10 times, I don't know why as I'm inputting it correctly timed.
You must be skiping a direction... I think at some point capcom said that you cant shortcut the supers anymore.. so for instance if your doing fireball into super and like in SFIV you did QCF P + QCF P it would work now you have to do QCF P + QCFx2 P, what i mean by this is that you have to do the input perfectly and without shortcuts or it wont come out at all... i would advise trying to slow things down a bit, dont rush into the motion make sure you are inputing all directions correctly. Hope this helps

Deleted member 5032

Anyone want to get in some matches? Haven't actually play another human yet...

Deleted member 5032

Also, I don't understand the point of Bison's head stomp. It seems to whiff for literally no reason. As in, you can use it to punish a Hadoken, and even if the Ryu player doesn't move, it will just pass right through them almost every time.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Also, I don't understand the point of Bison's head stomp. It seems to whiff for literally no reason. As in, you can use it to punish a Hadoken, and even if the Ryu player doesn't move, it will just pass right through them almost every time.
mobility, bison is hard to antiair if you cancel it into his fierce. i think ex is strike and projectile invulnerable on frame 4

Deleted member 5032

So Bison's Devil's Reverse is at least +4 on block. I'm able to hit Ryu with c.MP (6 frames) after a blocked Devil's Reverse before his c.LP (4 frames) connects. It might be spacing dependent, but either way, as long as you hold down then you can link c.MP~DR into itself until your opponent figures a way out. Seems hard to deal with in the corner, and of course you can let the Head Stomp come out or go into anything else to bait out Shoryukens. Canceling into m.Double Knee Kick will actually beat Shoryukens. Going to continue to lab it and see what I ca figure out.

It also applies to his Somersault Skull Diver. Right now it looks like the only way out is a Shoryuken, but that's just based on practice mode; I'm sure each character has solid options. And even if it hits, you don't really get much other than some light damage and a knockdown, though you can combo Somersault into some serious damage, and you can cancel into CA at any point. (Somersault into s.HK-c.MP~DKP does 256 and that can be canceled into CA for crazy damage).
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Normalize grab immunity.
Anyone else having trouble doing certain supers that involve 2 quarter circle forwards? For example I do Ryu's hadouken 100 out of 100 times but to do his critical art (super) which is just two hadoukens but only press punch after the second QCF I land that 2 out of 10 times, I don't know why as I'm inputting it correctly timed.
Every special/super move lucky needs the cardinal directions. So can slowly input d f d f +p. To see what I'm talking about. So if super isn't coming out, you either:
  1. Didn't input fast enough.
  2. Didn't hit one of the directions you needed
  3. Or if you're trying to cancel it you're missing the cancel window because you aren't used to the double motion. (Basically rule 1)


Anyone else having trouble doing certain supers that involve 2 quarter circle forwards? For example I do Ryu's hadouken 100 out of 100 times but to do his critical art (super) which is just two hadoukens but only press punch after the second QCF I land that 2 out of 10 times, I don't know why as I'm inputting it correctly timed.
Every special/super move lucky needs the cardinal directions. So can slowly input d f d f +p. To see what I'm talking about. So if super isn't coming out, you either:
  1. Didn't input fast enough.
  2. Didn't hit one of the directions you needed
  3. Or if you're trying to cancel it you're missing the cancel window because you aren't used to the double motion. (Basically rule 1)
To add to this. The game does not have the super shortcut from SFIV (where you didn't need to complete both QCFs). In other words, you need to complete both QCFs to get the super to come out.


Joker waiting room
I think I just made someone who didn't plan on ragequitting ragequit.

Was moppping the floor with him and about to finish with jump-in combo into super, missed the mk scythe into super input and somehow did jump back air throw and caught a mashed ex dp.

He didn't even have a streak.

Deleted member 5032

I'm up to 372 damage, 570 stun 1-bar V-Trigger with Bison. j.HP-s.HK-c.MP-m.DKP-VT-s.LK-l.PB-EX.DKP. Leaves you with huge advantage with about 75% of V-Gauge remaining. Of course, it will also work off any DKP canceled into V-Trigger, as well, you just sometimes need to replace the s.LK with c.MP due to spacing.
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Deleted member 5032

Anyone know of any good punishes with Bison? Can't seem to get his lk/lp to link into anything meaningful. Also, what is Bison supposed to do against Birdie?
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Thanks for everyone's help, still I wish it was like in sf4 where you didn't have to do the motions 100% of the way as in do the complete fireball motion twice THEN input the punch or kick to do the super. I mean it almost feels like if you're not really canceling that from anything, like if you're doing 2 different moves instead of it feeling like a fluid combo, I don't know if you guys get what I mean Lol. Guess just takes time to get used to it, anyhow I'm really loving this game.