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How do you feel about MKX?

When you think about MKX...

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The Slaj Jazz

TIckle my sweet salty nips
I think the game is okay, but sometimes I kinda wish I didn't get it. I thought I would fall in love with this game like I did with MK9 and Injustice, but imo its kinda boring. When online is trash, and you dont really have the option to play offline why not get a game that you can actually enjoy in the comfort of your home.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Game is perfect, i dunno how online is like so i can't give my 2 cents on it.
Other than that, the only part that makes me not feeling the game 100% aside from the bugs, is the fact that Skaret is not in there to enjoy the game with me.

Also, this would be the chance of NRS to start revamping a few of their 3D characters, and also a great chance to bring a few characters i've always expected they would be playable at some point during the life time, like firegod, Kia, Jataaka etc
Instead we got jacqui briggs.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
like I did with MK9
To be fair, MK9 was uh...absolutely horrible about 60% of the time online too. I have VERY FEW fond memories of playing MK9 online...lots of rage directed at fillet o fish wifi and the shit netcode. Shit, even trying to do Cage's forward dashing 2s in his bnb wouldn't even connect the majority of the time. Now they added run canceling into the game and even stricter combos...what the fuck was NRS thinking.

The Slaj Jazz

TIckle my sweet salty nips
To be fair, MK9 was uh...absolutely horrible about 60% of the time online too. I have VERY FEW fond memories of playing MK9 online...lots of rage directed at fillet o fish wifi and the shit netcode.
I know, but I'm saying I had more fun with that game in general EDIT:The online is kinda trash in all of them,so I don't know why I keep buying them lol.


Deus Fulminatus
Gonna add another post to complaints about weak AA, but more importantly the Afghanistan-level online, as if it needs to be said again. Even though I love MK, I can't really see myself buying it day 1 again if the online is still as bad next time. Maybe when the price drops.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
I have an idea for all of you who can't enjoy the game because of online, like it's the only feature in the game:

- Sell MKX
- Buy a game with "better netcode"
- ???
- Delete your TYM account.
Yes because I bought MKX for the Living Towers.

We looked forward to this game for so long - some since the start of the Injustice era over 2 years ago. Do you honestly think that people are just gonna roll over and sell the game without a second thought? People criticise because they want MKX to be better than what it is. The more people there are flaming NRS for a sub-par online the better.
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Netcode. More Stages. Tag Team.

I enjoy the story. I am new to fighters for the most part, only dabbled a little in the past. The story mode in MKX seems better than any other game I have played. Now, the only other ones I have played have been SFIV, DoA:LR, and KI. And their stories SUCK compared to MKX. I also think MKX has some amazing characters. I LOVE Kotal Kahn and I didn't think I was going to like Cassie and her crew but I think their all pretty neat excluding Jacqui. I wish they would have cut some of the older members though. Seems to much to have Johnny, Sonya, and Cassie; as well as Jax and Jacqui. Just my opinion.

Overall I am very pleaseed with the game but I wish they would let me change the difficulty of the Living Towers. Those are what I liked to play a lot of the time but it gets old with how bad the AI is on Normal.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I know, but I'm saying I had more fun with that game in general EDIT:The online is kinda trash in all of them,so I don't know why I keep buying them lol.
I didn't buy MKX because honestly...I expected this to happen. I really enjoy watching high level play and if I had the time...I'd love to play offline...but I'm not putting myself through dealing with their god awful netcodes again.

There's SF4, KI, KoF, Skullgirls, Tekken, Soul Calibur (I've played people from Japan and THAT was better than US players in MK9), and SF5 will be out soon. All of those games are enjoyable online. Why NRS are so opposed to having a decent netcode is beyond me...they have more money than all of these developers. Probably combined in total honesty. They're just dicks and don't give a shit clearly by this point.

The Slaj Jazz

TIckle my sweet salty nips
Yes because I bought MKX for the Living Towers.

We looked forward to this game for so long - some since the start of the Injustice era over 2 years ago. Do you honestly think that people are just gonna roll over and sell the game without a second-thought? People criticise because they want MKX to be better than what it is. The more people there are flaming NRS for a sub-par online the better.
Also if you bought it digitally on ps4 you can't even sell the game


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Yes because I bought MKX for the Living Towers.

We looked forward to this game for so long - some since the start of the Injustice era over 2 years ago. Do you honestly think that people are just gonna roll over and sell the game without a second-thought? People criticise because they want MKX to be better than what it is. The more people there are flaming NRS for a sub-par online the better.
The issue is that complainers don't make NRS hear their complaints by hijacking a lot of forum threads. Call them out on twitter or the warner brothers website.


Injustice 2.0, We expect so much but we are all highly disappointed. zzzzz
Honestly the difference in movement alone makes me disagree with this comment. Like yeah, obviously there are going to be similarities as NRS will be influenced by previous games they recently developed, but I don't see how the two are similar enough to warrant the "2.0" comments.

I think MKX is a lot more fluid than Injustice, and rewards more offensive gameplans more (this one is a subjective issue and some might not think it's necessarily a good thing).


Where's the middle option?

I'm generally satisfied, but there is plenty of shit that pisses me off (the online issues pretty much)
There's been many times were I see someone's jip/jik and I make the conscious decision to block because anti airing would be a risk ..... it should be the other way around. (Look at my avatar, that's how this game makes me feel)

Edit: I remember when I got back on KI, every time I anti aired someone I cried tears of joy.
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You can only lose your virginity once. And you can only have that special connection with a person for the first time once. And after you break up, no matter how much you'll look to recreate that exact feeling with someone else, it won't happen, even if that person is smarter, prettier, funnier, etc...

For many here, MK9 was our first serious fighting game that we tried to get really good at. And, even if that isn't the case, it was probably the first that really made us super passionate, in large part because it was the MK game we've been craving forever. The nostalgia factor helped, as we knew all the characters, and the game was admittedly very good. Since then, I feel the majority of TYM has just been looking for ways to recreate that feeling they had when they played MK9 for the first time, and subsequently spent years trying to level up at the game, learn match-ups, grind, etc...

I don't think this can happen again. Objectively, MKX is a better, more polished game. You might prefer MK9's mechanics, and that's fine (I probably do as well), but you'd have to be seriously willfully ignorant of a loooooooooot of issues to claim it was a better game overall. So this is just like meeting a hot chick/dude who everyone on the outside can see is a lot better than your ex, but you're hung up on the fact that "it's not the same." MK9 is like that relationship you had in which you were madly in love with someone who on the whole, is a pretty cool person, but you had tons of fights, drove each other mad, but you always found yourselves drawn back to each other because you "get" each other.

A lot of people here were disappointed in Injustice and hoping MKX would basically be MK9 2.0, and when that didn't happen, they found themselves kinda disappointed. But honestly, most of the reasoning seems to be revolved around "I don't know man, I like MKX but I'm not fully digging it. It's not the same" which basically means its issue is that it's not MK9. Now there are a lot of legitimate issues you can have with the game, but try to objectively list both games' issues side by side on a piece of paper and see if you don't run out of space far quicker on the MK9 side.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, move on, and appreciate that new person in your life for who they are, instead of always falling back to comparing them to your ex. They're a lot more stable, prettier, funnier, smarter, they dress better...but they can't use the internet (which was acceptable with your ex but you'd expect people to be more technologically advanced as time passes).

The above words of wisdom were brought to you by Coolwhip.
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Heads up!
Honestly the difference in movement alone makes me disagree with this comment. Like yeah, obviously there are going to be similarities as NRS will be influenced by previous games they recently developed, but I don't see how the two are similar enough to warrant the "2.0" comments.

I think MKX is a lot more fluid than Injustice, and rewards more offensive gameplans more (this one is a subjective issue and some might not think it's necessarily a good thing).
not similar, the pre release hype then shit show when it's released


Your friendly neighborhood cynic
I am loving the game. More and more as time is going on, actually. The disc never leaves my console.


blink-182 enthusiast
That is not what I am saying. If you are giving proper feedback, than it's fine and I feel you. Like the guys with the petition.

But I wish all those morons would just leave the FGC and join maybe MMO's where their flame would be unnoticed.

Don't like the game, sell it, burn it, whatever. Just stay away.

Get out of here with that

We're paying the bills at NRS, not the other way around

It isn't at all moronic to be pissed that online in this game is terrible and in some cases legitimately literally unplayable, especially when NRS promised "the best online experience ever" and left us with this steaming dog turd


Earth's Mightiest Knucklehead
You can only lose your virginity once. And you can only have that special connection with a person for the first time once. And after you break up, no matter how much you'll look to recreate that exact feeling with someone else, it won't happen, even if that person is smarter, prettier, funnier, etc...

For many here, MK9 was our first serious fighting game that we tried to get really good at. And, even if that isn't the case, it was probably the first that really made us super passionate, in large part because it was the MK game we've been craving forever. The nostalgia factor helped, as we knew all the characters, and the game was admittedly very good. Since then, I feel the majority of TYM has just been looking for ways to recreate that feeling they had when they played MK9 for the first time, and subsequently spent years trying to level up at the game, learn match-ups, grind, etc...

I don't think this can happen again. Objectively, MKX is a better, more polished game. You might prefer MK9's mechanics, and that's fine (I probably do as well), but you'd have to be seriously willfully ignorant of a loooooooooot of issues to claim it was a better game overall. So this is just like meeting a hot chick/dude who everyone on the outside can see is a lot better than your ex, but you're hung up on the fact that "it's not the same." MK9 is like that relationship you had in which you were madly in love with someone who on the whole, is a pretty cool person, but you had tons of fights, drove each other mad, but you always found yourselves drawn back to each other because you "get" each other.

A lot of people here were disappointed in Injustice and hoping MKX would basically be MK9 2.0, and when that didn't happen, they found themselves kinda disappointed. But honestly, most of the reasoning seems to be revolved around "I don't know man, I like MKX but I'm not fully digging it. It's not the same" which basically means its issue is that it's not MK9. Now there are a lot of legitimate issues you can have with the game, but try to objectively list both games' issues side by side on a piece of paper and see if you don't run out of space far quicker on the MK9 side.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, move on, and appreciate that new person in your life for who they are, instead of making comparisons. They're a lot more stable, prettier, funnier, smarter, they dress better...but they can't use the internet (which was acceptable with your ex but you'd expect people to be more technologically advanced as time passes).

The above words of wisdom were brought to you by Coolwhip.
Nice write-up, man.


Positive Poster!
We haven't had one of these threads in a while. And by a while I mean about a week tops.
You haven't made a completely dull and completely useless post in a while.
And by a while I mean about thirty minutes.

Not sure what your problem is but I'm pretty sure it has a name in latin. XD