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MKX: The 3 to 6 Month Rule


I agree with this, but 3 months I feel is still too early for character changes. Even if they're light.
3 months is a middle ground. Companies are aware that casual players like patches, and they can bring people back to the game, and so ideally they somewhat want to patch frequently. Obviously this is terrible for long term balance as knee jerk patches just kill characters.

3 month intervals means you can do a light patch in 3 months, and then 3 months after that another light patch, but also touch on anything that's still causing issues, and then 3 months later if something is STILL fucking things over you can hit it with a hammer.

Mostly though I think they need an ideology shift from "this is too strong" to "this is too weak". That said I think they learned from MK9 that it's ok to have oppressive shit as long as it's balanced out. Seeing johnny with the potential to still lock you in block stun for a year, and having them acknowledge it as intentional, hopefully means they understand that being bullshit is what fighters is all about.
Don't release a balance patch for 6 or more months. If there's any glitches or infinites or bullshit like that, patch when possible. But when regarding balance, no one knows what the fuck is broken for quite a while.

Doctor Future

Baraka Lives!
Only patch right away if there are infinite or glitches.

Just because a character seems OP, doesn't mean they are.

Just means you may have to try a different strategy.


There are a few different approaches to patching in competitive games (not just fighters).

- Adding them in with new content and charging for it. (SFIV)
- Adding them within a timed window and never coming back to it again. (MK9)
- Adding them almost on a weekly basis. (The good MOBAs)

#1 and #3 are given based on demand and the companies listen because there is income to gain from it. #1 sells the packs, #3 sells characters, skins, etc. #2 does not give in to those demands outside their schedule because there is no money to be had anymore.

Personally I love my weekly updates as it always refreshes the game for me, however that model is not for fighters, not because of different genres, but because they dont have the F2P model.
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Good luck with that...
Ijs. Patching the game 3 to 6 months after release is not a smart move at all coming from a players perspective. If/when they patch it, at least let us get a full year into it.

Its too many characters that need to be discovered and a year is a good amount of time for players to really dig into the game to find out what truly is "broken" (if there is).
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So you're one of those crybaby players who doesn't wanna flesh something out the right way by learning ways around it???

I guess im just different. I just prefer to figure something out by finding ways around it instead of automatically assuming its just "broken".

I guess corn is just short for corny right?


So you're one of those crybaby players who doesn't wanna flesh something out the right way by learning ways around it???

I guess im just different. I just prefer to figure something out by finding ways around it instead of automatically assuming its just "broken".

I guess corn is just short for corny right?
A year would be way too long for that. If there was anything broken or too OP 90 percent of the players would drop the game in a year.

And people need to stop bitching about patches. It's how things are done in this current era of gaming. I don't mind it. The ONLY genre of gaming that doesn't do near-monthly patches is the fighting game genre. People need to get with the times.

And my main game is UMVC3, a game that hasn't been patched in 3 years... yeah I *need* patches cuz im so bade.


Just look at Injustice. If they patched Adam or Superman before Evo the game would have probably had more life to it. It really never recovered at the KDZ booing fiasco.


I am all for patching things that are game breaking or simply reduce the game to a single character/tactic. Beyond that, I really dislike patches for the sake of patches. A lot of times they can do more harm than good. I mean, I straight up sold my XB1 after KI Season 2 came out because I absolutely hated the system + Jago changes.

Raiden got shafted a bit too hard in MK9. He got a small nerf in almost every single patch. I really hope that doesn't happen again.


Man of Tomorrow
Only patch right away if there are infinite or glitches.

Just because a character seems OP, doesn't mean they are.

Just means you may have to try a different strategy.

Disagreed, stuff like Superman's breath in Injustice being plus needed to be fixed asap.
Superman's breath was once +2 on block with an 8 frame, forward advancing normal with a hitbox the size of Texas. Most pokes and normals have their shortest start up time of 6f. So, after breath, even with your fastest normal, the most you could hope is to trade with Superman because if you're even a frame too slow you're eating 40 percent. Then there was his ridiculous corner damage where he was able to viably get into the 70 range with a bar, and this is before we started doing dive bomb resets. Plus all his zoning was easy as hell. No. Fuck no. 6 months of that? No.

This is the character I know best when it comes to buffs/nerfs but I remember the others, you want us to sit around for 6 months with a character that could be stupidly OP for what? So we know just how OP they are? Why should the players suffer and struggle through stuff that is CLEARLY dumb just because? Things like Scorpion in Injustice could've waited to see how players adapt, there's almost no adaptation to that Superman breath shit. Make adjustments throughout the months then have a big balance patch months later, don't just sit around because the game needs time to breathe or something.
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TestYourMight SUCKS
So MKX is just a little over a month from being released, and I know we have had these kind of threads in the past but I want to bring this issue back to the forefront, when is a good time for NRS to release a patch for the game? I for one am not a fan of constantly patching a game, I feel that all the bullshit that is found in the initial release should either A. (Be banned from competitive play when found.) & B (Be addressed & fixed when the patch is released). Now I know NRS are capable to release quiet hot fixes to the game when they please so I'm sure they will be able to fix the small problems in the game, but as for the big issues they should all be found, compiled and fixed in one big patch, instead of here n there. I just don't want to have a repeat of what was MK9 as far as characters getting the nerf bat and never getting their competitive edge back, like jade, kano, ect. I mean do you guys agree that patches shouldn't happen off the back? Or do some of u plan to scream ur head off for patches, if there is something or someone who you think is OP & unfair in the game?
Amen to that brother. You are dead on. I say wait for at least 6 months before patching anything and keep a real close eye on potentially problematic characters with dynamic mixup, projectile and reset-trap capabilities like Johnny Cage, Cassie Cage, Raiden, Kung Lao, D'Vora, Mileena, Sonya and Kenshi. So that we don't have another MK9 catastrophy of seeing the same 4-5 characters at every tournament. NRS needs to commit to giving EVERY CHARACTER a true/legit rushdown variation and zoning variation to combat those two extreme play styles giving every character equal opportunity to be represented at high level gameplay tournaments. Not subjecting tournament wins based on the player winning because they use an OP/Broken character like Sonic Fox with Batgirl.
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My question is with an internal testing team, and having proplayers testing why is so much patching needed. Unless someone let's stuff slide in QA testing cause it's their character, most if not all game breaking infinites and other things should be caught. If not then maybe a longer testing time is needed.


My blades will find your heart
My question is with an internal testing team, and having proplayers testing why is so much patching needed. Unless someone let's stuff slide in QA testing cause it's their character, most if not all game breaking infinites and other things should be caught. If not then maybe a longer testing time is needed.
Because it doesnt matter if they test it for 2 years, someone somewhere is going to develop tech that they didn't see coming and that might be broken or really really strong.

They're humans, not oracles.


TestYourMight SUCKS
Raiden and Reptile will be two of the first that casual scrubs will be demanding the nerf hammer for.
That will then allow Mileena, Kung Lao, Kenshi and Kitana to slip under the nerf radar and become the tournament regulars winners will be proudly boasting their so called "Player Skills" with lol.


Because it doesnt matter if they test it for 2 years, someone somewhere is going to develop tech that they didn't see coming and that might be broken or really really strong.

They're humans, not oracles.
Oh yes as the game develops things change I'm not doubting that, but some of the infinites or overpowering that popped up in Injustice in day one. You want me to believe that nobody testing notice any of that?


Dojo Trainee
even if people on tym will stop asking for nerfs, casuals will constantly attack boons and everyone else's twitter. and nerfs will happen, because competitive players are a very small part of games community, unfortunately.


Man of Tomorrow
Amen to that brother. You are dead on. I say wait for at least 6 months before patching anything and keep a real close eye on potentially problematic characters with dynamic mixup, projectile and reset-trap capabilities like Johnny Cage, Cassie Cage, Raiden, Kung Lao, D'Vora, Mileena, Sonya and Kenshi. So that we don't have another MK9 catastrophy of seeing the same 4-5 characters at every tournament. NRS needs to commit to giving EVERY CHARACTER a true/legit rushdown variation and zoning variation to combat those two extreme play styles giving every character equal opportunity to be represented at high level gameplay tournaments. Not subjecting tournament wins based on the player winning because they use an OP/Broken character like Sonic Fox with Batgirl.
Disagreed, stuff like Superman's breath in Injustice being plus needed to be fixed asap.
Superman's breath was once +2 on block with an 8 frame, forward advancing normal with a hitbox the size of Texas. Most pokes and normals have their shortest start up time of 6f. So, after breath, even with your fastest normal, the most you could hope is to trade with Superman because if you're even a frame too slow you're eating 40 percent. Then there was his ridiculous corner damage where he was able to viably get into the 70 range with a bar, and this is before we started doing dive bomb resets. Plus all his zoning was easy as hell. No. Fuck no. 6 months of that? No.


TestYourMight SUCKS
I agree about Superman's breath needing a priority fix but that's part of the problem, one issue is so highlighted so early that it overshines issues with other chracaters that are played less and are still not fully known that then stay under the radar till the patch season ends, escaping the nerf slap. Then we get stuck with characters that never got fixed and become the cheating cards of the game for the rest of the remaining years like MK9's Kenshi, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Cyrax, Kabal and Kung Lao. Even Sindel who was an under-played and rarely used character slipped under the radar because not many players used her and those who did down played her brokenness.
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Kytinn King
Amen to that brother. You are dead on. I say wait for at least 6 months before patching anything and keep a real close eye on potentially problematic characters with dynamic mixup, projectile and reset-trap capabilities like Johnny Cage, Cassie Cage, Raiden, Kung Lao, D'Vora, Mileena, Sonya and Kenshi. So that we don't have another MK9 catastrophy of seeing the same 4-5 characters at every tournament. NRS needs to commit to giving EVERY CHARACTER a true/legit rushdown variation and zoning variation to combat those two extreme play styles giving every character equal opportunity to be represented at high level gameplay tournaments. Not subjecting tournament wins based on the player winning because they use an OP/Broken character like Sonic Fox with Batgirl.
That's a boring game you are playing if everyone has the same rushdown and zoning variations. ALSO Mileena, Sonya and Kenshi? We haven't even seen gameplay of those characters....
Reactions: JDM


Original Liu Kang cop.
Do people really think that leaving pre patch things like Superman, BA and Kung Lao for at least 6 months is a good idea?

The problem is not that they patch too quickly; it is the small number of patches and the sometimes poor choices with content of the patch.

Most things definitely need to be given time to get fleshed out, but if they waited at least 6 months to patch injustice I think there would have been too much damage done by the initial poor balance. Most of the things patched in the game were really good choices, it's a shame it hadn't been patched before EVO though.


Kytinn King
Do people really think that leaving pre patch things like Superman, BA and Kung Lao for at least 6 months is a good idea?

The problem is not that they patch too quickly; it is the small number of patches and the sometimes poor choices with content of the patch.

Most things definitely need to be given time to get fleshed out, but if they waited at least 6 months to patch injustice I think there would have been too much damage done by the initial poor balance. Most of the things patched in the game were really good choices, it's a shame it hadn't been patched before EVO though.
I would have dropped the game, I almost dropped it then 1.06 came out.


TestYourMight SUCKS
That's a boring game you are playing if everyone has the same rushdown and zoning variations. ALSO Mileena, Sonya and Kenshi? We haven't even seen gameplay of those characters....
No one ever said giving every character the same rushdown and zoning variations. You need to re-read that comment. What was said is that every character should get a strong rushdown and zoning variation, not THE SAME variation, what planet are you living on? Example: MK9 Sonya and Cage have strong rushdown and zoning styles but are the not the same. Got it?