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How do you feel about MKX?

When you think about MKX...

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When i play againt any caracter out of the top 5 i really enjoy it, when i play against then i allways think "this game have a lot of bullshit".


Fabled Villain
I like it . . . but, I don't love it. I really, really, REALLY wanted to love it. But, I just don't. The game is a lot of fun, but ultimately, suffers from not quite having enough diversity in fighting-styles (IMO, this is where Injustice owns MKX) and having an embarrassingly bad netcode.

I still like Injustice more.
I just had a novel idea, what if a regular back dash cost zero meter and had no invincibility but if press block after a backdash (like run) you get invincibility and much faster recovery. (this asumeing they give backdashes more invincibility then what they have now)


xbl-OBS trustinme
I don't like it at all and could go off into a long rant about why but I actually can't be bothered.i understand that people feel differently and I am glad others are having fun with it.
enjoy your day good people.